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Conservatives Should Condemn Trump over Sexuality to Make America Great Again

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posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 01:24 AM
First of all I am not supporting Clinton, I am a realist and a conservative leaning Constitutionalist.

Hear me out!!

This is both a calculated attack on misogyny and on misandry, and a frontal assault on our social sexuality concepts in the Western World.

As we've now seen, Trump is revealed to be "a typical guy" as his defenders say, in that he treats women as empty objects to be "used" for sexual gratification. Exactly like Bill Clinton, another "normal guy", promiscuous, condescending, and deceptive in pursuit of his gratification. Abusers.

I am choosing to attack Trump on this very critically because of several political and personal reasons as a Long Term Conservative Strategy. As I see it, any person Truly concerned with the current erosion of our national outlook will have to eventually agree to some degree. I will take an extreme position.

Men try to act like it's OK to treat women like a "piece of ass", an object with breasts and vagina, purely for sexual gratification.

They do not Love these women with all their Heart, Mind, Body, Strength, or Soul. In fact, they generally claim this is unrealistic foolishness, an absurd stupidity even.

Men think they are awesome and cool the more "chicks they bang", and brag about their exploits. Increasingly, many film it as evidence and show it off or sell it.

Women, instead of pushing for Respect and Higher Standards, gave in and decided to adopt this perverse mentality.

They also, at the same time, take advantage of this situation and commercialized their bodies, hence "gold diggers", the explosion of pornography and quasi-prostitution, etc.

They saw they had advantages in legal disputes, and without any moral conscience, exploit it for strategic advantages.

The Conservative position on Sexuality promotes:

2)Long term Marriage,
3)Faithfulness in relationships,
4)The "Nuclear Family",
5)Respect and Honesty,

The Liberal position on Sexuality promotes:

1)Promiscuity (one night stands, etc),
2)Constant revolving Divorces,
3)Cheating is normal,
4)One parent families,
5)Disrespect and Dishonesty,
6)Indecency and Depravity,
7)Atheism or hollow notions of Spirituality

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 01:24 AM
The Primary Reason America is Collapsing from Within:

"Dissolution of the Family"

Increasingly we have contentious divorces or domestic disputes, ripping lives apart.

This is tied to our notions of sexuality, relationships and the obligations they include, and the attitudes we take towards each other and our self image and self esteem.

We have millions of Orders of Protection - Restraining Orders, criminal charges of domestic battery or assault, sexual crimes, contempt, harassment, etc. These legal instruments are given out like candy with no real requirements like evidence or valid reasoning.

We have high welfare rates because of high birth rates and one parent providing financial support.

We have high crime rates with kids from these broken families, filling our jails, costing millions in damages, and destroying even more lives everyday.

We have mass medical problems from STDs to Abortions to injury from disputes or crime.

"Our Attitudes"

When men and women treat each other as objects for sexual gratification and fail to put in the hard long term efforts to build lasting Loving Healthy relationships, they cannot sustain a Family properly.

It will devolve into fighting or avoidance, lead to cheating and divorce, but by then kids are involved - so the new industry called "family court" gets a new stream of customers and an entire mass of family lawyers are employed to litigate it.

This further sucks the economic wealth of families into the toilet.

This multi faceted glut of problems affect every sector of our Nation, from economics to domestic and foreign policies.

"Trump is part of Our Problem"

Trump treats marriage as a convenient situation, a type of business arrangement or a type of long term dating.

My mother has been married 6 or 7 times now for example. She thinks the problem is men but what is the common denominator? Her.

These people are sexually promiscuous, look at sex as something temporary for immediate gratification, and they objectify the opposite sex and become extremely prejudice and discriminatory.

They do not see their sexual partners as being valid human beings with feelings or mental traumas, as having valid Rights, and they deny any responsibility or obligations to those sexual partners.

These people are immature and childish, they flip from infatuation to Hatred on a dime over petty trivialities, they are stubborn and self centered and fail to compromise.

They have low self esteem, they are needy and require constant social interactions, distractions, entertainment, or other shallow gratification.

All of these issues are cumulative and compound upon each other, making the problems multiply and increase exponentially over time.

Due to this situation and it's prevalence, more and more people avoid long term monogamous relationships based on Love Faith Trust Teamwork and Respect.

This is continually cumulative to the degree it has hit every street, and almost every house in our Nation.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 01:25 AM
Contributing Factors

The mass media plays into this, promotes the Liberal Sexuality, and portays sex as a PRODUCT and as a means to SELL OTHER PRODUCTS.

It uses a Liberal slant because selling sex is prostitution, and that is not a conservation, it is a liberal usage of the product.

Being an actor on TV or in an ad, and portaying Sexuality, even just "looking pretty", is SELLING AN IMAGE that SUBLIMINALLY AFFECTS YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS. Therefore it is mass quasi-prostitution.

Now women believe they all must dress certain ways, wear make up, accessorize, consume certain foods, and even Think-Act certain ways. Men as well but to a much lesser degree.

This plays upon our thoughts, attitudes, wants and desires, our Hopes and Dreams, and our Psychological-Spiritual outlook and approach to how we live our very lives.

Current Election

Clinton wants to portray women as largely victims of male domination and misogynistic views objectifying them. Trump is a fairly decent example of the "playboy douche" so plays into this false depiction well. This promotes Misandry.

This is out of context however, as it's clear women exploit men's naturally intense desire for sex and reveal this by their shallow materialistic and highly sexualized behaviors.

The street goes two ways here, we are all guilty at this point to varying degrees depending on each individual.

What they aren't talking about is how our liberalization of sexuality itself is widespread among each of our minds as it's programmed in from birth via environmental conditions like culture, media, politics, school, etc.

Hillary is just exploiting the mindlessness of our population and avoiding the real problem, our approach to sexuality itself. We create gender bias, expectations on each other, etc.

This is the downfall of western civilization in the long term, and promotes a broken mindless population of debt slaves, heartless and robotic in demeanor, seeking only immediate gratification at every turn to fill their emptiness.

edit on 10/8/2016 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 01:27 AM

Use Trump as an Opportunity to Discuss Conservative vs Liberal Sexuality

1) Stop being so Selfish. Other people have feelings and needs too. Think about others positions.

2) Be Respectful. Stop throwing immature tantrums and insulting and denigrating your sexual partner.

Be Patient and understanding, work out problems diplomatically through compromise. Stop yelling, stop insulting and denigrating each other.

3) Commitment. Be Faithful to your Lover and devote yourself to their prosperity because that's yours and your children's prosperity. Faithlessness destroys everything.

4) Stop screwing everyone. Don't be a selfish empty mindless animal. Respect yourself, work on self esteem, focus on strength and developing Goals for life oriented around your family. Abstinence isn't perfect but it's a mitigation component of these problems.

You're spreading STDs, increasing welfare-debt-tax rates, promoting industrial sex merchandising, increasing abortions, filling the courts with petty BS, etc!!!

5) Grow up!!! People are so immature, stop getting angry over your petty 'Wants', stop bossing others around, stop being control freaks!

You can barely control your own choices that you make, you definitely cannot control anyone else. You can only influence others.

Learn to Let Go and accept and respect Freedom. Commitment means you choose to limit your sexual freedoms to increase the Joy of your Lover. This is a badic responsibility.

6) Learn to say NO to others that ask for sex. Say NO to drugs n alcohol, it impairs your judgement and makes it easy to use you for sex.


Worship your Lover while you worship God which is LOVE ITSELF.


This is more important than the election. This is grassroots problem solving. Fix YOU. Help others around you. Talk about Sexuality in intelligent productive ways. Be Positive.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 01:42 AM
I decided to make a thread on the spur of the moment sitting here at a restaurant because I realized just posting in the news thread that broke the story on ATS wouldn't be proper to showcase a more in depth idea.

By making a thread I could flesh out some quick thoughts and give an organized appearance.

I'll start posting threads again soon but my long awaited upcoming stuff is way way more complex and in depth than this. I typed this up in maybe an hour with only two proofreads.

Add any thoughts or something I left out if you notice, or feel free to debate me.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 01:48 AM
Why am I wrong?

Anyone clever enough to defend the position I'm attacking here (so called liberalization of sexuality)?

Am I wrong that this is the biggest issue in America? How so?

Do you not care what kind of problems your behavior creates and live in a fantasy of promiscuity and therefore want to ignore this topic?

Are you a hardcore Trump supporter and are very confused right now because Trumps apparently a Liberal?

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 02:11 AM
Are you an object that exists to gratify others, or are you a dignified respectable human?

If other people can treat you like an object of gratification, than so can governments, corporations, special interest groups, etc.

If you are promiscuous, you are an object and implicitly agree with Trump and Bill's mentality: people are objects or resources that exist to be used for your gratification and you exist for theirs.

This by default means you are not dignified because that implies Trump and Bill treat women just fine and we accept it as not being "lewd" at all.

See the logic here?

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 02:23 AM
So all this boils down to the obvious. Donald Trump is in the wrong party.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash
My Mama told me, "Nobody can treat you like a doormat unless you act like a doormat." Since I never had any confusion about identifying with a doormat, it has worked for me.
I'm not a Trump supporter.
It all seems like a lot of sound and faux fury to me.
Sleaze to the left of me, sleaze to the right of me.
That's why I'm voting for Johnson. Way less sleaze factor and credible record in office. Seems a simple and logical choice to me.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Man you are putting a lot of eggs in the basket of sexuality and then using lots of generalizations to categorize it.

Half the stuff on the lists have nothing to do with your sexuality.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 02:50 AM
Republicans= write in Ron Paul.

Democrats= write in Bernie Sanders.

Let's just go ahead and have the election we really want on our own.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

originally posted by: muzzleflash
I am a realist and a conservative leaning Constitutionalist.

I was hoping you'd still exist, and wondering how long it would take until the right in the U.S. realizes that Conservatism (as a whole) is under attack. Trump running for the right-wing - with conservative support - just boggles my mind.

If I may ask... how many of you are there?

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:01 AM
Politics aside, your attitudes toward women are quite revealing and somewhat disturbing but then again, I've not come to expect much different from most of your gender or those that consider themselves to be of the typically "conservative" or faith-based mindset.

originally posted by: muzzleflash

The Liberal position on Sexuality promotes:

1)Promiscuity (one night stands, etc),
2)Constant revolving Divorces,
3)Cheating is normal,
4)One parent families,
5)Disrespect and Dishonesty,
6)Indecency and Depravity,
7)Atheism or hollow notions of Spirituality

I also find your categorization and labeling of these behaviors and attributes as "liberal" to be specious, unnecessarily politicized and out of touch with realities beyond your own moralistic and holier than thou self. I consider myself socially progressive but otherwise politically moderate and promote none of these things you listed other than maybe number 7 as I believe atheism rather than false notions of indoctrinated spirituality or morality is actually a much more of a true spiritual and genuinely authentic. path.

I'll also add that "sexuality" and all these points you listed transcends your imagined left/right paradigm and your whole argument misses the mark. It is pretty clear where you stand though.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:01 AM
edit on 10/8/2016 by Freija because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:01 AM
Oh crap! Triple post.

I'm afraid to try and fix it.

edit on 10/8/2016 by Freija because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

The Liberal position on Sexuality promotes:

1)Promiscuity (one night stands, etc),
2)Constant revolving Divorces,
3)Cheating is normal,
4)One parent families,
5)Disrespect and Dishonesty,
6)Indecency and Depravity,
7)Atheism or hollow notions of Spirituality

The only one against the law is 6. I happen to know family value conservatives break laws against depravity as much as anyone else.

Trump is a boy and not a wise man for his age. Sex is about conquests to boast about to other men.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

Hey! Did we not allow the Clinton sex machine to continue living in the White House? Did not both Clintons attain the White House after tons of revelations about their sordid business and sex life became known?

Relax, you are living in the middle of the electronic info highway where few people exist that within the cloak of secrecy that they had assumed enveloped them. As for Trump's comments to a fellow, men do talk that way, it is a common man thing. Some women won't understand that stance, but that is their problem, not Trumps.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 04:45 AM
What you describe as general liberal behavior is also adopted by conservatives, you put it like conservatives are saints, they are not, actually repressing stuff makes you do more degenerate things in the future, just saying.

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: muzzleflash

The Conservative position on Sexuality promotes:

2)Long term Marriage,
3)Faithfulness in relationships,
4)The "Nuclear Family",
5)Respect and Honesty,

The Liberal position on Sexuality promotes:

1)Promiscuity (one night stands, etc),
2)Constant revolving Divorces,
3)Cheating is normal,
4)One parent families,
5)Disrespect and Dishonesty,
6)Indecency and Depravity,
7)Atheism or hollow notions of Spirituality

Ah, perhaps I am just lost but, I cannot see how liberals having sex leads necessarily to depravity, disrespect, single parenthood, or dare I say *gasp* atheism? And here I thought screaming out "oh god oh god" would promote spirituality.

Trump treats marriage as a convenient situation, a type of business arrangement or a type of long term dating.

But, the wealthy have done this since time immemorial. The elite were married to forge alliances, and "personal affection and romance were secondary to these diplomatic and political reasons."

It uses a Liberal slant because selling sex is prostitution, and that is not a conservation, it is a liberal usage of the product.

Sex has no political slant. As a matter of fact, sex has never voted. Also I believe you are confusing the political and literal terms of "liberal" and "conservative".

What they aren't talking about is how our liberalization of sexuality itself is widespread among each of our minds as it's programmed in from birth via environmental conditions like culture, media, politics, school, etc.

Actually the opposite would be true. The purpose of life is to survive long enough to procreate, so by procreating more "liberally" we would actually be more in line with natural process, not synthetic programming.
Sex is used in advertising because it hearkens to our baser nature. It's just smart business, not necessarily a conspiracy.

a reply to: abe froman
I honestly would not care which of them won. I think they may be the only two candidates in history who have genuinely cared about the average American. Is it too wishful to say, President Paul, VP Sanders?

posted on Oct, 8 2016 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: muzzleflash

Man you are putting a lot of eggs in the basket of sexuality and then using lots of generalizations to categorize it.

Half the stuff on the lists have nothing to do with your sexuality.

pick up a book and research something. I used to work in community corrections and have attended some of the sex offender meetings that clients have had to attend, and let me tell you. Sexuality has a lot more to do with everyday life than you can even imagine.

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