a reply to:
The one god thing I think is holding you back it will pull you through all philosophies over time; great for a philosopher as hey you get your wish
and being an information sponge you're doing the work in building the very visuals and realities grasped at to meet those archons... however, that
going through history and all of the world religions does get to a singular point but there's no god to be blamed for any of it... sort of like
children's games; Tammy got to be so and so last time and Bobby did great at such and such and the offices or positions rotate... so all are at fault
in whatever position they hold, so yeah you get to be that one god for a bit the same as all others as well as many other positions to see how you
handle the position.
It's weird ass business, but a lot of learning... and very many different levels of it... there is and is not a self in such business; the observer
and the subject is the typical self as one... watching without bias to any subject can split the two apart, and when being subject to observation
where ego and it's remnants are concerned is the hardest part to separate because of attachment that body, speech and mind are yours... heart is how
all three are carried and if not as light as the proverbial feather? Your boat gets stuck in the mud as being too heavy. So there is more to learn and
go through as that goes on...
Of course deception, even some of those whoms heart is so pure cannot even fathom deception... so they are blind to it in an extreme and it is so ugly
they turn away from it... in a sense how are we any difference when such a bias is held? That's the difference in the god/devil sort of extremes...
the middle is where we already are. The enlightened mind is one that can drop those burdens not self, impermanent, and prone to suffering, pick them
up for others, remind them it's just temporary as I have my own life to live, and that it'll be ok.
If one wants to blame a god for anything they have to blame all of those that have sat in that role, blame any position are blaming all that sat in
that role...
Best to not blame and just roll with it using wisdom and introspection for growth in that learning... because those that sat in those roles for
however long learn too, sitting in all the various roles occurs... and consciousness leaping along is a direct pointing to who you are, and who that
is obviously evolves those parts that do not evolve were never you... and are shed off, later when the heart blooms those parts that use things to
cope with all not you are shed off as stress and suffering winds down.
Think the earth was ever asked how much it can carry before hey get these parasites off of me they are not concerned and only want to devour me like a
cancer without regard? Well, sitting in that role too how long can one sit with a hair burning and boring into them in meditation? Those that can't
stand it for an instant are like Venus hair burns away from it on contact... then those sitting out there like til every grain of sand that once were
mountains wither and float away in the winds of space.
In reflection of that we can always see an example in something else occuring. Where micro-cosim macro-cosim inner world and outer world are always an
echo and reflection... when they synchronize? Is like a parlor trick, as that is always occuring being no different than the elements. Heat in the
body fire, blood in the veins, pus, tears etc water, the teeth and bones earth, the various winds, that in mind called consciousness, that at either
end mouth can scream like a banshee or anus can smell like the devil and well there is breath... in saving it and just breathing, one knows what
mental states arise with the long breath with the short breath etc and those too eventually disband after they arise.
They say love finds you, when you cease to look, well the same is true of all phenomena the mind grasps at, cease grasping and soon it's there's love,
there's UFO or whatever until it is please get the hell away from me, but that requires chase me chase me, but you dont want too so it then becomes
ever present.
:p Be careful what you wish for is a true adage, as many adages are no matter how cheesy.