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Fat shaming anger at Trump proves feminist hypocrisiy

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posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: windword

Whoa, are you stereotyping beauty pageant womenb as dumb? I hope you never run for President, or this proof of your woman hating will be a huge story.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Beauty pageant contestants are always unprepared, because they don't know the questions in advance. That's the trick for judges to sift the wheat from the chaff, the smart one's think on their feet, and get through to the next round. The dumb ones fall into some coached rhythmic mantra, repeating words that sound smart, but not when the're next to each other, like Trump's answer on "Cyber Security", just rambling mumbo jumbo.

The beauty contestant specialist coach he hired probably won't get paid, because he did a very poor job coaching Mr Trump!

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Grambler
Well done!
Haven't been this engaged in reading an OP in a while here. As of late I tend to drift off after the 3rd or 4th bash of Trump and his supporters. Critical rational thinking has taken a backseat to mud slinging and name calling. The exact problem this thread is pointing out. Thank you!

Trump has been great at helping weed out the hypocritical masses of misandrists and 3rd wave feminists hiding in our midst. Actually they expose themselves like in the most recent case. If you're going to attack someones character you better make damn sure you character is upstanding first.

Not saying fat shaming should be institutionalized but there is an epidemic of sorts and part of it stems from this culture of fat acceptance. More like fat accommodations. With talk of making airplane seats larger and putting "bigger women" in the swimsuit issue of sports illustrated we are literally promoting people not to care about their health.

Much like many of the other leftist acceptance schemes it is actually promoting people to be less healthy both in body and mind. I'm not suggesting to institutionalize it or make a national "fat shaming" holiday or something. But being open to criticism is at least a step in the right direction when at the end of the day my tax dollars are now tied to the health of the nation with socialized healthcare. I think I have a say in this matter if you ate at McDonald's 5 days a week and now you expect me to help spring for your triple bypass...

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 06:38 PM
Love this thread!

Grambler, you are spot on.

It is a prime example of hypocrisy.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: stinkelbaum
an ex wife accused him of rape, only a large pay off kept it out of court, hes got an ongoing rape case, and a long history of misogyny.

Hmm, why was the "pay off" accepted if Trump was guilty? Either the claims against him were false or money matters more to the victim than justice.

People like you are the reason the word "misogyny" has all but lost its meaning. You throw it out any time anybody is critical of any female for any reason.

It cannot be that just like men, women can also be prone to weaknesses and character flaws too, can it? No, it's always misogyny to blame when females are held to the same standards as men.

if you ignored it thats on you, you want proof? use google.

Nothing is on me. All I see is propaganda and call it out for what it is.

but yeah blame hillary for all that, its the mentality of trump fans.

As an Australian, I don't have a vested interest in supporting Clinton or Trump. However, as a citizen of Earth, I WILL be negatively impacted whether either of them is elected. Clinton is a corrupt liar who is a Bilderberger! Trump is a businessman who is a loose cannon.

People living on this planet are screwed either way.

edit on 28/9/2016 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: Bloodydagger
Oh give me a break. America is known for being an obese country that over-eats. Anyone who eats themselves into being fat, is their fault. Maybe shaming fat folks will get them to see the error in their ways and shape up.

AND it's dangerous to be fat!

More dangerous than smoking.

My wife was called "obese" by her doctor and she freaked! lol!! For an older asian, she's not the skin and bones stereotype and no where near even fat.

It was according to her BMI. Which I am also but you would not guess wrong if you saw me.

Anyway, if you look fat, you probably are and if your job depends on it, lose it.

All you anti shamers should imagine yourself with 50% more body weight.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:09 PM
Reading this thread, with the 52 flags, I can't but wonder if Trump's supporters are actually in accord with his misogynistic qualities. Sad day for ATS.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: intrepid
Reading this thread, with the 52 flags, I can't but wonder if Trump's supporters are actually in accord with his misogynistic qualities. Sad day for ATS.

I'll risk a warning to simply say ...


posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: Daughter2

originally posted by: Grambler
Mike McCarthy the coach of the Packers told a group of reporters that Lacy needed to lose weight. This happens all of the time to people in all sorts of jobs. Coaches tell players in front of their teammates all the time they need to lose weight.

Weight is a sensitive issue for women. It doesn't have the same emotional impact it does for men. You don't need to tell women they need to lose weight - they know because they get plenty of public judgment.

If a man is critical of a women's weight (which is different from offering help) then either they have poor judgment or they just don't care about how someone feels.

But it is perfectly ok for women to be critical of it ??

And we all know women attack women far more than men do on topics such as this....

What exactly is your point ???

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:38 PM
Get it up for fat bottomed girls!!! I mean GIVE it up.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

I saw that tour in Vancouver in '78. Freddie wouldn't have shamed anyone. Unless you were an idiot. He had a problem with that.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
I don't care who you have made fun of. Do you think making fun of Trumps appearance is just as bad as making fun of Machado's? Does that make them a misandrist?

Trumps job is to attract attention and be mocked. That's what politicians are for. There's plenty of disgusting photos out there of them, with them making stupid faces, saying ridiculous things, and so on. It's how people vent.

However, it is not ok to go up to someone and attack them for breaking the terms of their contract. If you're referring to job qualifications, then it's on you to handle it professionally and Trump has no clue how to do that, from calling women fat disgusting slobs to demanding his contestants kiss him. Is it too much to demand professionalism from someone who is running on a record of being a successful business man?

My contention in the OP is that the same people that are screaming today about how bad Trump is for this have done the same thing in their personal lives, and have publicly mocked Trumps appearance.

So are you saying the people who compare Hillary Clinton to the crypt keeper, or call her a blob of fat underneath a Mao style pantsuit are also in the wrong?
edit on 28-9-2016 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: Grambler

*heavy sigh* you make no sense, you are silly, so you have nice trumping evening. Not sure if you are just deliberately misconstruing the point, or if you are really that lame. In any case, nighty night. Sean Penn is on Colbert and I should go see.

It is clear that you and all who agree with you are completely and totally in the dark about a good many things.

The point being, you are totally biased and parrot everything you have heard on the news.

And have the inability to separate one thing from another.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:48 PM
Cheers to Hillary for focusing the world's attention on the shocking Piggygate Scandal and the insidious 20-year cover-up.

The very purpose of Presidential Debates is to bring such vital issues to the forefront, so that people watching from all other countries will know that the worlds greatest superpower knows how to set its priorities.

Let's hope that, at the next debate, all aspects of this serious issue can be explored in detail and allowed much more time and attention.

edit on 28-9-2016 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: Grambler

Reality Check - 99.9 Percent of the American Public don't give a Rats Arse about some Bimbo getting another 15 Minutes of Fame over a 20 Year Old Story Hyped by the Lame Steam Media for the Sole purpose of trying to Flame Mr. Trump . Talk about Yet Another WTF Moment here on ATS ..............

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: kruphix
a reply to: Grambler

If I post examples of people making fun of men for their weight, like say maybe, SNL, Colbert, Jon Stewart, journalists, etc. you would say they are all douches and dirt bags and man haters, right?


You can't be for real...right?

You want to compare comedians making jokes...because that is their Trump calling a women an eating machine?

You are so deep in the tank for Trump, I don't think you are thinking clearly.

So it is ok to mock someone looks if you are a comedian. Ok I got you. So If Colbert called Machado fat and Miss Piggy, it would be totally ok right. He can say anything because its his job.

And it not just comedians making fun of Trumps looks. Its people on this thread, journalists, and all sorts of people.

Why is it so hard for you all to say either making fun of someones looks is not a big deal, or it is never justified?

In there incredibly limited, hateful, peon eyes, they believe if someone deserves it and they hate him, all rules are therefore changed and it is completely and honestly fair.

These people are the most dangerous, and mentally unstable people the world has ever seen, or at least tied with them.

They actually have no idea just how insane and crazy they really are, they all look at things like they are still 5 years old, and the feelings they have come from that center.

They actually believe they are being honest and fair, and that people going outside of the beautiful system they live inside of is perfect, and begs no questioning,

I can guarantee you that they would be shocked and outraged to hear any of this for the first time, I have seen the reactions live , it is quite comical, fun, and easy ripping the blindfolds off of them.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: ParasuvO

originally posted by: Grambler

originally posted by: kruphix
a reply to: Grambler

If I post examples of people making fun of men for their weight, like say maybe, SNL, Colbert, Jon Stewart, journalists, etc. you would say they are all douches and dirt bags and man haters, right?


You can't be for real...right?

You want to compare comedians making jokes...because that is their Trump calling a women an eating machine?

You are so deep in the tank for Trump, I don't think you are thinking clearly.

So it is ok to mock someone looks if you are a comedian. Ok I got you. So If Colbert called Machado fat and Miss Piggy, it would be totally ok right. He can say anything because its his job.

And it not just comedians making fun of Trumps looks. Its people on this thread, journalists, and all sorts of people.

Why is it so hard for you all to say either making fun of someones looks is not a big deal, or it is never justified?

In there incredibly limited, hateful, peon eyes, they believe if someone deserves it and they hate him, all rules are therefore changed and it is completely and honestly fair.

These people are the most dangerous, and mentally unstable people the world has ever seen, or at least tied with them.

They actually have no idea just how insane and crazy they really are, they all look at things like they are still 5 years old, and the feelings they have come from that center.

They actually believe they are being honest and fair, and that people going outside of the beautiful system they live inside of is perfect, and begs no questioning,

I can guarantee you that they would be shocked and outraged to hear any of this for the first time, I have seen the reactions live , it is quite comical, fun, and easy ripping the blindfolds off of them.

Once you get out of your echo chamber you will see how right you are. Wrong group though.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
Such a shame it always devolves to the personal attacks. Generally when it delves to this level said person is the loser of the argument.

Devolves ??

At what point was it NOT all about personal attacks ??

In fact, looking back, the media has been personally attacking Trump more than anyone in history for over 30 years.

They want a guy like him stopped at all costs, and by now they all are completely robotic about how they do it.

Gonna be fun watching the News Stations re-organizing after this meltdown.

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
Trump's misogyny may or may not be real.
There was only one person on that stage last night that had laughed about destroying a 12 year old girl's reputation in order to make sure a rapist went free.

And there was only one person on that stage who defended themselves in court with the defense he's not guilty because "Everyone knows you can't rape your wife".

posted on Sep, 28 2016 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: Aazadan

So are you saying the people who compare Hillary Clinton to the crypt keeper, or call her a blob of fat underneath a Mao style pantsuit are also in the wrong?

I can't believe how many times I have had to repeat this. I personally am not offended by any of these comments, about Machado, Trump or Hillary, or anyone else. Doesn't bother me.

My point is that people should be consistent. If you think Trump shouldn't make mean comments about peoples looks, then neither should anyone else. Either it is never a big deal, or it always is.

All of these people on this thread on their high horse talking about morals and decorum and such, and how misogynistic Trump and his supporters are.

Yet in the same breath they will pick on Trumps appearance, because he deserves it. This is the trademark of these moral trump haters.

You can never make fun of peoples looks, but we will make fun of Trumps looks.

Violence is never justified, but Trump is the biggest threat to the world so violence against him and his supporters is ok.

Trump saying make america great again is racist, but Bill or Hillary Clinton saying it is a great slogan.

Rape jokes are always wrong, but cartoons showing Trump being raped is funny.

And on and on.

But remember when these people call make fun of Trumps looks or call Trump supprter names, they are the white knites, the moral champions that would never do anything offensive.

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