@truebrit...Sigh...You live in a small town near Southend yet you comment as if you live in a major city, do you realise how skewed that is?
Btw, Tandoori is an Indian evolved food so if the owners are Indian they are very likely NOT to be Muslim, there's no good blood between the fanatics
in Pakistan who are Muslim and the Sikhs in India or even the Christians there so there's no real chance of convert either.
Do you really base all your views simply because your little town is free of the issues we suffer from?
That seems to be the way you look at it, that is as narrow minded as you can get.....Come on geezer, be better than that!
We have real radicals (please stop focusing on Muslims in general when I'm targetting radicals, its a crappy way to try and tar the thread for the
wrong reasons. Here in West London and greatly in Harrow we have a large rather radical content, I can take you to Hanwell Mosque where I'm just back
from and I'd be delighted to introduce you to the rather hateful but proud to be Radicals, you would know they were Radicals because they would tell
you so, fact.
But I'd also introduce you to the drug gangs MOSTLY ran by Somali's in this area and Somali's support the most radical form of Islam because that one
ignores their perchance for drug dealing, prostitution, theft and violent robbery so that's the one that got their tick in its box from them...Who
says there's no perks in religion..
I'd then take you to the Acton Mosque which makes the Hanwell one look like Disney Land in comparison, the support for Sharia there is MASSIVE and has
been the place where many of the early terror suspects used, in fact there were three Islamist fanatics sentence many years ago for plotting terror,
one was a ginger haired convert, they used to walk past my back window daily selling drugs on this very estate, one of the guys arrested but released
is a major king pin in the distribution of drugs here and he's hard core radical as well.
But back to that in a min, I have kept plugging that radicals are dangerous because they are random, they will simply choose to kill in a whim rather
than a planned attack on behalf of and as we look at the news there's a breaking story from Stockholm where a lorry was driven in to crowds so far
killing 3, shots were fired and its already been named as a terrorist attack. Although this does not seem to happen just outside Southend it IS
happening in the bigger world and people are dying simply because this monstrous ideal is being forced down Europe's throat and it must submit or this
keeps going on. Now call me old fashioned but how many so called religious groups with fanatical sub groups actually carry out attacks in this scale
and across so far...I only know one but as they seem to have not visited Southend or close as yet I doubt you will see them, but don't worry, at some
point they will be on the dodgems near you.
Seriously, you say Muslims do not need a talking to, well apart from trying to make this about Muslims in general AGAIN and not the radicals I CLEARLY
said you are actually WRONG. In the Islamic world there are 3 types of Muslim, the nice normal fluffy Muslim who is a credit to their religion and
nice people all around, then there's the Moderates and then the Radicals, now the tricky thing is that the Moderates are really Radicals but
pretending to be more moderate in the hope of getting special deals etc while behind the people they are dealing with support the Radical viewpoint,
sort of the Nasty Travellers of the Muslim world, promise you a great drive way but do a really #ty job, you get my drift. Now this is why Muslims in
general and I include my in laws here is that they protest about these radicals when talked to but happily sit in the same mosque as them during
prayers yet these Radicals are giving all decent Muslims a bad name yet when it comes down to keeping the house straight they shy away from ousting
them from Mosques and giving info to the Police..They need a good talking to for that alone.
So to finish, you are keeping a wildly blinkered view point on the Radicals, I'm telling you how it IS out there from first hand experience and all
you do is say "well I don't see it so it can't be happening" or the tired but classic 'its only a few idiots' which I seem to remember hearing this
from an MP just before 7/7 here in London. Sorry but I look at this from the idea of the poor person or persons that are killed by one of these
cultist nutters and I say that is already one to many deaths, I don't follow it by the seeming allowed collateral damage view you have, sorry Truebrit
but ONE is and really is too many from a group of people who have by pledging allegiance to Sharia and terror groups to wipe us out, these are not
Hari Krishna's getting in your way on Tottenham Court Road while you try and shop, these are people who are dedicated to as they see it, defending
their god and they take it very very seriously so are incredibly dangerous. I could go in to the rather intense psychological things at play in their
heads that make them so deadly but that is for another time. Stop treating them as 'harmless in the scheme of things', that poor tourist who was mown
off Westminster Bridge and has died today should not have to be a allowable statistic because it makes people feel safer. If its so bloody safe why
are we at the second highest terror alert solely based on Islamist attacks and why has this been the case for years if its not a serious issue.
Is this because we are looking for planned attacks only, NO, its because we are in the impossible situation where it really can be anyone at any time
and you would not only not see it coming but there's just random undesignated targets.
In my world that is not a safe place....And in the real world we really are only looking for one set of people when it comes to terror attacks,
according to you the ones who are no real danger in the scheme of things.
You see, I don't fit the thug mentality ideal for racist to be used, I'm reasonably educated, been very well paid over the years but also had all the
crap life can throw at you as well with my daughters severe fight against anorexia which almost killed her. Al the money has gone and I live on an
estate but I see what is going on and its not good.
I'm glad you do not see it but its still there regardless...
I wish you every peace and health, its a discussion after all this, I'd still buy you a pint depending what its a pint of
edit on 7-4-2017 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)