posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to:
It's a civil war with the people and their leader vs. a corrupt invasive influence, it's not politics as normal.
Maybe you're right. Maybe he's tricking a naive frustrated and scared people to back him while he murders his opposition to maintain power under the
guise of standing up for them.
It's also possible this is the first place where people have chosen to take the fight to those who've been subverting governments to benefit the few
over the many. The drug war being one of the biggest tools in their arsenal. Is Duerte taking advantage of that desire for his own benefit? Maybe,
I can't say. But one thing is clear, the people are fed up with the way things are.
No one will ever be able to revolt in this world against a corrupted broken court of law, because there's a strong push that daring to do so makes you
the villain.
If a court of law is broken and works for evil, it's no less unjust than death by mob rule. The only difference is whether it's the elite or the
masses deciding who they want to persecute.
When you can prove to me that the people are wrong and the court is just and not controlled by special interests I will agree with you.
As is, the people back Duerte and it's their country.