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Conservatives Should Condemn Trump over Sexuality to Make America Great Again

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posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Whatever08152
Very well written, couldn´t agree more (sadly).

Thank you.

It is sad.

Someone needed to speak up on the topic and put things into perspective and generate a discussion on the finer points.

I decided I'll do it because I'm not afraid of people getting mad at me for challenging their views.

I also trust myself not to allow the topic to be derailed by absurdities or misconceptions. I am up to the task.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: muzzleflash
First of all I am not supporting Clinton, I am a realist and a conservative leaning Constitutionalist.

Hear me out!!

This is both a calculated attack on misogyny and on misandry, and a frontal assault on our social sexuality concepts in the Western World.

As we've now seen, Trump is revealed to be "a typical guy" as his defenders say, in that he treats women as empty objects to be "used" for sexual gratification. Exactly like Bill Clinton, another "normal guy", promiscuous, condescending, and deceptive in pursuit of his gratification. Abusers.

I am choosing to attack Trump on this very critically because of several political and personal reasons as a Long Term Conservative Strategy. As I see it, any person Truly concerned with the current erosion of our national outlook will have to eventually agree to some degree. I will take an extreme position.

Man. Trump says something (back when he was a Democrat
) and everyone explodes.

Hillary enables a sexual predator and nobody bats an eyelash, presumably because it happened so long ago. Seems like a double standard here.

The purpose of my thread is to discuss sexuality and our ideological positions.

Trump is a controversial figure I am utilizing to generate that discussion. I am taking advantage of the facts that:

1) Liberals condemning Trump are confused closet conservatives, or are knowingly being deceptive hypocrites purely for political convenience to promote Clinton.

2) Conservatives are so terrified of a Clinton regime that they'll allow their own ideological erosion and will overlook this regrettable reality.

3) Almost everyone has become prejudiced to the point of misogyny and misandry and yet they actually think that by degrading the value of others they are upholding it.

I located an extreme contradiction in both sides views and want to exploit and explore it for the purposes of revealing just how bad this situation has really gotten and how far removed everyone has become from the REAL ISSUES.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: gunshooter

You are going to use sex offenders as your baseline here?

Your sexuality does not create who you are. Or by all means show me the research and not anecdotal evidence.

Your sexuality creates the types of labels others place upon you, and reveals your character.

For example Trump and Bill Clinton are called all sorts of names and people judge them due to their sexual behavior.

People brag about sex why? They think you'll judge them a certain way, and calculate it's worth the risk that you won't think lowly of it because they judged you as the very thing they are depicting themselves as in order to gain acceptance and praise.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:55 PM
I am a lady and I don't care, at all what any man thinks about women. Really, you will age and get past this petty tripe. What I care about is Health care reform (Hate Obama Care) , the taxes the Mexicans aren't paying or contributing, the people on welfare for eight or more years abusing the system, The Mexican wall being finished, the wars, the radical terrorists, the crimes and scandals of the Clintons, the countries jobs going to Mexico and China, the bad slow economy, People not buying AKS steel and buying Chinese steel... really? These petty distractions are just stupid. The man needs to grow up and be presidential with manners and still have the ability to kick a lot of bad butts.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: muzzleflash

Why condemn one person, Americas problems is no the comment or behavior of one person, is the fact that Americans are one of the top nations in the world after the middle east that sexuality is a big tabu and most Americans are sexually deprived.

Thanks the religious right for that one.

Our nations family structure is not collapsing because of sexual behaviors is because Americans love sex but can not find a way to talk about it and think that enjoying it is sinful.

You missed the entire point and merely recited a common vague misconception.

We talk about sex all day. The tv, the magazines, you and me on the internet.

Most people are screwing, there's really no repression going on to any significant systematic degree.

How is sex and marriage treated in China, India, Indonesia, Japan?

Here's a hint - it's the same argument that I'm making in this thread. Only a few details are slightly differentbut the primary ideological positions remain consistent.

You are judging the entire world off a few popular examples in Europe or resort locations that are very "liberal" leaning. They are a minority though.

How do most African cultures treat sexuality and monogamy for example?

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 04:05 PM
Pence looks to have a clear diary

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: jadedANDcynical

I tried to open a case of sandworms, since you're quoting Dune.

You picked an excellent point to contribute, thank you. It's very accurate.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: frugal

So you're worried about welfare abuse but don't see our degraded views of sexuality as being the central component promulgating that economic situation?

Healthcare reform is related partially because poor sexual habits lead to significant health care burdens.

In terms of your two other primary issues that you split into 5 or 6 points - immigration and outsourcing, they are somewhat seperate but in the basic essence they are by principle treated similarly.

This is not a petty distraction, I'm sincerely afraid you are so desperate to beat Clinton you will ignore this topic at your own ideological detriment.

By the way, you can condemn someone, forgive them, and still vote for them. That's allowed.

I believe its time to have a serious discussion on the politics of sex. Things have slid way too far into the liberal attitudes to the point a conservative oriented conversation looks foreign and preposterous to most people.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: muzzleflash

Sounds like you just want to make sexuality a political point when that is hardly the case.

I don't care to debate this with you.

What you actually mean, since you are debating partially by speaking on the topic, is that:

I confused you by making such a complex point that redefines the topic in such a way that your opinion was revealed to be inconsistent and undermined.

I made a mockery of almost everyones opinions in a nearly undefeatable way because I used their own contradictory beliefs against themselves.

Think about it, I attacked both sides very strongly.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I'm glad you thought so.

I made note in the OP you stated that you were deliberately staking out an extreme position, not that you were necessarily saying it was your position, and knew you meant to inspire conversation; and draw out some particular types.

In a way political affiliation is almost religious in nature, and when one pokes around behind the scenes, one can see that there are a remarkable number of similarities in the two systems; those of religion and politics. And in fact one can see that the two have been intertwined throughout human history.

Heck, there are orthodoxies amongst atheists and different sects of them if you will.

As soon as the media (oracles of the powers that be) expound upon a subject, then it will loom large in the consumers (worshipers of a particular ideology be it 'republican,' 'democrat,' 'green,' 'afterberner,' whatever) minds and the way the media presents such will in large part determine the direction the the energy will flow.

In a way money is a similar phenomena, if you look at money as energy rather than as numbers, one can then develop methods to redirect it's flow. And as Soros and others have demonstrated, large enough of a redirection and one can topple nations.

Hope I didn't wander too far away from your topic?
edit on 8-10-2016 by jadedANDcynical because: fixed a bit

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 05:27 PM
I absolutely realize that my posting of this topic and taking an extreme position will by it's very nature alienate nearly everyone.

That's fine because I think I'm already alienated to a very large extent because of my incredibly domineering personality, my penchant for being controversial and pushing the boundaries of most opinions on most topics, my competitive attitude, and my often condescending outlook.

But as I see it, it has to be done. Someone needs to be ballsy enough to confront and challenge the utter BS most people believe in and promote.

Someone needs to be cocky enough to risk a backlash in order to put others in their place and reveal the hidden reality of our corroded morality.

Someone is needed that can put the discussion on the table and control it without allowing all the typical games and unfounded bs to ruin a perfectly healthy debate.

Someone is needed that can objectively think through each idea one at a time and pursue a consistent line of reasoning throughout.

Someone who is confident enough to address each argument, each concern, in a Honest and thoughtful manner - and will actually admit when someone legitimately makes a profound counterpoint.

Someone willing to reevaluate their own position when they are shown the error of their ways, yet is determined enough to make others fight at the top of their game to earn it.

I don't see much of that so I'll just make the change I want to see.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

"If I preach theft and violence is wrong now, then turn around and commit it, does that mean we should all consider stealing and hurting others too? Of course not."

Funny you say that. That is how Trump excuses his behavior, because Bill Clinton does it too.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: muzzleflash

I'm glad you thought so.

I made note in the OP you stated that you were deliberately staking out an extreme position, not that you were necessarily saying it was your position, and knew you meant to inspire conversation; and draw out some particular types.

In a way political affiliation is almost religious in nature, and when one pokes around behind the scenes, one can see that there are a remarkable number of similarities in the two systems; those of religion and politics. And in fact one can see that the two have been intertwined throughout human history.

Heck, there are orthodoxies amongst atheists and different sects of them if you will.

As soon as the media (oracles of the powers that be) expound upon a subject, then it will loom large in the consumers (worshipers of a particular ideology be it 'republican,' 'democrat,' 'green,' 'afterberner,' whatever) minds and the way the media presents such will in large part determine the direction the the energy will flow.

In a way money is a similar phenomena, if you look at money as energy rather than as numbers, one can then develop methods to redirect it's flow. And as Soros and others have demonstrated, large enough of a redirection and one can topple nations.

Hope I didn't wander too far away from your topic?

Yes I took the extreme position as an exercise in argument to make serveral points. My own personal position here is highly nuanced and replete with exceptions.

I did purposely seek to underline the fact that politics and religion are deeply intertwined, and that the media literally controls the arguments and creates the boundaries and the positions, and they are in fact inconsistent and contradictory.

I agree with and prefer your description of both ideas and money as energy that flows. That is an important conceptualization because it can aid the mind in organizing a general direction for that flow and in marking the boundaries.

In a moment I'll describe some of my personal reasons for creating the topic... brb

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: diggindirt

Johnson appears to be a far more reasonable choice.

I wonder if the puppeteers running our political machine made a bet:

"I bet we can offer them two horrid choices and they'll STILL refuse to vote 3rd party!"

Bingo! It's a trap and once again the majority will fall into it because they've been convinced this is some sort of sporting match that has only two sides. Rah, Rah, our team whether they're slimy, sleazy, lying crooks or not! No person of character would vote for either of them but the partisans have been so brainwashed that they no longer think about their choices---just beating "the other team." It's madness I tell you.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 09:43 PM
One big personal reason I wrote this so hastily is because of a specific person that reads my posts here.

I wanted them to see my ideas about this, hopefully think about it deeply and work through the example mental exercise, and realize they misjudged me completely.

And I hope they decide to post and discuss it with me, and challenge it or add more examples or relate to it in some way.

Anyways I gotta go.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 09:48 PM
One last thing:

Look, I get it most of yall hate me. I really totally get it.

If you don't like what I say, don't read it. Get over it, move on to other threads.

Stop reporting me to the mods begging to censor me. It's unfair and despicable. It's heartless.

Just leave me alone if all you feel is a desire to hurt me and try to shut down my freedom to post here. I don't try to censor any of you.

I deal with this crap every time I write a thread dam near, it's insane. It's hard for me to even wanna post here knowing how cruel yall are about this.

Stop it, PLEASE!!

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 04:42 PM
Well, I'm going to go ahead and call it a successful experiment : the position taken as the premise of this thread - though unbelievably contentious and controversial - is the clear dominating ideology.

With all of the hard core liberal minded folks everywhere it is a huge surprise none of them are willing to get down and really fight it out point by point.

I know this thread was not ignored. To get 11 flags? Thousands must have read it. I didn't expect to get two or three flags even.

I knew the extreme conservative position was so incredibly unpalatable to our lust oriented promiscuity based social paradigm where materialistic objectification is the paramount concern... but somehow it's a winning argument.

Not only did it win, it won hands down in an overwhelming way. People are afraid to argue it because in their Heart they know my mental exercise spoke pure Truth.

People won't, to any large percentage, support this obvious point either, because they are ashamed, selfish, and in denial due to their desires dominating their good sense. Maybe 1% of those who read it flagged it.

So, the theory I've developed after this successful experiment: Puritanism is not only a viable position, its intellectually superior and bulletproof.

Also I bet that me personally handling this matter had a bit to do with it too. Hahah.

I'm not actually gloating, I'm trying to jinx myself so someone special and amazing will come and debate me and show me I'm wrong somehow, at least theoretically wrong. I won't hold out hope for any serious opposition though... Im pretty sure this threads over.

It got more traction than I anticipated. I'm pleasantly surprised.

I got some even more controversial stuff planned in future threads. This one was child's play actually. I'm gonna challenge everyone's beliefs and conceptions and conquer them...


posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 04:46 PM

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 05:13 PM

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
Well, I'm going to go ahead and call it a successful experiment : the position taken as the premise of this thread - though unbelievably contentious and controversial - is the clear dominating ideology.

In your mind maybe? You may want to reevaluate?

With all of the hard core liberal minded folks everywhere it is a huge surprise none of them are willing to get down and really fight it out point by point...

I knew the extreme conservative position was so incredibly unpalatable to our lust oriented promiscuity based social paradigm where materialistic objectification is the paramount concern... but somehow it's a winning argument.

Not only did it win, it won hands down in an overwhelming way. People are afraid to argue it because in their Heart they know my mental exercise spoke pure Truth.

Yeah, sure it did. Keep trying to convince yourself. Ever stop to think maybe people weren't "afraid to argue it" and "fight it out point by point" but maybe decided rather than "truth", your whole points were simply lacking in merit and it wasn't worth the effort of getting sucked down to your level? I had written a response that I decided not to post to feed into your obvious attempts at being controversial and edgy. I found much in your posts to be little more than trolling and intentionally antagonistic if not basically mistaken or inaccurate.

I'm not actually gloating, I'm trying to jinx myself so someone special and amazing will come and debate me and show me I'm wrong somehow, at least theoretically wrong. I won't hold out hope for any serious opposition though... Im pretty sure this threads over.

I wouldn't pat yourself too hard on the back if I were you. It's unbecoming.

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