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(Montreal) LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen. Critics call it child abuse

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posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 05:01 PM
And this is what happens, when the mentally ill, get a "say", in the reality. An 8 year old "drag queen "? Really?... I hope mom and dad didn't get "institutionalized" for trying to stop this nonsense!

posted on Jun, 12 2017 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: murphy22
And this is what happens, when the mentally ill, get a "say", in the reality. An 8 year old "drag queen "? Really?... I hope mom and dad didn't get "institutionalized" for trying to stop this nonsense!

In your opinion, will you explain what makes you think they are 'mentally ill'? And also, will you further explain what you mean when you say "get a say in the reality"?

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 01:35 AM
Perhaps the poster you quoted is referring to the fact that homosexuality was declassified as a mental illness as a result of political pressure, rather than the discovery of new, or revised scientific evidence.

The poster may also be highlighting the fact that Gender Identity Disorder etc has, consequently, never been subjected to the scrutiny that might prove, or indeed, disprove that it is a mental illness. Using the term 'reality' could be the posters way of expressing concern at this.

If I am wrong in my interpretation I am sure the poster will correct me.
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

edit on 13-6-2017 by CulturalResilience because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: CulturalResilience

They almost included religion as a delusion. Imagine the outrage from Christians.
What is your point again?

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 01:49 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: CulturalResilience

They almost included religion as a delusion. Imagine the outrage from Christians.
What is your point again?

Read my post again with your comprehension engaged and you will see that it was not my point. I'll take you at your word that religion wasn't included. Are you attempting to make some point by claiming Christians would be outraged, rather than people of all faiths?
edit on 13-6-2017 by CulturalResilience because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: CulturalResilience

Ah an insult. Well I guess I deserve that. Hard to read when I am drunk.
My point is that just because there's a "political pressure" on the psychiatrists on certain diagnoses doesn't make it a mental illness or not.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: Deaf Alien

Alcohol is generally bad for comprehension so don't take my reply to you as an insult. It seems that you more or less agree with what I interpreted as the point being made in the post that was quoted by Rhea.

I always put the mobile devices etc away before opening a bottle of the magic falling down water, just in case I end up contributing to getting alcohol consumption classified as a mental disorder.

edit on 13-6-2017 by CulturalResilience because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-6-2017 by CulturalResilience because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: CulturalResilience

Yeah. Thank you. I am just tired of the old argument that the "pressures" they had on psychiatrists to change the DSM proves that certain "mental illnesses" are real or not.
I hope I expressed what I mean clearly.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: silo13

Certainly do not agree with overly supporting the child in a way its pushing them more towards one side when they are not heading that way, that would be wrong. However if a child seeks or seems to go a certain way in life, it really should be not even down to the parents. After all, we are all born different and we will all end up somewhere we would have never thought we end up. Your likes and dislikes didn't occur once you reached 16 or 18, it happens way before you reach these ages. So it certainly is wrong to make a big thing about such events but all children need time to discover themselves.

Its a difficult one and seems many people wish to install their lives on others. As always.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: silo13
seems a bit mental to me if he hasnt even reached puberty yet
seems silly to indulge a childs desires at this age especially if its conufsing enough already going through puberty never mind sexual identity at that age

bit of a minefield really

if I had kids I wouldnt allow them to make decisions like this by themselves until they are legally old enough to decide for themselves , whether that means supressing their own sexual identity then so be it ,
7 or 8 year olds cant adequately consider the consequences of their actions and the impact these decisions have on the future never mind decide if they want to be spiderman or batman the rest of the week never mind a boy or a girl.

The other day i got to thinking , what if trans gender identity issues are a primary state before humans move into transhumanism, first of all we remove the identity of male or female then humans can easily become trans humanist as they no longer identify with male or female making it easier for them to transition into non human machines
it was just a mad thought but what if this movement is the precursor to full on transhumanism like the pyschological stage and physical stages , and next once they change gender they remove their gender, then become more machine like with augments etc - it was a crazy idea I know

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 09:09 AM
Children grow up too quick nowadays. They should be allowed to be children. That means toys, playing outside, learning things, video games - not dressing up as Drag queens. There's time enough for all that, and absolutely no need to be exposed to it at 8yrs old other than for the entertainment and titillation value of the adults who allowed it.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: CulturalResilience
Perhaps the poster you quoted is referring to the fact that homosexuality was declassified as a mental illness as a result of political pressure, rather than the discovery of new, or revised scientific evidence.

The poster may also be highlighting the fact that Gender Identity Disorder etc has, consequently, never been subjected to the scrutiny that might prove, or indeed, disprove that it is a mental illness. Using the term 'reality' could be the posters way of expressing concern at this.

If I am wrong in my interpretation I am sure the poster will correct me.
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

Thanks for the clarification.

edit on 13-6-2017 by ReyaPhemhurth because: because

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 10:21 AM
It's a rum thing, you know.

In the 60's Pink floyd released a single called Arnold Layne. The song chronicled the misadventures of a transvestite chap who stole clothes from washing lines. The liberals and media went insane and the song was banned from being played on BBC radio.

50 years later they got 8 year old lads being tranny and it's all good.

Not only do I question the mentality and standards of the people involved, but also of the people who support this and seem to think there's nothing to see here...there's something wrong with you.

edit on 13-6-2017 by LungFuMoShi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: LungFuMoShi

Agreed in no way should children even have to consider thinking about these things at this age , they are children for # sake , let them live a life as a child and when they hit puberty and start having feelings down there maybe then they will be more well equipped to even start considering how they feel about sex in general never mind boys or girls and how they make them feel about themselves.

introducing children to sex , or subjects which are entirely to do with sex and are of a sexual nature is not only irresponsible , but also dangerous as it can lead onto far worse things.

That kid will end up working street corners or on dating sites attracting older men
edit on 13-6-2017 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: elgaz
Children grow up too quick nowadays. They should be allowed to be children. That means toys, playing outside, learning things, video games - not dressing up as Drag queens. There's time enough for all that, and absolutely no need to be exposed to it at 8yrs old other than for the entertainment and titillation value of the adults who allowed it.

I will say I agree with this to a point. Children should just be allowed to be children. I'm a strong believer in supporting children, especially if it pertains to their identity. Because children really do need to find themselves. Some will find out earlier on more so than others. I'm not against any of it exactingly, but I will say that parents can be capable of using their children to gain attention and fame. I've known a lot of parents who have used their children as more of an extension of themselves. I mean, in the end, all I can hope for..because it is not my that they jut want to make their child happy. If the child wants to dress up and pretend his name is Lactacia (sp?), he's not hurting anyone. Because I have a good feeling that if the kid were to grow out of this and decided he wanted to play soccer instead or if he wanted to play doctor on stuffed animals, his parents would be supportive.

I don't think a kid dressing up and acting like that is damning them to be like that forever. Children change all the time from month to month, year to year (even day to day). This could be enjoying the fun of dressing up and changing his name today but next week he could just be over it, never to do it again for the rest of his life. You never know. And even if he did decide he loves this and continues to enjoy the drag scene into adulthood. Who the eff cares?

If his parents are supporting him..or even 'pushing' him into this lifestyle (regardless if we assume they are using him for fame. as this could apply to any child), if the kid ultimately does not like it, he is going to let them it by plainly stating it or by rebelling in some fashion. It's no different than children being groomed into a religious lifestyle. They're 'groomed' to be religious, to be like their parents. But for many (myself included) I realized it was not right for me and I outright said it (and rebelled as a teen, I'll admit) and just decided myself that I would choose to live and believe the way I wanted. No one ultimately could force me one way or the other. My parents were ultimately supportive (which I am lucky for) and I never had the pain of feeling like a mistake or a burden. My parents loved me and were okay that I didn't want to follow in their footsteps to a tee.

So, it's not hurting the kid psychologically no more than religion psychologically hurt someone like me. Every human experience is different and because our parents are our initial gatekeepers, they ultimately groom us in one way or the it believing in a god of some kind or believing that it's fab as hell to put on a dress and be a queen. Point is, the more we make our way into the world, passed our parental gatekeepers, we find our way and we find out who we are. So, to freak out about this is silly. It only becomes worrisome when people damn kids like this for finding their way. It's worrisome when we say these kids are mentally ill and they do not get supported. This is what leads to the depression...the stifling of a child and their very true and real feelings. That is what leads to the pain they feel. Not the actual putting on of a dress.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

So, it's not hurting the kid psychologically no more than religion psychologically hurt someone like me. Every human experience is different and because our parents are our initial gatekeepers, they ultimately groom us in one way or the it believing in a god of some kind or believing that it's fab as hell to put on a dress and be a queen.

Can you be so sure it's not hurting the kid psychologically ? What if that young boy grows up resenting the innocence that was stolen from him as a child and ends up deeply resenting young innocent boys because of it ? He may even go out of his way to steal this innocence from other children and if he falls deeply into immorality may even torture and kill young innocent souls that he deeply resents because of his own upbringing .

You can't even begin to say this is not doing damage because his life journey is not nearly complete enough to make such an assumption.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: silo13
seems a bit mental to me if he hasnt even reached puberty yet
seems silly to indulge a childs desires at this age especially if its conufsing enough already going through puberty never mind sexual identity at that age

It remindes me of yearbook pictures. I don't know anyone who looks back on their yearbook pictures and don't cringe a bit. Those 'big hair' days or when young men followed the 'look of the day'... Think on that a minute.

if I had kids I wouldnt allow them to make decisions like this by themselves until they are legally old enough to decide for themselves , whether that means supressing their own sexual identity then so be it ,
7 or 8 year olds cant adequately consider the consequences of their actions and the impact these decisions have on the future never mind decide if they want to be spiderman or batman the rest of the week never mind a boy or a girl.

Well, like the child said 'If your parents don't want you to be a drag queen...You need new parents.'

Astonishing really.

The other day i got to thinking , what if trans gender identity issues are a primary state before humans move into transhumanism, first of all we remove the identity of male or female then humans can easily become trans humanist as they no longer identify with male or female making it easier for them to transition into non human machines
it was just a mad thought but what if this movement is the precursor to full on transhumanism like the pyschological stage and physical stages , and next once they change gender they remove their gender, then become more machine like with augments etc - it was a crazy idea I know

I think you're right on mark. Maybe not for those reasons but there is a huge push (as I see it) for TPTB to turn us all into transhumans.

Great thing about that cycle? Once we're all the 'same' - it will become vogue to be different so we'll be right back to make female again, lol!

Thanks for the crazy ideas that are not so crazy.


posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 11:15 AM

LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen

The end is, cover and roll.

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 11:20 AM
There is something very very sick going on here. It's multi-layered and in society's confusion about what is and is not "politically correct", we are over compensating and creating a brain-eating monster.

When a child says if your parents don't want you in drag at the age of seven, "get new parents", even trans persons should wonder about this on a deeper level.

We are being conditioned, manipulated, and toyed with. Social and behavioral experiments gone amok???!!

posted on Jun, 13 2017 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: Sheye
a reply to: ReyaPhemhurth

So, it's not hurting the kid psychologically no more than religion psychologically hurt someone like me. Every human experience is different and because our parents are our initial gatekeepers, they ultimately groom us in one way or the it believing in a god of some kind or believing that it's fab as hell to put on a dress and be a queen.

Can you be so sure it's not hurting the kid psychologically ? What if that young boy grows up resenting the innocence that was stolen from him as a child and ends up deeply resenting young innocent boys because of it ? He may even go out of his way to steal this innocence from other children and if he falls deeply into immorality may even torture and kill young innocent souls that he deeply resents because of his own upbringing .

You can't even begin to say this is not doing damage because his life journey is not nearly complete enough to make such an assumption.

Holy crap, what a strong assumption. How can you be so sure it is? That's where your thinking is misguided. You're coming from the perspective that being a drag queen will lead this kid to being a child raping murderer. That's very naive of you to assume such a correlation. It's not only a false correlation but what you're describing is a fallacy known as 'slippery slope'. Look it up if you need to. What you're saying is based on your own biased religious feelings and is completely nonsensical. It's all based on your own personal biases and the misconceptions a lot of religious people are the victim of. Or don't even call it a religious misconception if you'd rather not...just a misconception by itself.

It's not going to hurt him. It didn't psychologically harm me to believe for almost my entire life that some imaginary figure lives in the sky. When I discovered the truth based on scientific evidence and the prowess that many wonderful scientists have attained to, I didn't go out and murder anyone. The chances of him either outgrowing this or just doing this to adulthood without any harm being done is WAY MORE LIKELY then him feeling angry and 'robbed of his childhood'. Plus the odds of his feeling robbed AND then going out and killing and raping is EVEN MORE UNLIKELY. The odds are HIGHLY stacked AGAINST what you're saying. Your post sounds ignorant and foolish for believing that this would lead to something as heinous as pedophilia, rape, torture or murder. Read a science article or book or two. You sound like you have some catching up to do.

Just because you do not understand something or don't agree with it based on no evidence whatsoever, it does not make it true or even remotely a likelihood. Nice try though.

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