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Don't listen to the liberal MSM: Trump crushed Hillary at the debates.

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posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: Bloodydagger

originally posted by: Gazrok

The next one should be more telling.

Yep, I think debate #2 will tell us a lot more than debate #1 did. I agree there.

surely it will just be trump getting reamed over cuba.

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Steak
I think all Hillary's low blows had the wrong effect - people saw her for what she is.

Ill say.

Saw her for what she is...The next President of the United States.

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 02:48 PM

I do get it, though. You're doing it just to piss on the establishment. Doy. That's obvious. But voting for him just on principle is still IDIOTIC.
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

My sentiments exactly! I would love to vote for a non-establishment candidate who can communicate intelligently, wasn't connected to the 1%, wasn't trying to cover-up scandals, attacked both political parties for ignoring the voice of the people, and showing some willingness to communicate with our enemies and strive for world peace.

I could even accept someone who would get hot under the collar when pointing out "true facts" the political establishment wants to hide or ignore. Trump acts like a child and can't handle being criticized or he starts calling people names like a grade school bully!!! Which by the way, he was actually described as being a bully during his high school days!

I find it absolutely crazy when people defend Trump after all the stupid, rude and crazy remarks he's made. To me he's nothing but an egotistical elite who only wants the presidential seat for power and his own selfish reasons. We already have enough representatives like that in congress!

It's embarrassing to think some Americans are that stupid to even consider this guy! Voting him into office just to send a message to the party establishment isn't taking into account his dangerous rhetoric, rudeness, outrageous lies and plain stupidity. We're not talking about giving someone the keys to a storage room of candy!

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

Debate #2 will just be more of the same. What don't you get about the fact that Trump is a halfwit? He is incapable of debating someone of Hillary's intelligence.

posted on Sep, 29 2016 @ 06:23 PM
Now get you head out of your...........wherever and see the truth:

Donald Trump - Why they want to stop Trump



To every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future,

I say these words to you:

I’m With You, and I will FIGHT for you, and I will WIN for YOU."

- Donald J. Trump

On the other hand:

"We are going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

--Hillary Clinton

Ok, now you can stick your head back into your........wherever........or whatever is still yours

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

I think many should be outraged when Clinton pointed out he paid "0" in taxes, and his remark was "because I'm smart." For all the many hard working and struggling Americans who pay thousands of additional taxes every year, that alone should have been a slap in the face!!! For someone who says he wants to "Make America Great Again"

Look. When you own lot's of properties, you lose money when you have to repair them. You legally have deductions. He probably has enough deductions that he might not pay any taxes. And he's providing living space (doing something positive for money). Believe me. If he was doing anything illegal he would be in deep trouble. The IRS isn't concerned, You shouldn't be concerned.

Unlike the Clinton's who create shell game charities and take almost all the money for themselves. They beg for money for the poor and afflicted and then enrich themselves beyond belief. They take from the rich for pay to play illegal activities. Selling us all down the river and undermining hard working Americans.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Not paying Taxes is ilegal if they happen to be owed.

We don't know because his returns aren't released.

He's done ilegal things. That's no question, as the next debate is Cuba.

People seem to ignore Trump's short comings with analogies to Hillary, to claim he's never done ANYTHING is definitely wrong. People generally know he's a ruthless and dirty business man.

Worse or not to Hillary is the #y astrex* they leave out of every incorrect statement they attempt to make.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: Sillyolme

originally posted by: Steak
I think all Hillary's low blows had the wrong effect - people saw her for what she is.

Ill say.

Saw her for what she is...The next President of the United States.

Translation: I think this, therefore everyone does. (Steak)

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 08:43 AM

I do get it, though. You're doing it just to piss on the establishment. Doy. That's obvious. But voting for him just on principle is still IDIOTIC. He's a disaster, already globally infamous --- and brags about not paying his debts, and not paying taxes. I know you all want to not have to pay taxes and not have to follow rules.....I get it.

Still not getting it.

It isn't just to piss on the establishment. Nothing is going to stop those plans. At the most, all we can hope to do is delay it for 4 years.

He MIGHT be a disaster. He MIGHT not. Thing is, we anti-Hillary folks KNOW Hillary will be a disaster. So I'd rather take a shot than a guaranteed disaster, thanks.

People seem to ignore Trump's short comings with analogies to Hillary, to claim he's never done ANYTHING is definitely wrong. People generally know he's a ruthless and dirty business man.

They are both crooks. Simple as that.

We don't want to not have to pay taxes...not sure where you are getting that. Only ONE candidate is infamous for having rules (and laws) not apply to the way. Where else (in the free world) can you get caught rigging an election, yet still be the candidate of choice, even by those who supported the guy who got cheated? Only in America.

Amazes me though. I used to think, that if the Internet, and a site like this existed back in pre-Hitler days of Germany, that we would have never seen the rise of him. Now, watching the beginning steps of a one-party state, disarming of the populace, while the next generation begs for it all to happen...I have to conclude that nope, it would have just happened faster. I hope I look good in jack boots.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

So lets give him a pass on paying his fair share of taxes to help their own country! Instead lets just have the majority of Americans be responsible for keeping up the countries infrastructure, our military, schools, law enforcement and fire protection in which businesses also use to make their profits and protect their businesses!! Common people may not own a lot of properties but they have losses too which they can't deduct! I owned my own business at one time and I know there are a lot of deductions written into the tax code to offset paying taxes for business owners, but that doesn't make it FAIR!

Let's just put Donald Trump's financial empire and questionable business practices aside. How can you even defend this idiot and support his quest to lead this country? Are you blind to his outrageous and stupid rhetoric about knowing more about military operations than our Generals? His rude and Chauvinistic remarks against women? His clear bigotry against minorities? His immature name calling and childish temperament? His complete lack of knowledge of how government operates and treaties we have forged with other countries? Someone who has been caught in blatant lies and has been backed up with video? Someone who ignores his own campaign advisors? Someone who claimed he actually donated money to many representatives for returned favors? Someone who says he wants to make America great again, but doesn't lead by example and has a lot of his own products being produced in China and other poverty stricken nations?

Usually people vote for people who they can relate with. If you're like many in this country, I doubt many would consider the examples I presented above as being personal traits they would defend, let alone want someone with these personality traits to lead a country who has the largest military and nuclear arsenals in the world! The majority of Americans have been complaining for years about these exact things Trump has displayed in his everyday life! Yet you and many now ignore these alarming traits????

Lets face it, if Trump was a career established politician who acted like this, he wouldn't have made it out of the primaries winning one state. I'm sorry to say, I'm embarrassed that many Americans are this naïve. It's one thing to be angry because our career politicians are being bought out, have become so self-centered and are ignoring the voice of the people. It's another thing all together to support someone who is even more self-centered and who claims to be something he is not! Many of Trump supports have let their anger for the system make them lose all common sense to the point their acting like zombies.

There's no excuse for Trump's behavior! Trying to justify it's his right to avoid paying his fair share in taxes is just caving into the same system that has enslaved the many hard working Americans in this country who are just trying to keep their head above water. It's a shame some of these same hard working Americans are supporting candidates who want to continue to enslave them.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 08:51 AM
I watched the debate and feel that neither of them really won anything.

Clinton only looked a little less bad than Trump.

Trump is nothing but the reality show actor he is, a pandering little piggy to the iggies.

Clinton is nothing but an arrogant and entitled political type.

They are both like....THE SAME.

Trump dodged the draft and admits to not paying taxes though "That makes me smart" he says.....

I think Trump is a wee bit too dumb to be anything but the "Non- Important Fake Dude" a reality show actor is.
edit on 30-9-2016 by MyHappyDogShiner because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Gazrok

He MIGHT be a disaster. He MIGHT not. Thing is, we anti-Hillary folks KNOW Hillary will be a disaster. So I'd rather take a shot than a guaranteed disaster, thanks.


Yes, I DO get it. Any port in a storm. I understand. You want collapse so we can rebuild.

And you are mistaken, he WILL be a disaster. You are forgetting that Congress already doesn't like him, from either side of the aisle. What makes you think they will do ANYTHING he suggests? They've proven themselves to be obstructionists, oppositional defiant conduct disordered refuseniks already! FOR EIGHT YEARS!

They won't do a damn thing differently for someone they don't respect, be it him OR her.
As has been stated, we should really focus on local elections, and congressional seats. Considering that, giving this hair-triggered (heh - get it?) nutjob the nuclear codes WILL BE A DISASTER. As soon as some other leader pisses him off - he'll enter the damn thing without thinking twice.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: MyHappyDogShiner

Trump dodged the draft and admits to not paying taxes though "That makes me smart" he says.....

I think Trump is a wee bit too dumb to be anything but the "Non- Important Fake Dude" a reality show actor is.

This. Truth.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Gazrok

Trump is actually much more like Hitler. Do some more homework.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:08 AM

How can you even defend this idiot and support his quest to lead this country? Are you blind to his outrageous and stupid rhetoric about knowing more about military operations than our Generals?

Because Hillary is so good in military matters? I care more about the horrible things she's done vs. things he said.

His rude and Chauvinistic remarks against women?

Because Hillary is such a role model for women, I mean she seems to be OK with her husband's action on the side all of the time...

His clear bigotry against minorities?

What has he said that is worse than Hillary calling black males "super predators" or her campaign calling the Latino vote the "Taco Bowl" voters?

His immature name calling and childish temperament?

You obviously have never heard some of Hillary's infamous tantrums, like getting a pilot to land Marine One to go get her sunglasses.

His complete lack of knowledge of how government operates and treaties we have forged with other countries?

He knows a bad deal when he sees it.

Someone who has been caught in blatant lies and has been backed up with video?

Yeah, because, it isn't like we don't have hours upon hours of Hillary lying, right? LOL. Seriously? THIS is a point you bring up?

Someone who ignores his own campaign advisors?

Some of us call that "refreshing"

Someone who claimed he actually donated money to many representatives for returned favors?

Wait, I thought you said he was a liar? So now he's bad for telling the truth? It isn't like he accepted money for positions or anything...LOL. Again, THIS is a point you chose?

Someone who says he wants to make America great again, but doesn't lead by example and has a lot of his own products being produced in China and other poverty stricken nations?

The point it to get it back to where it is, once again, attractive to make things here, in country. The conditions don't exist at present.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:11 AM

Trump is actually much more like Hitler. Do some more homework.

And that misconception is EXACTLY why we are doomed.

I would say to revisit this thread in 8 years, and see where it all went wrong, but I highly doubt we'll have the freedom in 8 years to where a forum like this will exist.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Gazrok

OMG Gazrok!

Please consider this question I asked you before:

If it was ANYONE OTHER THAN Hillary? Would you vote for Trump?

As far as her military knowledge -- it, like all other tasks and skills of government, is something she has experience in. She's got experience. He has none.

She has a calm, methodic demeanor. He does not.
We watched him crumble under pressure on Monday this point, anyone saying he won is clearly doing this:

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

Look at all of those stars for the fake poll numbers!!! Anyone in their right mind could see that Hillary beat Trump in that debate and she's going to smash him even harder in the next debate. Before you call me a Hilary supporter let it be known that I can't stand either candidate but even a fool could see that Trump is crashing and burning.
edit on 30-9-2016 by conspiracy nut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: Gazrok

I'm sure we will. You are being ridiculous....and with that, I'm outta here.
Got better things to do than try to convince those who will not hear or see the truth of things.

posted on Sep, 30 2016 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: Gazrok

Trump is actually much more like Hitler. Do some more homework.

I would say to revisit this thread in 8 years, and see where it all went wrong, but I highly doubt we'll have the freedom in 8 years to where a forum like this will exist.

If that is infact the's because Trump will shut us down because he is such a pu$$y, and can't take criticism or jokes about his appearance.

Be careful what you wish for.

We voted for change once'd that work out?

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