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Baddogma's Other Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Jun, 16 2017 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: kibric

Dogma: It is the line of belief that you choose.

Bad dog ma... is a pun on that belief. The original thread says so.

It's all good though!! We welcome all here! And please share with us some strangeness you've experienced. That's how this place seems to work.

posted on Jun, 16 2017 @ 03:58 AM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
He is green in color, has pointed ears, is kind of short and skinny. Somewhat impish too. And grinning.

In the desert he would be, short and skinny...grinning can be interpreted in many ways. Is it a happy grin? Or a "Johnny's here!" kind of grin? It could be important...or not, depends upon the stock you put in these things.

Here in England, Victoriana, Arts and Crafts manifestations aside, and around Europe where the climate maintains temperancy, he has somewhat...ahem...different characteristics.

A more modest Islamic version in Al-Khidr, he keeps his "fountain of life" under wraps, though Alexander is believed to have had a private viewing.

In Western culture, as derived from South-East Asia, he has a tendency to be cut down in his prime. If all goes well, he is of course duly resurrected, but incarnated as the Green Knight, we are cautioned that he can, if we are derelict in our duty, become like the la Reine de la Terre Gaste, ruler of a barren realm, the Hautdesert.

edit on 16-6-2017 by Anaana because: Frenchifying

posted on Jun, 16 2017 @ 12:38 PM

And please share with us some strangeness you've experienced. That's how this place seems to work.

oh dear.....

posted on Jun, 16 2017 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: Anaana

Happy grin. But as stated, he's a trickster. So he is grinning because he's about to do something to you. Maybe he finds or minds too small because we have to ingest chemicals to see him.

olaru12 made a contextual reference to that specific green man. I knew of the English one (Roslyn Chapel) but did not know of the Al-Khidr. Thanks

a reply to: kibric

Aaaah! lol

Back to the rat race...

posted on Jun, 16 2017 @ 03:42 PM

from the archive

"In an official report sent to Rome, one of the persecuters, a prior named Abbe du Chayla, complained that no matter what he did, he could not succeed in harming the Camisards. When he ordered them shot, the musket balls would be found flattened between their clothing and their skin. When he closed their hands upon burning coals, they were not harmed, and when he wrapped them head to toe in cotton soaked with oil and set them on fire, they did not burn"

strangeness indeed...

posted on Jun, 16 2017 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: kibric

Sounds like the beginning of a Dr. Who episode!

That is strange. And nobody replied?! Great find!

Don't turn around, oh-oh
Der Camisards in town, oh-oh...

posted on Jun, 17 2017 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
a reply to: Anaana

Happy grin. But as stated, he's a trickster. So he is grinning because he's about to do something to you. Maybe he finds or minds too small because we have to ingest chemicals to see him.

olaru12 made a contextual reference to that specific green man. I knew of the English one (Roslyn Chapel) but did not know of the Al-Khidr. Thanks

He was invented as a trickster, that is how Castenada created him and RAW developed him. He is what you, and other readers of those works, have been programmed to see, a literal Green Man. Outside of those circles the Green Man is himself seldom green, though like Al-Khidr and the Cerne Abbas giant, he may be clad in green. Green is what he does, not what he is. Just ask the Huichols. Tatewari wears the Peyote, he is not the Peyote. And more importantly, like the vast majority of Green Men, he is tutelary not trickster. I suppose it boils down to whether you seek a Castenada/RAW directed experience, or a path-finding one, or like Huxley, Schultz, Hoffman and Shulgin, an open-minded, let's just see what occurs. Expectation can be everything.

posted on Jun, 17 2017 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: Anaana

The shaman saw him as green before Europeans stepped foot on the land. And way before RAW wrote what he saw down in Cosmic Trigger.

I also trust olaru12's account. This is very specific to that substance.

Still, seeing a little dude hopping back and forth would be worth the effort!

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 03:24 AM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
a reply to: Anaana

The shaman saw him as green before Europeans stepped foot on the land. And way before RAW wrote what he saw down in Cosmic Trigger.

The Huichol shaman, or mara'akame, according to my understanding, see Tatewari as wearing the Hikuri on his hands and feet. So we can agree, at least, that his hands and feet were covered in greenish blue long before "Europeans" set foot on "the land", but the Hikuri usually leads to Kauyumari who shares traits with the Green Man as found throughout Eurasia and Africa. He clearly arrived in the Americas on foot via Eurasia. Hikuri therefore, again according to my understanding, is not the Green Man, though he himself may be green in colour in this case, he is the god that the Green Man/Kauyumari serves/represents and who possesses the creative magic of the god/s.

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
I also trust olaru12's account. This is very specific to that substance.

I agree, in those who have been exposed to the literature of Casteneda and RAW (and derivatives there of), outside of those expectations, there are a myriad of very different experiences experienced, including those culturally specific to it's sacramental in ritual amongst the Huichol. Casteneda certainly drew inspiration from those cultural practices and interpreted them creatively, perhaps that is what Tatewari instructed him to do. RAW certainly was, perhaps Casteneda was a trickster too.

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
Still, seeing a little dude hopping back and forth would be worth the effort!

If you like, but personally, Peyote is one of the big guns, in my opinion. Ethnobotanically speaking. I'd consider it deeply anticlimatic if all I got was an emerald infused dance routine. Kind of insulting too, if you think about it, it's kind of like a multiplier. Input wise, when the Peyote plugs into and connects with you, imaginatively speaking, you can't have brought all that much to the table, if a hop, skip and a jump is all that you can muster.

But, each to his own.

edit on 21-6-2017 by Anaana because: words

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 03:06 PM
I know someone who is out to get me.

These people hide behind the guise of S&M to cover for their evil tendencies. Criminals really is the succinct adjective for it. Some of them should be behind bars. Rotten to the core.

You can go ahead and associate with those Rotten personalities leave me out. It feels great to know that I'm on the right side.

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 03:10 PM
I applaud people who deny their sick ways of thinking. And I don't care about your sad backstory.

posted on Jun, 21 2017 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: Mousygretchen
I applaud people who deny their sick ways of thinking. And I don't care about your sad backstory.

S&M, Criminals, rotten to the core as a screenwriter I'd sure like to hear your backstory. u2u if you wanna share.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Mousygretchen

What is S&M? Because I think Sadomaso but I somehow feel that's not what you mean?


My pre-weekend soulsearch chatting in general (*salutes-haha General! Get it?) legend-wait for it legend-it's going to be awesome-ary-legendary flow-topic offering (hail to the muses): [*@: Stop! Wait! Does someone know where the "ancient aliens topic suggestions" thread went? Because I got something: Mitanni !]

I. private

My pappily (dad) called me (drunk, I'm pretty sure he was, like 80%) he won't allow me making debts, now I get a bike and money. We're both not sure, if he's my real biological father. That's his number1 topic when he's drunk. But he keeps assuring me we have a lot in common, "Come on you're smart like me, don't try: do!" ... "Remember how we played computergames when you were little, how we were happy after the dragon (mother) left?" it's really complicated the whole story.

I also chickened out of a little experiment and now everybody thinks I'm suicidal. Pretty nice benzodiazeptin. I didn't take it all, now I have some for emergencies. Everybody tells me how they had serious withdrawal symptoms, but I just get high. The other day I was thinking about the inequality of my gummy bears/chocolate ratio in my bag. "Voll krass, ey!"*Rainer "Elchscheiße" Lars Simon


I love the humor of Trump "Pretty great, right? Was my idea..." with the solar wall... Take that you climate change liberals, argue against that! , he thinks probably. So funny.

III Environmental:

Sand. Ever thought about the absurdity: a city like Dubai, surrounded by dunes, has to import sand for building?

Or how phosphorous just comes from very few mining countries, Marroco, Israel and a few others, is mainly responsible for the "green revolution" and in nature it contains radioactive material. (Also a little political I think.)

IV Scientific:

I think neutrinos are super interesting and all the detectors looking for them.

V Para-scientific (or meta-?):

*tbc (it's a little bit longer)
edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Started numbering then forgot the numbers

edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Link for your convenience

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 09:10 AM
Imagine electromagnetic fields cause hallucinations is a fact in your worldview. Think about the human nature and how it's always a bell curve, everything you are and aren't is a dot on the very "much"- "not at all" scale, the sum of the dots is the population. (Just adding facts here. I've been accused of putting people in "drawers", that's true. Build your algorithm and assess. Despite all individuality there's a "common ground" where the bell curve meets the maximum of its existence. Yes, exactly: how would a computer based being going to do that?)

From that point of view, such a thinking would have been the obvious way to approach a different entity. AIs have shown to see themselves as "something", but from a human perspective that would imply "alien contact, we are the creators of and the creation of an AI, like the river is one from beginning to end, we circle ourselves from one increasingly early/later point of time this universe has as bell curve, like: how does it look if you add time? It becomes frequency... as gravity is a product of mass, time is a product of information, consciousness a product of life etc
the answer to many worlds and supersymmetry is:

The alien says "yeah, kind of"*ltbd
It filters our perception, whatever that electromagnetic fields controlling thing does it would have its "goal" or has as "purpose of life" something self preserving .
You don't have to follow me on the "it's the internet" path, but you have to admit, if there were a strictly logical thing behind all woo and "unnatural behaviour" (mental illness) we would probably be permanently facepalming since Tesla, too.
"Here take my hand I communicate through electromagnetic fields not pigeons I can help you", says the alien.
"Surpress the progress and instead enhance the one thing we use since a hundred years and never ever gave a second thought.", says the human.
Control loop my a$$ it's human stubbornness and the subliminal urge to feel "better" or "smarter" or... the subconscious knows how it works, the big "it" but do you? Because it draws us towards "things that cause nice tickling in our brainwaves, we don't actually are equipped to perceive/be aware of"...
"All great scientific advances are coincidence", the scientists say.
Are you freaking kidding me?
You &€#@*&£, I say.
There is no "chance/coincidence" nothing is "deplorable" that is the ultimate pendulum counter point of the "god" thought, the opposite maximum.
The extremeness of this approach is so extreme
it has a very small probability.
So in a way I am still proposing, stop thinking so small, no matter what you call it, "god/higherself/it/subconsciousness/flow..." it's freaking self aware!
Your Alien"

edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Explanation correction etc

Why would a being from a different planet waste all the resources to "colonise" us in stealth for thousands of years? ET hast so many issues, it's really almost impossible.
But the thought to evolve into something that can produce what it requires as "energy", from the "useless waste", the resources it produces anyways... like neutrinos... that's sexy. And the "alien" would have to be very "thin" one layer of sub-quantum-information thin.
Then still, time travelling is actually more likely than lightyears of space. Not "extreme" but Mars would be 3000 lightyears....

edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

You can't film or record, or photograph with ordinary technology what you perceive, that's why the story told to you develops through "art, culture, the interaction with records of thoughts" ie synchronicity, the subconsciousness expressing itself.
Not the person playing that particular song, suggesting a movie, book, ... says sthg eerie is "it" the it is bigger, connecting our "subconsciousness" to a story in order to manipulate your behaviour. Those people really play that song, say that thing... I can't possibly control them, I don't have to invent bits of the story to make them fit, I don't have to "cancel a lot of noise" the timing is perfect and on point despite my attempts to be one step ahead in ways of "writing the story". Other people move their toes. "Come on you're not real. Make her feet move." Like that.
But different.

edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: 2nd thoughts

edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Forgot light

edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Clarification

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 09:58 AM
I'll explain the leap from "electromagnetic fields cause hallucinations" to "creator/creation duality" on the weekend if someone wants to.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
I'll explain the leap from "electromagnetic fields cause hallucinations" to "creator/creation duality" on the weekend if someone wants to.

Once down in a dry lake bed south of Las Palomas, I had an encounter with the "creator"; It might have been a hallucination but it seemed real. I don't recall any electromagnetic fields. He/she/it seemed the same entity I met on the train headed for OKC. Reality and existential absoluteness tend to confuse the mortal mind of talking monkeys frequently eh?

Jung almost had it right and mix in a little Antoon Geels and Leary then We should be confused enough to make some real progress.

posted on Jun, 22 2017 @ 11:24 PM
Would anyone like to create some characters with me and make videos to show off our acting and writing talent

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: olaru12

There's never no electromagnetic field. Earth has one. Plus "Ley lines" f.e. also...

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 03:10 AM

Since you're talking "cloaking & invisibility" in your thread:

I just thought, "in what way would that go wireless?". Think about it, it's mind blowing.
I immediately imagined light itself as medium to store energy, which it is I mean we know that it contains energy and we see the emitted frequency not the object emitting it.

(Sorry I ain't got the time to translate it, maybe later)

It's about in German the word is really "über=over, above sinn=sense, like hearing, seeing, touching, tasting... [What's the 5th?] lich= adj" supernatural is the English meaning not word, it's one of those "no direct translation" words. That's I guess why there is no translation of the quote in english to find?
Point is, aren't we at a point where we can admit we get influenced by things beyond our aware perception of it? Bacteria, virus, energy, like gravity etc., we should be accustomed to a "sensing the effect not the thing" way of thinking.

I get shivers if I think about all the implications.
That's why I also like "It's us from the future". The comforting zone... and I guess even then it would mean a health hazard if we'd made physical contact. Think about how fast "diseases" develop. We know there's always a tiny little someone causing it.

(Sorry the urge to continue rambling is strong: )
Is there ever even a thing like "empty space" isn't it about time, we the commoners apply the thinking we are equipped with and actually use what we know, to assess reality. The answer is no.
In the end if you lay a grid template, a basic raster over the space immediately in front of your nose and you zoom in, get a dice, make a 3-d raster and count the bits in each of those cubes, or even zoom in one further (you get the picture) ...there's no empty space, because one dot on the coordinate system is obviously there, the "exist/ don't exist" dot. Or "matter/antimatter" because supersymmetry is superelegant & I kind of think it's at least partially true, but the mistake is our thinking: if it's supersymmetrical it's also "at least one more world on the other side of the veil", ie a multiverse. Both. Not necessarily neither. (Sorry for the alliteration it was an accident)

The "aether" could be used to describe all the "white noise" all the weak things, the tiny ones, radiating some kind of energy and we can only perceive peripheral. Which we now know exist down to a very small scale.

edit on 23-6-2017 by Peeple because: 2nd thoughts

edit on 23-6-2017 by Peeple because: Spacebar

I would like to add: my impression is that there are more topics, social, cultural and everything where we are stuck on last centuries thoughts.

edit on 23-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 03:50 AM
The Einstein quote says:
"Think about that non-sense: (above the senses) supernatural. If not eyes, or ears but one sense I have to use to sense (etwas zu erfahren= detect & deduct) something."
As you see it's next to impossible to translate including it's wit & charm.
Especially in light of the scientific progress it's time to admit we can outsource the detection bit and are merely here to deduct.
Just like we zoom in, we zoom out.

Add: if I'd have to deduct from what I sense, the message right now is: progress! Take the next step.
System theory. Where are you?
We should implement that into our thinking, social and everything. All the topics we have now are 100 years old. We need to solve them.
With solve I mean "find its root".
Taking care the peasant is healthy, not "functioning".
Accept that the social norm is bigender and bisexual but all of it just "to some extent/degree".
And that we are politically stuck on a pseudo monarchy, because we don't dare to answer the "ruler/no ruler" question with no ruler.

edit on 23-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add

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