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How to recognize the spirit of God.

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posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
a reply to: Krazysh0t


What about voluntary conversion?

If you told your family that you never want to se them again and walked away from your family ..... how would your mother, father and siblings feel? You show them how you feel by walking away, right? So what do you think?

Well it's a little different there. It's not like people age and slowly start to disbelieve their parents exist or anything. Many atheists are led down that path due to an absence of evidence and not so much because they want to deny god completely.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
And when you say those filled with the spirit of God...... EVERYONE has a chance for this...... it is really not that hard to receive.....

Or is it? What about all the people who have called out to him to no avail? Where was God when I seeking him, and the truth about Christianity? But no matter. Okay so... we've established anyone can be filled with the spirit, and thus moved by it.

HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN THE SPIRIT IS WITH YOU? Answer: You feel it is the short answer and it changes you. You feel different inside ..... not for a day or week ..... it is a permenant feeling .... I changed overnight from a mean SOB to a puppy and I did not want to.....I fought back and lost because my God is much stronger than me and he SHOWED me and lets me feel his love and protection.

Okay, so you feel strong feelings of conviction in your beliefs. Enough so, that you are confident in their source and overall love and goodwill for your well being. After all, he has revealed himself to you many times, no?

WOW....great question and I bet there are many here who can better answer this but I will try..... when accepting the teachings of the Gospel and repenting PROPERLY .... God's spirit will come inside you ..... sometimes it will not be immediately but he will come. A good example was after Jesus ascension to heaven and the Holy spirit came upon the apostles....

So basically you will know once and for all when you start feeling the strong convictions. And of course various revelations as God reveals himself to you, and you as a person and your personal relationship with God grows. Becoming more fruitful.

Correct.... a personal relationship is the only way to get to know God. Communication is the key. Belief is good faith is better. To be able to have faith in God's words .....

Alright so God might reveal to some, what he does not reveal to others. Let's use homosexuality as an example. Some Christians believe it's a sin. Others do not. It seems to me the Bible isn't explicitly clear enough, so it comes down to the various interpretations people make, and their personal relationship with God. What God has revealed, to them.

I have spoke to many about faith and I say to those who have none:

Is it better to have faith in God or not to have faith?

For me? Not to have faith.

Is faith a sign of belief?

Depends how empty the faith is.

Final authority is God. The bible is a manual directed by God and written down by man.

Which is thousands of years old, by the way. God needs to update and reprint.

I cannot verify when etc.... BUT if God's spirit is inside you and when you read these words in the bible they not only strike your heart but your spirit as well for God WILL reveal to you while reading his message. Can you understand what I just said? At times you can see it...and feel it. Light bulbs turn on while meditating God's words.

More confirmation through conviction and revelation. Faith as well. Check.

NO..... but your question requires a long answer.... almost a book...

Interesting. I'm not sure I fully believe that. Taking everything in the Bible into account. Can't help but think about some of those extreme punishments from the Old Testament, for overall molehills. See my morality thread if you are interesting in seeing where you may or may not find God's questionable at the very least.

Some people blame God why? People say God does not exist because of sickness, illness, got fired, death, etc.... Who can prove that God is responsible and where is that proof ... that God did it?

Now God does in fact punish people. Is he the only one? Does God punish his OWN children? Hebrew chapter 12 says he indeed does? Why? As a father I have punished my son and daughter because they misbehaved and violated my authority and because I love them and sometimes "tuff love" is required so my children will change....

What does any of that have to do with what it means to be Christian?

Also lets not forget Satan because 2 Corinthians clearly says..... The god of the is world is satan.....

"Never again shall there be flood to destroy the Earth" Instead he just makes Satan the "Lord of this World" to kill, steal, and destroy. All the while, having scriptures thousands of years old and full of evidence suggesting it is anything but divine, as the proof of his existence.


Okay so to recap. True Christians are filled with the holy spirit, and are lead by their strong convictions, and faith in their personal relationships with God. God speaks and reveals himself to the devout. Teaching them, shaping them. After all he is the potter, we are the clay. Always there are more lessons to be learned.

Back in the day, thousands of years ago, the things God said and did were witnessed, and/or established. He used the disciples, and prophets, etc. to reveal himself and spread his message.

So just how are ANY of these prophets etc. vetted? I mean we really can't be sure what God wanted thousands of years ago is what God wants now. Maybe back then it was a sin to sleep with another man, but maybe today, it isn't. Seems to be God has revealed that open love and acceptance of LGBT+ is something he is on board with these days.

God changes his mind. He does so in the Bible.

How many of God's messages and revelations for today have been lost because those revealing what they've been shown, via their own personal walk with the Lord, are branded false Christians?

Alternatively, God has also been known to be the one responsible for the lies of prophets. Having taken credit for placing "lying spirits" in their mouths (or something like that). What's the deal with that? Seems counter productive to saving souls.

At the end of the day.. these things and other things considered...

Seems like it will be impossible to identify who is a true Christian, and who is just claiming to be one. Excluding those cases where it is obvious. But even then, is it so obvious?

I'm an atheist now but I used to be a Christian. A "true" one (as outlined by the criteria you posted). Do I still have my boarding pass to Heaven?

edit on 1-11-2017 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Thank you for your reply.

We all must make a decision as to whether we believe in God, Jesus, God's Holy Spirit (7 spirits in all - book of Revelation) etc.... or not.

You have been schooled/taught about God and the Gospel and you have rejected both as many have. This is your decision and we will be judged based on our decisions we make with this life.

I see you changing your mind once "end of days" become more obvious...and you see with your own eyes. Many atheist will change immediateIy as well as people of other faiths.

You need proof, I understand and you will receive it. I only hope once you realize it, it will not be too late.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
You need proof, I understand and you will receive it. I only hope once you realize it, it will not be too late.

I'm not being sarcastic when I say this. If the Christian narrative is indeed truth, there will be no "too late" for me. I still wouldn't want anything to do with your God. I find him quite deplorable. Being destroyed in Hell may even be a relief.

edit on 1-11-2017 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Akragon

Yeah I agree, Religion has perverted the truth.
Think about an Amazonian tribe, never seen any other people in the history of their tribe, doomed to hell for all eternity. Hardly seems fair does it.

God is all loving, unless you don't follow his Idol son and then he's pissed and casts you to oblivion for all eternity. Doesn't seem all that loving now.

Religion has perverted the truth.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Also, what does your reply have to do with the conversation?

edit on 1-11-2017 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

God did not become a man. John never claimed Jesus was his father. Jesus is however the son of God as both he and John claimed.

Sorry you believe in a 1700 year old incorrect interpretation of the trinity brought to you by Constantine and his false church.

You really should stop telling everyone they are going to hell. Judge not or you will be judged by the same measure. Unless you are God you have no authority to judge my soul.

Better to tell everyone they have freewill and can follow the laws of God if they choose to with their freewill.

Of course you don't believe in freewill because you follow the interpretation of liars who claim it's impossible to follow the laws of God and only a ritual can save you.

Everyone who believes in and teaches original sin, the doctrine of fear, is a false teacher. Meaning the entire church (every detonation) is lead by Narcissistic Sociopaths who claim exclusive knowledge of rituals which are the only rituals that can save you.

No thanks, I will choose Freewill and Grace over ritual salvation. And I believe the Gospels which claim Jesus is the one and only son of God.

edit on 11-1-2017 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Every detonation?

That sounds very suicide bomberish of you.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: mclarenmp4

Yes, the truth isn't as convoluted as religion makes it out to be. Religion personifies and creates Earthly stories around fundamental truths about ourselves and the image that we see of the world, existence itself. Religions turn stories that should be interpreted metaphorically into stories that have to be believed in as literal fact.

Hardly anything in the bible or any other holy book or mythos is meant to be read and interpreted literally, they are stories that give shape and form to invisible truths that cannot be seen that pertain to ourselves and our own place within the cosmos.
edit on 1/11/2017 by LumenImagoDei because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:30 PM
They teach Original Sin, a philosophy that stands in direct contradiction to freewill.

They all teach their congregations that they are prisoners to Sin/Satan.

I am not a prisoner to sin. I have freewill. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. So yes , all of them. Unless you can find one that doesn't teach Original Sin and Ritual Salvation. I am not aware of any.
edit on 11-1-2017 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
They teach Original Sin, a philosophy that stands in direct contradiction to freewill.

They all teach their congregations that they are prisoners to Sin/Satan.

I am not a prisoner to sin. I have freewill. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. So yes , all of them. Unless you can find one that doesn't teach Original Sin and Ritual Salvation. I am not aware of any.

Are you claiming that you are perfect and without fault in every action you have ever taken in your entire life?

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
If you have been here at ATS for awhile I bet you have seen a few ATS members say the same exact thing as above and probably you will see this in this thread but this thread is important because it will show you how to identify a non-believer versus a believer.

(Waves hand wildly in the air, "I know, I know!!")
I'm going to make it easy to determine a 'believer' from one not so infected!

I am going to reprint a response I gave in relation to 'belief' being conflated with 'Faith'.
Considering your 'Xtian' bent, the Faith part seems appropriate...

'Belief' and 'Faith' are 180 degree opposites!

First, a definition;
A 'belief' is a pathologically symptomatic infection of 'thought', the 'ego'! Vanity!

Being 'thought', it is completely 'conditional'!
Some symptoms (I did say 'pathological'!) that those infected with 'beliefs' consistently display are the constant need to 'defend', to 'validate/feed' and to propagate (spread) the 'beliefs'!
Those uninfected with the malware can have rational discussions without getting crazy when the topic turns to the nature of the believer's 'belief'.
Violence is another symptom!

'Beliefs' are not 'chosen', they are 'caught' and 'spread'!

Another symptom; a belief infection inhibits cognitive and intellectual function... into insanity!
'Beliefs' (any beliefs) are insanity!
Reality is, at best, 'make-believe'; to 'believe' is insanity!

Being an infection of the ego/thought, everything that you 'think' yourself to be, your very essence, you will defend that 'belief' because you identify with it!
You will commit all sorts of atrocities in the name of defending that 'belief' (parasite) that you take as personally as your life!
No one deliberately harms another unless he hosts some strain of 'belief' or other!
You want to discriminate between a 'believer' and a non-believer?
That is also 180 degrees from what Jesus said identifies his followers; unconditional Love, not hateful vain discrimination!

'Faith', on the other hand, is completely 'unconditional'!
'Faith' is an 'unconditional' Virtue of 'unconditional' Love!
'Faith' completely transcends all passing phenomena, all 'conditions'!

True, unconditional Love is ALWAYS recognized by Our unconditional Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith...

Being 'unconditional', it cannot be (conditionally) conceptualized/understood/defined!
Knowledge = experience!
The only way to 'know' is to experience it, not 'thinking/imagining/believing' in it!

Wage Love, practice Compassion!"

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

tat tvam asi (

edit on 12-1-2017 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 02:12 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
If you have been here at ATS for awhile I bet you have seen a few ATS members say the same exact thing as above and probably you will see this in this thread but this thread is important because it will show you how to identify a non-believer versus a believer.

(Waves hand wildly in the air, "I know, I know!!")
I'm going to make it easy to determine a 'believer' from one not so infected!

I am going to reprint a response I gave in relation to 'belief' being conflated with 'Faith'.
Considering your 'Xtian' bent, the Faith part seems appropriate...

'Belief' and 'Faith' are 180 degree opposites!

First, a definition;
A 'belief' is a pathologically symptomatic infection of 'thought', the 'ego'! Vanity!

Being 'thought', it is completely 'conditional'!
Some symptoms (I did say 'pathological'!) that those infected with 'beliefs' consistently display are the constant need to 'defend', to 'validate/feed' and to propagate (spread) the 'beliefs'!
Those uninfected with the malware can have rational discussions without getting crazy when the topic turns to the nature of the believer's 'belief'.
Violence is another symptom!

'Beliefs' are not 'chosen', they are 'caught' and 'spread'!

Another symptom; a belief infection inhibits cognitive and intellectual function... into insanity!
'Beliefs' (any beliefs) are insanity!
Reality is, at best, 'make-believe'; to 'believe' is insanity!

Being an infection of the ego/thought, everything that you 'think' yourself to be, your very essence, you will defend that 'belief' because you identify with it!
You will commit all sorts of atrocities in the name of defending that 'belief' (parasite) that you take as personally as your life!
No one deliberately harms another unless he hosts some strain of 'belief' or other!
You want to discriminate between a 'believer' and a non-believer?
That is also 180 degrees from what Jesus said identifies his followers; unconditional Love, not hateful vain discrimination!

'Faith', on the other hand, is completely 'unconditional'!
'Faith' is an 'unconditional' Virtue of 'unconditional' Love!
'Faith' completely transcends all passing phenomena, all 'conditions'!

True, unconditional Love is ALWAYS recognized by Our unconditional Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith...

Being 'unconditional', it cannot be (conditionally) conceptualized/understood/defined!
Knowledge = experience!
The only way to 'know' is to experience it, not 'thinking/imagining/believing' in it!

Wage Love, practice Compassion!"

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi

tat tvam asi (

edit on 12-1-2017 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: Isurrender73
I don't have to do anything I don't want to do.

I like that phrase, it reminds me of the point made around 11:25 by the Holocaust survivor below (you may want to hear the context starting at 7:42, perhaps 11:00 if you want to skip some stuff):

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 04:03 AM

originally posted by: namelesss
'Belief' and 'Faith' are 180 degree opposites!

If that were true/correct that would make them antonyms rather than synonyms right?
It seems that most people who have engaged in the endeavor of finding out the correct meaning and usage of words in language (writers of dictionaries and thesauri) have those words listed as synonyms rather than antonyms. At least when they're mentioned they are always in the synonym list rather than the antonym list (an antonym is the opposite of a synonym, just like light is the opposite of darkness, bad is the opposite of good and bitter the opposite of sweet, see Isaiah 5:20,21).

But I know, you already told me before you didn't care about dictionaries and thesauri (from which I can only conclude you don't care about a proper honest understandable use of language when it prevents you from expressing your philosophies/ideas/opinions/beliefs about reality and still making it sound sophisticated and enlightened, positive and 'tickling to the ears', agreeable to others and seen as wisdom or advanced knowledge, or an openminded progressive modern way of thinking; anything that would appeal to a person and stroke their ego, in particular the carefully nurtured intellectual superiority complex if they have one while haughtily looking down their nose at the supposed 'gullible believers' infected with all sorts of negative traits; or painting that picture on them as one lifts themselves up above 'the infected believers').

Proverbs 27:

2 Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth;

Others, and not your own lips.

5 Open reproof is better than concealed love.

6 The wounds inflicted by a friend are faithful,

But an enemy’s kisses are plentiful.

Proverbs 26:24,25:

24 The one who hates others disguises it with his lips,

But inside he harbors deceit.

25 Although he speaks graciously, do not trust him,

For there are seven detestable things in his heart. [Or “For his heart is completely detestable.”]

Isaiah 5:20,21:

Woe to those who say that good is bad and bad is good,
Those who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness,
Those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those wise in their own eyes
And discreet in their own sight!

1 Timothy 6:20,21:

Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called “knowledge.” 21 By making a show of such knowledge, some have deviated from the faith.
May the undeserved kindness be with you.

Must You Believe It?

THE 12-year-old student was struggling to grasp the basic principles of algebra. His teacher presented the class with a seemingly straightforward algebraic calculation.

“Let x=y and let them both have the value of 1,” he began.

‘So far so good,’ thought the student.

After four lines of what looked like logical calculation, however, the teacher produced a startling result: “Therefore, 2=1!”

“Disprove that,” he challenged his bemused students.

With his very limited knowledge of algebra, the young student could not see how to disprove it. Every step in the calculation looked perfectly valid. Should he, then, believe this strange conclusion? After all, his teacher was much more versed in mathematics than he was. Of course he should not! ‘I do not have to disprove this,’ he thought to himself. ‘Common sense tells me that this is absurd.’ (Proverbs 14:15, 18) He knew that neither his teacher nor any of his classmates were going to exchange two dollars for one!

In time the algebra student did find the flaw in the computation. Meanwhile, the experience taught him a valuable lesson. Even when someone with vastly superior knowledge presents a carefully crafted and seemingly unassailable argument, a listener need not believe a foolish conclusion simply because he cannot disprove it at the time. The student was actually following a very practical Bible principle found at 1 John 4:1—not to believe too quickly everything you hear, even when it appears to come from an authoritative source [whereislogic: that would be the verse quoted in the OP] .

This does not mean that you should stubbornly stick to preconceived ideas. It is a mistake to close your mind to information that could adjust mistaken views. But neither should you be “quickly shaken from your reason” in the face of pressure from someone who claims to have great knowledge or authority [whereislogic: or someone that appears that way to you without claiming it, whether or not they claim it out loud is besides the point]. (2 Thessalonians 2:2) The teacher, of course, was merely playing a trick on his students. Sometimes, though, things are not so innocent. People can be extremely “cunning in contriving error.”—Ephesians 4:14; 2 Timothy 2:14, 23, 24.

Are Experts Always Right?
“The Falsely Called ‘Knowledge’”

Source: Must You Believe It?
edit on 12-1-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Nope, but I don't claim that I am possed by Sin/Satan in a way that breaks God's laws intentionally, Original Sin.

There are many verses in the OT and NT that say God has Grace for those who break the law unintentionally, which out of ignorance I might do. But I don't break his laws because I am possed by sin. The voice of sin lives in me, but I have freewill to follow the Holy Spirit who also lives in me.

Paul himself claimed legalistic righteousness, never intentionally breaking God's laws. The foundation of Original Sin claims this is impossible.

Original Sin is the false doctrine of the false church that causes men, psychologically, to be unable to follow God's laws.

I do not suffer from this delusion. Although I am imperfect, the perfect spirit lives in me and guides me down a path of perfect love, so I always try to love perfectly.

Original Sin is the doctrine of fear that requires Ritual Salvation, and the subsequent damnation of those who do not perform the same act of Ritual Salvation.

Prefect love drives out fear. This is the doctrine taught by Christ, Freewill and Grace.

I believe the wisdom of learning from one's mistakes can lead a man to love perfectly. I don't see this as impossible. I see it as the one law that all of the laws and the words of the prophets are based on. To Love one another as he Loves us.

edit on 12-1-2017 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Some of us can see who has what spirit with our naked and inner eyes...we cant even help it...i can walk into a church and see almost noone with it...nothing but hints...outside edges and the odd time someone stumbles across some power.

Literally no Christians will ever approach truly feeling the "SPIRIT" for one simple are told you are inferior and fallen...and must beg for some bizarre conduit to receive your power.

The Bible is FAKE NEWS...i for one delved into doing what Jesus said is possible for ALL...and no Christians could even stand in my presence...shielding their eyes...praying for my soul lol.

Thankfully i learnt how ridiculously easy it is to block the very often misused and unknowingly damaging prayers...without it hurting them back 10 fold.

All religions and media corp everything working for one keep the power source going...the tethers are being cut fast expect the Gods of the Bible and everyone else to make a last desperate attempt to stay fallen.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Justso

I hope you fully come to realize that no "Journey" is just another trap to make you feel that you are making progress...

If you go deep will see that noone from Earth has ever dared to start a real journey...for it entails exposing all truths...baring all options...and destroying (fixing) the disgusting entities that are all as lost as everyone here.

ONLY the humans can achieve this...spirit and flesh perfectly...some have come close...but soon completion and a whole new ball game.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

It is actually a ceremony designed to snare you into being controlled.

True Baptism is FIRE...and feels and looks like it to....a sonic laser shower of pure energy...the exact opposite of WATER.

posted on Jan, 12 2017 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: ketsuko just reinforces the fact that the Source is no longer a thinking existing being...but an ever so slowly fading imprint the Fallen Ones are trying to resurrect.

They foolishly do not realize that the ORIGIN...GOD...will never go back to the ways of refuses on every level to allow this....true forgetfullness.

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