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Baddogma's Other Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Still awesome and crazy as ever !

At least our musical tastes overlapped with Courtney Barnett.

Other than that I get tomorrow off.

This crazy bitch is going to sleep like a madman.

I'm going all in. I'm about to sleep soo hard, being awake will feel like a dream.


edit on 11-2-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

BB! Sleep! Sleep harder!
I have edited and like to assume I raised a few points you disagree with.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 07:00 AM
And I like to think it's a positiv change. It's called "revelation". FFS. Just because one guy back then had bad "visions"... and revelation sounds like disclosure. Go for it.
Everybody says people will die. They will die anyways.
Also with the benefit of knowing what's underneath, quick rip it off.
Or holding on to tradition and drip bleeding dry.
We can't just ignore everything we do has bad side effects. But we just can't do nothing. Maybe ignorance is bliss for the masses? Since there is nothing to be done about it anyways.
Who knows maybe the reason religion is written in updates and short stories is our own capacity of understanding.
Because the most gathering question is still Why do they interfer on so many occasions but... never good. Show me one story where it is really god himself doing a great miracle.
Maybe we are at a crucial point. A mixture of what everybody has so far ever imagined plus some.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

Enjoy. I will sleep in winter,which starts in about a month and a half,Very gradually. In these months of about 200% humidity,i wing it on about 3-4 hours of sort-of-sleep in 24 hours. I have to have the ceiling fan on,plus the standing fan,and i HATE fans on me,but without it one feels like one is drowning in the very oxygen one breathes,cuz of the disgusting humidity levels

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
And I like to think it's a positiv change. It's called "revelation". FFS. Just because one guy back then had bad "visions"... and revelation sounds like disclosure. Go for it.
Everybody says people will die. They will die anyways.
Also with the benefit of knowing what's underneath, quick rip it off.
Or holding on to tradition and drip bleeding dry.
We can't just ignore everything we do has bad side effects. But we just can't do nothing. Maybe ignorance is bliss for the masses? Since there is nothing to be done about it anyways.
Who knows maybe the reason religion is written in updates and short stories is our own capacity of understanding.
Because the most gathering question is still Why do they interfer on so many occasions but... never good. Show me one story where it is really god himself doing a great miracle.
Maybe we are at a crucial point. A mixture of what everybody has so far ever imagined plus some.

I look at religion as a psychology map. It's a way as you say to rip off the bandaid. To stop bleeding out wasting space and time..

The masses are always encouraged to go back to bed. Here have another bandaid. The funny thing is when the masses are headless now you can be the brain grab the reigns and steer this beast of burden.

In other words it's often a repeating human condition that you have the priesthood the pharaohs and the uninitiated and then you have the ATSers... as long as there are the profane, the priest gets more power and uses the bulk of humanity to his own end.


You see the bible is about my neighbor IS me. If understood man would finally free herself from herself. It would be a revelation that would destroy most hierarchy as it would be obsolete. Humanity as a whole would have grown up and no need for sky daddy or uncle Sam..

You see Jesus writings are actually subtly "anti god" in so much as it's a "self empowerment treatise"
And as I've always maintained the greatest power of the self is selflessness without reckless abandon. If you make everyone else free, you can't be caged.. you become the enemy you fight, so stop fighting.

There is a scene in the original star wars trilogy (almost wrote trinity haha) Luke is with yoda and enters a cave on his own Luke asks yoda what's in the cave. "Only what you take with you you will find."

Luke goes in and he is not "pure" his fears his baggage.. He sees Darth Vader and kills him, but who's face is in the mask? Luke is becoming Darth Vader in only the way that he is against him. The emperor doesn't even care whether Luke or Vader win the battle so long as Luke "releases his anger."

Instead Luke says "no I won't fight him." Which then he starts being tortured electrocuted and his non violence and torture breaks free the remaining good parts of vaders soul and he kills the emperor and saves luke. Luke already had one robot hand covered in black glove foreshadowing his eventual path the same as his dad.

Instead he wins for himself and his dad..

That's just a different Jesus story. I find it more personally useable. The matrix is another. Neo is in love with this hacker called "trinity" and it's funny because if you pay attention they say "Jesus christ" almost exclusively when the camera is looking at neo. It's only understood if you watch all 3 but in the end he sacrifices himself (basically on the cross) seriously and he gets angel light wings on a cross of light..

In the end he can't free the people from the matrix the architect won't allow it. But he woke enough people from sleep and all of that the equations had to be redone and there was a new heaven and new earth.. better.. version 7 of "reality"

The movie talks of humanity like crops raised only to steal their energy from them.. odd that in the bible humans are crops and "god" comes to harvest the crop of souls. Sounds like an evil vampire slave owner.. And people who come in contact with the grays say similar almost like the aliens feed on negative human emotion, now you have a motive for #ing up the world.. keep the juices flowing.

I like the monsters inc. Movie. The monsters are extra dimensional appearing in kids closets to scare thim, this scare energy powers the monster city in another realm through dimensional portals. It's only in the end they discover laughter/love is much stronger and harvest that instead. Still the "other" is the same living off human energy from there invisible hideout across dimensional lines..

I just woke up I hope that made sense.

edit on 11-2-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Raxoxane

Somone needs an ice bath.

I once told my ex to go lock herself in a freezer hahahaha we both had a laugh at that.

Also only in my world.. I went to go drink and ran into my old boss who just happened to have my w2 forms so I can do my taxes now. I'm about to get paid!

Another time I was freaking out jobless and applied for 6 positions that day and gave myself an eff it reverbs break. Much drinking insued. I blacked out..

Well what does black out reverbs do?? Apparently he applies to a job at the university feeding the national champion basketball team after practice. Then he interviews and gets the job..

Me the non blacked out reverbs was checking my email and it said i have to come fill out paperwork at UNC for my job and I'm just looking at it like what?? I don't work there huh?? I went and at this point had no idea what job it was.. showed up saw a kitchen so I was like oh this makes a little more sense.. filled out paperwork and started working.


Who does that?! Reverbs that's who. Drunk luck haha.

Now those taxes hehe.

And done.. money inbound.

edit on 11-2-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: Reverbs

BB! Sleep! Sleep harder!
I have edited and like to assume I raised a few points you disagree with.

Actually no you didn't for once haha. I agree with your edit. I even find your quoted text interesting. Just an interesting idea anyway.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Peeple

The one god thing I think is holding you back it will pull you through all philosophies over time; great for a philosopher as hey you get your wish and being an information sponge you're doing the work in building the very visuals and realities grasped at to meet those archons... however, that going through history and all of the world religions does get to a singular point but there's no god to be blamed for any of it... sort of like children's games; Tammy got to be so and so last time and Bobby did great at such and such and the offices or positions rotate... so all are at fault in whatever position they hold, so yeah you get to be that one god for a bit the same as all others as well as many other positions to see how you handle the position.

It's weird ass business, but a lot of learning... and very many different levels of it... there is and is not a self in such business; the observer and the subject is the typical self as one... watching without bias to any subject can split the two apart, and when being subject to observation where ego and it's remnants are concerned is the hardest part to separate because of attachment that body, speech and mind are yours... heart is how all three are carried and if not as light as the proverbial feather? Your boat gets stuck in the mud as being too heavy. So there is more to learn and go through as that goes on...

Of course deception, even some of those whoms heart is so pure cannot even fathom deception... so they are blind to it in an extreme and it is so ugly they turn away from it... in a sense how are we any difference when such a bias is held? That's the difference in the god/devil sort of extremes... the middle is where we already are. The enlightened mind is one that can drop those burdens not self, impermanent, and prone to suffering, pick them up for others, remind them it's just temporary as I have my own life to live, and that it'll be ok.

If one wants to blame a god for anything they have to blame all of those that have sat in that role, blame any position are blaming all that sat in that role...

Best to not blame and just roll with it using wisdom and introspection for growth in that learning... because those that sat in those roles for however long learn too, sitting in all the various roles occurs... and consciousness leaping along is a direct pointing to who you are, and who that is obviously evolves those parts that do not evolve were never you... and are shed off, later when the heart blooms those parts that use things to cope with all not you are shed off as stress and suffering winds down.

Think the earth was ever asked how much it can carry before hey get these parasites off of me they are not concerned and only want to devour me like a cancer without regard? Well, sitting in that role too how long can one sit with a hair burning and boring into them in meditation? Those that can't stand it for an instant are like Venus hair burns away from it on contact... then those sitting out there like til every grain of sand that once were mountains wither and float away in the winds of space.

In reflection of that we can always see an example in something else occuring. Where micro-cosim macro-cosim inner world and outer world are always an echo and reflection... when they synchronize? Is like a parlor trick, as that is always occuring being no different than the elements. Heat in the body fire, blood in the veins, pus, tears etc water, the teeth and bones earth, the various winds, that in mind called consciousness, that at either end mouth can scream like a banshee or anus can smell like the devil and well there is breath... in saving it and just breathing, one knows what mental states arise with the long breath with the short breath etc and those too eventually disband after they arise.

They say love finds you, when you cease to look, well the same is true of all phenomena the mind grasps at, cease grasping and soon it's there's love, there's UFO or whatever until it is please get the hell away from me, but that requires chase me chase me, but you dont want too so it then becomes ever present.

:p Be careful what you wish for is a true adage, as many adages are no matter how cheesy.

posted on Feb, 11 2018 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Raxoxane

Reminds me a bit of summer in Alabama after taking a shower as soon as you step outside every pore burst into sweat, then it's like why did I even bother to shower now being soaked with sweat?

It was a bit like being under water breathing under hard labor... breathing from the upper diaphragm is a short breath and does not generate that much body heat, breathing down in the lower diaphragm generates a lot of heat.

Adapting would mean breathing up higher in the "winter" as you call it... of course it can also bring anxiety and restlessness as a side effect... so mentally breathing in up from the feet to the head and out down from the head and out through the feet leaves one feeling not only grounded but light.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

Opium for the masses. Funny if you look at the US you could think someone took it too literal. Well you also got strong church like ...groups.
Something has to explain why they are interested in us. So far no theory has really convinced me.
Harvest suffering? Sure why not.
Personally I feel the relationship goes deeper than just "curious ET visiting". But...
I like the us from the future story.
I like the more spiritual: we share one reincarnation circle with a higher dimension.
Maybe even that we don't were meant to be what we are now, we could be happy naked monkeys. Instead of constantly questioning everything. Are we an experiment?
As so often I don't know but there are plenty of possibilities at least equal to harvest human stuff.

In regards to matrix, it's not a simulation but I like to assume that we are grown enough now for god to give us some prove of his existence in a way we can evaluate what we are dealing with.
I would expect Jesus to come with a revelation about the nature of our existence.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I dont think those are grownup wishes -re jesus. Also if one believes in creator one believes in simulation, but our semantics wont match so anyway. reality in a way is "where you spend all your time"

you see if you have a universe based on information that sprang from nothing "matrix" comes to mind. Im not saying its fake..

and just so you know the matrix movies are heavy on religious subtext.. i dont take it literal i just appreciate the movement.

in other words i could call this an illusion that has nothing to escape to.. ie this IS reality. Im not holding any punches. Im not waiting for anything "outside" myself to be a giant revelation.

This is it. For now at least.

well, except for dreams. I yea skip that part with the girl and a woman walks in on us but i carry her to the back and hide in the corner. kid with woman is calling my name "where did reverbs go?" im in a weird corner you cant see without following the wall around. (dream physics).. then its me running out the house because demons? a presense?

lol and i was going to drive down the road using a pair of boots. i only had one boot maybe demon hid the other, so i had to "skate/drive" super fast down the road crouched with two socked feet holding the one boot... faster than cars im flying down the road..

and then im on some couch thinking about sex i didnt really have, typing codes 110011 and you get the simulated meaning, mocha skin, soft lips, but... haha nice.

fun dream.

as far as constantly questioning everything maybe im jaded but i dont. not anymore. Im not exactly looking for any answers. Im enjoying the ride.

Im not convinced aliens have ever come here either. not saying they have not just saying. Its like an athiests religion. I really dont care for "beliefs" of any flavor, except simple ones like hope and love.

Im on my own path. If yoda shows up thats fine, but im not waiting for the other shoe to drop before i drive down the road half naked on my boot. bahahahaha.

edit on 12-2-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

a day after im writing about humans as crops and the matrix aliens feeding on energy and now we have this??


"Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?
Sound familiar?
Wonder where they derived that idea from.
Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.
Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.

just posted to the new q thread.


the universe is seriously drunk right now.

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

I had one a few hours ago.

I am reading about these guys who data mined a couple online database of organic crystalline structure. They said there are a bunch of different, layered, repeating pattern of atomically thin elements, just like graphene. Patterns of repeating patterns, spreading out, "in all directions", which is the lyric of the song I was listening to, INXS, Don't Change, while I read it.

What is a crystal but a matrix of elements? And then over on the "lasers stop electrons" I mentioned the laser they used sapphire (called, Astra Gemini. Twin stars!), which is a crystal matrix! And what are you guys talking about over here? The Matrix!

2D to 3D, natural to man-made, to artificial. Everything comes full circle. 2D materials will make the artificial man-made possible to model the natural world! There are 3 Matrix movies!

You said, "Shoe" and "boot", so I wonder when the next "shoe" will drop?!

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 02:56 PM

Titanium is a crystal and a metal light and very strong at that...

I guess I needed a point of view change on the 2D I'm thinking from... thought to paper or reasonable facsimile thereof can be 2D but perhaps on the fundamental level be called Two-D. Everything having depth... means all eight fathomable are in a quantum whole or hole when entangled... of course all of those eight must have an emptiness or void except for the one called nothing; as it has the opposite of form... all of that twisting together in vectors in wave forms of various sorts as weak(whimps), strong, etc. gives them the four fundamental states of matter as interaction and yet the vastness and all pervasiveness of space is apparent...

Imagine being in a crystalline sector of the universe and not being able to outrun it in it's growth... you'll be stuck or trapped or crystalized along with everything else in it's wake of solidification.

Quantum crystals... that can communicate and give wavelengths off of their own aside from that of the crystals... and star stuff is born as being inside of us, those seeds in the pineal and the ear as calcite are more of an adaptation to an adversity than a mistake in being there.

That lends credence to the higher and lower vibrational planes or dimensions...

Anyway theres food for thought that intellect loves to feast on. Going to enjoy my coffee away from the cafe cheers!

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: BEBOG

The scientific description of atomically thin materials says, "2D" and I've had to try and explain that the structure only has two sides on multiple occasions. It is use of words in common usage and the scientific use of the same words. Like I have thread up on a "lost" satellite so there are posters who pipe up and say, "BS! NASA knows where everything is in orbit", to which I have to point out they're using "lost" as in "lost cause" because it is no longer functioning. Reverbs ran into that one today with "electricity" so it is not uncommon.

Which is always a topic here on the MetaCafé: Language. Words bring up experiences which make scaffolds for thoughts which may or may not be relevant to the topic at hand. The best part is when something close to poetry happens with unseen or unknown ideas make connections across ideas. Or down right laughter!
Universe likes a good joke!

I read this pulp novel that somebody left behind in the break room. There was a secret government department running around to all these ancient monuments. They had something similar to project Blue Beam technology. An archeologist started to realize these guys were everywhere he was at. Action, romance, that blue beam distraction later, they end up in Antarctica. Huge holes are showing up. The main guy has a theory, the government thinks the world is going to end, there is an Sno-Cat chase scene,... anyway, turns out Antarctica is the power source, all the ancient monuments are receivers, and they turn the entire world into a giant crystal just as the sun pulses, thus saving all life on earth.

Ever hear of a betavoltaic device? It is a source of beta radiation (Hey Reverbs! That would be electrons! If the shoe fits...
), trapped in a semiconductor. One of the first used radioactive C14 trapped in diamond (reminds me of ALICCE!). Beta radiation turned into low level electricity using a crystal matrix!!

Crystal power!

posted on Feb, 12 2018 @ 05:45 PM

Yes but the space that those atoms occupy and that surround them mean 3D even the atom itself is 3D as a substance being a part of the entire matrix itself... nothing can escape conditioned except the unconditioned, or that which is beyond cause if one is already present? Then mission accomplished lol... un-attaching to the unreal concepts that try to enter from thought and form into the conditional is the Buddhist goal, where freedom dwells.

Like in the Matrix... Neo is the only one "free" but only within the matrix and others are in various stages of freedom. I think it would be funny if when not jacked into the matrix someone were to try to run up the wall opps then the relative and absolute collide works in one world but not in the other. Of course, as I have said before... no real difference to me in or out of the matrix as both echo each other... whether dreaming reality in a program there is war and electronic dance music, and in the reality of no dream as reality? Still war with the machine that batteries people and well electronic dance music... so whats the point? The one fellow decided hey I dont care if the steak is fake better than gruel... I think he came to that realization, no difference in either... but at least he could live a bit better. Then sold his spirit out from one devil to another by craving one side of the coin knowing both in greed. Obviously even the machine had the same kammic consequences built right into it. Where were you going to go once unplugged? You had to live by rules of that society and it's ideologies just the same.

The story from the pulp you brought up reminds me of a link I am going to try to find it was similar in structure and someone posted a link in an article I was reading about this
Another vault was said to have been open and there is a large grey stone hovering in it as a shiva lingham stone but several meters large and it pulses a vibration from it... Reminds me of hematite or magantite or possibly a conglormerate of both if true... as they had a floating chairiot and horses made from magnatite in an old athens temple at one time... god to those donating and well science to those in the know, and well collision and collusion in both ignorance and the money the temple garnered with such a thing as they all were in competition.

King Henry I think started shutting down monasteries in England because too much was being taken away from his coffers in support of religion and well even rulers saw a danger in religious power... so between head and form there is speech rooting the two and conflagering the two, but I will try to find the other vault post and link, it had to do with a mountain pyramid looks like a mountain but really a pryamid and it is all 1st world civilization and men in black chimeras using DNA sequences etc. from an ancient race of giants. That goes right along with what you read it of course read as conspiracy and fiction but hey who the hell knows when truth being so rare it becomes even stranger an occurance?

I think the photon is an interesting thing as a sort of almost life form produced from electricity and magnetism as it is pulled along being near zero mass by the magnatism it must "eat" electrons and then "poop/fart" the by product to continue on in its propulsion... that it exists in one dimension as a particle and it exists in another dimension as a wave and in the middle of the two or 3rd demension it is generated in one dimension eats in the second and poops in the 3rd and what we experience is the poop or visible light... as it goes flip flopping back and forth between the two dimensions like a bird with wings flying along.

Edit to add hey maybe they are babies of the flying rods of light, skyfish or Neil Armstrong's fireflies? Sort of like sea monkeys being a tiny lil dot then well sorta rod like with wings.

Edit to add: Here's the link it is total old school ATS meat and potatoes conspiracy and likely falls into grey area but it's certinaly a fun and neat read... intrigue, cover ups, black ops, giants, aliens, and more... whats not to love lol?

edit on 12-2-2018 by BEBOG because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 01:22 AM

I was no kidding just thinking about that and wanted to reference it but a.l.i.c.e. is a talkbot. ALICCE!

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: BEBOG

Let there be light.

As far as I understand physics im always in awe of that line.

More and more all I can think about is how to relate light and gravity. It doesnt work right. Im almost ahead of the game and 30 IQ points shy of the starting line.

the last study i looked at shows electron energy levels (photons, sort of) not matching relativity or quantum physics.

something is off.

its off in the way somone didnt miss a zero.. the old equations work, but its not even close to right.. i might have to redefine matter or something. my hunch is gravity is wrong. it might really be more photon based than higgs based. (higgs is not an observed entity anyway.. just the other "observed" entities fit the math)

dont mind me.

im talking over my head.

I want to link "space" to photons.. or "the field."


and part of my hunch is people making up particles.. sort of the "guess and check" approach.. it can give you 4 out of 5 good answers and the 5th wont work.

5.43 is closer to 5,430,000 than it is to 5.34..

one is magnitude meaning a multiple, the other has no values you can adjust within a concept map to get there.... without rewriting concepts..

wish I could say it better. Its not right.

there is some way to make energy=light=mattter
e=mc^2 is misleading in that it adds velocity. something even more basic is key.

any math geeks know how to take out velocity and just leave photon? it wont be a dirivitive. it will be a revelation.

edit on 13-2-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: Reverbs

I like that this place is cool with the scattered rambles of the what if and hey why nots... well light being that it flops from the electro and the magna gives it the fundamental three plane and moves in a corkscrew like pattern or like what a worm may do in moving through a tangled mass of particles like a wood screw through yellow pine there is the pull of the plane to plane vectoring and the mass it goes through being the very pull needed to act like a natural force of torque energy in self propagation however it unlike some particles cannot penetrate... like my joke that light isn't that fast as it takes falling asleep to see more than specks of light as like stars in the night sky behind the eyelids or our personal little section of space.

But anyhoo that screw cant screw itself... and light cannot bore into anything other than the vast field of space as once it hits an object it diffuses reflects refracts etc... what does penetrate however is the heat from striking that material and if focused the light that splats on the windshield still has either electo or magna as a payload which heats it up and swaps atomic bonds in the process... all having vectors, from the whimps, strongs etc. then the swappiness also effects that depending on material present it is running into whatever those multiple it's are... angluar momentum etc especially t the speed of light being light carrying an electron or magna force with it to swap as a toll to get where it is going... or fart out as a payload of fuel

Of course the ones that zip right through are more like being able to phase in and out of dimensions in relation to what it may collide with to avoid collisions sort of like driverless cars nothing to swap with any other particle they just go their course and not having to screw around are faster than light in doing so. That is the nothing or void dimension where matter has no effect on its being... as that is it's fundamental state.

Not going to find more gravity anywhere other than in a black hole and since light loves to feed on the electron why would light want to escape it? It's home in that powerful magna electro force... of course when too condensed they jet off particle streams... thats the issue I see with gravity and light, as we are always presented as oh gravity too strong for light to runaway over and over... the simplest is maybe it doesnt want too like that is where it was headed to begin with and other stuff got in the way... like going to do anything, we cant just do that thing unless already accomplished in that moment, we would have to get up, walk, breathe, etc etc in going to do that thing a huge set or series of events between the intention and then the actual action intended... and well theres a ton of interation and flux on the way... in such a manner light is the same, it can finally sit in a huge dense vortex in a large force that makes it to begin with and "not light" for once.

May seem like a pardox but all light also carries a shadow just as fast, and when theres nothing to refract, reflect etc off of? Where is shadow going to go or be for it?

I dont know if this has helped or conflagerated the issue but maybe something will click to help your mental models and numbers click...

edit on 13-2-2018 by BEBOG because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2018 @ 02:52 AM

what if its a positron?

must we be so negative?

edit on 13-2-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

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