a reply to:
Ok, crazy bitch it is!
Oh, there are spaceships out there too, i think. Way, way, way far away.
It's my personal opinion that let's call it "post-singularity plasma being infested space"
is like a vast empire.. where most if it is inhabited by the Plasmas, and a few worlds
like zoos (like ours) have a new arising of organic life in symbiosis with new, evolving
intelligent plasmas. Rather like a plasma/symbiote prime directive.
Just my opinion, I can't prove it.
There certainly could be pockets of organics out there, that are allowed to spread
to the stars with the illusion of free will. In fact, I think that we might be one of
But it's my opinion that "plasma philanthropy" only goes so far.. that while they
are fascinated by watching a new evolution of their kind, that there would be
a vast pressure for a Borg-like homogeneous empire.
Now in my opinion, this "post singularity plasma" (PSP) Empire is just one layer.
As fascinating as that layer is, I'm most fascinated by the "Other" of course.
Of course speculating about "the Other" is nearly the very definition of
foolish ignorance.
Now regarding "god and religion".
Well you know (I hope) that the purpose of religion (any religion) is to make
us more suitable for the purposes of those "sentient memes". It is completely
and totally rancid.
The most effective psyop of all time was the invention of a soul, immortal
human soul. Wave around that delusion, and you can control the monkeys
for thousands of years.
In my view, the "soul" has to die, or one will be trapped in ignorance
forever. Of course if we don't have "souls" why would that matter,
I really don't want to go into that topic; it takes years of study to deal
with it properly. It's worth a thread all on it's own.
But for purposes of this thread, I agree with you; it would seem quite
depressing that there is no way to escape "the Phenomenon"; it WOULD
be cool if there were Star Trek aliens out there, and we could just
leave Insane Water World, and live happy little lives of rationality
and compassion, free of the vagaries of fate.
I really think that we can.
I think that if we can learn to understand ourselves better, understand
the Phenomenon and "the Other" better, not to mention more black
text science, that it is possible to make something of ourselves,
and to escape this destructive and toxic loop of history that we
are building.
But that's hard work. Not nearly so "free lunch" as having sexy nordic
aliens land on the whitehouse lawn and cure all our problems.