a reply to:
Hello Peeple. I've been away for a while, so this is my first response in a couple of weeks, which is the longest I've been away from ATS
for...gosh...ever since I signed on... !!
So first of all, I welcome you warmly to the thread. I appreciate you bringing your thoughts and feelings here about this.
I am going to assume that you are here not to simply attempt to be a Debbie Downer or start an argument, but to share your difficulty in connecting
with an experience of what has been labeled "light" in this exercise, and that you have a fair dash of cynicism for any of this "love and light crap."
Am I correct so far? Am I not? Are you here for a different reason?
I am going to assume that you might actually like to have an experience of something different, something that puts a lie to the cynicism, at least a
bit, and that you are willing to give it an honest go...If this assumption is misguided, then you can stop here and just let me know, and that will be
that, okay?
I think, perhaps, you have a headache from this exercise because it is bumping up against your own "stuff" - your ideas about the universe (which are
currently valid for you and which are changeable), your thoughts/feelings about the words "light" and "love" and, frankly, your own wounds.
What I'm hearing is a reactiveness to something of your own creation, your own understanding, based on the very poor vehicle of "words" that are
trying to convey concepts, experiences and "feelings" that go beyond words, into worlds of meaning we may not have the language to share.
It seemed as if you were accusing me and others here of simply wanting a "feel good hit" like some sort of addictive drug. I can see how you might
think that, but it is not a drug - it is a resonance, a frequency, a way of "tuning into" something - I will get into what that "something" is below.
When one "tunes in" they may feel better, this is true, and from that feeling, they can act as an "amplifier" in the effort to entrain others to that
vibration, one that helps others to also "feel better" and make better, healthier personal choices, have healthier relationships, and live lives that
can rise above the cynicism that carries a very different "feel" and vibration, and from which very different life choices, relationships and actions
can be produced.
It is neither lacking in discernment nor is it naive to seek this resonance, to amplify it, and thereby create a better life for oneself, and amplify
the vibration of that for others.
You also seemed to be caught up in moral relativism and applying it to this exercise, i.e. what's "good" to one person is "not good" in effect to
another person. This thread is not about such moral distinctions, which play out on the "stage" of life. (Yes, I mentioned "feeling better" leading
to "better, healthier actions" and yes, that is a perception and one person's healthy may not be another person's healthy, but we can look to science
and determine some basic guidelines on human health, emotional and physical, that are not arbitrary nor morality-based.)
Keep in mind that I cannot in any way judge how you experienced this "experiment." Your "take" on it is yours and yours alone. As much as I
sincerely wish you could feel the truly beautiful and life-guiding "feelings" engendered by this kind of meditation in my life, I fully recognize that
you may find the language or nature of it unsatisfactory, lacking, or even a sort of joke. That's ok. You are you.
I will not allow your ideas about the experiment to taint my own experience, nor do I expect everyone to get the "good vibes" and "share them out"
like I do. Calling people names and putting them down, for example, is a means of lowering other's vibrations and dimming their enthusiasm - if they
choose to take your insults personally
"Holding the Light" simply doesn't work for everyone - linguistically or otherwise. I get that.
This IS a "personal experience" for HEALTH, for creating a better life for MYSELF and PERSONAL MIRACLES and for sharing that out to "the world" (i.e.
others) - this isn't a "beg the sky daddy for something awesome" kind of experience. If that's what you think it is, then you have completely
misinterpreted it. This is a real phenomenon, not an "out there" thing. The leap I make is that we are, through consciousness, connected to every
other conscious being on a non-material level. That is my thing. You don't have to make it your thing. But IF THAT IS TRUE, then my conscious
resonance can have an effect not only on my own health and well-being, but can be "sent out" from myself to others, and the vibration can entrain
others. Simple, see?
I would like to further explain the experiment, and give you an alternative way to sense it, in case you are interested.
The idea here is to go above "the stage" upon which we fret and strut (ala Shakespeare) and touch something that is above and beyond our moral
understandings, failings, judgements, etc. This is not about the morality play, and while it is in some way about duality, light vs dark, it is not
about "right vs wrong" according to x or y person in a given situation.
So.... Are you ready? Wipe the slate clean and see what you think...
IF you would like to experience this phenomenon in a different way, perhaps different words and imagery would help? Remove all "memes" and start with
a clean slate - a blank and "nothing" page. Remove it from all pre-conceptions of "morality" or "religious terminology" - it's not about that.
Imagine, if you will, something like an Archetypal Sound - something that you don't have to filter into "human" terms. Call that
something a brand new name, whatever you like, but the main thing is that it is a frequency that embodies the Source of Health and Well Being. Play
with that idea. Find something, at least in your imagination, that is like a Pure Tone and, imagine that it exists in this pure form, resonating out
from above your head and through your body, vibrating into every cell of your being, every part of you and your life.
"Sit" with this Pure Tone in your own head and heart for a while, resonate to it, removing all known "Names" for it, stripping it of everything but
it's essence and it's place in your thoughts and feelings. Just hear it. Just feel it. Do this for as long as you are comfortable. Do nothing more
than just feel it.
Please genuinely attempt this and if you do, get back to me.
If you choose not to, that's okay, just be honest and let me know. In either case, and whatever you experience, it is yours.
I have to thank you for inspiring me to jump back into ATS today to respond to you.
= AB