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As a Muslim this is what I feel about the migrant crisis in Europe

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posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: ChipForBrains

How is it the natural order to place people in specific places based on categories you have made up yourself (as suggested in OP), sounds like ghettoes to me.

Seems like ghettos are usually inhabited by people that are not in the place their ancestors originated from. Or what happened to the American natives when the natural order was disturbed?

You make it sound like I want to round up people and segregate them. I don't, I am saying that it is better if large groups of people stay in the area their ancestors always lived.

And notion that the world would be more peaceful is founded on what exactly?

I said less friction. Seems pretty straightforward, all the tension we now have in western societies and islam for instance, would be non existent. It's not rocket science.

edit on 15-4-2017 by ChipForBrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: ChipForBrains

Our ancestors all originated from Africa.

So what if the area in which people;s ancestors are from suddenly finds minerals, oil etc that other areas don't have? You don't think that will cause friction?

Already rich areas may want to make a profit from those riches, would those areas be allowed to turn multi-national companies away?

edit on 15-4-2017 by twfau because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: twfau

If you want to keep arguing against simple and obvious logic be my guest.

Yes, human kind may have originated in Africa and migrated to the rest of the world. This is when humans developed into different races, and more importantly here, with different history and different cultures. Mix them up and you get problems.

Again, it is not rocket science.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: twfau

So what if the area in which people;s ancestors are from suddenly finds minerals, oil etc that other areas don't have? You don't think that will cause friction?

I was not discussing that or suggesting that.

Already rich areas may want to make a profit from those riches, would those areas be allowed to turn multi-national companies away?

Why are you asking me. I seems that is up to that specific country to decide, not me.

I was talking about mass immigration, not about wether or not imperialistic wars or war in general are morally justified.
edit on 15-4-2017 by ChipForBrains because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: firefromabove

I have a dear friend who lives in Malaysia but works for long periods of time in the USA who happens to be Hindu. When he is in my country he does lots of things that are considered taboo by his religion (eats steak, has drinks at the nudie bar, etc.). I asked him once how he reconciles all of it and he said that "When in Rome do as the Romans do" to fit in with society- but purify yourself when you get home. I sort of understood what he was saying at the time but now I see it as very wise.

When any of us visits another country or culture we are expected to conform to the norms and traditions of that society. Why then should it be any different for Muslims? Many of these immigrants expect their host countries to conform to THEIR cultural norms- which is ridiculous! You are GUESTS so you should behave as good guests, otherwise you become as fish who begin to stink after a few days and should be thrown out!

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: Perfectenemy
The OP is just another example that religion needs to be eradictated. God created all humans and everyone who says otherwise is against god. Dat logic. You can't argue with people who still believe in a god after witnessing all the atrocities that religion spawned and commited in the name of god. History is full of examples that religions only goal is to prevent unity between the human race.

Getting the refugees back to their homeland is another problem that is pretty much unsolved for now. Germany treats them better then our own citizens(i'm not exaggerating btw). They have everything they need now. There is no reason for them to go back and rebuild. My fellow germans are growing more and more tired of there antics too. Instead of showing gratitude they rape and kill they deem inferior. German women lost their lifes because my government send them in without any protection. F#ck your Islam.

Hail Hitler
Your treading the line of a fascist be careful.
edit on 4/15/17 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: twfau
a reply to: firefromabove

Racial segregation is susceptible to corruption and totalitarianism, and encourages hate.

If you loved every human on earth, you would be happy to assimilate with them.

For nature to run its course, you can't have man-made barriers.

When we try to assimilate, Europeans call us (names) and tell us to go back home

When we don't assimilate, Europeans call us (names) and tell us to go back home

Clearly it isn't working

How about we call it a day and go our own ways?

It's OK.

Racial segregation is susceptible to corruption and totalitarianism, and encourages hate.

Not really.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: flyingdutchman2112
Is it really racist to try to keep a bunch of inbred third worlders out of polite European society.

I dont know if I'd call it polite. Last night I took the mrs out, we witnessed hordes of drunk people fighting or at least trying to, throwing up on the pavement, pissing up walls or squatting between cars, unconscious girls lying on the floor, screaming, swearing, police sneering and treating everyone with utter contempt. This is all a weekly occurance. Not a Muslim in sight and mostly perpetrated by taxpaying citizens who find this to be some form of release from work.

Our society is a disease ridden cesspit as much as any.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 01:53 PM


posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 02:01 PM


posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 02:02 PM

edit on 15-4-2017 by SpeakerofTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 02:10 PM
All you have to do is love your neighbor.

It's very simple,

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 02:43 PM

originally posted by: firefromabove

When we try to assimilate, Europeans call us (names) and tell us to go back home

When we don't assimilate, Europeans call us (names) and tell us to go back home

It's all so simple to sort out. Muslims can exist in Europe just fine, just remember that you like your Christian neighbours are from the ape family. All you have to do is blend in, practice your religion BUT don't try to stand out from the crowd. Live in Europe and act like your neighbour, don't try to stand out and act/dress differently because when things go tits up in the economy/society then the other apes will treat you as different and see you as the target to attack. We are all apes when it comes down to it

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 02:49 PM
The OP is right in there is a racket, and that racket is cheap labor and human trafficking with both legal and illegal immigration. Both take on many forms of abuse, control, indentured service etc...

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 02:56 PM
I don't think the OP is alone at all here.

At least in German there were many clips by third or second generation immigrant communities since last year (most of them Muslims).

Haven't checked lately if they're still up, but they were not happy with the migrant influx and open borders either.

Perhaps a thorn in the side of the leftists (who couldn't exactly dismiss them as "Nazis"), but perhaps not surprising.
They knew what was coming, and often they would be the first to compete with the new arrivals, especially if they were from rival sects, clans, ethnicities, gender imbalances (a deluge of young men without women) and other resources.

edit on 15-4-2017 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
The OP is right in there is a racket, and that racket is cheap labor and human trafficking with both legal and illegal immigration. Both take on many forms of abuse, control, indentured service etc...

In europe has nothing to do with cheap labor. In fact most are put on a government pension. So they dont even have jobs and very few prospects of getting one.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: firefromabove
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

I am AGAINST open borders and mass immigration

Am I still a bad guy?

doo-ooh .

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 03:46 PM
Speaking as some one with no religious affiliations.....

All those with religious affiliations make claims that *God* by which ever name

they know him by, created mankind.

So it appears this God in his wisdom segregated people into different races on

different continents?

So was he racist??

He didn't seem to want assimilation......

Surely he was in the best position at the very beginning to mix the races if he had

so wanted?

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 05:56 PM
Although I don't agree 100% with the OP I gave him a flag & a star; maybe because after one beer I had earlier at the pub I feel the need to say it how it is.
First of all the OP addressed the mass migration in Europe, and since the muslims are not a race of people I think is useless to keep calling him/her racist.

Second, people do not mix well together. Yes they could, especially if they have no choice, but usually they prefer to stay in groups who have similar culture, religion, traditions, background and so on. To stick with their own people. The majority of emigrants, even if they arrive in a new country with the best intentions to assimilate they will look for the company of their own people, they form communities within communities, cities of their own. It is natural and it is like this since the birth of civilization. We need to belong.
Only somebody who never lived in a foreign country or in a foreign culture has the illusion that we are all the same and everybody can live anywhere.

Beside that, the recent muslim emigrants in Europe didn't come to assimilate; they didn't learn the history and the traditions of the host country, didn't swear to honor and protect the laws of the land. They came, took the money and the help offered, took over whole neighbors and live by their own rules and laws which most of the time are primitive and barbaric. And opposed to the laws of every western society.

As long as they have a reason to differentiate people will do it, and from here a lot of conflicts. Even within the same background; catholics against protestants, sunni against shiite, not to mention those who are really different like blacks and whites or christians and muslims. To try to mix big groups of people so different like they did in Europe is a sure recipe for disaster. I mean is quite obvious it doesn't work; the proof is in the pudding.

While we are all humans, we are also different. What is so wrong to want to live among people who think and feel like me?
So I say let those who really want to emigrate to a new way of life to do so if they are able, and if not let them stay in their own countries. Don't spill all the third world countries' refugees in Europe and expect them to integrate just because we are all humans.

posted on Apr, 15 2017 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: jellyrev

They are not wrong about there only being one race.

From medicine to reproduction.

ALL the same.

There is only one race. Human.

FDA approves first race specific drug

There is most definitely variability in response to medicine, I can start linking journal articles in the differences of metabolic pathways if you would like.

wolf, coyote, pitbull, yorkie, all reproduce the same. all same race of canis lupus?

We are all one species, same race? let's not kid ourselves. Holding onto that bologna will hold back medicine and genetic therapy.

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