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President Trump Fires James Comey

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posted on May, 10 2017 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Charged for lying? There aren't enough prisons to hold all the liars in Washington, D.C..

No. Comey will end up working for a private firm for good money, then retire to Costa Rica and regale with the rest of the spooks.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 06:41 AM
OK some intellectual honesty here, how many of you would have called for Obama's immediate impeachment if he had fired Comey over Hillary's emails, especially on the 11th hr...come on now be honest.
edit on 10-5-2017 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: SBMcG

Not yet. Is it not possible he is cleaning house before someone says something to put him square in the middle of 'something' perhaps Russia? They are not finished with that yet, or am I wrong?

The problem with firing people is that they can still be called to testify and it's totally possible they held back while under Trump. What if say Comey knows something, what is stopping him from talking now, even if he goes to jail for perjury? What is stopping any Trump staffer from talking at his point? Save my job or save Trumps ass? Thats an easy one to answer.

Everyone in the White house must be watching their back, wondering when they will be fired next, wondering who is spying on who. I find it hard to believe his current staff are loyal to him. Bosses like him don't promote loyalty.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 07:08 AM
Is it possible that the Yates/Clapper testimony this week contributed to the decision?
They both had access to information that was leaked, yet when asked, both say they were never questioned by the FBI.
This seems to indicate that the FBI was not investigating the leaks.

GRASSLEY: OK. Third question; did either of you ever authorize someone else at your respective organizations to be an anonymous source in a news report about Mr. Trump or his associates?



GRASSLEY: OK. As far as either of you know, have any government agencies referred any of the leaks over the past several months to the Justice Department for potential criminal investigation?

CLAPPER: I don't know. As you know, Senator, there is a process for that -- for doing that. I don't know if that -- that's happened.

GRASSLEY: Ms. Yates?

YATES: I'm not at DOJ anymore, so I don't know what's been referred.

GRASSLEY: So then I guess to kind of sum up, neither one of you know whether the department authorized a criminal investigation of the leaks?

CLAPPER: I do not, sir. YATES: No, sir.

GRASSLEY: OK. Have any of you been questioned by the FBI about any leaks?

CLAPPER: I have not been.


GRASSLEY: OK. I want to discuss unmasking.

Mr. Clapper and Ms. Yates, did either of you ever request the unmasking of Mr. Trump, his associates or any member of Congress?

CLAPPER: Yes, in one case I did that I can specifically recall, but I can't discuss it any further than that.

GRASSLEY: You can't, so if I ask you for details, you said you can't discuss that, is that what you said?

CLAPPER: Not -- not here.


Ms. Yates, can you answer that question? Did you ever request unmasking of Mr. Trump, his associates or any member of Congress?


GRASSLEY: Question two. Did either of you ever review classified documents in which Mr. Trump, his associates or members of Congress had been unmasked?


GRASSLEY: You have? Can you give us details here in this...

CLAPPER: No, I can't.

GRASSLEY: Ms. Yates, have you?

YATES: Yes, I have and no, I can't give you details.

GRASSLEY: OK. Did either of you ever share information about unmasked (ph) Trump associates or members of Congress with anyone else?

CLAPPER: Well, I'm thinking back over six and a half years, I could have discussed it with either my deputy or my general counsel.

GRASSLEY: Ms. Yates?

YATES: In the course of the Flynn matter, I had discussions with other members of the intel community. I'm not sure if that's responsive to your question.

GRASSLEY: And in both cases, you can't give details here.



GRASSLEY: The FBI notified the Democratic National Committee of the Russian's intrusion into their systems in August of 2015, but the DNC turned down the FBI's offer to get the Russians out and refused the FBI access to their servers. Instead, it evidently eventually hired a private firm in the spring of 2016. WikiLeaks began releasing the hacked DNC e-mails last July. It took roughly 27,000 of the 27,500 DNC e-mails it released were e-mails sent after the FBI notified the DNC of the breach.

Mr. Clapper, would you agree that one of the lessons of this episode is that people should cooperate with the FBI when notified of foreign hacks instead of stone walling?

CLAPPER: Yes, sir. I generally think that's a very good idea.

GRASSLEY: Mr. Clapper, you sent the Russians -- you said the Russians did not release any negative information on Republican candidates. I believe that that's not quite right. On June the 15th, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released to Gawker and The Smoking Gun more than 200 pages of the DNC's opposition research on Mr. Trump's -- hundreds of pages of what I would call dirt. This happened just two days after The Wall Street Journal published a plan for Republican Convention delegates to revolt to prevent Mr. Trump from securing the nomination.

Why wasn't - why wasn't the Russian release of harmful information about Mr. Trump addressed in the Russia report? And was this even evaluated during the review?

CLAPPER: I would have to consult with the analysts that were involved in the report to definitively answer that. I don't know personally whether they considered that or not.

GRASSLEY: Can you submit that as an answer in writing?


edit on 5/10/17 by BlueAjah because: source

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: Spider879
OK some intellectual honesty here, how many of you would have called for Obama's immediate impeachment if he had fired Comey over Hillary's emails, especially on the 11th hr...come on now be honest.

Fair enough as long as folks acknowledge that he was toast if HRC assumed office as well.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Just breaking, will update shortly with a source. Trump has canned FBI Director James Comey.

Trump did it. Putin did it. Assad must go.

LOL, everyone is constantly reminded of the lie, forgoing the truth. Comey was bad for business as usual. He did his part, covering up malfeasance to prevent too much public scrutiny. Now cover that up by making sure everyone gets the message that it was a personal thing, 'Trump did it'.

And the band played on.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 07:28 AM
Yeap. As I saw as a reaction. All the hard core liberals, celebrities and democrat senators are thinking Trump should be investigated and impeached.....

I mean if Trump was trying to hide something and turned out to be true. I will even be shocked by it. But these people that are calling the president a traitor and corrupt need to take a chill pill and let the government sort itself out.

If Trump gets forcibly removed without some sort of due process or trial. There will be outrage for sure. You think triggered liberals are bad? You haven't seen ugly yet. Several constitutional patriotic groups are itching to have a reason to go to war.
edit on 10-5-2017 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: marg6043

Sally Yates was Acting Attorney General at the time, that means she was the head of the Justice department. There was an active investigation against the Trump team and or against Trump going on that is active. While yes she did oppose the bad, and would not defend it in court, but there is a reason why: After it came out that the USA was waterboarding people, and the whole debacle with the CIA taking people to black ops prisons in different country and it all came out and embarassed the USA, congress wanted people in the the Department of Justice and other areas, that would if need be stand up and against a sitting president of the USA. And during Yates confirmation, she was asked if she would and she said if the order or law was unlawful, or violated the constitution of the USA, then yes she would.

The first Travel ban was found to be unconstitutional, and the case dropped by the White House.

And what about the Attorney General for the Southern District of New York, PHreet Bharrah? He did not make news, he was actively investigating corruption and other crimes in and around New York States, and several of those cases did lead back to the President and or his Staff. What was the reason for his firing, with no one nominated to take his place or there to take over any and all active cases.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: JinMI

originally posted by: Spider879
OK some intellectual honesty here, how many of you would have called for Obama's immediate impeachment if he had fired Comey over Hillary's emails, especially on the 11th hr...come on now be honest.

Fair enough as long as folks acknowledge that he was toast if HRC assumed office as well.

A Trump spokesperson said exactly that on TV a bit ago :Link

As for Obama firing him over the Hillary email thing, honestly I think Comey should have been gone long before any of us could speculate on our reaction to that possibility. FBI has had a ton of scandals in recent years. Comey also enjoyed wielding power and playing politician... he was obviously in the wrong position. Even though he had extensive law enforcement experience... oh wait...

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: BlueAjah
Is it possible that the Yates/Clapper testimony this week contributed to the decision?
They both had access to information that was leaked, yet when asked, both say they were never questioned by the FBI.
This seems to indicate that the FBI was not investigating the leaks.

GRASSLEY: OK. Third question; did either of you ever authorize someone else at your respective organizations to be an anonymous source in a news report about Mr. Trump or his associates?



GRASSLEY: OK. As far as either of you know, have any government agencies referred any of the leaks over the past several months to the Justice Department for potential criminal investigation?

CLAPPER: I don't know. As you know, Senator, there is a process for that -- for doing that. I don't know if that -- that's happened.

GRASSLEY: Ms. Yates?

YATES: I'm not at DOJ anymore, so I don't know what's been referred.

GRASSLEY: So then I guess to kind of sum up, neither one of you know whether the department authorized a criminal investigation of the leaks?

CLAPPER: I do not, sir. YATES: No, sir.

GRASSLEY: OK. Have any of you been questioned by the FBI about any leaks?

CLAPPER: I have not been.


GRASSLEY: OK. I want to discuss unmasking.

Mr. Clapper and Ms. Yates, did either of you ever request the unmasking of Mr. Trump, his associates or any member of Congress?

CLAPPER: Yes, in one case I did that I can specifically recall, but I can't discuss it any further than that.

GRASSLEY: You can't, so if I ask you for details, you said you can't discuss that, is that what you said?

CLAPPER: Not -- not here.


Ms. Yates, can you answer that question? Did you ever request unmasking of Mr. Trump, his associates or any member of Congress?


GRASSLEY: Question two. Did either of you ever review classified documents in which Mr. Trump, his associates or members of Congress had been unmasked?


GRASSLEY: You have? Can you give us details here in this...

CLAPPER: No, I can't.

GRASSLEY: Ms. Yates, have you?

YATES: Yes, I have and no, I can't give you details.

GRASSLEY: OK. Did either of you ever share information about unmasked (ph) Trump associates or members of Congress with anyone else?

CLAPPER: Well, I'm thinking back over six and a half years, I could have discussed it with either my deputy or my general counsel.

GRASSLEY: Ms. Yates?

YATES: In the course of the Flynn matter, I had discussions with other members of the intel community. I'm not sure if that's responsive to your question.

GRASSLEY: And in both cases, you can't give details here.



GRASSLEY: The FBI notified the Democratic National Committee of the Russian's intrusion into their systems in August of 2015, but the DNC turned down the FBI's offer to get the Russians out and refused the FBI access to their servers. Instead, it evidently eventually hired a private firm in the spring of 2016. WikiLeaks began releasing the hacked DNC e-mails last July. It took roughly 27,000 of the 27,500 DNC e-mails it released were e-mails sent after the FBI notified the DNC of the breach.

Mr. Clapper, would you agree that one of the lessons of this episode is that people should cooperate with the FBI when notified of foreign hacks instead of stone walling?

CLAPPER: Yes, sir. I generally think that's a very good idea.

GRASSLEY: Mr. Clapper, you sent the Russians -- you said the Russians did not release any negative information on Republican candidates. I believe that that's not quite right. On June the 15th, 2016, Guccifer 2.0 released to Gawker and The Smoking Gun more than 200 pages of the DNC's opposition research on Mr. Trump's -- hundreds of pages of what I would call dirt. This happened just two days after The Wall Street Journal published a plan for Republican Convention delegates to revolt to prevent Mr. Trump from securing the nomination.

Why wasn't - why wasn't the Russian release of harmful information about Mr. Trump addressed in the Russia report? And was this even evaluated during the review?

CLAPPER: I would have to consult with the analysts that were involved in the report to definitively answer that. I don't know personally whether they considered that or not.

GRASSLEY: Can you submit that as an answer in writing?


I think you might be right. The only credible thing to investigate are the leaks of classified information - not purely because of the leaks themselves but because of the potential involvement right up to Obama. Biggest political story in American history of the last 100 years and it needs 100% focus.

It does not look like Comey understood who is boss was or what his job was - he was messing around on conspiracy therories with no evidence instead of going after the crimes.
edit on 10/5/2017 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY
Yeap. As I saw as a reaction. All the hard core liberals, celebrities and democrat senators are thinking Trump should be investigated and impeached.....

I mean if Trump was trying to hide something and turned out to be true. I will even be shocked by it. But these people that are calling the president a traitor and corrupt need to take a chill pill and let the government sort itself out.

If Trump gets forcibly removed without some sort of due process or trial. There will be outrage for sure. You think triggered liberals are bad? You haven't seen ugly yet. Several constitutional patriotic groups are itching to have a reason to go to war.

If Trump WAS trying to hide something the very last thing he would do is make an enemy of the FBI Director investigating the bogus Russian claims.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Indigo5

Exactly. But Trump's base doesn't acknowledge anything of the sort. And never will.

It's pathetic. Embarrassing. We as a nation (hah) were laughing stock enough when this idiot got elected. Now we are about level with Pyongyang.

A reporter was just ARRESTED for repeatedly asking a question of Tom Price, Health Secretary..

Charge was "Willful disruption of Government Processes"...

Holy #...things are getting ugly..

An independent Counsel is not even viable now, since an independent Counsel is just a lawyer that depends on the FBI to provide evidence.

Sessions recusal was a lie...As he just fired the Director of the FBI that was investigating the Russian interference and collusion.

The Senate issued subpoena's for financial records to Flynn affiliated people and companies..

They also asked Treasury for financial records of Trump Campaign people..

This whole thing is turning very fast..

2018, 2020? This might very well come to a head before then.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:35 AM
Further to the firing of Comey, Trump must also fire McCabe, as McCabe is a paid Clinton stooge and political activist.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Indigo5

Exactly. But Trump's base doesn't acknowledge anything of the sort. And never will.

It's pathetic. Embarrassing. We as a nation (hah) were laughing stock enough when this idiot got elected. Now we are about level with Pyongyang.

A reporter was just ARRESTED for repeatedly asking a question of Tom Price, Health Secretary..

Charge was "Willful disruption of Government Processes"...

Holy #...things are getting ugly..

An independent Counsel is not even viable now, since an independent Counsel is just a lawyer that depends on the FBI to provide evidence.

Sessions recusal was a lie...As he just fired the Director of the FBI that was investigating the Russian interference and collusion.

The Senate issued subpoena's for financial records to Flynn affiliated people and companies..

They also asked Treasury for financial records of Trump Campaign people..

This whole thing is turning very fast..

2018, 2020? This might very well come to a head before then.

Good. Liberals need to be taught respect forcefully as they don't seem to be able to learn it by themselves.

Authorities said while Secret Service agents were providing security in the capitol for Price and Kellyanne Conway, special counsel to the president, Heyman was “aggressively breaching” the agents to the point where they were “forced to remove him a couple of times from the area,” according to a criminal complaint. Heyman “was causing a disturbance by yelling questions at Ms. Conway and Secretary Price,” the complaint stated.
But Heyman said he was simply fulfilling his role as a journalist and feels that his arrest sets a “terrible example” for members of the press seeking answers to questions. “This is my job, this is what I’m supposed to do,” Heyman said. “I think it’s a question that deserves to be answered. I think it’s my job to ask questions and I think it’s my job to try to get answers.”

Reporters don;t have the right to harass other individuals and invade their space. I hope he is jailed to set an example.

edit on 10/5/2017 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY
Yeap. As I saw as a reaction. All the hard core liberals, celebrities and democrat senators are thinking Trump should be investigated and impeached.....

I mean if Trump was trying to hide something and turned out to be true. I will even be shocked by it. But these people that are calling the president a traitor and corrupt need to take a chill pill and let the government sort itself out.

If Trump gets forcibly removed without some sort of due process or trial. There will be outrage for sure. You think triggered liberals are bad? You haven't seen ugly yet. Several constitutional patriotic groups are itching to have a reason to go to war.

If Trump WAS trying to hide something the very last thing he would do is make an enemy of the FBI Director investigating the bogus Russian claims.


What kind of dumb logic is that? ...And Pssst..Trump IS hiding something...not least of which is his tax returns and financial records, neither of which are still under audit.

Time for Trump to Testify before congress or be impeached..And pretty soon it will be not just the Dems, but the GOP demanding the same....either motivated by unbearable shame or pure survival instinct come 2018 and 2020.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:37 AM
The elephant in the room is that all roads in this investigation lead North. Straight to the top.

Bite me.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Indigo5

Exactly. But Trump's base doesn't acknowledge anything of the sort. And never will.

It's pathetic. Embarrassing. We as a nation (hah) were laughing stock enough when this idiot got elected. Now we are about level with Pyongyang.

A reporter was just ARRESTED for repeatedly asking a question of Tom Price, Health Secretary..

Charge was "Willful disruption of Government Processes"...

Holy #...things are getting ugly..

An independent Counsel is not even viable now, since an independent Counsel is just a lawyer that depends on the FBI to provide evidence.

Sessions recusal was a lie...As he just fired the Director of the FBI that was investigating the Russian interference and collusion.

The Senate issued subpoena's for financial records to Flynn affiliated people and companies..

They also asked Treasury for financial records of Trump Campaign people..

This whole thing is turning very fast..

2018, 2020? This might very well come to a head before then.

Good. Liberals need to be taught respect forcefully as they don't seem to be able to learn it by themselves.

Cartoonishly facist...

He wasn't a liberal..He was the free press and arrested for asking a question...

Disgusting to see you cheer it, but unsurprising.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: 4N0M4LY
Yeap. As I saw as a reaction. All the hard core liberals, celebrities and democrat senators are thinking Trump should be investigated and impeached.....

I mean if Trump was trying to hide something and turned out to be true. I will even be shocked by it. But these people that are calling the president a traitor and corrupt need to take a chill pill and let the government sort itself out.

If Trump gets forcibly removed without some sort of due process or trial. There will be outrage for sure. You think triggered liberals are bad? You haven't seen ugly yet. Several constitutional patriotic groups are itching to have a reason to go to war.

If Trump WAS trying to hide something the very last thing he would do is make an enemy of the FBI Director investigating the bogus Russian claims.


What kind of dumb logic is that? ...And Pssst..Trump IS hiding something...not least of which is his tax returns and financial records, neither of which are still under audit.

Time for Trump to Testify before congress or be impeached..And pretty soon it will be not just the Dems, but the GOP demanding the same....either motivated by unbearable shame or pure survival instinct come 2018 and 2020.

It's just logic. You would not understand the concept.

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Indigo5

Exactly. But Trump's base doesn't acknowledge anything of the sort. And never will.

It's pathetic. Embarrassing. We as a nation (hah) were laughing stock enough when this idiot got elected. Now we are about level with Pyongyang.

A reporter was just ARRESTED for repeatedly asking a question of Tom Price, Health Secretary..

Charge was "Willful disruption of Government Processes"...

Holy #...things are getting ugly..

An independent Counsel is not even viable now, since an independent Counsel is just a lawyer that depends on the FBI to provide evidence.

Sessions recusal was a lie...As he just fired the Director of the FBI that was investigating the Russian interference and collusion.

The Senate issued subpoena's for financial records to Flynn affiliated people and companies..

They also asked Treasury for financial records of Trump Campaign people..

This whole thing is turning very fast..

2018, 2020? This might very well come to a head before then.

Good. Liberals need to be taught respect forcefully as they don't seem to be able to learn it by themselves.

Cartoonishly facist...

He wasn't a liberal..He was the free press and arrested for asking a question...

Disgusting to see you cheer it, but unsurprising.

Cheering loudly. Respect needs to be taught if it can't be learned individually.

edit on 10/5/2017 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2017 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Indigo5

Testify about what?
About "Something" ?

edit on 10-5-2017 by EartOccupant because: Confusion

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