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/Make ATS Great Again/ Reopening The X-Files.

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posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
a reply to: Agent008

Flat Earth
the only thing flat about that is flat eathers heads .

The fact that people are willing to entertain the flat earth theory again is evidence that people have been lied to before and therefore don't trust anymore.

It's not as much a sign of intellect as it is a sign of the depth of despair in this world for truth.

Everyone who entertains flat earth theory has a choice to reject it or accept it throughout their research.

That's the point of being a seeker. Everything is on the table again; nothing is taken for granted.

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

A vast number are religious NUT JOBS who think the bible is the word of god and some kind of science book. Where in fact it's a book of fairy tales between some true stories written by men about a god.

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
a reply to: TarzanBeta

A vast number are religious NUT JOBS who think the bible is the word of god and some kind of science book. Where in fact it's a book of fairy tales between some true stories written by men about a god.

Not all of us are Nut Jobs. And If you ever sit down and actually read the whole thing, then get back to me with an argument that sounds like you have.

ETA, flat earth theory is actually being held by many atheists as well. I suppose you haven't actually done much research in that area. And many young earth creationists believe in the heliocentric model.

Your attitude comes off as that which we should deny here.
edit on 2/15/2017 by TarzanBeta because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

Simple process MAN creates god (s) it's happened all over the world they can't all be right but they can ALL be WRONG. If the so called god cteated everything strange how his word like ALL other gods are confined to tight geographical areas THAT says it all

edit on 15-2-2017 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
a reply to: TarzanBeta

Simple process MAN creates god (s) it's happened all over the world they can't all be right but they can ALL be WRONG. If the so called god cteated everything strange how his word like ALL other gods are confined to tight geographical areas THAT says it all

You're right. Every geological area has their name for God or gods. Elohim in Hebrew means God or gods, by the way.

But isn't it interesting, yes indeed, that every geological area has at least a native GOD.

Hmm. Very interesting. How could they all know?

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

Not one god in all areas some had dozens and a reason for a god, one SIMPLE answer to explain things they didn't understand.

So we get Sun Moon Rain Thunder gods for example.

Oh lets not forget the power trip and job creation benefits for religious leaders and their subordinates.

It's not rocket science just snake oil salesmen.

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 06:17 PM
I almost took this seriously. Then you had to mention PizzaGate.

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: wmd_2008
a reply to: TarzanBeta

Not one god in all areas some had dozens and a reason for a god, one SIMPLE answer to explain things they didn't understand.

So we get Sun Moon Rain Thunder gods for example.

Oh lets not forget the power trip and job creation benefits for religious leaders and their subordinates.

It's not rocket science just snake oil salesmen.

No, no, no. You're missing it. Purposefully, perhaps.

All civilisations decided on a god or gods independently... Or they didn't.

If independently, then wow.

If not independently, then all from an original source... And still wow.

Are you seeing it yet?

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Agent008

Oh my goodness, thank you for this thread. I've been a very long-time lurker at ATS, guest only, and have watched as the site has become more and more dominated by trolling and disinformation and political mudslinging.

I ended up here while digging into 9-11 and aliens/UAP's and man, was this site a gold mine where there were actual open-minded discussions and threads weren't destroyed by trolling. I don't want to see ATS sink to the levels of another forum that shall not be named.

Anyway, I really wanna know what's going on right now in Antarctica! Not just the MSM 'reason,' but the whole big picture.

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 07:26 PM

originally posted by: Agent008

My first encounter with ATS was at around 3AM many moons ago. My Windows XP computer gently humming, the glow of the 17 inch CRT monitor providing the only light in my small kitchen. I spent all that night reading and learning about topics I didn't know existed. I learned about the Illuminati and the shadow government. I learned about Freemasons, the pyramids (the ones all over the world) and about civilizations that lived 100,000's years ago and lost technology leading to the fall of man. The Anunnaki and so on!

I had no idea how 'asleep' everyone had been kept. The feeling of waking up knowing the world is much bigger and more interesting than what is on T.V. that night. Isn't there a saying that goes something like "once you wake up you will never sleep again." That is how I felt. I wanted to share this new wonderful world of freedom from the programing with everyone I knew! I began telling friends and family and anyone who would listen about 'the real world and tptb.' Alas I soon found out no one cared. I was called "the conspiracy guy" by everyone. "Oh that's just [my name] he likes talking about crazy conspiracies" Then they would continue with their conversation about Football or Hockey. I couldn't make a dent in their thick skulls. This went on for years it was mid 2000's. Then in 2008 Everything changed I discovered consciousness, myself, the power of thought, intention and love.

Again this discovery of how powerful we as humans really are was from ATS which led me to other sites and old text from the "Gods." I decided I didn't care what label people put on me. I was going to make people think whether they liked it or not, all I had to do was plant a seed in your mind and maybe just maybe one person will think outside the box and have a moment of clarity. Hopefully stopping dead in their tracks while reaching for a can of Ravioli in the supermarket to ask themselves. "who am I?" "Where am I?"
So I kept posting and sharing interesting or paranormal or corruption stories to social media. Then a crazy thing happened. Other people came out of the conspiracy closet and started sharing instead of only posting on ATS. The great Awakening had started, and slowly we came to now. A time when more people all over the world are enlightened and aware than have ever been before. Information is shared instantly in a Tweet. Edward Snowden brought the world of conspiracy theories to the main stage leaving the ignorant and dumb in the dust. (Mostly...)

Duerring all this time my beloved ATS has turned into a business oriented website rather than a truth seekers website and information source. I noticed when some topics started getting deleted for no other reason than "we don't talk about that here" that something was changing. I have always believed that no matter how controversial or disturbing a topic is it still must be discussed to get to the truth of the matter. I left ATS soon after this started happening it was near the Occupy Wall Street time. I would come check on a story or topic once in awhile but nothing ever interested me anymore on here. Everything was politics and the economy, does climate change exists or not, back and forth rambling like these that get no where. Bantering about the problem doesn't fix the problem you must go find the cause and to do that you must follow the White Rabbit.

A post I read on here today inspired me to write this and get the ball rolling, it was a rant about how all the top new feeds are trump or other political drab that isn't important in the big picture. It's time to go back. We are ATS. So I ask my fellow members and lurkers will you help me reopen The X-Files? Old fashioned sitting in a basement looking at topics deemed 'too sensitive.' I'll start. I won't leave links to the following topics you know where to search if you are truly interested in them.

1. The Book of Enki.

2. Flat Earth./Nasa is a lie./Antarctica is bigger than we are told.

3. Mandela Effects/D-Wave quantum computer/Cern/How many people were in JFK's Car?

4. PizzaGate./Pedo ring busting and the people involved.(Important People)

5. The Pineal Gland.

6. Rothschilds/The Banking infrastructure, and how to take them down.

7. Fukushima Killing sea life.

8. The power of thought.

9. Nikola Tesla/Energy, frequency and magnetism/Anti-gravity.

I know most of these are topics here already from years ago buried under the current stuff, but I just want to bring them back into the light. To remember what this site started as. All was fair game. There was no trolls or shills, less at least. I feel the days and years are getting faster now that just might be because I'm getting older. Yet This time right now 2017 feels out of sorts. More complaining less action seems to be the motto. So I'm here to say Live from your heart, as a wise man once said "All you need is Love."

At least Saturday Night Live is getting better. Comedy is the best form of telling the truth in public. I feel I have rambled enough. I hope this thread goes somewhere and even if it doesn't I hope it gave some people something interesting to read other than what Trump did today.

George Carlin anyone?

Time for a glass of wine.[/quote

While the claims of abuse are very real, Pizzagate, specifically was a false flag

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: TarzanBeta

NO you are the one missing the point god (s) are just stories to explain something that was not understood , what I have said has struck a nerve many gods round the world were not even human like so your argument is null and void just except you have been feed lies from a young age.

For example the Chinese thought an eclipse was the sky dragon eating the sun..

We know what causes it , god (s) were an easy way tio explain the unknown. Also why would the claimed all powerful creator the Christian god let others even be thought about.

Religionsis organised brain washing something I realised by about 10 years old.

edit on 15-2-2017 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: wmd_2008

Pretty sure this OP is an attempt to introduce good reads from accross al of ATS , not to turn into a god thread . Perhaps start a new topiv and have at it there .

Or read this .

posted on Feb, 15 2017 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: Orwells Ghost

Flat Earth was disproven hundreds of years ago, and pizzagate was a conspiracy that started on reddit

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: Agent008

Heh, nice thread! S&F

It was very well written, and well worth reading, thank you. It was like reading to one's self someone else's reflection of your own experience and thoughts on these matters and on the awakening that's happening and that's already happened and is continuing to happen at an ever alarming rate - alarming if you're the old PTB globalists and power mongerers.

We're coming into our own power now and that's a significant demarcation threshold in and of itself.

The trolls are now obviously trolling and they're even starting to RUN AWAY I've been noticing. If they made a last post before they bolted it would have been a horrified "Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Btw, none of this references the current left/right dialectic.

We're winning (the awareness war), slowly but surely and we have a voice now.

Your voice is my voice. You speak for me, and sometimes maybe I speak for you, and then we run with an idea, magnify it, amplify it and send it out reframed in some way or another and away it goes into the Omegapoint of the Cosmogenesis of the Noosphere, until it circles round and hits or even bites us in the ass in the form of another epiphany even if it turns out that it's a great joke told at the expense of all our prior ignorance and absurdity, including the need to be right or to try to make someone else wrong to feel better about ourselves (at a very low valuation). Or it might present itself in the form of a synchronicity, or a whole new outlook and paradigm even in the twinkling of an eye.

The cynics and the naysayers are on the run and there's no rational argument in sight to support the fundamental basis of their "hypothesis" ie: that they are right, it's all f'd - but it's really fear, the fear of being wrong or of not knowing what's really going on, and oh how we want to avoid that particular quandary or predicament...

But that's where all the fun is!

In that wonderment and awe in the domain of unknowing, yet with increasing understanding, awareness and discernment as to what's really important and what's really right and wrong, and as it turns out, "they" didn't have the first clue and have lost the narrative, even Donald Trump and Steve Bannon!

It's not about that and it certainly transcends whoever happens to be in a particular office - how absurd.

This is all way wayyyyyy bigger than that.

We've transcended the power as the power, and there's the opportunity for much humor there of the wholly authentic kind if only because we're not unwilling to accept the burden of the joke that's available, that once you "get it" and once the mind and heart changes shape it simply cannot ever go back to it's original configuration, and why would you want to - how could anyone flee from the humor of true understanding into a self imprisoned cave of ignorance once you've exited the cave, stood up tall, and faced the light of truth, even the truth that sets us free, and that's true knowledge because it's self knowledge in the knowledge of personal experience.

It's even funnier than some sort of mischievous rascality and it pokes fun at no one and nothing in particular, as the brunt of ridicule and bullying.

I think at the end of it all, even Aliens, that there's a very special and unique joke of sorts that when told in one form or another, is quite capable in and of itself of saving the whole world, even in spite of ourselves and our apparent powerlessness or helplessness to do anything about it.

We know we're making a difference now. How or why precisely, we cannot say. We just know it.

So yeah, a really well crafted and well thought out thread about something or some idea out of the box, that's the very stuff that we came here to find.

Getting back to something in your OP and I'll be wrapping up now, so hang in there with me.. (I know I go on and on sometimes)

Do you ever stop and wonder, as I do, on a regular basis, about the actual occurrence of life itself and the larger framework within which it's all occurring and just observing and looking around and saying - holy #! This is really happening and I'm a part of it all!

I'm like that now - it's like I'm witnessing and participating in a miracle of the farthest reaching proportions and then my mind and heart is drawn back to God, but more like that one you didn't know about but just were IN when you were a child.

What a wonderful thing it is to be alive even at any point in time and history, what a curious thing!

But to then have friends, likeminded people, with which to share it, and share some laughs and wonders and maybe even signs and wonders (who knows maybe anything is possible) well, it just doesn't get any better than that.

As we rise and as our power and influence increases, something tells me that signs and wonders might become inevitable.

What do I mean by that?

Well, if what you read here touches moves or inspires you in any way such that the spark in you fires or flares up to an epiphany (in tears or laughter or both), and as a result you relate to yourself, the world and everyone in it, a little differently, then there's the point of transformation into a better world and a new world wherein all new possibilities and new experiences are available and I don't know about you, but that's the only kind of world that I want to live into, even if it means leaving most everyone else behind if need be. But you're not alone and neither am I.

And it's all happening anyway, whether we like or not. lol

How we respond then means everything, but if someone comes along and tells you, point blank, that the kingdom of heaven is near or further still that we are already immersed within it but cannot see it or perceive it from within our own present reality tunnel, think twice before writing him off as crazy when you really think it all the way through and consider the alternative. What was I thinking?! I'm alive!

People are starting to think like this more and more, and hey what can you do if people think us crazy or cannot understand the source of our humor, mirth and charm. They'll get the joke eventually one way or another and hopefully before it's too late, but that can't be our responsibility, er, not entirely.

In an ocean of universal deceit and ill-formed opinion born of fear and the need to be right, people like us are very "dangerous".

If you can stand relative to it all and laugh with joy for all the right reasons, then you too should be counted among the most "dangerous" people alive, imho.

And that's the way it should be instead of the blind leading the blind into a ditch, although that too does make for some good slapstick comedy at times, and there's no shortage of people willing to play that role and that game, but it quickly wears thin. Even the three stooges knew when to finally let up and chill out.

Best regards,


edit on 16-2-2017 by AnkhMorpork because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 02:37 AM
Wow. I did not expect this much attention to this. I thank and love you all. This thread has brought me back to the old days but with wiser, enchanting vigor. Some of the best reads on this site in a while.

Love, arguments, drama, unity. Now that is what AT-Mothertruckin-S is all about! Cheers buds!

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: Agent008
Good post, but I wanted to point out that the "Lost Book of Enki" is a fictional account of history written by Zechariah Sitchin as if it were in the form of an ancient Akkadian epic. It is literature based on fragments of history, complete fabrication interwoven with actual mythologies to create a palatable story. There are no actual "tablets of Enki", as it were.

The pineal gland is of interest to me, as the Vatican houses statues of pinecones. I have been told that consuming these effects the human body; I find it disturbing but wish to know if this is true. The recent study showing that young blood reinvigorates the elderly could lend credence to the whole "human sacrifice" type notions.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: SargonThrall

nice, i didnt know about pinecones!!
heres what i read about them.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: wmd_2008

The Holy Bible is indeed the word of one true God. Read it and seek to be Saved by Jesus

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 07:18 AM
While many people are tired of all the Donald Trump and his cabinet posts, it has everything to do with some of topics you mentioned - "Illuminati and the shadow government".

How do they relate to the shadow government/Deep State? Are they a part of them?

Is there something of a Coup going on? If yes, then who has taken over? What are they up to? What are their objectives?

These are interesting and important questions also.

posted on Feb, 16 2017 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

I don't favor any one side, any political party - I favor the Constitution of the United States and my fellow humans --- so please don't anyone just blast me --- with that said, I do agree with the points being raised here by Dennis Kucinich:

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