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How to recognize the spirit of God.

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posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

i dont know - who i judging ? pleae dont let it be simon cowell - he is a cockwomble

but i digress - yup - CULT an accurate moniker

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: DeathSlayer

i dont know - who i judging ? pleae dont let it be simon cowell - he is a cockwomble

but i digress - yup - CULT an accurate moniker

OK....I see no reason to argue .... so do you worship God and if so are you affiliated with any religious faith?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
The teaching is clear and those who do not have the spirit of God within them are NOT children of God. Do you disagree or not?

Yes, I am agreeing with you and backing you up on this point.
If you don't appreciate that, you may be misunderstanding me. Let me try again.
The New Testament statement that "Christ came in the flesh" combines two elements; he was in the flesh, and he "came from" heaven. Opponents of Christ may break that combination by denying either element. They may deny "in the flesh" as the later gnostics did (I'm not talking about agnostics, who are something different). Or they may deny "came from heaven", as the atheist undoubtedly does. We see both forms of denial in the modern world and on ATS.

OK, I've now seen your edit. I will keep the explanation, though, in case anyone else needs it.

edit on 11-1-2017 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Well, that's what I was told.

That is why I am no longer of any faith and a member of the "I don't know" because I do know no one knows. There's no proof. I have spent years studying the Bible and ancient civilizations. I make these statements with a lifetime of searching and learning.

As I explained-I was baptized and really believed my special Southern Baptist minister when he said I was saved. I was a kid. Really?

Shame, shame on those who fool and lie to children. Of course, they are trying real hard to believe it themselves-I forgive them-good people just really confused by our culture's religiosity.

You are on your journey with your intense "spirit" seeking mission. Best wishes.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
... Dear children (talking to Christians and no one else) you are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak of the world and the world listens to them. We are from God and whoever knows God listens to us, but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. 1 John 4:4-6.

So he (God) that is inside us (Christians) is not inside everyone else....... not everyone on this planet is a child of God.

Are you a child of God and is his spirit inside you?

Wow so god is not from this world and calls out to his scattered hybrids? ...not everyone on this planet is from God. Planet, ey?
But there are natives? But you and your people not from this planet want to overcome them?

Whoa, sounds like one of these masonic club bets. You know like scientology. Does that mean you are in some apocalyptic sect and not "really" Christian?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I was just making a general statement about the concept of "true Christians" vs "Christians".

It would make sense to warn your flock of the reality of infiltrators aka the wolves in sheep's clothing types. Those truly filled with the spirit of God have a duty to keep a keen eye open, and combat the false teachers and such. This is the Lord's will, and he gave you tools to help identify such malcontents.

But then again just what makes a "true Christian"? Rhetorical question. Point being there are obviously many different Christian beliefs and interpretations of the scripture. Isn't that okay though.. I mean isn't the whole thing about a personal relationship with God? Who knows how God has steered this or that person's belief. I digress and move to the next point.

Who or what is the final authority? God and the Bible, right?

How do you verify who wrote when, and why etc. (in referring to scripture) Can you confirm it was of God?

Have any of your beliefs or your personal relationship with your God ever been inconsistent with scripture, in any way?

I don't need to know the answers I'm just throwing thoughts out there.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Basically you must be "christian" to have the spirit of God in you...

Sorry im not buyin it

Of course you dont buy are known to be a non believer on ATS.

This comment left a bad taste in my mouth.

You are now a known bad taste in mouth on ATS.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon

originally posted by: DeathSlayer

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Basically you must be "christian" to have the spirit of God in you...

Sorry im not buyin it

Of course you dont buy are known to be a non believer on ATS.

lol Afraid not bud...

I just don't believe in the stuff Christianity is selling...

Belief is less then knowledge... and i know God exists...

Just not your version of it

And now you have confirmed that you do not believe God's Apostle John and the bible.

The spirit has been tested...... see ....not hard to figure out who is who.

All you are figuring out is who meets your narrow criteria and one eyed view.

Yes, Jesus is the Christ. The bible says so.

But that does not mean that the goodness that is the spirit you are looking for does not reside in other people.

Some of the most awesome, caring and loving people I know are Atheists. They love without judgement, they forgive and they have morals.

I have one simple retort for you and your kind;

Matthew 23 - the whole chapter.

Here's part of it to get you going;

They tie onto people's backs loads that are heavy and hard to carry, yet they aren't willing even to lift a finger to help them carry those loads. 5 They do everything so that people will see them. Look at the straps with scripture verses on them which they wear on their foreheads and arms, and notice how large they are! Notice also how long are the tassels on their cloaks![a] 6 They love the best places at feasts and the reserved seats in the synagogues; 7 they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to have people call them ‘Teacher.’ 8 You must not be called ‘Teacher,’ because you are all equal and have only one Teacher. 9 And you must not call anyone here on earth ‘Father,’ because you have only the one Father in heaven. 10 Nor should you be called ‘Leader,’ because your one and only leader is the Messiah.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: Justso
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Well, that's what I was told.

That is why I am no longer of any faith and a member of the "I don't know" because I do know no one knows. There's no proof. I have spent years studying the Bible and ancient civilizations. I make these statements with a lifetime of searching and learning.

As I explained-I was baptized and really believed my special Southern Baptist minister when he said I was saved. I was a kid. Really?

Shame, shame on those who fool and lie to children. Of course, they are trying real hard to believe it themselves-I forgive them-good people just really confused by our culture's religiosity.

You are on your journey with your intense "spirit" seeking mission. Best wishes.

You speak like a child of God and understand the damage that some preachers have made by confusing the general public and that was because they too were confused. People of faith today can clearly see 40....50 years ago how the church has changed... is it for the better .... you be the judge ..... the message has not changed.....IMO it has become soft due to those who are quick to feel offended.

Can you see any difference between your sibling screaming at you out of love to warn you of getting seriously hurt VS the Gospel? It's all about love not hate.

I now why you have doubts and it is because you do not have a relationship with God like it use to be.... clearly you have distanced yourself from the church itself but that is no reason to stop praying and when I say stop praying let me explain:

If you pray every morning when you wake up, during the day, and prior to go to sleep in a short time you will see change and you will feel's called being reborn, your spirit becomes re-charged with a new power and you can keep this power or lose it and you will lose it when you stop praying.

Pick up your prayers brother and when you stumble and fall God will be there to pick you back up again.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: Peeple

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
... Dear children (talking to Christians and no one else) you are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak of the world and the world listens to them. We are from God and whoever knows God listens to us, but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood. 1 John 4:4-6.

So he (God) that is inside us (Christians) is not inside everyone else....... not everyone on this planet is a child of God.

Are you a child of God and is his spirit inside you?

Wow so god is not from this world and calls out to his scattered hybrids? ...not everyone on this planet is from God. Planet, ey?
But there are natives? But you and your people not from this planet want to overcome them?

Whoa, sounds like one of these masonic club bets. You know like scientology. Does that mean you are in some apocalyptic sect and not "really" Christian?

So from your post you admit to not knowing this info meaning you have not read the ENTIRE bible and it is clear you do not understand so maybe before you add any further comments maybe you should, this way with God's help MAYBE you will be shown.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Such sweet thoughts from an obviously sweet person. Your comments are meant to "save" me but that is no longer my quest in life. I live more outside myself with others of like spirit and beliefs.

I know you mean the best for everyone but unfortunately when stated as your own spiritual club I am extremely opposed to that type of thinking.

I have my journey and you have yours. I did not get here easily-it takes a lot of living-as the old poem goes.

Please consider that other people and their spiritual journeys may differ from your own-you just may not have the only answer of "why are we here."

Peace be to all of us-and respect for individualism in deep personal beliefs.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

So basically what you're saying is, Christians should only hang around other Christians because other people with different beliefs might challenge theirs on some level?

Whats wrong with that? You surround yourself with people of different religious beliefs then it will either help you gain insight and change your beliefs or reinforce what you already believe to be true. To me its a moot point because all religions when boiled down to their roots all stem from the Golden rule.

Actually, if you read Jesus teachings, he preached about compassion and set many examples of making believers in God out of unbelievers.

“While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and ‘sinners’ came and ate with Him and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked His disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?’ On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’ ”

edit on 11-1-2017 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

How do you tell if you are in the presence of a spirit? Thats easy.

How to tell if people have good or bad intentions, the worst kind of characters (people are spirits too) are the most deceptive.

Serial killers, rapists , child molesters, you would be amazed they walk among us completely camouflaged. You would never know their true spirit. Try asking any of them if they 'believe' in Jesus, they'll say why yes, of course.

Ted Bundy and Dennis Rader (BTK), for instance. Especially Dennis Rader...

Digging deeper, we find Dennis Rader, a Lutheran church deacon and president of the church council, living in suburban Wichita and 60 years old at the time of his arrest.

History headlines

Do tell about the stupid questions 'churchians' ask each other to determine if "spirits" are good or not, lol.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Why are you yelling? I am just asking questions. You are believing that. For as long as your god doesn't rapture you, the people of this planet probably would want to ask you a few questions. Or where is that heaven?
Is it more a "different dimension"?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

A well thought out post and I can see you are serious about your questions. Excellent..... this is how we learn and by FAR I am not the answer to all questions. No one on this planet can. Why? The mysteries of God and heaven..... and hell and when I say a MYSTERY this does not mean FICTIONAL.

It would make sense to warn your flock of the reality of infiltrators aka the wolves in sheep's clothing types. Those truly filled with the spirit of God have a duty to keep a keen eye open, and combat the false teachers and such. This is the Lord's will, and he gave you tools to help identify such malcontents.

All I can say about what you wrote above I can say in one word......AMEN.

And when you say those filled with the spirit of God...... EVERYONE has a chance for this...... it is really not that hard to receive..... HOW DO YOU KNOW WHEN THE SPIRIT IS WITH YOU? Answer: You feel it is the short answer and it changes you. You feel different inside ..... not for a day or week ..... it is a permenant feeling .... I changed overnight from a mean SOB to a puppy and I did not want to.....I fought back and lost because my God is much stronger than me and he SHOWED me and lets me feel his love and protection.

But then again just what makes a "true Christian"?

WOW....great question and I bet there are many here who can better answer this but I will try..... when accepting the teachings of the Gospel and repenting PROPERLY .... God's spirit will come inside you ..... sometimes it will not be immediately but he will come. A good example was after Jesus ascension to heaven and the Holy spirit came upon the apostles....

I mean isn't the whole thing about a personal relationship with God? Who knows how God has steered this or that person's belief.

Correct.... a personal relationship is the only way to get to know God. Communication is the key. Belief is good faith is better. To be able to have faith in God's words ..... I have spoke to many about faith and I say to those who have none:

Is it better to have faith in God or not to have faith? Is faith a sign of belief?

Who or what is the final authority? God and the Bible, right?

Final authority is God. The bible is a manual directed by God and written down by man.

How do you verify who wrote when, and why etc. (in referring to scripture) Can you confirm it was of God?

I cannot verify when etc.... BUT if God's spirit is inside you and when you read these words in the bible they not only strike your heart but your spirit as well for God WILL reveal to you while reading his message. Can you understand what I just said? At times you can see it...and feel it. Light bulbs turn on while meditating God's words.

Have any of your beliefs or your personal relationship with your God ever been inconsistent with scripture, in any way?

NO..... but your question requires a long answer.... almost a book...Some people blame God why? People say God does not exist because of sickness, illness, got fired, death, etc.... Who can prove that God is responsible and where is that proof ... that God did it?

Now God does in fact punish people. Is he the only one? Does God punish his OWN children? Hebrew chapter 12 says he indeed does? Why? As a father I have punished my son and daughter because they misbehaved and violated my authority and because I love them and sometimes "tuff love" is required so my children will change....

Also lets not forget Satan because 2 Corinthians clearly says..... The god of the is world is satan.....

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

OP just wants people to flock to him for all the answers. He will gladly tell you why you are all wrong and he will show you what the bible really meant to say.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Well, since you brought up the old testament. How does god feel about gays, unruly children and supposed witches?

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: Justso

I will never "FORCE FEED" my faith upon anyone and when someone ask me to stop..... I will but there will always be HOPE that you will reconsider ..... the Christian Gospel which starts in Genesis...

Mankind was doomed..... no way to come back home....because of the LAW. NO ONE can follow God's law throughout life without committing sin ..... so one sin alone is just as bad as a million sins..... sins is sin and sin is not allowed near God, near his angels and everything currently in heaven.....even VERY good people but have sinned will NOT make it into heaven UNLESS you pay for your sin.... payment is needed ..... Jesus Christ made that payment ONLY for those who accept.... FREE OF CHARGE. AND this is why Christ came .... to reopen that door so that we may come home BUT AGAIN ONLY for those who accept the payment that Christ made..... for we know the ONLY way to God is through his son and there is NO OTHER WAY.

If there is another way to get to go home please share with me.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:24 AM
Gods & Demons...poppycock bulls--t. Both from the mind of man. Both used as tools for control of the mass's. It hurts to see educated people fall into the ruse of religion. Jesus needs to get busy doing the good works or God's gonna come down and ask for a paternity test....cause no one is getting what their praying for....I.E. We still have war, famine, murder, suicide, disease, poverty, etc etc etc. So don't come on here preaching about believers & false believers & how YOU can tell.....who the hell are you to judge a damn thing any one anywhere does .

Reading this thread it's obvious you are so far gone into religion & belief that nothing, Nathan, nada, that any of us say is gonna have any affect on you. Your writing this for your God & have no control of your actions or words. Just the reason I'm an atheist.
edit on 11-1-2017 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

But there is a charge. Servitude to a fictional idea that is championed by uneducated twits like you. Every frickin day you are on here preaching your own gospel as if your life depends on it. Quick to point out everyone else's flawed thinking but you can't see past your own ego.

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