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My theory on bigfoot

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posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: Razmijix
a reply to: tigertatzen

Holy crap that is terrifying!

It certainly is that. Even scarier is the fact that my mother's house alarm has tripped a number of times while she's not at home and food has gone missing from the pantry and both deep freezers on numerous occasions, with shredded packaging scattered around the property found later on after the fact. My sister was adamant that this creature was crossing the front of the house, coming from the direction of the detached garage on the opposite side, which is connected to the back of the house by a breezeway that leads to the servants' quarters and subsequent entry directly into the kitchen. It's a 5,000 sqft replica of Shakespeare's can walk into one side of it and no one on the opposite side would even be able to hear you come inside.

I hope your family has a shotgun or two.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: crimsongod21

I believe that some people have seen what are known as bigfoots, yetis and squatch. Not all are hoaxers even though the modern 'bigfoot community' is possibly 99% hustlers and hoaxers. At the same time, I don't believe there are any flesh and blood critters out there in PNW or the Great Thicket.

What I suspect is people are seeing things and it'd take future research to work out what exactly the stimulus is.

There are misidentified bears in the reports and I still think there's a smaller subset of outliers. Something along the lines of 'brain fart' could shed light on what causes people to see chupacabra, hat men and the big hairy fellas.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: crimsongod21

First off, I've seen Sasquatch with my own two eyes. That being said, I can understand why folks have trouble believing that he's stompin' around the wilderness.

Let's explore those 3 reasons you give...

1. What if the reason we cannot find the remains is, you guessed it didn't you, they live in local cave systems deep underground, they could also have complex or crude burial systems in place depending on what level of civilization you would like to attribute to them.

This, I suppose, could be the reason. But it's more than likely as simple as the remains are scavenged by nature's little cleaning crews. I'm sure many of you have heard the stories of murderers telling police exactly where to find the bodies of their victims left out in the woods. ...and, even with that knowledge, all too often the body is never recovered. The body has been scavenged by coyotes, even bears, bugs, any number of creatures that can and do feast on carrion.

Or the creature is, perhaps, mortally wounded by something, it's intelligent enough to hide away in a cave, or within a grove of bushes, never to be found by humans.

2. Living underground a majority of the time would also take care of the lack of physical evidence, as they would only venture out during possible times of hardship or for other random reasons.

This discounts the very real likelihood of near human intelligence. If legend is to be believed, they are extremely intelligent, and tool users. Capable of avoiding humans, who they have to realize can be extremely dangerous. Now, what you're positing could be possible, too.

3. Hoaxes what to say about them, just because people are stupid or fame hunting doesn't necessarily prove the non existence of this cryptid, the stories dating back hundreds of years alone should provide some credence to the fact that at least possibly this creature once existed .

No, the fact that there are people who will hoax in order to achieve some level of fame doesn't necessarily mitigate against Bigfoots existence. It does, however, make it hard for those who would research it, because of the stigma attached to the topic by mainstream science. ...and like it or not, orthodoxy rules where and to who, the money goes to. So, instead of real life scientists, you get quacks like Moneymaker, and his ilk, who do more damage to the topic then good.

I've seen him. Felt his eyes staring back at me from under the tree where he was standing watching the road. In that instant, I was transported back to my remotest ancestors who probably shared the woods with him over the centuries. When they respected, and feared, what roamed those woods, he's got many names all over the world.

Here is a list of the various names he's gone by among the peoples of the world.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: seagull

Some of those names on that list are for very different creatures and clearly not bigfoot but something else.

That list is lumping every hairy man sighting even if description isn't even close.

posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: Puppylove

Some of them, yes.

It's the first one I ran across, as the one I usually link to is no longer with us.

When I have a moment, I'll post a better link.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: seagull

Awww that sucks wonder what happened to it?

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: crimsongod21

What do you think ATS? Is it a possibility, or am I off track?

I suppose so. Plenty of places underground to hang out.

Though I don't think most prefer that lifestyle, they hang around, or at least the terrestrial ones don't like to be underground for long periods. But cave systems for shelter, well even humans have done and do the cave living thing.

But those caves, even the man made ones, even the ancient man made ones, were firstly and primarily used for traveling, even today any cave like system people build is for traveling ie, train, maglev trains, or even highways going through mountains ect ect. I would think the same can be said for our friendly neighborhood bigfoots, or even the not so friendly ones.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: seagull

In response this is just a theory I have worked on, I'm not trying to discredit the intelligence of Bigfoot as that would be contradictory to my beliefs. That Bigfoot is most likely an offshoot of the Neanderthal or cromagnan man that evolved to live in the cave systems around the United States as a survival method.
edit on 6-10-2016 by crimsongod21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: crimsongod21
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

To some degree I do agree with what you are saying, they bring said, what benefit would be had from denying bigfoot, assuming it is a mammal that originated on our earth.

I think it is because of the status quo thing. If Bigfoot is real, then something is wrong with certain currently accepted theories which will make academia look even more staged than it is now, and all the work it will take to figure out how, who, and what bigfoot is. Plus a lot of new textbook revisions and embarrassed anthropologists and such, so they take the easy way out. Ridicule anyone who publicly claims bigfoot is a real creature, and if they receive federal grants for research at a university?, well they don't anymore.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 05:26 AM
There is a relatively new theory, that said creatures may have a cloaking ability. On youtube, search for "Barb & Gabby cloaking bigfoot". Theres the original video, plus some breakdowns/analysis.
I am a believer, but i approach EVERY bit of evidence very skeptical. This is one video that leaves me scratching my head. Its something straight out of "Predator".

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: crimsongod21
While I understand your skepticism, please hear me out on this, if we accept that big foot is real, and an intelegent creature, would it be so far fetched that they would bury there dead? Or as some animals and even human cultures in the past did eat there dead? Would you find the remains?

Because caves are made from rock. it unthinkable that there could be vast deep cave systems located on those tracts of land?

I would say the probability is exceptionally low.

Furthermore it has been proven that some deep cave systems house there own ecosystem with both plants and native wildlife...

Most of those are simple vertebrates at best.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: trollz
Sure there are. The Mammoth Cave system is at least 405 miles long. It's not fully explored.

Read my other reply.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: crimsongod21

truth be told,if any bones of one were found,they would be treated like giant bones,they would disappear,the government know they exist,otherwise wouldn't be in hand books,for all we know this could of been us before DNA manipulation,nothing would suprise me anymore

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 12:15 PM
Evolution has taught us that the various insects and such that live in these vast underground cave systems slowly lost their pigment and are completely blind, having no need for sight in the pitch dark. IF the Sasquatch were to live in that way, they too would have evolved similar traits. I don't think that theory holds water.

If they are in the cave system but with easy access to ingress and egress, there would be evidence. If they lived deeper in the cave systems, they would never come out and also would not have enough food source to sustain them.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

Look at the footage Les Stroud got, it's real IMO.

Are you being sarcastic? Those were obviously masks.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus
Mammoth Cave in Kentucky Does.
Many parts have never been Explored.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: Greggers

Oh they've got plenty of guns, but I'm not sure how much it would take to bring down a creature at least eight feet tall and solid muscle. That skull would likely be inches'd have to hope you actually kill it instead of just pissing it off.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: seagull

This discounts the very real likelihood of near human intelligence. If legend is to be believed, they are extremely intelligent, and tool users. Capable of avoiding humans, who they have to realize can be extremely dangerous. Now, what you're positing could be possible, too. 

Oh...they're most definitely intelligent. The one my sister saw leaving my mother's house certainly was. It was striding (her exact word) across the lawn with a purpose toward the woods. She pulled up in the circular drive, saw immediately that my mother wasn't home...the porch light wasn't on, which makes it pitch black at night with the dense woods surrounding the house, so her headlights were her only light source.

As she was going around the driveway curve, her headlights swept right into its path like a spotlight on a stage and she saw it walking across the lawn. She is very specific about the way it walked, too...she says it was striding boldly across the grass, swinging its arms in tandem with its stride, like a big man.

When her headlights hit it, she says it paused, turned its head toward the car, and looked right at her. Right at her. Here it is, after ten at night, pitch black save for the headlights, and this creature looked deliberately at her through the windshield. It's eyes were orange and glowing, not eyeshine from the lights, either. She said they were lit up like a jack-o-lantern. It knew that was a car, and knew exactly where to look for her through the windshield, and was able to see her somehow even though it was dark and her lights were shining directly on it.

She said it paused mid-stride, turned its head, looked at her, and then turned its head back straight and kept on walking. That was the part that unnerved her the worst...she said it looked at her and then dismissed her, as if it was swatting an annoying insect away, and kept walking at the same pace without missing a beat.

She is very adamant about that. It did not run or flinch or increase its pace; it wasn't concerned with the car, and it dismissed her entirely as a threat of any kind. She said the realization that it was so bold because it considered her to be insignificant chilled her to the core.

It could have jumped on the car and pulled her out and killed her with ease...but it didn't consider her worth the time and energy. It not only didn't consider her to be anything of note, it it let her know it too, with that one dismissive glance. I cannot adequately convey here the abject terror on her face when she told me that. I believe that my sister saw exactly what she said she saw.

I wonder if your sighting bears any physical resemblance to my sister's. Her description was unlike any Sasquatch sighting I had ever heard before. At the time I thought maybe it was the odd lighting or the fear, or both. Years later, I saw an episode of Monsters in America, where they featured the Missouri Monster. One person's account of their own sighting of that particular creature was almost identical to my sister's...including the eyes. These things are most definitely real, and I sincerely hope I never see the thing my sister saw that night, because anything that could terrify her that badly is not something I ever want to encounter.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

Oh, it bore a marked resemblance.

That was the one thing that has stuck with me to this day, seven plus years after, was just that. It could, if it wants to be, be very, very dangerous.

Frankly, it scared the crap outta me. There's no other way to put it. I've lived a good portion of my life, childhood and what passes as adulthood, out in the woods, both locally and back of beyond in Alaska, Canada, and here in the states...and I've seen, and felt, some scary stuff out there...this is still number one on the list of "oh, God..." moments.

Bears. Coyotes. Feral Dogs. Puma. All have given me moments of "oh, God...", or words to that effect, but my short encounter with Sasquatch tops 'em all.

So, yes... Our encounters are very similar.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: seagull

Did you ever return to the same location after that? Please say you made a thread here with your story...I'd love to read it if you did.

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