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Baddogma's Other Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I - Private

Peeps! Think about those that love you! Don't do it! You're so young and have so much to live for! [/sarcasm]. You make a comment or some such and people start planning an intervention! I have a member that asked me to get help because of the Universe 25 thread as I joked with another member that, "I was pulling away from society." They took it as a literal cry for help not realizing I was talking about joining the Beautiful Ones and ignoring the whole mess as it slides in hell.

II - Political

*pushes away with 10-foot pole*

III - Environment

Ever hear of 1414 Degrees? They are going to store electricity in silicon (the melting point is 1414 degrees Celsius) for use later. Like a big battery. Not sand but pretty cool tech.

CO2 should be sucked out of the atmosphere and converted over to carbon nanotubes to augment cement. Right now it is free for the taking. *shakes head* Armed men stealing sand? Witwct (what is the world coming to).

IV - Scientific

The Standard Model work only to a point. We've only scratched the surface. When the moment comes... the world will change. All seems to be heading for the year 2020. We are on the cusp of grand, societal changes. It starts with us looking into space; then material science; then energy production; then Stage 2 - Profit!! Lulz.

May need some time to process I - IV before jumping to V!


Geez Peeps! You go away for a month or so and look how prolific you are!

Glad you are back! *shakes finger* Stay off them goof balls! ("goof balls" is Amer. slang for "pills" btw).


posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 12:08 PM

I already felt like talking to myself. I learned a new word: prolific.

You'll be here in my "tomorrow"?
For some stack exchange action?

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I've always said that light is going to be more strange than what we thought of it as.

Most don't even know that light twists (chirality) let alone store energy. Invisibility cloaks are just the start!

a reply to: Peeple

I think I get the gist. I'm fairly good at reading German thanks to my Joyce. He makes puns in other languages: Italian, German, English, French, Latin, and Greek. Man did they teach kids back then! Some of the terms you pointed out I knew! But I'm weird that way.

I have come to see the world through Universe 25 glasses! The road to ruin starts with bullying and harassment. Singling out those that are "different" leading to tension in the society. Which leads to Muckers (people randomly snapping and running "amok" making them "muckers"). Then it becomes clique-ish or clannish and violent. With no society worth bonding to, a group of individuals start breaking off (which is why I don't really believe in the "break-away society" theory). The entire stress causes birthing problems. That gives rise to homo-, bi-, pan-sexuality; with no more births society is doomed. The Beautiful Ones show up. All they do is eat, sleep, and groom themselves with no social interaction or sex. In the end, the whole society collapses. Universe 25 came to an end when there were only about 20 mice left that were so traumatized there was no point continuing. Yes humans are not mice but we are both mammals and I can see the same type of behavior happening in humans right now as what happened in the mice population. Which is why I am unabashedly wearing Universe 25 glasses now.

The next step comes or we end up like the poor mice. Again, we do it as a human species or we don't do it all (IMHO). How it is organized is yet to be determined. Root cause analysis is one of things I do at work! I agree. Do an RCA, address that problem then roll forward (we also do "lessons learned" to prevent doing the same things that lead to failure). The whole thing may be entirely different than what we currently know! Thank goo [eta: I like it! Leaving it as is] we have Star Trek as a template or sounding board to bounce ideas off of.

Let's build Starfleet Academy for the NWO (Netherlands World Order)!! We can make it electronic with data embassies and e-citizenship world wide! Our own currency. Our collective agreed upon beliefs. Our collective goals. Our version of a functional break away society designed from the ground up to get better over time not worse.

We would need a cool name...


a reply to: Peeple

I just got caught up!

I usually do check in. Tomorrow is America's Cup racing (yachts) and will probably do a tag on to my thread. I'll see if you're around!

edit on 23-6-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: tag on

edit on 23-6-2017 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: grammar hancock

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
The next step comes or we end up like the poor mice.

It's the mice that are ending up like "poor" us, or rather, it is the mice that are made to behave in a human way in order to understand, in less complex societies, the biological, neurological and psychological effects of how humans choose to live by an overwhelming expression of preference no less. The mice had no choice, they were contained. The most apt application of Calhoun's findings is upon similarly captive populations, such as prisons and other restricted exit facilities like orphanages and mental institutions. Fundamentally though, the mice would never choose to live like that. We do usually, and for the most part adapt very well to it. As I stated earlier in the thread, it's previous incarnation probably, Calhoun's earlier rodent studies regarding introducing groups of "alien" rats to established populations, are insightful in terms of forecasting the increase in violence and mental illness involved with the mass movement of migrant populations into differing cultures, but the subsequent studies can only be loosely applied to the human experience of overcrowding given our greater capacity for adaptation, and those attributes that we can beautify in our solitude, unless you consider Newton, or Rousseau, or any of the other great solitary thinkers, as negative contributors. The way in which humans have chosen to live, although not necessarily in the long run, in a sustaining of our environment kind of way, has been highly successful for us as a species. It was not a successful mode of existence in mice because of containment, not simply because of overcrowding. Containment doesn't do many favours to humans either, that's why so many of them bounce in and out of one system into another, the "outside" has too few rules. It's the "inside" that breaks and traumatises though. If we are to take Jared Diamond's statistical findings as any great truth, civilisation, which by it's very nature is the overcrowding of humans into a centralised mass of production and consumption, has increased, compared to that of hunter-gatherers, our ability to survive into adulthood phenomenally.

I don't think that the reason one human withdraws from society is the same reason another human chooses to. I certainly don't think that the reasons are the same as those in mice kept in a contained environment, however, I do wonder whether our imaginative capacity does make the sense of captivity more tangible for those who are subject to greater socio-economic captivity than others. Freedom would be relative, wouldn't it? Human responsibilities can be confining. Lesser problems has culminated in suicide. The more complex our societies become the harder it is to distinguish between the adapted and the maladapted, and when, such as now, we are running towards the collective precipice, there is clearly a long trail of people reaching deep into the past, saying "I told you so".

Calhoun's studies shed light on some human behaviours under certain conditions, but millions of people live much longer and potentially happier lives, than they ever would have done in the "wild", "we" have successfully adapted to overcrowding. Overcrowding is not really a human problem in the way it is a rodent problem, even without overcrowding most rodents will eat their own young if food runs short, and it is them or her. As much as I like Calhoun's work, it doesn't offer any solutions, just a worse case scenario if we had the brains of mice and not the amazing apparatus that we have evolved to not only solve these problems but to create them in the first place by not thinking things through. As a consequence I think we have far greater concerns than space running out, more immediately speaking.

I don't want to play down Calhoun's work, because in terms of repeat criminality and deviancy, and in understanding institutionalised behaviours, his work offers huge insight to help us understand why some people simply cannot adjust to the "outside". Amongst homeless populations you will find that many if not most of them spent at least a part of their childhood in state care, same with those in mental wards and prisons. In understanding human populations, except perhaps those which do, or did, restrict the movement of their citizens, less so. Rodents can find an exit, under the right conditions they can make one, but we can think one. That's a very important distinction. If you think about it. There's a bigger, much brighter, picture to be seen here.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Anaana

You can come over to the other thread! The water is fine!

I've stated as much, "men are not mice" and restricted population is not our problem.

I've also broached the "hikikomori" and just recently the "suicide." But neither of these populations are confined or over populated (Japan and Canada). The tools Calhoun gave us, with a little Leary to spice things up, I'm trying to explain "how" this is not a "population" or "confined space" problem but a function of society upon its individual members.

The concept of "first death" and "imprinting" using Leary's 8 circuit model (I realize it is constructed hypothesis but it seems to do a better job of "explaining what we are seeing" rather than the DSM-V method of categorization), is what I'm using to question (apparently myself! LOL) and come to terms with these strange societal behaviors.

I just did a quick summary here.

Drop on in!

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 05:35 PM

I'm a busy person, quick summaries are what I like.

I gave a quick summary back.

I don't think I have any more to offer than that, sorry if I deposited that incorrectly.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Anaana

It's all good!

I've got two pages of thoughts up with links to papers and websites. Even a video. So I feel the task master by asking a lot from the audience.

I also feel it is important enough to change my tag line (@Peeple,
right back at you! Lulz!). Not even sure what it means or where I'm going with it but am along for the ride.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: Anaana

OMG! I just read "Collapse"! I don't agree with his optimism, but a great book.
(Sorry I just flew over your answer and the name sprang at me. I got a lot to read! The 25 one too...)

If you're interested in stuff like that you might also enjoy "1177 bc" Eric H.Cline. short and sweet, but you probably already know that one? It's more for "beginners" I guess...

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: Anaana

Not to forget, we got more complex communication going on than mice, more complex thinking. I believe the fact that we can say very precise "where the honey is" we have a huge advantage.
Also many find it benefitting to live from less, what we do lack as TEOT said, is a meaning.
I've been told to ask for meaning is pathologically depressive thinking.
But that's exactly the root of the Neurasthenia, we got time to think about the meaning of life.
The Japanese thing too, all because we got no meaning and are horrible in a bigger picture.

The religious bit doesn't work anymore, we got to complicated to swallow "this world is horrible you'll have it better after death, but don't kill yourself or your "father figure" will be mad."
But we're at a point where we know enough to look at the abstract and we find we are part of a machine in the system of life, where we kill and destroy everything. Bizarre to identify with for all the sensitive softies at heart.
What we need to find is a meaning with actual evidence for each step of this hypothetical reason to participate in human society.

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: 2nd thoughts

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 01:37 AM

My response to Anaana goes to you too.
General conversation, right?

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: Peeple


But the other thread is in focus, *to all*

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 02:12 AM

Okay chillax, great topic but I feel like it is too intimidating for many to actively discuss. I hope I'm wrong and everyone throws in their 2cents.

Also joke: imagine how pissed you were if everybody you "contact" committs suicide. Poor god.

You know sphere?

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Spacebar

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 02:24 AM

I mean it's a bit freaky to think about for me, my encounter of the ...

To all of that kind, was between life & death. Literally. NDE.

Not all of that at once and I can't be certain. But I've been through pretty freaky sh1t.
You want me to share my story but I've been accused of being crazy for less... but I do, if you want me to tell?
It's ATS after all, right where else if not here?
The perfect tool for "disclosure"...

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 04:54 AM
At this point it's save to say I get a quick death.

Dodoistic research. (Get it? Dada-ism? Hugo Ball? Art with political background & I change that to dodo and.... damn if I have to explain it, it's maybe not as good as I thought...)

Just as much as "follow your talent & live your dream", they say.
I say "How could I? I'm busy getting a more comfortable living, because people laugh at me, if I tell them my dream.
I want to be an Oracle.
Yes, like Delphi.
High as a kite & rambling ambivalent wisdom.
& get presents, a house, animals, gold, money, f*cking everything you can spare, so I give it back to those who need it.
With a "dream"....

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

I take Bowies "we can be heros", & go in with "we can be immortal*ltbd"

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: 2nd thoughts

I edited this post
a reply to: essentialtremors

That's not a question of who's better, just an invitation to celebrate the fact we are all a little bit "different". I'm not 52 or whatever, I'm actually younger than my own time frame.
Emancipation means freeing yourself from judgement from society &
essentially be
A Fool.
Going new ways....
The luck is with the "foolish", not "irish". Why would god chose a nation, he himself doesn't like the Babylonian Curse, or Atreus Curse, or...
It's save to say, destruction is okay, serves it's purpose =>at very specific points in times

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Holy F*ck. 3 times it doesn't show?!

a reply to: essentialtremors

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

While everybody looks at 6.7.2017 (german calendar writing style=23 funny, right)... oh no wait they think, 7.7.2017.... I say sh1t goes down on the 6th of July, 13 on 67. You know universe25-style?
It's interesting

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: 2nd thoughts

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Oops

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
At this point it's save to say I get a quick death.

Dodoistic research. (Get it? Dada-ism? Hugo Ball? Art with political background & I change that to dodo and.... damn if I have to explain it, it's maybe not as good as I thought...)

Just as much as "follow your talent & live your dream", they say.
I say "How could I? I'm busy getting a more comfortable living, because people laugh at me, if I tell them my dream.
I want to be an Oracle.
Yes, like Delphi.
High as a kite & rambling ambivalent wisdom.
& get presents, a house, animals, gold, money, f*cking everything you can spare, so I give it back to those who need it.
With a "dream"....

I take Bowies "we can be heros", & go in with "we can be immortal*ltbd"

I edited this post
a reply to: essentialtremors

That's not a question of who's better, just an invitation to celebrate the fact we are all a little bit "different". I'm not 52 or whatever, I'm actually younger than my own time frame.
Emancipation means freeing yourself from judgement from society &
essentially be
A Fool.
Going new ways....
The luck is with the "foolish", not "irish". Why would god chose a nation, he himself doesn't like the Babylonian Curse, or Atreus Curse, or...
It's save to say, destruction is okay, serves it's purpose =>at very specific points in times

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 06:16 AM
Sh1t! Seriously? Try it, quote it and report, please? Someone is manipulating my code!

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
At this point it's save to say I get a quick death.

Dodoistic research. (Get it? Dada-ism? Hugo Ball? Art with political background & I change that to dodo and.... damn if I have to explain it, it's maybe not as good as I thought...)

Just as much as "follow your talent & live your dream", they say.
I say "How could I? I'm busy getting a more comfortable living, because people laugh at me, if I tell them my dream.
I want to be an Oracle.
Yes, like Delphi.
High as a kite & rambling ambivalent wisdom.
& get presents, a house, animals, gold, money, f*cking everything you can spare, so I give it back to those who need it.
With a "dream"....

I take Bowies "we can be heros", & go in with "we can be immortal*ltbd"

I edited this post
a reply to: essentialtremors

That's not a question of who's better, just an invitation to celebrate the fact we are all a little bit "different". I'm not 52 or whatever, I'm actually younger than my own time frame.
Emancipation means freeing yourself from judgement from society &
essentially be
A Fool.
Going new ways....
The luck is with the "foolish", not "irish". Why would god chose a nation, he himself doesn't like the Babylonian Curse, or Atreus Curse, or...
It's save to say, destruction is okay, serves it's purpose, at very specific points in times, but destruction is not something "good".
You shouldn't kid yourself, "live through the sword, die..."...that's a thing, you know. If you want gods support focus your prayers towards a constructive path.
The "monuments" you would want to leave behind when you move on and your "heart/soul/..." will be "weighed against a feather"....
Allahu Akbar indeed.

It's all one, right?

(Sorry I drifted off topic, I still got this other thread so present in my thoughts...nvm)

But it doesn't show?....

If I quote it's there. Is it there when you quote? Can you please try and report? How many dots do we have on "there"?

edit on 6/24/2017 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/24/2017 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/24/2017 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/24/2017 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Shut up...

I mean can someone explain to me what's happening here?

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

Here's the original
What I see when I press quote

Here the "reading" mode.


edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

Where is Serdgiam? This is what I am talking about the "universe" (I don't want to be more specific at this time,) communicates through electric devices.

Contact, contact, contact!

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: 2.add

OMG that was funny! I learned sthg, that's what matters....

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

Oh sh1t I still get carried away like a beginner. Sorry for spaming, let's watch how the 6th of July 2017 thing too blows up in my face....

edit on 24-6-2017 by Peeple because: Oops

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Nesting BBcodes is tricky at times. Quoting a quote does not work. You need to separate them out or use some other method.

There are hidden codes too.

I think you'd be a great Oracle!!

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