a reply to:
Yes indeed the yin and yang in effect for the subject and object... when looking at an object and discriminating it with mind as a subject it is being
the heart, and when one drops subject in meditation and dwells in a simple awareness of being then oneself becomes the heart while it then has a
chance to become mind.
Many do not ever get past the mind part so the heart has to express itself silently... so when that mind finally transforms into heart by letting go
of all it's contents and baggage being dragged along like a corpse then the other finally gets to express itself having been heart for so long... in
such a manner the old woman is no longer blind or ignorance and the old man has ceased to drag that corpse around in the bhava-cakra and both come
together freed from the wheel altogether.
Yet others wheels are still going and the path of service becomes clear for the bodhisattva sort; this is something as an attachment that has to be
renounced eventually or else the culmination of Buddhahood will not be realized although it already has reached full fruition... I renounced the
bodhisattva path to progress too long going round and round which means arhat in the final realm of learning or knowledge of practice in the deva
realms and then onto the buddhadhatu or realms of the buddhas.
Certainly no regrets or burdens to carry on the path; as on renunciation it was a quick slingshot into and through the vajrayanna and sliding into the
tantrayanna where the communion of yab-yum takes place culminating into full buddhahood...
I suppose I am more documenting the path out for those on the buddhist path but not really aware of the stages in which they progress through... for
many it is easy to forget renunciation also involves those vows taken so that it finally can be achieved. I have already been called such in a few
realms... mentally rolling through the bardos of heavens and hells really didn't seem much different from each other, except in the hells it was dirt
and grime clustered and conglomerated with many faces appearing attached like concrete where the larger stones were those stuck and ignorant of how to
progress and all they could do was stare in passing by; while the heavens could care less like an exclusive cloud club all white and alabaster and
cliche looking as painted frescoes some larger than others with only a face or two at those doors looking like the hell of being stuck and would
rather move on but the face was the door in those cases but looked just as forelorned despite it being a heaven.
I suppose none of that imagery really matters I was rising up to one and met a cat wearing a large pointed crown outside of it as I approached the
gate and was denied entry the cat said not your time for here and I asked it three questions I dont even recall as I was laughing while the visions
were fading back into the mundane and I realized that I was already in heaven despite the appearances otherwise that others may attach too but the
laughing was because it was the middle not those hells and not those heavens but just right where all the work was up to me and really how is that
work left up to oneself any different than the path itself in such a manner? :p
Of course through the hells it was traveling like water dripping and running through deep vast wells of darkness and caverns and the heavens more like
being the vapor of water as a cloud formation drifting along and aloft from one cloud city to another... the lightness of unburdened and burdened I
suppose however it appeared as more stoic unconcern took place in the heavens and yet more faces inspiring empathy appeared in the hells.
How is that really any different in those embracing classism or caste systems in what is termed the mundane world here? Other than traveling as an
element being the vehicle I didn't really see much as far as the nature of beings go in their attachments and emotions whether full or lacking in
Two months ago I decided to walk to the monastery I almost lost a toenail it is still black and red all over as dried blood underneath it feet swelled
up like those of elephants as soon as I took my shoes off, 50 mile walk in total a bit over 24 hours total to get there... I got a 3 mile ride from
someone the first part of the journey it was pouring down rain for a few hours and I was like a drowned rat walking along, then an 8 mile ride later
the next morning from law enforcement to the monastery; I was just laying on a discarded piece of plywood on the side of the highway resting and
picking out a ton of sticker bush seeds off my pants so not to carry them to the monastery grounds and someone reported me as a dead body laying on
the side of the road to the authorities lol. I dedicated the walk to the dakinis in the heart of the walk women took to ask the Buddha if they could
be allowed refuge and be allowed to practice as monastics as well... because at one time it was men only. I stacked 3 stones on top of each other at
every place I stopped to take a rest on the way.
Then last month I was incarcerated for a very stupid reason that still does not make sense; but hey a child molester got a well deserved and long over
due bloody nose and I got thirty days in county jail... it was total system failure though, I wasn't read my rights so I decided to remain silent and
only ceased too when I took the stand to testify. My court appointed lawyer was playing a role as they already had the verdict etc before court even
took place with what was going to occur... I said no dice to what they were saying as a verdict and my testimony won; however since it was already
decided the wrong verdict was in the records instead it was what they planned to force me to agree to previously before trial. Meaning the whole
system of justice is a farce and mechanical in action like a routine procedure of tying shoes... and then you're like theres knots in the laces fellas
those have to be worked out before tying them properly. So that was an experience; never had been arrested or in court before... aside from the very
unprofessional lawyer and the verdict not actually the verdict already being passed and decided no biggie; the probation officer said he is going to
iron all of that out when the actual paperwork comes through... if not I may have to sue the county court system which I dont want to do because they
are cogsthat likely wont get any penalty unless the feds get involved and then it's the tax payers that take the hit... and I dont think thats
something the community should have to pay for just because the system is broken and being neglected in fixing it, so likely a course I will not
take... and anyone sane enough looking at the case and how no justice occurred wouldnt even want to touch it... just being arrested without being read
my rights is a severe violation that should have thrown the whole thing out of court, then the lawyer entering pleas I did not make and then making
silly deals ahead of time where no court was involved. Plus I simply took the stand my ground law we have; I was on my way to the bathroom and jackass
came bull rushing me on the way to it and I held up my hands in a defensive form posture right hand face level and out and the left on guard and he
grabbed at my stiff arms trying to move them caused himself to move face first into my fist when his hand slipped off my right arm not being able