a reply to:
You think humanity is a problem.
But thats just your perception I guess.
Most other animals are genocidal pieces of #..
Give them are same power as us the planet would be barren.
And yes your thinking is limited.
You read that story.
You didnt get very in depth.
That story was made for you to consume it.
The Army guys made stories for you guys to consume as well. I forget what we called them 'public relations officers' or something..
Its a show peeps.
I happen to know people who work on things and its not the way you are thinking.
Thinking in systems is thinking within them.
You can see the football game, but im looking at the game the refs the camera the lense the broadcast the dude getting shot the cows being ground
up... hamburgers or hotdogs whatever.. fields of hops being mowed down..
War started when life started.
They caused global changes like no one since has ever managed. Drastically altering the planets atmosphere forever. It will never be the same.
Bacteria suck ehh??
The sword and the samari = weapon system?
Broader is consciousness, war, fire, steal, carbon, dedication, enemies, life..
Think of it like chaos theory with enough information to order chaos. You dont have to see the future that somone is a rebel leader and kill him as a
baby like some dip# movie plot.. you just change one word on a fedex packaging label 20 years in advance, and the same dude is now an advanced systems
engineer at indianhead...
Limited AI given any ruleset, games are good examples.. they already outperform every human in existence. Not by like human ideas of intelligence. We
are not even ants...
So for instance alphago plays a game with something like
10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different possibilities.
Its not doing the normal computer thing of checking those possibilities.. its too many for all the computers in the world to check in any amount of
time thats useful.. the same way each extra character in a password makes it exponentially harder to crack it. There are 81 allowable choices for each
spot.. a password one character long is one of 81 options.. 8 characters long its 81 raised to the eighth power or something around 650 trillion
Anyways there is a point computers cant brute force an answer through guess and check..
Encryption has a key and that key is 128 bits.. its billions of years before the NSA can get in there..
Instead they have to invent their own way of finding an answer by given a goal and positive and negative reinforcement. The same way you teach humans.
The same way you teach all eukaryotes or prokaryotes... whatever..
We work the same way as AI does..
We just have a very limited number of neurons.. its the way you can connect them that gives the jack of all trades effect.. but even then the
bandwidth is tiny..
AI will be god before you can ever fathom the concept of what god means.
edit on 22-10-2018 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)