I totally realize how hard a sell about this might be, considering the Georgia Guidestones are seen as some sort of 'beacon to evil' when in reality
it appears to be quite the opposite. Everyone seems to read #1 and freaks out so much they ignore the other 9 suggestions.
We can go through them point by point and discuss them or debate over them if you'd like but I'm pretty sure you'll end up convinced that it's far
more reasonable than how everyone depicts them. I think the Georgia Guidestones are Enlightened and Reasoned Intelligently and represent the type of
Mercy and Goodness that every human should aspire to.
I'm going to try to make this a simple quick thread, so let's begin:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
500 Million is still a huge number, it might be too many.
Notice that it doesn't say anything like "we should depopulate" or "we should kill them".
We could send 90% of our population to space stations and outposts on other worlds you know? There's not really a set time frame here, though I think
sooner is better than later.
It is assuming that we will depopulate, but this can and will happen naturally through multiple possible avenues.
I think something like the Black Plague is the most likely scenario, but we'll come back to this hot potato later on at the end of the OP.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
I agree, people have not been guiding reproduction very wisely lately, and I think we ought to agree to take it more seriously.
I think it's merciful to ensure that our future children are fit and that we protect diversity.
We haven't been protecting diversity lately and that's destructive to our genetics most likely.
If I'm wrong about that last part I'm open to evidence disputing it but you'll need a really good argument and good sources.
My personal view of guiding reproduction wisely is through abstinence and marriage.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
I agree that being able to communicate with everyone easily sounds great.
I'm pretty certain that English will absorb the other languages to such a degree that it will be the foundation of the living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
I agree again that being reasonable is far better than being unreasonable.
Ruling our traditions would be a great way to protect them from being eradicated and it would also allow us to refine them appropriately if we agree a
certain aspect of a tradition doesn't make sense anymore.
Ruling our passions is a must for a reasonable future, too many people get outta control and turn to violence in anger or frustration.
And Ruling our Faith is the only way to ensure we remain Faithful and don't dilute it with unreasonable ideas or expectations.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts
Fair laws and just courts?
Wow where do I sign up? This is something we have needed for a VERY long time here on Earth.
Laws have been unfair and courts have been unjust since prehistory (give or take).
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
I like the idea of national sovereignty as well, and I certainly like the idea of using a world court instead of having endless wars all over the
globe like we have been doing for ages.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
I am sick of all the petty laws and I am very sick of useless officials!
I think mankind, if using tempered reason, can guide himself justly!
A very small government makes the most sense, we have seen what big government does - oppress and ruin everyone and everything.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
This is a really important aspect of how we can make 7 work.
By balancing our Rights with our Duties to each other we can find a much better society where respect and honor and dignity are priorities!
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
I believe that is one of the main functions of the Human being that helps us find Happiness, seeking Harmony with God (the infinite).
I absolutely prize Truth, Beauty, and Love.
If someone disagrees with this it's because they need more of it in their lives!
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Yes please!
I do love big cities and skyscrapers and the metropolis, it's awesome...
But I love nature too.
Forests, grasslands and savanna, rivers and waterfalls, the oceans and their life, even the tundra has endless gifts to offer us if we can find
Harmony with it.
I believe we were born to find Balance and to uphold ideals like these.
Notice that 10 sorta requires 1, just look around you, people are trashing our planet and expanding everywhere.
The rain forest is still being destroyed to this day. It needs to end before it's too late and we see mass extinctions on much larger scales than we
are seeing right now. We have really screwed up the ecosystems to a large extent with our disgusting ways and our corporate corruption and our
I believe there will soon be major die-offs of humans, because somethings gotta give.
I don't know if it'll be wars, pestilence and plague, or what, but it seems inevitable.
I believe the future world should focus on these 10 guidelines for an Age of Reason and a New World Order.
We don't have to keep them exactly this way, they can be edited somewhat.
I realize this is very idealistic, and it's by no means an automatic Utopia as that's probably impossible.
Can anyone argue with suggestions 2 through 10 ?
Let's have a friendly and reasonable debate please.
Also anything related to this you'd like to bring up you are more than welcome.