My first encounter with ATS was at around 3AM many moons ago. My Windows XP computer gently humming, the glow of the 17 inch CRT monitor providing the
only light in my small kitchen. I spent all that night reading and learning about topics I didn't know existed. I learned about the Illuminati and
the shadow government. I learned about Freemasons, the pyramids (the ones all over the world) and about civilizations that lived 100,000's years ago
and lost technology leading to the fall of man. The Anunnaki and so on!
I had no idea how 'asleep' everyone had been kept. The feeling of waking up knowing the world is much bigger and more interesting than what is on
T.V. that night. Isn't there a saying that goes something like "once you wake up you will never sleep again." That is how I felt. I wanted to share
this new wonderful world of freedom from the programing with everyone I knew! I began telling friends and family and anyone who would listen about
'the real world and tptb.' Alas I soon found out no one cared. I was called "the conspiracy guy" by everyone. "Oh that's just [my name] he likes
talking about crazy conspiracies" Then they would continue with their conversation about Football or Hockey. I couldn't make a dent in their thick
skulls. This went on for years it was mid 2000's. Then in 2008 Everything changed I discovered consciousness, myself, the power of thought, intention
and love.
Again this discovery of how powerful we as humans really are was from ATS which led me to other sites and old text from the "Gods." I decided I
didn't care what label people put on me. I was going to make people think whether they liked it or not, all I had to do was plant a seed in your mind
and maybe just maybe one person will think outside the box and have a moment of clarity. Hopefully stopping dead in their tracks while reaching for a
can of Ravioli in the supermarket to ask themselves. "who am I?" "Where am I?"
So I kept posting and sharing interesting or paranormal or corruption stories to social media. Then a crazy thing happened. Other people came out of
the conspiracy closet and started sharing instead of only posting on ATS. The great Awakening had started, and slowly we came to now. A time when more
people all over the world are enlightened and aware than have ever been before. Information is shared instantly in a Tweet. Edward Snowden brought the
world of conspiracy theories to the main stage leaving the ignorant and dumb in the dust. (Mostly...)
Duerring all this time my beloved ATS has turned into a business oriented website rather than a truth seekers website and information source. I
noticed when some topics started getting deleted for no other reason than "we don't talk about that here" that something was changing. I have
always believed that no matter how controversial or disturbing a topic is it still must be discussed to get to the truth of the matter. I left ATS
soon after this started happening it was near the Occupy Wall Street time. I would come check on a story or topic once in awhile but nothing ever
interested me anymore on here. Everything was politics and the economy, does climate change exists or not, back and forth rambling like these that get
no where. Bantering about the problem doesn't fix the problem you must go find the cause and to do that you must follow the White Rabbit.
A post I read on here today inspired me to write this and get the ball rolling, it was a rant about how all the top new feeds are trump or other
political drab that isn't important in the big picture. It's time to go back. We are ATS. So I ask my fellow members and lurkers will you help me
reopen The X-Files? Old fashioned sitting in a basement looking at topics deemed 'too sensitive.' I'll start. I won't leave links to the
following topics you know where to search if you are truly interested in them.
1. The Book of Enki.
2. Flat Earth./Nasa is a lie./Antarctica is bigger than we are told.
3. Mandela Effects/D-Wave quantum computer/Cern/How many people were in JFK's Car?
4. PizzaGate./Pedo ring busting and the people involved.(Important People)
5. The Pineal Gland.
6. Rothschilds/The Banking infrastructure, and how to take them down.
7. Fukushima Killing sea life.
8. The power of thought.
9. Nikola Tesla/Energy, frequency and magnetism/Anti-gravity.
I know most of these are topics here already from years ago buried under the current stuff, but I just want to bring them back into the light. To
remember what this site started as. All was fair game. There was no trolls or shills, less at least. I feel the days and years are getting faster now
that just might be because I'm getting older. Yet This time right now 2017 feels out of sorts. More complaining less action seems to be the motto. So
I'm here to say Live from your heart, as a wise man once said "All you need is Love."
At least Saturday Night Live is getting better. Comedy is the best form of telling the truth in public. I feel I have rambled enough. I hope this
thread goes somewhere and even if it doesn't I hope it gave some people something interesting to read other than what Trump did today.
Your post resonated with me, I went through the same thing trying to explain my new found awakeness to anyone who would listen, but of course to no
To add to the list;
Satanism and the occult, and everything involved is one of my favorite fringe topics because it goes so deep and connects with almost every other
JFK brought me here. Back when I still searched from geocities, angelfire, and tripod. That was my first account that I lost for forgetting the
username and password after a couple of years staying away.
Really awesome post. Thank you for the subject list. I've recently dove into some of these and hit the wow point, the pineal gland for example is a
very important one, the others will keep me occupied for a while.
I think I came across ATS while researching fringe topics like underground bases I kept turning up threads from here so back in 2011 I stopped being a
lurker then I lost my password with my return much has changed politics was going on then but there where still many weird threads now it's mostly
politics. Good luck let's Keep ATS Weird.
The alien stuff-like the possibility of finding alien relics or bits of alien technology in the asteroid belt.
That idea is specifically what led me to ATS.
One day I just had this extremely clear picture (in my mind) of something in the asteroid belt-and wanted to see if there was a place online to talk
about it.
edit on 14-2-2017 by angryproctologist because: oops
I have been a member here since 2006, so I don't remember precisely what led me to the site. I have been a seeker in spiritual and conspiratorial
matters since I was 13 years old, which has been almost 27 years ago. Lol. So, there's no telling what I was looking for when I initially found
edit on 14-2-2017 by SpeakerofTruth because: (no reason given)
I've been lurking for some time now and this is my first reply... I'm always googling strange info and theories, so I'm not sure what brought me here.
I've noticed the majority is political and a lot of name calling. I've seen posts on alternative topics that people were shot down by other members.
As long as you think normally and inside the box you're ok. I came here to learn. I'll do a search for the topics you mentioned. Thank you making your
post. It made me feel I'm not the only member who feels the same way, even though I'm new. I didn't want to speak up, or make a reply or post on
anything because of how others will tear members apart if they don't agree with you. Friendly debate is what I want, not to be ripped to shreds.
Thanks again.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm glad to see i'm not alone here. I forgot to mention Aliens!!! That was a huge topic back in the day. The Greys
the reptiles tbe pleadians. I remember great conversations about all of them.
1. The Book of Enki.
2. Flat Earth./Nasa is a lie./Antarctica is bigger than we are told.
3. Mandela Effects/D-Wave quantum computer/Cern/How many people were in JFK's Car?
4. PizzaGate./Pedo ring busting and the people involved.(Important People)
5. The Pineal Gland.
6. Rothschilds/The Banking infrastructure, and how to take them down.
7. Fukushima Killing sea life.
8. The power of thought.
9. Nikola Tesla/Energy, frequency and magnetism/Anti-gravity.
How could you have left Nibiru, Planet X and YOWUSA, off your list?
Ufos brought me to ATS back in 2010, and the gulf oil spill drew me in as well. ATS was just as much an unlearning experience as learning, in the
sense that I had some ignorance that needed denying I believed too many of the youtube vids that featured ufos. I did not realize as much then
about charlatans, cgi and airplane lights coming from different angles.
As mentioned it was good to be in like company as far as inquisitiveness and experience. I also dug the fact that there were professionals on the
boards too. Doctors, LEOs , physicists, doctors and even a Nasa guy(Jim Oberg).
Funny there are two threads right now reflecting on early ATS and I am bringing my post over from the
Oh man those are some good links, that is the ats I remember. Maybe a change is happening. It is said this year will be insane on all fronts. Whatever
that means...
I first discovered ats by accident looking for ufo pics out of boredom and it was like opening Pandoras box. I was freaked out!
Posters like Dimensional Dictective (what happened to him???) Opened my eyes to the craziness that exists in the world.
I think ats is still great just have a ltitle more division than before because of politics but that's easy to ignore if you just don't click those
In three years, I have written 10 times on ATS. It is not because I am not here, but because i prefer to read some of the insane depth into some
subjects, while grazing over much of the (currently) "Trumpmania" - as a Brit there comes a point of over-saturation about another countries
The thing is, and apologies if I offend the moderation team, Trump sells. Unless you have an ad-blocker installed you will be seeing what keeps much
of ATS alive and the sheer fact that ATS has so much conversation on Trump, it will increase the footfall looking at the ads... unless you have an
For me though, I will keep reading around the political mud-slinging and now have a small list of things to search for.
Thank you, I've read other threads on the same topic. As mentioned in another thread, banning a topic isn't the way to go, imo. I feel that if ATS
were to ban the trolls and ban the ones who "fight dirty" and get back to their group guidelines then it will be a huge step forward.
Instead of deleting my account, I filled in some info on my account. If I see an upturn in the group I'll finish my profile and make an introduction.
For now I'll be a lurker again. Many blessings.
edit on 2/14/2017 by MrsPStudge because: (no reason given)