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(Montreal) LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen. Critics call it child abuse

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posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

Wow it's my Dopple Ganger aka evil opposite, well who'd of thunk it!

edit on 15-6-2017 by RisenMessiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 05:21 AM

originally posted by: RisenMessiah
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I've said the same thing on another thread. There are vile people running the planet right now, and yes, the UN needs to die along with the EU!

Once these freaks are dealt with, people can continue on living the way they should have been in the first place, in peace!

Too much of this stuff these days! I won't even watch the video for this one; don't need to raise my blood pressure. Vile, indeed, but their days are numbered. Any of the anti-Christian phobic types can take that however they want, because I do mean judgement from God is coming, with all that entails.

I hadn't heard those details on the "rights of the child" crap before. Enough to know it was bad news, but not that! And, to think, some still claim there is no major pedo agenda around.

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: RisenMessiah
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

Wow it's my Dopple Ganger aka evil opposite, well who'd of thunk it!

Everybody has one

I feel apt to call you my evil opposite right back.

edit on 15-6-2017 by ReyaPhemhurth because: Because

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I hadn't heard those details on the "rights of the child" crap before. Enough to know it was bad news, but not that! And, to think, some still claim there is no major pedo agenda around.

Sadly, there is. I don't know why people are so afraid to admit it, but no, the LG** apologists turn away and pretend like it's not happening, when in fact it is.


posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

Abuse, indeed. That poor kid's life is being destroyed.

I would love to follow up on this in 15 years....

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: silo13
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I hadn't heard those details on the "rights of the child" crap before. Enough to know it was bad news, but not that! And, to think, some still claim there is no major pedo agenda around.

Sadly, there is. I don't know why people are so afraid to admit it, but no, the LG** apologists turn away and pretend like it's not happening, when in fact it is.


That information was taken from ONE lawyer's website. It's not an actual publication pertaining to any actual law or proposed law. ONE lawyer's personal website does not equal EVERY lawyer's opinion or EVERY person's opinion. And besides, it again, is a LAWYER. A lawyer's job is to win the case, no matter who or why someone is on trial. As this is how they make money as a lawyer. Lawyers defend rapists and murderers, it doesn't mean they condone such acts.

And besides, the quoted portion is taken highly out of context. If you actually go to the website and read the entirety of the page, the lawyer makes points pertaining to people who are under the age of consent, but who are close in age Meaning, if two 16 y/o's decide to have sex (even if every person agrees they are still young, it happens in this day and age), the lawyer doesn't think the teens should be tried in court. As yes, they are both under the legal age of consent, but it's not like it's a 30 year old and a 16 year old. It's two 16 year olds. And the same would go for the principle of an 18 year old is of the age of consent, but they have sex with their boyfriend/girlfriend who is 16..or even 17 depending on the state. The boyfriend and girlfriend is technically under the age of consent, but their partner is only 2 years older. The 18 year shouldn't have to be tried as a pedophile because he has sex with his partner who is only 2 years younger. Both could still be in high school. It's stupid to ruin the life of a teen over something so stupid. It's what they call a legal 'gray area'.

If you had actually read the source, it's blatant that is what the lawyer is referring to. Not that 8 y/o's should be allowed to have sex or older adults should be allowed to have sex with minors. Not only is it a weak source due to it being one, singular lawyer's website, it's weak in that the poster took it out of context by limiting the portion that was quoted to make it fit the narrative they were attempting to preach.

And I'd love to see you confront a large gathering of people belonging to the LGBTQ community by saying there exist LGBTQ 'apologists'. I can only imagine how this would go over. SMH.
edit on 15-6-2017 by ReyaPhemhurth because: because

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

And I'd love to see you confront a large gathering of people belonging to the LGBTQ community by saying there exist LGBTQ 'apologists'. I can only imagine how this would go over. SMH.

Bring it on.

Watch Out For Your Children Because The LGBT Is Pushing To Legalize Pedophilia

And before you waste your breath? Yes, it's a Christian based news site. YAY for me.


posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 02:35 PM

Last year, a very disturbing article appeared on by a pedophile named Todd Nickerson in which he defended one of the most absolutely indefensible of crimes- pedophilia:

I’ll not post this freaks article - you’re welcome to go and read it at the link." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">source

Salon deleted the article from its website after significant public outcry. While on one hand this can be good and understandable, it is also unfortunate because the article is a public reminder and historical marker for our times of the darker side of the LGBT’s agenda that is selectively discussed. Among many goals which the LGBT movement is being used for- which include but are not limited to the abolition of the family, the ushering in of a new totalitarianism in the form of National Socialism, and the public removal of any ideas of Christianity or even God and replacing them with men of power- the LGBT is also being used to push for eugenics in the form of destroying the ability of children to become functioning adults at their earliest stages by normalizing child rape.

A point many of us agree on and those of you who don’t need to go take your meds:

By exposing children to sexual activity at an age before which they are aware of what sex it and what its good and created purpose is for, children become very confused about who they are as people and it interrupts their ability to form a sense of self and who they are in relationship to others.

Clearly some of us have our minds and hearts directed towards what's right and good. What the LB** and those parents are pushing is abuse.


posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: silo13
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

And I'd love to see you confront a large gathering of people belonging to the LGBTQ community by saying there exist LGBTQ 'apologists'. I can only imagine how this would go over. SMH.

Bring it on.

Watch Out For Your Children Because The LGBT Is Pushing To Legalize Pedophilia

And before you waste your breath? Yes, it's a Christian based news site. YAY for me.


YAY for your confirmation bias! The garbage 'news' you post is so fake, I'd half expect you to publish an article of a man finding Jesus in a can of tuna. Nothing in that article is true at all. The LGBTQ community is NOT taking part in adding the letter P (for pedophile) to their community lettering. Yes there are some pedophiles who are trying to push for this as a means to normalize their terrible acts, but just because those garbage people are trying it, DOES NOT mean that actual members of the LGBTQ community want this to occur. Get your facts straight before you post your one-sided baseless "articles" to try and back your one-sided and baseless "opinions".

Every post you make shows how little you do in comparative analysis, actual research and actual comprehension. Go pick up an actual book on how to do proper research before you go and start posting this inflammatory nonsense, because it makes you look more and more ignorant and foolish each time you post.

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: silo13

Last year, a very disturbing article appeared on by a pedophile named Todd Nickerson in which he defended one of the most absolutely indefensible of crimes- pedophilia:

I’ll not post this freaks article - you’re welcome to go and read it at the link." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">source

Salon deleted the article from its website after significant public outcry. While on one hand this can be good and understandable, it is also unfortunate because the article is a public reminder and historical marker for our times of the darker side of the LGBT’s agenda that is selectively discussed. Among many goals which the LGBT movement is being used for- which include but are not limited to the abolition of the family, the ushering in of a new totalitarianism in the form of National Socialism, and the public removal of any ideas of Christianity or even God and replacing them with men of power- the LGBT is also being used to push for eugenics in the form of destroying the ability of children to become functioning adults at their earliest stages by normalizing child rape.

A point many of us agree on and those of you who don’t need to go take your meds:

By exposing children to sexual activity at an age before which they are aware of what sex it and what its good and created purpose is for, children become very confused about who they are as people and it interrupts their ability to form a sense of self and who they are in relationship to others.

Clearly some of us have our minds and hearts directed towards what's right and good. What the LB** and those parents are pushing is abuse.


Hahahahaha. This is me virtually and IRL laughing at how ridiculous you are.

Abolition of the christian family? Hahahaha. You're a bunch of paranoid crazies.

None of that garbage is anywhere close to being the truth. You're cut from the same cloth that think being gay is a lifestyle choice. SMH. These last two posts of yours make you look more foolish that I've ever seen you. You're all so paranoid about people taking away your special little religious 'privileges'. Your little sacred marriages are being threatened because men can marry men and women can marry women. Oh noes!!!!! The sanctity of marriage is going to be ruined! They want to get rid of Christianity!!! Sharpen your Bibles!! A war of good and evil is imminent!!!

what sex it and what its good and created purpose is for

Wow. You really expect to use this article as a source and means for backing up what you're saying when it reads like someone who barely understands English wrote it?

edit on 15-6-2017 by ReyaPhemhurth because: because

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: silo13

Funny I've met many many LGBT people and not a single one of them support that. I still wonder where your hatred of the entire LGBT community comes from.

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: silo13

Funny I've met many many LGBT people and not a single one of them support that. I still wonder where your hatred of the entire LGBT community comes from.

My this point...because of the outright strong feelings and protesting....possibly some closeted feelings.

edit on 15-6-2017 by ReyaPhemhurth because: because

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

No hatred at all. They're rather pathetic actually. 3.8% of the population needing to run around basing their lives on who they sleep with and wanting to make sure we all know it.

Best kept in the closet says me.


posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: silo13

The Christian Fundamentalists are the ones who try to pull them out. And many preachers who railed against gay people turned out to be gay themselves. Perhaps it's them who needs to stay in the closet?

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: silo13
a reply to: Deaf Alien

No hatred at all. They're rather pathetic actually. 3.8% of the population needing to run around basing their lives on who they sleep with and wanting to make sure we all know it.

Best kept in the closet says me.


How close minded and unkind of you to say that. Very, very ignorant and unkind. They DON'T base their entire life around who they sleep with. Your sheltered, puny Jesus-loving brain presumes that based on what incredibly little knowledge you have pertaining to this community. The reason you had to hear about it at all was because they were, for the LONGEST TIME being denied the BASIC human right to marry who they love. No one is parading around.

You're parading around your low-brow "opinions".

That's like someone complaining 150 years ago that blacks were walking around free from slavery. Or prior complaining about women going out to vote in the 1920s. Basic rights have been denied to certain groups of people. Luckily now the ignorance that scars this planet is slowly starting to die out so basic human rights can be granted to all groups of people.

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

A war of good and evil is imminent!!!

What you fail to understand or admit?
The war of good and evil has been going for eons.

Ephesians 6:12-13King James Version (KJV) 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

You want to keep poking the bear (God) I don't want to be a part of it.

You've gone beyond rationality in your replies - especially coming from someone who (purportedly) was raised as a Christian.

Think what you want from here on out but I'll not be the protagonist for your ongoing blasphemy any longer.

Take care and God bless you.


posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: silo13

The Christian Fundamentalists are the ones who try to pull them out. And many preachers who railed against gay people turned out to be gay themselves. Perhaps it's them who needs to stay in the closet?

This exactly.

Or all those priests that sexually abused children. Where was God for them? Watching?

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: silo13
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

A war of good and evil is imminent!!!

What you fail to understand or admit?
The war of good and evil has been going for eons.

Ephesians 6:12-13King James Version (KJV) 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

You want to keep poking the bear (God) I don't want to be a part of it.

You've gone beyond rationality in your replies - especially coming from someone who (purportedly) was raised as a Christian.

Think what you want from here on out but I'll not be the protagonist for your ongoing blasphemy any longer.

Take care and God bless you.


You're using the bible as evidence for your biblical POV. Didn't see that coming. Beyond rationality? I haven't. What I'm saying is rational. What you're saying about innocent people 'being pathetic' because of who they love...THAT is irrational. Your posts are unfounded, nonsensical and ignorant. So, don't go posting and not expect someone to point this out to you.

You're being shown this and the way you're taking it personally shows insecurity.

posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

How close minded and unkind of you to say that.

Sometimes the truth hurts.

They DON'T base their entire life around who they sleep with.

AH HAHAHAHA - then why do they call themselves gay, lesbian, etc?

No one is parading around.

Oh BS, you can't turn on the news or look at the internet that the LGWhatever is on some parade for their 'cause' in some city or another. Gay pride this, gay pride that. What a sick society.

You're parading around your low-brow "opinions".

Parading nothing. I'm not forcing anyone to read my posts.

That's like someone complaining 150 years ago that blacks were walking around free from slavery.

You're mixing apples and oranges.
What does gay mean?
What does lesbian mean?
What does all the other alphabet atrocities tell you?

Their sexual preferences. Period. It has nothing to do with repressed women or slaves.

Anyway, I'll let you to yourself now. Like I said I refuse to be a part of your blasphemy any longer.

See ya.


posted on Jun, 15 2017 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

The Christian Fundamentalists are the ones who try to pull them out.

How's that?

Anyway, IMO everyone needs to stay in the closet.

What, who, how or with you want to doink is none of anyone else's business.


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