posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 11:46 AM
Good Day Everyone! Leaving soon to go out with my Sister. She will be leaving for a week to see her kids and Grandkids in Colorado so today was our
best day to get together before that.
OMG, so happy to see our Scotsman, Sir Gordi of The Shed make an appearance! How exciting! Now if he would just get his butt back in here more often,
we'll be all set. Gordi, you cracked me up when you said not to feed Kaelci after midnight! Bahahaha! I guess that would be in her time zone. LOL
Martin, great story! Gave me a good chuckle. Thanks, now I can't get that damned song out of my head! Your torty cat reminds me of my precious kitty
who died many years ago. Cool blend of colors they have! Thanks, glad you like my story entry.
Hello Wis! I saw you popped in bright and early this morning!
Mac, you got a jeep for a Birthday gift? WOW!
Hi Q! I think Edie needs time to heal from her last relationship before getting into a new one. Right now she just wants comfort. You seem to have a
good head on your shoulders being ok with being friends for now. I told you she'd be back! LOL
thenightisours, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed either. No problems there!
Waves at Zazz as she flies by!
edit on 25-7-2016 by Night Star because: (no reason given)