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A New Black Pope Was Elected

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posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: Privy_Princess
Jesuit doesn't equate to 33rd and vice versa.

a reply to: Privy_Princess
AM doesn't alienate the York Rite or other appendant bodies. He's joined the groups he wishes to join. I know many fine Masons who are only in the Scottish just as I know some who are only in the York Rite and some who never progressed beyond the Blue Lodge.

a reply to: Privy_Princess
You don't know as much as you think you do.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: TerryDon79

I just have to ask, what exactly is the "made up stuff"?

And if you didn't make this stuff up, how can you say that it's made up?

I think what you mean to say is the "implausible stuff". But implausible does not equal untrue or made up.

The very nature of freemasonry is secretive. And the truth is, what you know or have been taught about your craft is directly dependent on where you are in the freemasonic paradigm.

How do I know this? Because books, held in high regard by Freemasons for many years, explicitly states this.

So please tell me, how can certain ideas and topics be made up and automatically untrue to you? Do you just feel like they are untrue? Or do you merely want them to be because they go against what you'd prefer to believe is truth?

If you are not a 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason, can you tell me what a 33rd degree Scottish rite Freemason is taught or knows?

Just because you're a master mason doesn't mean you are privy to all knowledge obtained within the entire paradigm. You should know that.

I'll give you an analogy. Just because a flight attendant is an employee of an airline as are pilots, doesn't make him able to fly the plane.

Now I'm sure you'll be getting some brownie points somewhere down the line for doing all this online damage control, but you should be true with yourself. You may be more well versed on the officialities of freemasonry, as no doubt all Freemasons are in comparison to non Freemasons, but you are also at a disadvantage because you can only see freemasonry from within. You cannot see it from an outside perspective, nor would you want to anymore. Nor would they want you to.

But it's very naive to say outright that things which go against your beliefs are made up. The truth is you don't know that.

posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: Privy_Princess

It's not about "things that go against my belief". It's about you peddling lies made up by anti-Freemasons. That's the made up stuff I was referring to.

All you've done, through this thread and others you've made, is show that you haven't researched freemasonry outside of the conspiracy side.

As for freemasonry being secret? Not so much. You can buy everything to do about freemasonry from shops owned by Freemasons and from non Freemasons. The only thing that is meant to be kept secret is the passwords. That's so people can't access a lodge if they're not a Mason.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: Privy_Princess
This is something you won't ever get. There's no equation that dictates where one Mason sits in all of Freemasonry.

If what one knows is dependent on their supposed place in a paradigm, wouldn't you then know "0"?

What you don't understand about these "highly regarded" books is that they don't hold the weight of law, policy, or canon in Freemasonry. It is only the opinion of that Mason. Anti-Masons, and some non-Masons, would have others believe that everything a Mason writes is inherently accepted by all of Freemasonry. The problem here is that not everything written by a Mason has been factual, but as Freemasonry is a society dedicated to knowledge and free thought, Grand Lodges have not interfered with what an individual Mason writes. A Grand Lodge is the only entity within Freemasonry that has authority to speak on the symbols, rituals, history, and so on. Without receiving an endorsement from a Grand Lodge, a Masonic author is merely giving his opinion, he does not speak for all Freemasonry. Freemasonry is much more than just the writings of a single Masonic author.

If you are not a 33rd degree Scottish rite freemason, can you tell me what a 33rd degree Scottish rite Freemason is taught or knows?

Well, you're not a Mason, so how can you say anything about Freemasonry at all?

...but you are also at a disadvantage because you can only see freemasonry from within. You cannot see it from an outside perspective, nor would you want to anymore.

What about those of us who have seen Freemasonry from the outside and from the inside?
edit on 25-10-2016 by KSigMason because: Punctuation

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: Privy_Princess

Just curious, what part of that was you showing what you actually know about the topic? I mean, we know it is practically nothing, but I held out hope there was a glimmer of understanding.

Just so we are on topic, you: Scottish Rite/Jesuit Pope controls Masonry and all secret societies. That sum it up?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: Privy_Princess
And if you looked through my posts and actually used that brain of yours when doing so, you would see that not once did I say every freemasonic order has 33 degrees.


originally posted by: Privy_Princess
The Jesuits are the modern-day templars. They are the 33rd degree of freemasonry.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Privy_Princess

perhaps you could describe the power structure of Freemasonry. Tell us how the Jesuits "run" things.

I am not aware of any 33rd degree masons currently on ATS, so you are correct in saying that we don't know what they teach the 33rds. But most of us are 32nd degree masons, and we are very well aware of what we were taught. What degree are you?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 08:51 AM
Just flagging for a read, this is very salty

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: SoulOfCeres

originally posted by: Nucleardoom

originally posted by: elementalgrove
a reply to: Dark Ghost

It truly is fascinating how far the tenctacles of the Roman Catholic Church does go and that is only speaking of the public version.

When one looks into the web spreading from the Jesuit Society, P2 lodge, Freemasons, Knights of Malta, etc on down the line it is an impressive global network of control that one can not ignore.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the Knights Templar would be tied to this is some way. If true that would be another connection to Freemasonry as well since the Templars eventually incorporated Freemasonry into their beliefs.
Interesting thread OP S&F for you!

The Knights Templar (York Rite of Freemasonry) has no connections to The Jesuit Order as far as I am aware. But in all fairness, I have not been through the York Rite.

ETA: Oh hey look, more Masons in this thread! *waves*

I asked a question once about who you were, i was curious.. You never replied.. What freemason are you?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: network dude

It was formed out of the working guilds of early times. Each lodge if subservient to it's grand lodge at the State level, no further control mechanism exists.

Do you believe in the philosophy;" To protect and serve? "

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:03 AM
What's with all the Mason's jumping in here and trying to derail the thread?

This about about the Black Pope/Jesuits - I care not a whit about Masons or their beliefs.

It seems that the Masons do though - why is that?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

Sorry to offend. I just followed the thread until something popped up that I had an answer for. Should I ask permission next time I wan to post?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:31 PM
It's so funny how y'all are so quick to say because I'm not a freemason, I can't speak on the teachings, yet you ALSO say that much of the teachings are publicly available online and the only thing hidden are the "passwords".

So which is it?

Cuz it can't be both.
edit on 25-10-2016 by Privy_Princess because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Privy_Princess
And if you looked through my posts and actually used that brain of yours when doing so, you would see that not once did I say every freemasonic order has 33 degrees.


originally posted by: Privy_Princess
The Jesuits are the modern-day templars. They are the 33rd degree of freemasonry.


Just because I didn't add "Scottish Rite" to the sentence. Some things don't need to be said, especially in a thread full of Freemasons, Scottish Rite, York, Prince Hall, Craft, or otherwise.

You're really reaching there.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: Privy_Princess
Just because I didn't add "Scottish Rite" to the sentence.

Yeah. Because the 33rd is only relevant to the Scottish Rite. You know, the group that only about 25% of all Masons join. But you knew that, right?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Privy_Princess
Just because I didn't add "Scottish Rite" to the sentence.

Yeah. Because the 33rd is only relevant to the Scottish Rite. You know, the group that only about 25% of all Masons join. But you knew that, right?

I assumed just the mere mention of 33rd degree would signify the Scottish Rite to a forum full of freemasons.

Was I wrong to assume this? Or are you just grasping at straws in an attempts to point out my supposed "ignorance" again?

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: Privy_Princess
I assumed just the mere mention of 33rd degree would signify the Scottish Rite to a forum full of freemasons.

Well, if the forum were actually full of Masons, instead of the three of us replying, it would, except you said 'The Jesuits are the modern-day templars. They are the 33rd degree of freemasonry.'

The 33rd is in the Scottish Rite. This is really, really simple. Do you need me to walk you through it?

edit on 25-10-2016 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer because a demon stole it

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Privy_Princess
I assumed just the mere mention of 33rd degree would signify the Scottish Rite to a forum full of freemasons.

Well, if the forum were actually full of Masons, instead of the three of us replying, it would, except you said 'The Jesuits are the modern-day templars. They are the 33rd degree of freemasonry.'

The 33rd is in the Scottish Rite. This is really, really simple. Do you need me to walk you through it?

No, I don't want you to walk me through anything. As I've already stated how many times now (?), I know 33rd degree signifies the Scottish Rite. How many times do you need me to type this?

Reading is fundamental.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Privy_Princess
No, I don't want you to walk me through anything. As I've already stated how many times now (?), I know 33rd degree signifies the Scottish Rite. How many times do you need me to type this?

Odd, since you needed me to prompt you to clarify. It is okay to be wrong, it is not the first time you have made incorrect statements on Masonry and, based on your posting history, will likely not be the last time.

Reading is fundamental.

So is the truth. You may want to employ it.

posted on Oct, 25 2016 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Dark Ghost
I'm Episcopalian. Our popes are of the purple, by the purple, for the purple.

Purple, not black. Long live The Purpleness!

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