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Why I Agree with the Georgia Guidestones to a NWO and You Should Too!

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posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: dashen
no matter what wishy washy sugarcoating you put on this turd, it involves a strict eugenics program.


If it's necessity. What does it matter what you call it?

do you volunteer?

as i posted earlier, all seven billion of us could fit in los angeles.
there is an artificial scarcity created by the same people who push this murderous garbage on the braindead masses
edit on 18-12-2016 by dashen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Unfortunately, some of the leading Club of Rome environmentalists involved with this Georgia Guidestone stuff and depopulation and extreme environmentalists are the likes of Al Gore and Bill Gates and Ted Turner....just sayin....know the truth...

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash


Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

500 Million is still a huge number, it might be too many.
Notice that it doesn't say anything like "we should depopulate" or "we should kill them".

We could send 90% of our population to space stations and outposts on other worlds you know? There's not really a set time frame here, though I think sooner is better than later.

It is assuming that we will depopulate, but this can and will happen naturally through multiple possible avenues.
I think something like the Black Plague is the most likely scenario, but we'll come back to this hot potato later on at the end of the OP.
Also anything related to this you'd like to bring up you are more than welcome.

Thanks for this thought-provoking thread.

Could you please explain: how the 90% of Human-Beings, not on Earth, are no longer a part of Humanity?

Why do you use the term: NWO, when it is a known code-word, (at least on ATS), for the 0.1%ers, Bilderburg clans, and their endless quest for more for them, and screw everyone else?

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 02:41 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

In order to make point #1 seem more palatable, you have suggested space colonies.

Today only a bit more than 500 people are reported as having gone to space. And there is reasonable suspicion that those 500 or so people are liars who never actually went to space. I think space is not a place hospitable to life, is a dead place, and us living people seem to know very little about it.

It seems to me, the current concerns that too many people live on earth are totally unfounded.

The total land surface area of earth is estimated to be close to 57,308,738 square miles, of which, it is estimated 33% is desert and about 24% is mountainous.

Subtracting this 57% desert and mountain land area, from the total land estimate leaves 24,642,757 square miles or 15.77 billion acres of, what could be, habitable land.

That calculates to more than 2 acres of habitable land per each person (around 2 football fields – not including the end zones).

Although this statistic currently shows there is plenty of room for further population growth, most people are condensed tightly, into small lots, that give the appearance of overcrowded conditions, when you look around you.

The more the merrier is my philosophy, and I believe there is more power in greater numbers, due to greater knowledge sharing.

But it is also my philosophy that power is too concentrated into relatively tiny pockets, and that this power could be more beneficially dispersed, and could and should continue growing, by spreading across greater geography, but being of a less dense cluster where each pocket of population resides.
This is speaking in regards to big city shifts. But in regards to small town shifts, those pockets of population may be considered as not dense enough.

Food is a renewable resource too, and the more planting and reaping food, this recycling process, I think the environment benefits, and is good.

On a negative note, the hyper efficient farming practice of monocropping has also been researched to have toxic effects on soil used to grow food for people and livestock, depleting nutrients.

This practice may need to gradually shift, but seeing as it takes maybe 4 to 7 years for new food crops to dig good roots into the soil, any shift may take decades.

Anyway, sending masses of living people into space to seek out new colonies I'm certain is delusional, or a cruel joke of the gods or angels of this world, or whatever you want to call THEM.

And killing off most people in the world is also cruel and inhumane, and makes it sound like the gods or angels of the world (or whatever you want to call THEM) are genocidal, and too irresponsible to figure out a permanent transition plan for THEIR supposed world, so would rather wipe the slate, but maybe tempt a minority to follow them into their Noah's ark, or narrow gate delusion; and I'll bet THEY probably look down on those followers as gullible suckers and have little, if any, respect for them.

I actually prefer the Chilbolton crop circles that seem to me as suggesting 21 billion people is what we should strive to as a permanent steady population.

This would make the current point of population, like a transition point in an S curve, from young exponential growth, to slower mature growth.
edit on 18-12-2016 by InachMarbank because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 02:56 AM
How can people be so thick. To achieve a population of five hundred million, NO ONE has to die. NO mass genocide has to take place. All that needs to happen is the birthrate needs to drop. doesn't take a thick idiot to understand that. Five hundred million is faaaaar too many humans anyway. but by the sound of some dumbasses on this thread, we should keep going until there are trillions of us, yeah, real smart! as for the guidestones, clearly written by a group with higher intelligence and better forethought than 90% of the posters here.
edit on 18 12 2016 by Breakthestreak because: Spelling, probably still bad but who cares?

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 03:27 AM
Hey Vanilla Ice,

Current estimate,

• 360,000 births per day
• 151,600 people die each day

NO ONE has to die?
Not even the 152K or so estimated to die today?

You think by uh... generation ZA... that birth rate will start leveling off?

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: InachMarbank

It will obviously need to be forced to drop, as in the one child rule or something harsher. So yeah, no one has to die.

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 04:14 AM

originally posted by: Breakthestreak
a reply to: InachMarbank

It will obviously need to be forced to drop, as in the one child rule or something harsher. So yeah, no one has to die.

You think that's a politically popular stance you're taking?

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 04:20 AM

originally posted by: InachMarbank

originally posted by: Breakthestreak
a reply to: InachMarbank

It will obviously need to be forced to drop, as in the one child rule or something harsher. So yeah, no one has to die.

You think that's a politically popular stance you're taking?

Probably more popular than killing people.

Also population growth has been stabilizing. There was only 80 million growth this year, some people would have you believe there was a billion.

edit on 18-12-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: Breakthestreak

there is another quick way, tell the aged that heaven is ready for them now...

no being sick but we dont know whats going to happen when we die, maybe there are people that know that when you die its off to the party in the sky, hell we would be left with about 2 of us if that news came and eve.
i can see it now. Dave and Eve star in "The 3rd Testament" maybe call it the babble or sumfin

edit on 18-12-2016 by Davg80 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 05:37 AM

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts

I am certain this is just a couple of simple spelling mistakes.

It should be fairy laws and joust courts.

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: dashen
And who exactly gets to be in charge of this Grand Plan?
Who gets to choose the members of the 500 million club?

Exactly. It's all very dandy when you're part of the population that's deemed "useful" enough to keep around.

Who DO get to decide?

You can bet the Rothschilds of the world won't be taking part in a "Survival raffle".

They're too busy eating their steaks to even bother reflecting over the rest of us being rationed insects.

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 08:01 AM
Certainly need less people in he world. People living longer and too many children. Need another black death

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I'm sorry, but seriously?

If I'm wrong about that last part I'm open to evidence disputing it but you'll need a really good argument and good sources.

I fail to see where you included a 'really good argument/ sources..'

The burden of proof is on you - not on us. You are the one who needs really good arguments, with sources of information coming from professors of philosophy, ethics & so on.

So far all I can see is your own little-thought out opinion. And who are you to dictate what is philosophically & ethically commendable as a worthy goal for humanity?

This thread is a joke, and I rarely make such comments. The Georgia Guidestones smack of depopulation, eugenics agenda, and so on - you are utterly delusional if you think this satanic mirroring of the ten commandments is a good thing. The perpetrators of the genocide are laughing at you - and at anyone who defends the 'in your face' brazen mockery, which the stones (remove the 'guide' part for accuracy) most surely represent.

Utterly suckered by the NWO.. Well done numbnuts. * slow clap for muzzleflash *

edit on DecemberSunday16012CST08America/Chicago-060010 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification, phraseology

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: InachMarbank
Hey Vanilla Ice,

Current estimate,

• 360,000 births per day
• 151,600 people die each day

NO ONE has to die?
Not even the 152K or so estimated to die today?

You think by uh... generation ZA... that birth rate will start leveling off?

Did you figure the number of abortions in those numbers? Abortion is part of this whole depop agenda you know. Its been propagated by the Rockefellers and Margaret Sanger since the early days of the American Birth Control League under Sanger also known as Planned Parenthood. Progressives in those days embraced eugenics just as you know who did.
Oh when I Posted last night I got Erlichs first name wrong, its Paul, and you probably already know this but there was a movement called Zero Population Growth and also the Club of Rome had published Limits To Growth, Its an agenda alright by the elites who are using war vaccines GMO abortion and whatever else as methods...
edit on 18-12-2016 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: imjack

Japan has actually been having a problem with too many seniors and not enough young to help with the economy. I read that in a college course somewhere in 07 ish. It was in a course on how technology is affecting society.

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

You won't be one of the chosen few; you're not that special, neither am I for that matter. If we had the technological capacity to send people out into other corners of the universe we will do that, its human nature; but it's also human nature to breed. Go Forth And Multiply is a central tenant of human existence. We breed, we explore and push into new environments and we adapt our environment to suit ourselves. This is us. This what we do and it is crucial to our success. To deny it is to doom ourselves. Because of this the most likely way to achieve that "ideal" population is through wholesale murder or maybe (if they take the long view, which I doubt), through draconian population control, which leads to a complex set of social and genetic problems all its own. As long as you are willing to make that sacrifice its a valid enough philosophical choice I suppose. If you aren't, well you first Fellow Useless Eater.

I am skeptical that 500 million is still enough people to maintain a workable infrastructure on a global level, at least at our current technological level. There are over 100 specialty jobs in the U.S. alone that require a great deal of skill and time to master.

The Georgia guide stones are at best hopelessly naïve and at worst an evil manifesto that unashamedly advocates the deaths of billions and horrific suffering. I'm hedging toward dystopia because of the hierarchical nature of human beings.

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

but 2pac says hi

Thug for life we representing. Even the government be sweatin. New World Order we preventing, Got them soldiers filling our trenches.

“Don't believe everything you hear: Real eyes, Realize, Real lies”. ― Tupac Shakur

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 11:17 AM

I am skeptical that 500 million is still enough people to maintain a workable infrastructure on a global level, at least at our current technological level
a reply to: redhorse
Of course you are absolutely right. The elites have built their underground shelters and they have all the technology including the extraterrestrial tech given to us in exchange for them feeding on us like cattle, and experiments and what not....Eisenhower you know...that aside yes you would think that with all this Agenda 21 nonsense they would have already figured that out.... some just think we will all go back to some nice little primitive tribal thing and everyone will be happy.... till they realize the reason we developed all this stuff to make our lives better and have hospitals and what not. The elites want all the resources to themselves for sure and we are the useless eaters.
Ive been trying to help people on this site become more aware of this stuff.... Ive run into a lot of brick walls too
edit on 18-12-2016 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2016 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: InachMarbank

Yes also Agenda 21 does concentrate large masses of people into the big city centers of the world. In this way they can control them. Agenda 21 specifically tries to move people out of the rural areas and so they have begun stopping many resources to those areas. They don't want people out there off the grid doing their own thing. The government has been amassing most of the land in areas like Wyoming and Montana. I know for sure that Jackson Wyoming has a housing crisis because all the land around it is federal and theres no way to expand growth wise. The wealthy have their expensive second homes and such....

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