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Fed up with the Anti British apologists..

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posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 04:24 AM
By that I mean the Liberal / PC brigade that love to shout racist at any person, that love to call people bigots if they comment on Black Matters or feminist matters.

And when I say comment, I mean exactly that, I'm not talking about trolling, being deliberately inflammatory or the like but simply having a view or daring to correct these people.

Can we at some point agree that simply calling a person a racist just for the hell of it ISN'T an argument term, its just a cheap jibe and a totally brainless nonsense from people who can't debate points. I personally speak a lot about Radical Islam (again pointing to the word radical because the same people I complain about show zero reading skills and only see Muslim or Islam). I'm a severe critique of Radical Islam and certain cross Islam practices and I'm especially critical of these practices being allowed with support from the same people to happen on our soil. Be you a politician, a councillor, an MP or a man in the street, you by supporting these people ARE complicit in the happenings that go on here on out streets and the like.

I've watched numerous good points about Black lives matter, rampant OTT feminism and Radical Islam points get attacked with 'xenophobe', 'racist' and 'bigot' yet the content of these comments do not warrant it and its simply said because the other person simply has no intelligent answer and resorts to type. When it comes to radical Islam I find the commenters who use these phrases anti British. So many of these types are pretty much sell outs of the British and more importantly democratic way we have here in favour of supporting people who believe in zero free speech, no democracy and totally barbaric cultish nonsense that would actually destroy the nice life these apologists yack on against.

Lets look at me, I'm white (oh oh, probably a racist because of that), I'm of no religious faith (oh oh, he follows nothing, he has no clue) and I'm married to a Black Muslim lady (oh oh, he's a racist hedging his bets) with a lovely multi race daughter (oh oh, he's using her to make snide racist remarks as a shield), my in laws are all Muslim and you know what, they welcomed me in 35 years ago to their family and have been wonderful BRITISH people. My In laws were from British Guyana and came here in the 50's, they practiced as ordinary Muslims and integrated completely in to British society. Now I've met a large number of the family all over the world and only one guy was a radical, the rest were as Western as anyone else, still Muslim but dressing, working, living as every one else. Now I decided to learn about Islam because I don't want to be ignorant to my lovely mother in law or wife and in doing so I like them saw the other ugliness within the Quran that is mixed in with the peaceful, kind, scientific in many cases parts but yes it does have a lot of quite sickening parts but I expect people as they evolve to ignore the ways of old in favour of peaceful kind ways and that is what my in laws have done. Sadly the Radicals who support the nasty parts and the Wuhhabist counter version of Islam created by men for men don't see our culture are right and do wish to remove it.

Now I can say all that because I am out in the Islamic community at times and chat with Imams and even radicals and I have seen the vast difference between my in laws and many other Muslims and these people, I've seen it FIRST HAND, I've had the threats, I've had gangs surround me outside Mosques in most cases because the Radicalised youth don't like a big white guy outside as I can't be a Muslim so I must be a trouble maker or cop yet its these very same people who are the aggressor and yet they refuse to see it that way. I'm not connected nor ever have been with ANY far right set of nut cases, I despise them because they see no middle ground, its violence against anyone they call a foreigner and skin colour DOES matter to them. But I get called a racist by the leftist types on social media, I look at the profile and its normally young white people or young people in general who seem to trend together so if one calls me a racist they all do. Those folk I just ignore because they are young and not actually had enough life skills to make a fully informed comment about something as serious as that. But its the older types that truly make me cringe, they prostrate themselves in front of people who would treat them like dirt but use to forward their agenda. Take the BLM protect at London airport, how many Black folk turned up, NONE, instead the leftist tree hugger types were left to have egg on their face all alone because no UK BLM people could be arsed to go. Its about time these apologists realised that linking arms at a protest or sitting drinking expresso's in community centres in support of these various non causes are just rather pointless used people.

And that is the reason for the rant, I get people attacking me who simply have no idea about the actual item they are attacking, there are SOME who actually did their homework but they are very few in numbers. When will these people ever realise that supporting radical Islamists who try and hide under the banner of Moderates (no such thing, trust me, there's normal and radical), these folk demand and now do as they please, Mosques be they legal building or not are springing up everywhere, radicalism is spreading like wildfire amongst the new arrivals and the youth, I know this for a fact.

Sadly some person who I presume lives in a leafy suburb where white flight has created calls me a racist because I inform people about whhat REALLY is going on and it does not mix with their daft liberal agenda, you folk are selling out Britain. The very Muslims who escaped their country to live a modern good lifestyle now see people like you trying for no reason at all to introduce disgusting practices and you claim its in the name of diversity yet these people that came here to be more Western have shown what diversity REALLY means and not this slow attack at the British, American or European way of life.

That is not Diversity, that is a slow invasion and you guys help them every day...You are not British, you are as backward as these people but they control you.

And just one thing to the UK Feminists, I love what you women do, you stand up for equality and a progressive TRUE role for women in society as it bloody well should be but what detracts from it are the OTT so called feminists who really just want to attack men in general, these help no cause and one little hint here, there's a Women's movement in the US and I think also here and one of the core members is Linda Sarsour, a Muslim who actually fully supports the Islamic way of life which in itself is derogatory to women and she has rather radical view points about Jewish folk. Bit of an own goal there...
edit on 6-4-2017 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc


Your points taken on board, it is worth pointing out that the only people attacking the British way of life, are its government.

The vast, overwhelming majority of people in this country who conform to, or profess to the Muslim faith, are no threat to anyone. A statistically irrelevant number of radicals are just that. Statistically irrelevant, and on a percentile basis, there are only as many radical Muslims as there are radical anyone else's. So to put it bluntly, I simply do not care, because there is no legitimate threat being represented.

That is the only way to see the thing realistically, without blowing anything out of proportion.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 04:43 AM
Well said and all true

I am a white English male (BOO HISS!!!) during my early to mid teen years my Mom was married to a Moroccan Muslim and you know what he was/is one of the best men i have have ever known (my mom messed that relationship up too but that's another story).

The problem is as you say the radical elements and the inexplicable mental gymnastics people will go through to deflect from the real issues and even justify them in some cases

edit on 6-4-2017 by nickovthenorth because: spelling as per

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I beg to differ in a friendly way, the numbers of people believing in the radical side of Islam are rising and will also continue to rise because of the current influx there is, I'm not saying every person is a suicide bomber but an allegiance to a Radical faith is pretty dangerous, as seen at the Westminster attack it just takes one person to follow a radicalised viewpoint to cause death, its not soldiers we are looking for, its opportunists as well. As for the government, yes of course they attack us ALL daily, I have little of no time for most UK politicians, they continue to use Parliamentary rules to protect themselves as they ransack the coffers still. The phrases like "I didn't break any rules" just disgust me as the rules they mean were put there to protect them where in reality anyone dipping in to the till is called a thief!

And yes the Government have their own agenda with many things, the lies are relentless as are the fudged numbers to describe how many are here but from someone who has constant direct contact with all sides of the Muslim community I have to tell you that you are wrong about the number of people who would attack the UK, the numbers are far bigger and the general trend especially among the young Muslims is very Radical indeed. The wish to import Sharia here is much more than clone news like the BBC dare say.

I also have to make the point that Radical Islam HAS been welcome here and by the wrong people looking to play devils advocate with lives, the cultural erosion is ongoing with zero signs of stopping, Canada has now adopted against the wishes of the people to clamp down on Blasphemy because of demands from the minority Muslim groups, yet even though they are a minority this has been passed, its all a little more advanced than people realise. No we won't be overthrown in the next week but people seriously are playing down the creep of radicalism. Is my mother in law wrong for saying that the streets here no longer look like the UK, she's muslim and she's right, diversity has to have levels or its simply not diversity any more.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 05:10 AM
The more it goes on, the more it's starting to look and feel like anti-white racism. People of colour are attacking white people because of the colour of there skin, it is hypocrisy of the highest order.

I wish the earth had a re-start button, because we've fcked it.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 05:38 AM
Yes, your mother in law is wrong, whether she is Muslim, Polish, Moroccan or Anglo Saxon.

Do you know why? Because most of the country DOES look like the UK. The part you are living in might not, but the breadth and the length of it still do, on balance.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 05:56 AM
In 2015 the US dropped 23,000 bombs on five predominately Muslim countries. In 2016 the US dropped 28,000 bombs on the same predominately Muslim countries. I have this theory that the reason why they hate us has nothing to do with the amount of sex we have on TV. I think they hate us because we bomb the effing Shiite out of them! When you carpet bomb countries you invariably end up killing lots of innocent woman and children. You destroy the infrastructure people need to provide a quality of life for their families. When you reduce cities to rubble you are bound to create a few radicals along the way.

I would argue with the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and that we bomb the effing Shiite out of them that Islam really is a religion of piece. You would think a whole heck of lot more of them would be radicalized. If Russia or China came to the United States and bombed the red-neck out of North Carolina or Georgia I guarantee you we would have red-neck extremists strapping on suicide bombs like we did during the civil war.

I think people need to step back and give the Muslims a little more credit. At some point we have to stop killing *SNIP* for Israel.

edit on 6-4-2017 by dfnj2015 because: typos

edit on 4.6.2017 by Zarniwoop because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit

Your points taken on board, it is worth pointing out that the only people attacking the British way of life, are its government.

Wow. This sort of wilful ignorance is actually scary considering that you, a very intelligent, open-minded and usually reasonable person is promoting it. Please tell me you are joking?

The vast, overwhelming majority of people in this country who conform to, or profess to the Muslim faith, are no threat to anyone. A statistically irrelevant number of radicals are just that. Statistically irrelevant, and on a percentile basis, there are only as many radical Muslims as there are radical anyone else's. So to put it bluntly, I simply do not care, because there is no legitimate threat being represented.

Ok, now you are going out of your way to deny reality. Hmm, is there much point in me even trying to present you with evidence? Sound reasoning? Raising valid concerns? Is any of it going to change your mind? If you cannot even admit there is a noticeable problem at all then I suppose not.

That is the only way to see the thing realistically, without blowing anything out of proportion.

Seeing things realistically would be to compare the number of Muslim extremist acts of violence in England compared with the general population, then comparing other religious groups in the same way. Then, you would see that this is not a "statistically irrelevant" coincidence, and especially NOT in line with extremist populations of other religions.

Wake Up. You do not understand what you are doing by denying what is infront of your face.

edit on 6/4/2017 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I am not ignoring anything that actually exists Dark Ghost. I am just refusing to treat a huge number of people differently, because of the actions of a small number of people.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
Yes, your mother in law is wrong, whether she is Muslim, Polish, Moroccan or Anglo Saxon.

Do you know why? Because most of the country DOES look like the UK. The part you are living in might not, but the breadth and the length of it still do, on balance.

But that does not make her wrong?

Where she is, where I am and where many are, that simply does not make them wrong. Its like saying the Westminster never properly happened because a the rest of the country wasn't blown up.

The fact that its marginal isn't the issue, its the fact its happening and no one says a thing, in fact we pretend its not happening. As I said before there's diversity and then there's a loss of culture, it seems the difference gets less and less every day.

So we will have to agree to disagree, I'm from Belfast, never saw anyone of colour until I came here but I also never had the vile racist hatred bred in to me that I saw when I got here so I took on people in the way they treated me and not by race. The problem is that the UK in general is slowly being adapted to one culture by that culture with ways that are contrary to our way of life (and to be honest, most people's way of life) yet we ignore this in the hope of cultural cohesion while these communities seek zero cohesion.

I went through Bethnal Green recently and I used to live there in the 70's, it was always a fairly Asian area but there was little or no animosity between any so called race but when I saw it recently it was almost entirely Arabic in shops and the direct look I got in my car was pretty much of what seemed hate.

That is not diversity and the fact its not like that all over the UK makes no odds, its the fact its there in the first place and is growing. I live in these area's I meet this daily.

Sorry but it is getting worse and there's no attempt to abate it...I can't just pretend its not happening..

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

Government policy will kill you far quicker than any radical mob.

Its deliberate. Rule by fear and poverty. Its the globalists policy to lower the standard of living in the west. They think we've had it too good for too long so they're trying to level the playing field in a race to the bottom.

Watch your back but don't live in fear. It is simply a distraction from the increasing austerity policies which we should be protesting. There ARE some radicals but you should be more frightened by the government.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I am not ignoring anything that actually exists Dark Ghost. I am just refusing to treat a huge number of people differently, because of the actions of a small number of people.

Good lord man, don't believe the news, I'm out there in the community, I have no racial axe to grind nor do I have an anti Muslim axe to grind and yet you still tow the old and rather daft line that its only a few people, no its a certain set of people acting in one very distinct radical way who openly and I do mean VERY openly despise our way of life, they would seek to kill not just us Non Muslims but Muslims who they by an ironic twist of stupidity, they class as not Muslim enough.

How many dead people because of Anti anything and every thing does it need to be wrong enough for you?

I keep saying Radical because I am feeling that the old 'he's tarring all Muslims' is going on. These 'few people' are not only talking about it, they are acting upon it, even if its one dead its not right and these 'few people' should be addressed extremely strongly. And what is worse is that many ordinary Muslims turn a blind eye at these people because they fear being attacked themselves.

How crappy do you need it all to get?

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

Do you even know the meaning of the word diversity?

That is PRECISELY what we have in this country. We have a mixture of different faiths, politics, nations of origin, skin tones, sexual orientations, and for the most part this countries people, regardless of these differences, get along just fine. There are isolated areas, pockets of tension, largely created by manipulations of local and national government, not to mention being blown out of all logical proportion by the press and by people living in these areas, because its either all they know, or colours their view of the rest of the country.

I am going to spell it out clearly here, so as not to be misunderstood.


It means something to you, and that is absolutely fair as a point goes. It affects your life, again, absolutely fair point. It is, however, not an invasion, not a problem of statistical importance, and certainly not an issue which ought to cause a national outcry.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: Tulpa
a reply to: Mclaneinc

Government policy will kill you far quicker than any radical mob.

Its deliberate. Rule by fear and poverty. Its the globalists policy to lower the standard of living in the west. They think we've had it too good for too long so they're trying to level the playing field in a race to the bottom.

Watch your back but don't live in fear. It is simply a distraction from the increasing austerity policies which we should be protesting. There ARE some radicals but you should be more frightened by the government.

What actually worries me more than that is this and I am aware of the worlds disgusting agenda against its people is that wherever you look there's direct collusion with the Radicals, both at home and away and that is an unerving fact that we also have to deal with.

Just who and how many people will our so called leaders collude with to destroy us..

Its an even worse state of affairs...

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

How crappy do I need things to get before I abandon my absolute, unflinching loyalty to the principle that liberty for all is worth more than my mere mortal life?

Many millions more times worse than it is today, because today is a cake walk in all but perhaps five cities/ suburbs in the entire country, or would be if it were not for the government I live under, the very right wing, austerity producing pieces of filth who occupy it, and the tortures they are putting my countries citizens through at the moment. I require no forgiveness from you to consider these things to be the real threat, rather than the frankly inept radical minority you are so concerned about.

It is not very British to allow yourself to be concerned by such trifling matters.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Please do not stoop down to attempting to show arrogance and intelligence slapping, that just annoys and makes a person who I've read many times seem to have lost the plot and going down the troll language.

It worries me that you so easily write this off as 'of no importance overall', seriously...

Please, is that a play of the 'I'm alright jack' card...That would be so sad from a man I normally like to read.

And please, yes I actually do know what diversity is and I'm all for it but when it comes to changing rules that have been happily in place for numerous years for all who visit / live here from any religious or other stand point SIMPLY to keep an intolerant thuggish mentality happy then I don't call that diversity.

We as a family are the epitome of diversity as are a huge majority of people are but to happily turn a blind eye no matter what the affect is just strikes me as extremely silly. I've not said we would be overtaken in the next week and maybe invasion is a slightly strong word but when you have councils and MP's giving in to an ideology based sub group of Muslims who can't stand us then things are going the wrong way. is it a huge deal, maybe not but its STILL the wrong direction and its STILL being catered for...

Look, you have your view point, I have mine, I don't want to get down to name calling or other attempts at putting people down to boost ego's, I can do it but its not my way, lets just agree to disagree..

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Mclaneinc

It is not very British to allow yourself to be concerned by such trifling matters.

Death is not trifling....Those people that have been killed on our streets by this so called minority are not trilling. We as Brits just tend to take so much more crap before we confront it, sadly sometimes we waited to long.

Take a look at Dearborn in the US, its an entire town that is now a mini caliphate, its totally radical, are those people happy and good Americans, no they want more towns like it, sure its a big country but its still condoling a sub group of very hateful people. I don't want people hung drawn and quartered, I just want fair play for all and a crack down on radical activity...

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

London has survived much worse than it has had while EITHER of us has been alive.

It did not survive because people got pissy with one another. It survived because people pulled together.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Mclaneinc

London has survived much worse than it has had while EITHER of us has been alive.

It did not survive because people got pissy with one another. It survived because people pulled together.

And there's my point, there is now a section of people who not only would never 'pull together' but in fact make it worse.

They may not in direct numbers be huge but that is the point of this 'rant', its annoying that people who should know better by now after seeing the events like the man who beheaded his wife, well that was a street away from me. Yet there are people who still go out of their way to defend them yet they hate the guts of the people defending them.

Call me old fashioned but that is just stupidity in over ride..


posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Mclaneinc

Muslims responding to the Westminster attack... ml
These ladies seem willing to speak out, to voice their sorrow at the situation, to stand in solidarity with the people of London. Probably because they ARE some of the people of London, just like everyone else there is.

Restaurant owner feeds approximately three hundred first response personnel on the day of the attack.
This fellow is not a practicing Muslim, but you KNOW that his three businesses probably get mistaken for businesses run by a Muslim, just because of the cultural element in terms of the appearance of the places he runs, the origins of the staff there. Because after all, to a moron, all people who look a certain way or speak with a certain broad sweep of accents, are probably Muslim. Its nonsense of course, but whatever, find something to be angry about I suppose!

Muslims provide TEN TONNES of food aid to London's homeless, during one of the most savage periods of the year.
As we know, Christmas, aside from being a Christian holiday, is also one of the hardest times of year for those who happen to find themselves on the street. The weather is often a serious threat to their health, and those who have empty bellies are at a greater risk than those with a full one, where the elements are concerned. And look at that, Muslims in solidarity with the voiceless street people too!

These three recent examples of Muslims doing good things for the people of London, expressing solidarity with and communion with the people of London, took less than 45 seconds to find on Google. If you look for yourself, you will see many, MANY others. Given how little good news is valued by the press, you have to assume that there are countless examples of good works going unrecognised in that community as well, compassionate, caring actions going on behind the scenes, all the time, just as there are from Christians, Atheists, Agnostics, Wicca practioners and a whole heap of other folks too, from all walks of religious and ethnic life.

If things were as bad as you are making out, these things would not happen. Oh, I am sure you can find thousands of anti-Muslim propaganda hit pieces, but you know as well as I do how biased the ownership and editors of some of Britains rags are, you know that is not fair or balanced reporting. So here's the thing. The radicals need dealing with, I agree. But because they are so few, they need to be seen as the entirely secondary issue, the rare few, not something to be potentially seen under every veil, behind every scarf, tucked away at the back of every mosque. With the utmost respect, that is just not how it is in this country, and if your experience locally is different, then you have a local problem, to which only a local response can be made.

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