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Keith Lamont Scott record...multiple armed felonies but yeah...lets protest.

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posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: charolais

The cops more than likely ran his plates. So they knew everything

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

Well yes, they told him to put the gun down, and he didn't. I guess you could say that was pretty dumb of the "victim", but I suppose the officers could have waited till one of them were possibly shot.

What gun? She's yelling he doesn't have one. Who knows better, edgy cops or wife?

Besides we never see a gun, except a possible 'throw down' that appears towards the end of the video.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:19 AM

originally posted by: mus8472
a reply to: intrptr

I've talked to someone who personally saw the body cam and dash cam footage. It clearly shows a gun in his hand and clearly shows him point it in the general area of the police before they fire. They aren't releasing it because they are worried that it will inflame the situation because:
He does not point it directly at the officers.
He does not fire at the officers before they shoot him

I have to place that in the here-say folder, too.

You know someone who saw something...

read the post below yours.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: conscientiousobserver
a reply to: intrptr

There is a new law in North Carolina that prohibits them from showing police cam footage to the public. Unless the proper requests are submitted to the courts. They are allowing the family to see the tape though. Haven't heard much about that yet.

The lawyer said no comment when asked about the footage. Probably says everything we need to know.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I'll go kick rocks when the video come out from the police if I'm wrong about it. Will the others in this thread do the same if it turns out he DID have a gun and the shooting was justified?

Probably not because they're hiding the truth (video) imo, for suspicious reasons, therefore it must show it wasn't 'justified'.

They rather a whole community go riotous, enduring the cost of all that instead of just showing what happened. Lets say the cop was mistaken, just fessing it and apologizing would calm everyone down. But the trend is and you know this, never admit any mistakes or malfeasance, period.

Until then all any got is conjecture and a lot of mindsmadeup assertions.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I'll go kick rocks when the video come out from the police if I'm wrong about it. Will the others in this thread do the same if it turns out he DID have a gun and the shooting was justified?

Probably not because they're hiding the truth (video) imo, for suspicious reasons, therefore it must show it wasn't 'justified'.

They rather a whole community go riotous, enduring the cost of all that instead of just showing what happened. Lets say the cop was mistaken, just fessing it and apologizing would calm everyone down. But the trend is and you know this, never admit any mistakes or malfeasance, period.

Until then all any got is conjecture and a lot of mindsmadeup assertions.

Or Carolina law prohibits the release of the footage.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: mus8472
a reply to: intrptr

I've talked to someone who personally saw the body cam and dash cam footage. It clearly shows a gun in his hand and clearly shows him point it in the general area of the police before they fire. They aren't releasing it because they are worried that it will inflame the situation because:
He does not point it directly at the officers.
He does not fire at the officers before they shoot him

If this is true, I wonder what the consequences will be for the wife who incited rioting and under false pretenses by telling everyone it was not a gun.

If true, then she is one disgusting human being.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:42 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I'll go kick rocks when the video come out from the police if I'm wrong about it. Will the others in this thread do the same if it turns out he DID have a gun and the shooting was justified?

Probably not because they're hiding the truth (video) imo, for suspicious reasons, therefore it must show it wasn't 'justified'.

They rather a whole community go riotous, enduring the cost of all that instead of just showing what happened. Lets say the cop was mistaken, just fessing it and apologizing would calm everyone down. But the trend is and you know this, never admit any mistakes or malfeasance, period.

Until then all any got is conjecture and a lot of mindsmadeup assertions.

It is for everyone, but these days, it doesn't matter what the actual facts turn out to be (see Ferguson) no shooting of a black man is EVER justified for some people.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I'll go kick rocks when the video come out from the police if I'm wrong about it. Will the others in this thread do the same if it turns out he DID have a gun and the shooting was justified?

Probably not because they're hiding the truth (video) imo, for suspicious reasons, therefore it must show it wasn't 'justified'.

They rather a whole community go riotous, enduring the cost of all that instead of just showing what happened. Lets say the cop was mistaken, just fessing it and apologizing would calm everyone down. But the trend is and you know this, never admit any mistakes or malfeasance, period.

Until then all any got is conjecture and a lot of mindsmadeup assertions.

It doesn't say much for a community that will do this before all facts have come out. Makes the stereotype of those involved that much easier to justify.

So you think they are justified in their rioting due to the incitement by the family and others? The wife's video wasn't released until after the riots either.

I love how people want to hold police to a standard then riot and destroy their own town...

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I'll go kick rocks when the video come out from the police if I'm wrong about it. Will the others in this thread do the same if it turns out he DID have a gun and the shooting was justified?

Probably not because they're hiding the truth (video) imo, for suspicious reasons, therefore it must show it wasn't 'justified'.

They rather a whole community go riotous, enduring the cost of all that instead of just showing what happened. Lets say the cop was mistaken, just fessing it and apologizing would calm everyone down. But the trend is and you know this, never admit any mistakes or malfeasance, period.

Until then all any got is conjecture and a lot of mindsmadeup assertions.

It is for everyone, but these days, it doesn't matter what the actual facts turn out to be (see Ferguson) no shooting of a black man is EVER justified for some people.

Or maybe they are just tired of the abuse of authority, i.e., Ferguson.

I'm linking to a Larry King interview with a legal expert that has studied the region specifically, even before Ferguson became national news. Try and see past the RT label and just listen to the guys statistics, especially toward the end.

Edit: changing link...

edit on 24-9-2016 by intrptr because: changed source

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I love how people want to hold police to a standard then riot and destroy their own town...

Go there, be a witness to the systemic abuse, then tell me these people aren't fed up. Only too obvious, you think.

By the by you focusing like the media on any acts of violence and omitting the acts of violence on the part of authorities in one breath?


posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I love how people want to hold police to a standard then riot and destroy their own town...

Go there, be a witness to the systemic abuse, then tell me these people aren't fed up. Only too obvious, you think.

By the by you focusing like the media on any acts of violence and omitting the acts of violence on the part of authorities in one breath?


I live in likely the largest black majority city in the country...Atlanta. Odd how this doesn't happen here.

And acts of violence by the community FAR outweigh those by authorities. This has been pointed out time and again, yet the police still get the blame.

And as I've pointed out a few times now, double the amount of whites have been killed by police in the last year....should we burn the town down?

"These people" just want someone to blame for their misfortunes and it's quite obvious by how they react. But hey...I guess they don't need to be civil or have jobs....rioting for days and destroying their own livelihood....
edit on 9/24/16 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Here's the thing ... we're talking about communities that are their own worst enemies. How do you police an area with high crime, especially high violent crime, and an automatic attitude toward cops at the outset and the idea that snitches get stitches?

Sure that is a reputation, but is that reputation entirely unearned and if you were a cop how would you approach policing in those high crime areas?

There is a problem, but it's hardly all one sided.

Upon reflection, I guess we could just take the European approach and label those areas no go zones for police.
edit on 24-9-2016 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: intrptr

Upon reflection, I guess we could just take the European approach and label those areas no go zones for police.

That was done in Atlanta back in the early 90's on Techwood Drive....high violent crime, molotov cocktails thrown at police cars driving by, gunfire, etc...

The city ended up evicting every resident, levelling the area and making it into part of Centennial Olympic is now thriving and a major part of the GaTech campus area.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

And I want to be clear that crap people are crap people and they come in all ethnicities.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I live in likely the largest black majority city in the country...Atlanta. Odd how this doesn't happen here.

Thats your criteria, it 'doesn't happen' where you live ergo, it doesn't happen anywhere.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Here's the thing ... we're talking about communities that are their own worst enemies. How do you police an area with high crime, especially high violent crime, and an automatic attitude toward cops at the outset and the idea that snitches get stitches?

Hi crime is a result of oppression, lack of education, jobs, drugs, gangsters; allowed, indeed promoted in order to keep the whole community down. So we get a war for turf between the gangbangers and the police, who treat everyone like a gangsta.

You can call any community its own worst enemy, buts its only a few that are really the troublemakers. Ordinary people are caught in the middle.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I used to go to that area as a kid and my best friends mom told me I couldn't go outside without her because I was white...

She was one of the residents who got evicted so they could raze the area. Her and her son ended up moving to Savannah. I think it was the best thing that happened to him. He graduated from Johnson and then Savannah State, mostly due to his awesome mom.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I live in likely the largest black majority city in the country...Atlanta. Odd how this doesn't happen here.

Thats your criteria, it 'doesn't happen' where you live ergo, it doesn't happen anywhere.

How is that my criteria? Everyone cites "per capita" stats as their reasoning for stating blacks are being killed by police in large numbers. Well here I am in a major black city, with "per capita" numbers and overall numbers at 54% black, yet somehow we avoid the crazy....

With our 54% black community here, based on a per capita statistic, shouldn't we have blacks being killed all the time by police and riots ensuing almost weekly?

See...everyone thinks it is about being black. It isn't. It is about the community itself. Funny how we in Atlanta, in the South, are able to keep it together yet still be labelled as southern racists and backwoods.

posted on Sep, 24 2016 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: Vasa Croe

I used to go to that area as a kid and my best friends mom told me I couldn't go outside without her because I was white...

She was one of the residents who got evicted so they could raze the area. Her and her son ended up moving to Savannah. I think it was the best thing that happened to him. He graduated from Johnson and then Savannah State, mostly due to his awesome mom.

Yeah...I had police friends back in the day that would not go there after dark.

A lot of the residents were relocated to Savannah, which I would think would be a MAJOR upgrade as well. Savannah is awesome.

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