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So now flirting or asking a girl out is sexual harassment

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posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: Neith
If a guy ever flirted with me, Id just kick him in the gonads. End of problem.

People are too hooked on love crap. Who f'ing cares!

Signed a Woman who doesn't give a f'ck about that sh't.

Finding aliens is so much more entertaining. Get over yourselves. Sorry to be blunt but holy crap, get another bloody hobby...

Here's hoping that when you find an alien, he doesn't flirt with you.

Kicking him in the alien nuts would probably start an intergalactic war.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: xstealth

Some women can be overly sensitive.

I've accidentally "groped" a women at work once and she had no problem with it, i felt her breast as i was reaching for the door handle of the office and I was embarrassed and immediately apologized, but she was okay with it because it was an honest mistake and that was it. But on the other hand I was in high school and when two girls were gossiping instead of studying so i told them to shut up then they threatened to report me for sexual harassment! I never did anything wrong, if anything they should be the ones in trouble.

I am respectful of women; i always hold a door open for a lady, i always help an elderly lady, but some women have the notion that a friendly gesture insinuates the man is is a creep in their eyes, which is hypocritical because they wouldn't be offended if Johnny Depp slapped them on the @$$, but if i did a lawsuits a comin'.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: MotherMayEye

The worst thing to happen to feminism is when it was hijacked by the Democratic party...a party that has proven, again & again, that it uses and abuses.

Dems did not Hijack Feminism. Dems were the only political party that aligned with feminists when Conservatives attacked it.

That is just the facts and history...Not a single advancement in women's equality where they GOP wasn't battling it.

That said..Dems sure exploit it, but that is politics and not specific to any party.

Where were they, again, when Sarah Palin was called a c*nt, diva, Caribou Barbie by Democratic voters frothing at the mouth to get every misogynistic dig in? Oh, that's right...they were there saying, "She deserves it!!!!! And her DS child is a 'potato baby' and a prop!" She wasn't even allowed to take herself seriously.

Please link me to those Democrat outlets that said the same...

While you are looking...Here are some articles by Trumps Chief Strategist Outlet..

Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy

The Solution To Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off

There’s No Hiring Bias Against Women In Tech, They Just Suck At Interviews

Self-professed members of the Democratic party were utterly misogynistic about Hillary, Sarah Palin, AND cruel to Trig Palin, in 2008 -- a very vocal amount! If the party had any issue with it, they would have decried it and done all they could to weed that out of their party membership. But they did not.

I would wholey disagree..

Let me google some left wing outlets back then...

Daily Kos 2011
Why we must defend Sarah Palin

2008 Politico
Clinton aides: Palin treatment sexist

Sarah Palin found some unlikely allies Wednesday as leading academics and even former top aides to Hillary Rodham Clinton endorsed the Republican charge that John McCain’s running mate has been subject to a sexist double standard by the news media and Democrats.

Huffpost 2009
Sexism Against Conservative Women Is Still Sexism

That is just a couple minutes of googling..

Show me Fox News defending the sexist attacks against Clinton? ...Just once..

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: xstealth

I am respectful of women; i always hold a door open for a lady, i always help an elderly lady, but some women have the notion that a friendly gesture insinuates the man is is a creep in their eyes, which is hypocritical because they wouldn't be offended if Johnny Depp slapped them on the @$$, but if i did a lawsuits a comin'.

There is a whole lot of silly in that post...but the last line the most..

Johnny Depp never slaps a woman on the ass...cuz he is a walking cash register...You might get a slap...he gets a 10 Million Dollar lawsuit.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 11:49 AM
Mate - you went into some self-congratulatory nonsense about how if a naked woman were to walk past you, you'd avert your eyes, like you'd get up and offer her your coat, etc.

Now, in my view, this is absurd - allow me to elaborate.

First of all you'd most certainly look, let's assume that in order to know she's there and that she's'd have to look. We can accept that, perhaps you mean that after she catches your eye you'd immediately look away like a gentleman. It's the gentlemanly thing to do, to protect and respect her modesty as well as to maintain your own self-proclaimed gentlemanly-ness.

And so now, while being sure not to do the dirty, filthy deed of looking at her again, you'd shimmy towards her, sideways, like a crab, offering her your coat. I understand it's not about what other onlookers will think of you, but how you feel about yourself. Smug and wise, knowing that you chose not to look again out of self respect and integrity.

This is where it gets move towards her, proclaiming like a victorian Mr Peanut....Take thine coat, fair lady - lest ye be viewed upon by sinners!

And she...being not from the late victorian period...would look at you like you're a bit mad, and she'd respond...

F*** off, you creep - i want to be naked! I want to be seen...why else would I be swaggering about in public in the scud?

You have some odd, old fashioned view of the world, I dunno. You ain't in a Charles Dickens novel, things like that don't happen in the real world. If you're at a football match and a naked lass runs across the pitch, you'd look away to preserve your gentlemanly-ness becaquse it makes you feel good, inside...or something.

I'd look, firstly because it's an unusual thing to see and it's quite interesting, and secondly because I want to see her being tackled by some cops. Even if you went out of your way to be 100% gentleman as prescribed by popular fiction society wouldn't allow it. You'd end up locked up.

Nobody is saying they'd rather throw a door in someones face than hold it open, or would rather see someone freeze to death before offering them a jacket. These are two very extreme and opposite ends of the same spectrum. I'd wager the biggest majority of us lie somewhere in the middle.

For someone to claim in a forum that they are so gentlemanly and of virtue is I'm not strictly saying I don't think you're a nice person with gentlemanly qualities or attributes...I just don't think you're any more so than most. I'd easy to play that role, you might be, but telling us all in a thread on ATS means nothing to me. I dunno you from Adam, so I don't understand why you're upset that I was honest enough to say that I don't fully believe you.
edit on 25-4-2017 by HeathenJessie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: Neith
If a guy ever flirted with me, Id just kick him in the gonads. End of problem.

People are too hooked on love crap. Who f'ing cares!

Signed a Woman who doesn't give a f'ck about that sh't.

Finding aliens is so much more entertaining. Get over yourselves. Sorry to be blunt but holy crap, get another bloody hobby...

Here's hoping that when you find an alien, he doesn't flirt with you.

Kicking him in the alien nuts would probably start an intergalactic war.

lol...IAMTAT love your responses, but we cannot know aliens even have gonads. And if they're hiding them, I will find them, and i will remove them with my sword. And then they will worship at my feet and beg for mercy.
edit on 25-4-2017 by Neith because: #$$%

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: HeathenJessie

You have that backwards.

The minimum standard for a man, regardless of what goes on around him, or any other factor, is to be a gentleman. A woman could walk past a gentleman, while she was totally unclothed in any way, and all a gentleman would make would be eye contact. No cat calls, no suggestive behaviour of any kind, no assumption, no expectation, just acceptance and a determination to carry on his day. That is the MINIMUM standard of gentlemanly comportment I would expect from myself, leave alone any other man. He might go one further, and inquire of the woman "Are you alright? Do you require the use of my jacket? Is there anyone you would like me to call? Would you like to call the police, so they can track down the person who stole your clothing?".

A gentleman certainly would not use the opportunity to gawp, drool, or even raise an eyebrow in appreciation. A gentleman is more powerful than the chemistry of which he is made, and cannot, no matter how brazen the attempt, be pulled off that pinnacle of good form. All men ought be gentlemen. None ought be animals. Some however, only have to be in the company of a reasonably attractive woman, not even one partially undressed, or dressed in provocative fashion, and without invite or reason to do so, will announce their temporary and pointless infatuation with the objectified female. Such slaves to chemistry ought be confined to their dwelling places for the safety of all!

I'll quote the post in question - and note my'd simply make eye contact. I mean, come on.

There isn't even any context...just an unclothed woman. Why is she naked? Does she appear unstable?

My point is...I'd expect if this happened 100 times that more than one of those times the female would be insulted, or offended, that's the point. Some people want to be seen, naked. There are a lot of very nacrissistic people out there. I can see at least one of those girls out of 100 telling you to mind your own, and not to stifle her exhibitionism, that you're oppressing her.

Thus, your attempts to be gentlemanly have had the opposite effect as opposed to the desired one. Your classical gentlemanly attitude can't account for others' wants and desires, likes and dislikes, adequately.

You also speak of expectations - what do you even mean?

Are you insinuating that when people see a naked woman streaking in public that they automatically might assume she's going to be doing sex with a bunch of people? I've seen a few women streaking in public and never once did I have...expectations. It's just an unusual thing to see.

I saw one woman streak at a fireworks display years ago in Blackpool...thousands of people there, nobody offered her a coat or tried to do anything, they just looked on, amused. And she seemed quite we can assume you're more gentlemanly than the 1,000's of guys who were there because you said so in a thread on ATS.

Fair enough.
edit on 25-4-2017 by HeathenJessie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

You either hit the nail on the head or have no idea what you're talking about-that's up for debate.

My point is that many women objectify men as much as men do to women. If Megan Fox rubbed your groin you wouldn't be against it, but if her grandmother grabbed your junk would you still be turned on? the same applies to women. Would a woman rather be slapped on the rump by Channing Tatum or his grandfather?

If you don't know the answer then you don't know women.

edit on 25-4-2017 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Wayfarer
a reply to: veracity

I'm pretty sure he's tall, athletic with shoulder length blonde hair, and a penchant for the dark side. You know, a handsome brooding type.

I imagine a young strong viking type with playfully tangled dark hair and dark eyes that will pierce deep into your soul with just one look.
edit on 25-4-2017 by veracity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Taggart

I met my wife at work. Glad I didn't live by those rules. I wouldn't have my son. The best thing to ever happen to me. I would wager a great number of people meet their spouse at work. It is natural.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: xstealth

Are you serious? You're defending a guy whose company has paid out millions for what you think amounts to flirting?

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 02:35 PM
Op is not quite right. You can ask a girl out and flirt without being Creepy and pushy and obnoxious. We're all smart enough to know when we're crossing that line.

Bill O'Reilly and Shaun Hannity are obnoxious jerks. It's not surprising that someone would accuse either of them. Watch their show. In some circles it's called Karma. Act like an @$$ and get what you deserve. What goes around comes around.

There are plenty of good solid conservative voices out there without listening to these two jerks or most of the right wing nutjobs on Talk radio.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: amazing

We can also compliment without seeming creepy, just depends how we deliver it.
Only last week I told a girl less than half my age how beautiful her nails were as she served me in the supermarket, she smiled with a happy face and said thank you, I chuckled it's a pity this rough builder can't do the same to make my hands look beautiful.
She laughed.

We all know creepy and disrespectful.
Genuine warmth is usually recognised by the average person.

But I don't live in an area where looking at someone else is perceieved as a form of rape or whatever, just a place where we can all recognise proper creepy when we see it. what the # do I know lol
edit on 25.4.2017 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Why on earth would I ever defend FOX news? Why would you think I would want to?

You can simply google 'Sarah Palin is a c*nt" if you want to see self-identified Democrats and/or Obama supporters in all their misogynistic glory.

Also, DailyKos had plenty of misogynistic stuff about Palin, back in 2008...AND Hillary. I recall it vividly because I SUPPORTED HILLARY IN 2008. I recall them even pushing articles about Palin's personal healthcare choices regarding her pregnancy, not to mention the rumors that Trig was Bristol's baby.

Stop trying to paint me as a republican or a FOX News supporter. I've never been either. Ever.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: Indigo5

Why on earth would I ever defend FOX news? Why would you think I would want to?

You can simply google 'Sarah Palin is a c*nt" if you want to see self-identified Democrats and/or Obama supporters in all their misogynistic glory.

You mean Bill Maher...And he was a jack-ass for saying it and plenty of liberals and dems jumped on him for it...

The same never went for HRC and the insane stuff that was said about her everywhere from Fox news to Trump Rallies to Twitter to Reddit...

Stop trying to paint me as a republican or a FOX News supporter. I've never been either. Ever.

Feminists choose the democratic party...the democratic party did not hijack feminism...

That's reality...Doesn't mean that all Dems support feminism...doesn't mean some dems aren't hostile to women in power..

It simply means between the GOP and Dems...the Dems tent is a more welcoming ideology..

there are GOP Feminists BTW...though they are not many..

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: xstealth

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: xstealth
So now flirting or asking a girl out is sexual harassment

That is irrational.
Under certain conditions, certain circumstances, it has ALWAYS been sexual harassment!
Like our Crotch-grabber in Chief!
When one is in a position of power, like the various old white men accused (with aps to Bill Cosby, but there's lots more powerful whites in the good old boys club), and they use that intimidating power to get away with acting like a thugs...

Versus going up to any woman in public, not job related, and politely asking her out.. you know, 'manners'?

Are you still going to defend the pu$$$y grabbers, or do you understand the difference?

Sure I'll defend Trump.

He said "they LET you grab them by the pussy".

And they said that it was unwelcome and inappropriate.
Now, I already know that Trump is a liar, so his responses are quite predictable; deny, 'lash out', divert...
Perhaps all those women are a conspiracy to take down this sterling character?

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost

originally posted by: namelesss
Women are not naturally attracted, generally, to the weak and powerless.
Men have taken advantage of this all along.
It still relates to taking advantage of precocious children!

Men are not naturally attracted, generally, to the ugly and aged.
Women have taken advantage of this all along.
It still relates to taking advantage of "precocious" children!

What is your point again?

My point is that abuse of power is a corruption, rather than a Virtue.

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

No. I don't mean JUST Bill Maher.

And feminists did not choose the Democratic party. Faux feminists did though. Women who care so little about feminism, that they would allow a crap party -- like the Democratic party -- to hijack the cause of feminism and completely undermine it with partisan bullcrap.

Case in point...every point I have made to you has been met with some bizarre partisan deflection demanding that I prove that Republicans are better for feminists.

edit on 25-4-2017 by MotherMayEye because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: MotherMayEye
a reply to: Indigo5

Case in point...every point I have made to you has been met with some bizarre partisan deflection demanding that I prove that Republicans are better for feminists.

Hmmm...Well, come election years feminists (just like everyone else) are forced to choose a party and candidate that best represents their principles..

So I guess if you are saying that Feminists should not vote...then sure, I shouldn't be asking you to explain how the republican Party is better for feminists..

But as it stands, feminists most often align with the democrat party..

And you are not claiming that Republican party is better for on what you are getting at?

Are you suggesting Feminists not be politically active?

posted on Apr, 25 2017 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

I voted for Johnson. I would have voted for Stein if she was polling better. My only goal is to see the two-party system destroyed so no issue is held back by partisan BS.

But faux-feminists were held hostage by some ridiculous belief that you have to vote Democrat or Republican.

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