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Over-Population Solutions... Any Ideas?

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posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 10:30 AM
In many countries, over population is a huge problem. But, it is quietly becoming an international issue. Since the people who really know how to run our country are on this website (
), I just wanted to hear how you guys would solve overpopulation if it really got out of hand. Any ideas?
~Peace out


posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 10:35 AM
stop the religious control of our health services - provide contraception either free or at low prices for all levels of society, rethink the abortion laws and if necessary restrict how many children a couple can have.

Ok for some of you that won't be an appealing suggestion - but then again neither is the alternative

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 10:36 AM
Artificial Islands, Undersea Dome.

Populations control ? Etc..


posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 10:40 AM
population control - we either enforce it as a race, or nature enforces it on us. Epidemics, reduced fertility , environmental disasters....

I guess a few more big wars would do the trick, only that tends to spot reduce some countries populations so they over breed to compensate afterwards

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 10:42 AM
Probably that ww3 will do it.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 10:46 AM
I think it could be stopped by educating our youths and by not rewarding the women on welfare by handing them more money each month for more children.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 10:51 AM
do what the chinese have done for so many years...
vasectomies for parents that exceed the limit.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 10:54 AM
Yeah, I hear ya Venus. There are these books out, I think the first one is called "Among the Imposters," that is about a new law that people can't have more than two children, and all of the third children have to hide from the government. So, I don't think the resctrictions someone mentioned earlier would be a good idea, but maybe making it seem more responsible or beneficial to only have one or two kids would help. I just think that the government should be doing SOMETHING about the issue... some people are getting huge families, either because it is their dream or their religion dictates it. I think it is irresponsible. Good ides tho, keep em coming.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:04 AM

I think it could be stopped by educating our youths and by not rewarding the women on welfare by handing them more money each month for more children.

That is fine for America.But what places like Africa.Money is not the issue.They have massive overpopulation problems.Famine and diesease running rampant.
The world has been trying to help them for years.Money,food,etc....
I think it has gotten to the point where help needs to stop and nature takes over.It may seem a little cold,but in the long run they might be better off.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:09 AM
I think that countries like Africa need more cable TV access or maybe DISH TV. Give them folks something to do besides 'REPRODUCE"

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:10 AM
Create stability in those areas where population control is a problem.
People have more than one child for a number of reasons, but I guess the main one is that they need to spread their genes. They have more than one child because they are unsure of the future. There is safety in having a number of progeny. There is more of a chance that your genes will survive.

If you can guarantee a future, you only need to have one child. You are guaranteed that your genes will be spread through that one child.

Two people creating one child will lower the planet's population.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Lorena
Since the people who really know how to run our country are on this website...


to answer your question: people just need to spread out, that's all.

Seriously though - education and democracy. that's how. In line w/ Nyeff - it's hard to help people, especially in places like Africa, where you have war lords stealing our 'help'. W/ stuff like AIDS the political correctness needs to end. Having no other means to combat AIDS Uganda simply told people to stop having sex. It indeed helped them but you won't get support for policies like that from the thought police in the West.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Venus
I think it could be stopped by educating our youths and by not rewarding the women on welfare by handing them more money each month for more children.

You've just touched upon the biggest draw on the US economy(aside from a wasteful government). We pay people to increase their likelyhood of staying in poverty and its a cycle that won't easily if ever be broken. I doubt the answer lies in taking away benefits for having too many children as no one proposing that will ever be elected due to scare tactics used. One thing is for sure, it assures that people will only become more dependant on government for their needs and it assures those locked in poverty will likely stay there as it provides only enough resouces to sustain existence while restricting and punishing the recipiant for earning any income on their own. There is no easy solution to this and I dare say there will be no one solution that will take it away as there are too many people happy to live this way because they have to only put forth the minimal effort of walking to the mail box every month. Truly one solution is the education of future generations with better work ethics and values and I think the voucher program would add some needed incentive for public schools to do better at this task by adding some competition for the tax dollar and giving families who would have not otherwise had opportunity to send their children to private schools of their choice, the opportunity to do so. This would also tear down some of the obstacles which keep minorities out which is where we have to begin to remedy the popluation problem.

I can see where we might incorperate incentives such as tax reductions for families whose household heads have had vasectomies or tubals. This is an encouragement to work and control population without a punishing aspect which would be construed as government control. If we punish people for having more children, especially in a welfare setting, all we really do is punish children because lets face it, if they aren't moral enough to earn their own way, would they have any issue with taking away food and medicine of a child for selfish wants such as designer clothing, drugs, stereo equipment, and custom automobiles? Not from what I've seen in welfare districts. Poor pityful children with parents wearing every name brand out there driving sports cars with stereos that can be heard miles away.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:20 AM
maybe a globalized geo-political structure can play a role in this?

the social boundaries, conditons & customs in such nations as africa, keep them from advancing to our status.
we must allow the creation of a uni-lateral system of governance to be set, through which we can all progress as one.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:42 AM

My opinion about welfare is just that...."my opinion". I have known quite a few women who sit on their behinds all month long waiting for that check to come only to spend it on drugs and other non-family related items. Their children don't see a penny of this money except for the cupboard full of "Top Romen" noodles and Kool-aid w/no sugar in it. I am sure that these women would stop having children if they knew that welfare wasn't going to give them any more money. They say that they don't believe in abortion but if you take away that $$$ I'll bet all of my $$$ that they change their beliefs.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:57 AM
I think this generation in the US and other westernized countries is going to stop overpopulation for now. We're not traditional anymore. People just want sex, not kids, and there are means for this now days. Some couples may only have one or two kids, thus not increasing the population, or some may have no children and have fun with each other, not worry about stupid little brats running around. Then the only people who do have kids are going to be the traditional ones, passing their beliefs on to their children, thus creating more children the next generation. So we'll just keep going through cycles of tradition and corruption... But it doesn't seem like many kids/ teens these days really want/ would want kids when they're married or just horny.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Venus

My opinion about welfare is just that...."my opinion". I have known quite a few women who sit on their behinds all month long waiting for that check to come only to spend it on drugs and other non-family related items. Their children don't see a penny of this money except for the cupboard full of "Top Romen" noodles and Kool-aid w/no sugar in it. I am sure that these women would stop having children if they knew that welfare wasn't going to give them any more money. They say that they don't believe in abortion but if you take away that $$$ I'll bet all of my $$$ that they change their beliefs.

Venus, I would have to agree with your opinion, however, with the abundance of free government sponsored birth control programs, I would hope abortion wouldn't be an issue in this. I'm sure we all know of situations which you described in your last post. These people seem to always be angry at anyone else trying to succeed yet won't even leave Oprah long enough to see if their kid has been ran over in the street. I fear that we have become a society of blamers who always look to someone else for our reasons for lack of personal success instead of our own lack of efforts and these type people opitimize that stereotype. The real people with this beef are the ones that spend day after day toiling away so a portion of their earnings could be "stolen, yes stolen" and divided among people who don't find it palitable to do the same for no better a reason than to establish a political base..all the while assuring the very people who back them in doing this a life filled with handouts that keep them from ever meeting their social responsibility to the nation collectively or their own children who are taught that this is an acceptable way of life.

echelon wrote:

"posted on 27-6-2003 at 11:20 AM
maybe a globalized geo-political structure can play a role in this? "

I think globalization is one of our biggest problems to begin with. To Americans globalized = socialized and while I'm aware of your support for this ideology on the basis of "its never worked because the right people haven't tried it" philosophy ( the same philosophy every failed attempt has began under) I just don't see the value of giving up the sovereignty of liberty which has proven the most successful means of government in history.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 06:57 PM
Over population is an infastructure problem, it only happens in big citys, if more people moved out into small towns and begun to build new cities then over population would not exist, also in regards to the food intake when over population occurs people should move to hydroponics, it is realitivily cheap to get started, most people use hydro for pot but it works better with vegtables and fruits as well. Space is always a problem in cities beacause of the defined regions for perticular bussiness and residental areas, if resuose consents were slackened slightly you would find that expansion of existing cities would make over population lil more then a slight irratance that can be dealt with quickly.
Also it is worth noting that with more people there are more jobs, because more services ar required so more employment becomes available. This may also be a contributing factor in the down turn of the current US policy, with imigration becoming steadly smaller the economy begins to stagnate.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Venus
I think that countries like Africa need more cable TV access or maybe DISH TV. Give them folks something to do besides 'REPRODUCE"

Yea, countries like AFRICA need more cable TV, those countries like AFRICA... what can we do? Perhaps more education on the homefront.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 07:19 PM
First off, the need for population control would have to be desired. Then the need would have to further be applied by determining just what geographical areas, in general, would require population control. In other words, is population control a geographical problem or a overall world problem. Thirdly, an all out effort to educate would have to follow along with applied contraceptive uses and/or in conjunction with a possible 'child birth law', per se'.

*note, my comments are not 'total' in scoop but a generalization.

I would agree that education is one of the primary tools.

It is very concieveable that in the far off future, you will see a 'child bearing law' being passed as to limit the number of children said couple could have.

Just my 2 cents.


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