originally posted by: Puppylove
a reply to: Phage
I mean really, let's say he gets rid of all the corrupt politicians. The dealers will still be brutal criminals. Say he makes drugs legal, the
dealers aren't going to suddenly turn into legitimate business men, they didn't get into the business cause they believe people deserve drugs. They
did it cause it was lucrative. Once legal, they'll still want more.
Yet again I will chim in as one of the only people here that actually lives in the Philippines....
Indeed, my argument has been if it is legal the dealers would move onto something else but I have said this a few times during the thread...
Second regarding prostitution, the whole racket was held up and tolerated by corrupted Police officers the country over, very well know within the
Philippines that if caught you pay the "release fee" or just pay off the local Police chief and job done..
The number of Police officers that have been suspended or set to Mindanao for their corruption is quite shocking,
Another scam regarding Prostitution was to get a foreigner at a bar to hook up with a underage girl who would obviously state and look over 18+, they
go to a room and next minute the Police have a
Raid, of course it is a setup and at that point Jonny foreigner is being told he now faces life
in prison for child sex offences.. The Police then offer a way out that normally involves hideous amounts of cash being turned over..
Boracay just had a big drug and prostitution raid I think about a week ago that involved a number of expats from Taiwan and China.
The Philippines however is way more conservative than many places in Asia regarding prostitution, Thailand comes to mind where Sex is for sale
everywhere but I honestly think that if the Police are allowed to carry out their duty without the corruption within their ranks then it will be taken
care of.. I live fairly rural but I am constantly in a location that is highly populated and has a large number of tourist traffic per year and I am
yet to hear about any "red light area" and out of curiousness I have asked but I am always told only in Boracay which is the world renowned Beach
resort that is about 40 minutes drive away, which makes sense..
I will also put down what is my personal experience between what I have seen with drug users and then dealers.. I have a large modern clinic about 30
seconds from where I am staying and there have been a steady stream of Police pick ups and vans arriving their the last few months with people that
are taken for treatment for Shabu addiction.
I believe the wanted actions where always that users get help, dealers hand yourself in..
I am not sure how this all ties in but I am aware that the Philippines has a Bounty hunting law, one of the only countries in the world along with the
US I believe???... I have heard locally that the Police have said that a known dealer has had a bounty put on his head, if that means all the "non"
Police take downs are via these means I do not know but I thought it was note worthy for the discussion..
I really hope the member/members that have stated they will be here soon will post up their honest experience of what they think of the Philippines be
it good or bad...