posted on Feb, 2 2018 @ 12:50 PM
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I have a store a half block away from where I work that sells it (it is legal here in the AK! I got some given to me free from a place called,
appropriately, Dankorage! I love that name!) I cannot partake as our company has Federal oversight and you can be fired for even showing up drunk, so
I abstain.
How's this for karma... my gift, I re-gifted to a painter! How wild is that for a small circle of influence?? I didn't even know she was a painter! I
actually give her my herbs when they land my way!
I know that "sources dried up" thing as I would watch my buddy start to freak out when he was running low. A total psychological addiction! He would
get low, then that was all he could think about. As soon as medical was approved, he started growing his own. Even so, he can have a huge jar full and
still start to jones!!
I had to upgrade my computer at work. So while it was installing the new OS, I read a book. Edith Hamilton's Mythology which is about Greek gods!! It
was between that and QED by Feynman!! I guess I do have my physic school book here too (I was going to re-read the QM stuff while reading QED for the
full effect!) but that was too boring to just read.
Funny that Feynman was given T&C-25 which he said was "just stupid" and regrets it. Maybe that is why I like him!!
And why do I know stupid trivia
like this?!!
We need new dreams tonight (Boner, I think, but it is true. trUe2
!! Seriously, why have they not put out an album called that?!!). Can't leave it with that...
Keep rocking in the free world!!