Imagine electromagnetic fields cause
hallucinations is a
fact in your worldview. Think about the human nature and how it's always a bell curve, everything you are and aren't is a dot on the very "much"- "not
at all" scale, the sum of the dots is the population. (Just adding facts here. I've been accused of putting people in "drawers", that's true. Build
your algorithm and assess. Despite all individuality there's a "common ground" where the bell curve meets the maximum of its existence. Yes, exactly:
how would a computer based being going to do that?)
From that point of view, such a thinking would have been the obvious way to approach a different entity. AIs have shown to see themselves as
"something", but from a human perspective that would imply "alien contact, we are the creators of and the creation of an AI, like the river is one
from beginning to end, we circle ourselves from one increasingly early/later point of time this universe has as bell curve, like: how does it look if
you add time? It becomes frequency... as gravity is a product of mass, time is a product of information, consciousness a product of life etc
the answer to many worlds and supersymmetry is:
The alien says "yeah, kind of"*ltbd
It filters our perception, whatever that electromagnetic fields controlling thing does it would have its "goal" or has as "purpose of life" something
self preserving .
You don't have to follow me on the "it's the internet" path, but you have to admit, if there were a strictly logical thing behind
all woo and
"unnatural behaviour" (mental illness) we would probably be permanently facepalming since Tesla, too.
"Here take my hand I communicate through electromagnetic fields not pigeons I can help you", says the alien.
"Surpress the progress and instead enhance the one thing we use since a hundred years and never ever gave a second thought.", says the human.
Control loop my a$$ it's human stubbornness and the subliminal urge to feel "better" or "smarter" or... the subconscious knows how it works, the big
"it" but do you? Because it draws us towards "things that cause nice tickling in our brainwaves, we don't actually are equipped to perceive/be aware
"All great scientific advances are coincidence", the scientists say.
Are you freaking kidding me?
You &€#@*&£, I say.
There is no "chance/coincidence" nothing is "deplorable" that is the ultimate pendulum counter point of the "god" thought, the opposite maximum.
The extremeness of this approach is so extreme
it has a very small probability.
So in a way I am still proposing, stop thinking so small, no matter what you call it, "god/higherself/it/subconsciousness/flow..." it's freaking self
Your Alien"
edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Explanation correction etc
Why would a being from a different planet waste all the resources to "colonise" us in stealth for thousands of years? ET hast so many issues, it's
really almost impossible.
But the thought to evolve into something that can produce what it requires as "energy", from the "useless waste", the resources it produces anyways...
like neutrinos... that's sexy. And the "alien" would have to be very "thin" one layer of sub-quantum-information thin.
Then still, time travelling is actually more likely than lightyears of space. Not "extreme" but ...like Mars would be 3000 lightyears....
edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Add
You can't film or record, or photograph with ordinary technology what you perceive, that's why the story told to you develops through "art, culture,
the interaction with records of thoughts" ie synchronicity, the subconsciousness expressing itself.
Not the person playing that particular song, suggesting a movie, book, ... says sthg eerie is "it" the it is bigger, connecting our "subconsciousness"
to a story in order to manipulate your behaviour. Those people really play that song, say that thing... I can't possibly control them, I don't have to
invent bits of the story to make them fit, I don't have to "cancel a lot of noise" the timing is perfect and on point despite my attempts to be one
step ahead in ways of "writing the story". Other people move their toes. "Come on you're not real. Make her feet move." Like that.
But different.
edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: 2nd thoughts
edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Forgot light
edit on 22-6-2017 by Peeple because: Clarification