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The Hypocrites Iron Fist - The PC Movement in light of the War on Drugs

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posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

What a Tour De Force!

I feel like I'm in a John Calhoun rat maze Behavioral Sink observing other Behavioral Sinks.

We are only a very few generations away from extinction.

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

I have to ask.
Is this you?
Sargon of Akkad

If it is...
You sir are a genius!
We appreciate everything you Guy T, Bearing, Chris Ray Gun, and Shoe0nhead are doing for this movement.
edit on 18-7-2016 by JAY1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: six67seven
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Thread, Bro!

Big S&F for the relevance and work put forth on this thread.


Great word for the subject too:

The Oxford English Dictionary estimates that the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" was first attested in the 1940s.[2] The roots of the word have been defined[3] as follows: super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and -docious "educable", with the sum of these parts signifying roughly "Atoning for educability through delicate beauty."

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: Pinke
This one for example... The anti-SJW movement is filled with hot air and rhetoric. If they really want to stop negative ideologies and if they really are against Islamic hate against women, why aren't they in the Middle East running education programs and fighting religious extremists?

That's a great question!

One I forgot to include.
edit on 18-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 04:08 PM
This is one well written and thought provoking post Ignoranceisntbliss. Well done! The responding posts only go to show you can't please everyone but we all write from our own personal perspective, that is inescapable. You have put an incredible amount of effort, time and thought in to your thread and I for one appreciate it greatly.

One thing barely mentioned is how this SJW and BLM movements are popularized and kept in the public eye, making them seem more powerful and genuine than they inherently are. Yes, I'm talking about the good old MSM, the proliferators and popularizers of the same. Why would those who own the media find it useful to promote such poisonous and antisocial ideologies? We all know the answer to that; keep the masses fighting amongst themselves so that we do not instead join forces and bring pressure on those who use and abuse the system to keep themselves rich and powerful.

50 years ago had the Dept. of Justice refused to bring charges against someone who knowingly and willingly left classified documents lying about where anyone could have picked them would have brought huge protests across the country and had the White House occupants shaking in the Oval office wondering what to do. Even open and obvious criminality is not prosecuted (just as we saw with the banker hearings back in '08 - "yeah, we cheated and got millions in our pockets illegally while lying to our customers"). So what did we do about the bankers cheating? We gave them trillions of dollars courtesy of the tax payer!

The fact the PTB are pushing such groups as the BLM so hard is a sure sign to me that they (the PTB) are more criminal than ever and are in fact getting ready to institute global governance whether we like it or not. It's coming and soon and the signs of it are popping up in the shootings of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge. First they will federalize the police then under the Strong Cities Initiative they can bring in mercenaries from other countries to keep things under control. Gun confiscation is sure to follow along with biometric ID of everyone.

If you do not speak out and do what you can to stop this madness you will reap the whirlwind.
We will all reap it much to our sorrow.

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 05:34 PM

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 06:46 PM
Can you summarise your OP in a couple of paragraphs?

I read it all but struggle to perceive your actual point. Something about the war on drugs, feminism, BLM, Sharia Law, Nazis and college students all being the same.

There is no organised group of SJW, merely people like you lumping anything you see as liberal leftist progressive under a single label and saying... "See!".

You seem to be the epitome of why the moniker of SJW has become a pejorative label in the first place. (I hate the term SJW because it is so very non-specific).

I actually sympathise with many of the individual topics you raise, like the war on drugs being a joke on society, but the tenuous way you try to link it all reeks of one of the very issues you raise... "Disagree with one of my points, and you're disagreeing with them all!"... Which funnily enough makes you sound like the very SJW's you are riling against.

Your lack of specificness precludes any actual discussion because anyone that disagrees with anything in your diatribe can be diverted to some other arbitrary point in your verbal diorreah.

I think if you can't say what you need to in a couple hundred words, you don't have anything to say at all.

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: puzzlesphere

Argh. You might read the comments, and might have your annoyances explained. There's no paragraph that's going to blow peoples minds like this that haven't been said. There's no making an entire guidebook to how crazy all this is and have it only be one page long.

My goals here where to make a catalog of hypocrisies while drawing out all the parallels with authoritarianism, that I could find, having only known about this stuff for about 6 weeks. This was all done in a rush, impromptu, and got harder and more tedious as I pushed on (as I've explained). I never had time for all this, which is the reason I never noticed it happening, why I was away in a "time capsule". I still dont. It'd take a guide as long as this just to explain it. Once I saw what was happening, horrified seeing how even ATS was afire with this stuff, I had to do all this. I need to get back to my time capsule like NOW, and soon I will.
edit on 18-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 08:22 PM
BRAVO! You really spent the time and brought these issues to light in a well reasoned and thought out manner. THANK YOU! This is one of the BIGGEST problems in this country . IF we were to deal with it the "prison for profit system" would falter and go broke. They do not want this. It completely disgusts me. Addicts need medical attention NOT Jail time. Thank you again for this topic.

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: GodEmperor
Ending the war on drugs is a double edged sword.

In spring of 2001, the Taliban placed a ban on poppies in Afghanistan. This was the largest economic attack against America. After the invasion, heroin production sky-rocketed to 95% of world supply. The banking and intelligence apparatus relies on the injection of funds from the illicit drug trade.

Legalization would cause economic collapse.

Side note: I always thought SJW meant slack jawed wankers.

How is that a double edged sword? It should be painfully obvious that the current state of the economy is basically a disaster and prison for the masses in and of itself.

Money is man is not real outside of the psychological belife that it is real.

Monetary economics is essentially the crux of ALL the worlds issues. Boil every sh!tty problem in the world down to its common denominator and I guarantee it's money, every time.

I would welcome an economic long as politicians and bankers dissapear with it.

Monetary economics is designed to control the masses. Get a job...meaningless/ redundant or not to get paid, to consume stuff to pay taxes so everyone else can do the exact same thing...step outside of that game and you are literally on your own...essentially an outcast and left to an almost primal survival.

Im not saying I have an answer, but it sure as hell helps to recognize the problem and admit to it.

Im sure the majority of people on ATS, the internet, this planet, are simply agents and victims of the invisible hand.

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
The fact the PTB are pushing such groups as the BLM so hard is a sure sign to me that they (the PTB) are more criminal than ever and are in fact getting ready to institute global governance whether we like it or not. It's coming and soon and the signs of it are popping up in the shootings of police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge. First they will federalize the police then under the Strong Cities Initiative they can bring in mercenaries from other countries to keep things under control. Gun confiscation is sure to follow along with biometric ID of everyone.

If you do not speak out and do what you can to stop this madness you will reap the whirlwind.
We will all reap it much to our sorrow.

Good post!

The global government angle is a big one. They've always wanted it. They've kind of 'always' had it though too.

The going outta style desperation we see happening on that end, like with the engineered housing collapse, and several other big items, this SJW "Social Group Warfare (SGW)" thing being the newest and most hardcore diversionary element probably in human history, all of these things, their mad struggle, their "knuckles running white with desire" to get it all done even when their methods expose them, their gambling ALL of their power structure to achieve... I attribute these things to:
The AGI Manhattan Project

Their goals with it that is, I see these things as an preemptive war:

War comes in 4 main forms: psychological, economic, political, and military conflict.

We've sort of always had all four running here or there in different forms. Now, here in the US, we have all four running against US increasingly HOT.

Right after the housing collapse I argued that it was preemptive economic warfare to set in motion a future where the little people wont get to have indefinite lifespans, along with the elites, which they are convinced tech will grant them.
Economic World War: Technocratic Plutocrat Elites vs. The People

We've always had psychological warfare being waged against us, with the Politics of Fear being one of the biggest and ugliest forms of it.
The Global Meltdown of FEAR: Eliminated by 60+ visual aids.

No discussion of modern US politics of fear is complete without what we've been seeing for 2 decades with the Big Media driven endless school shooter copycat cycle which is exclusive to the USA).

That talking point effectively constitutes both politics of fear psyop and a perverse form of military action, it could be argued.

Diversion being the biggest effect however, diversion being the staple of subversive propaganda.

Subversion, that's what I'm convinced all this SJW CRT/PS mania being rammed down everyones throats is all about. Whoever crafted this stuff, they are an unsung modern Einstein.

This crazy ISIS stuff, especially in Europe, yeah that's some serious dark and sneaky "military action" kind of subversion, which those attacks (politics of fear megadrive) also ensure outward perpetual wars (and more diversion with them).

Why all this desperate diversion? They already had the money, the control, the owned the big "fish tank", I argue this is all about them ensuring there's not a chance the masses wise up and make a national, a global discussion about the Technological Singularity and all of its inherent potential pitfalls for the human species.

They're being promised with immortality. And they're doing everything to ensure that they get it, and we wont.

That's the jist of "Part 2" of this mega post. In writing it I'll mostly be back in familiar territory. I dont know if it'll be done in 6 days or 6 months. I've already written, made intense films about it all, already. I REALLY need to get back to my crushingly busy life now, my profession that has nothing to do with any of this (quite the opposite, quite deliberately). But what I've already caught onto is, Google (the chief driving force behind AGI/TS, in lockstep with essentially every facet of the US .gov/.mil, and the entire technocratic infrastructure (see my AGI Manhattan Project post)), they're spending millions (possibly even billions) in pushing the SJW agenda. Any of you want to follow the work it isn't too hard to Google the stuff. And please do, I just dont have the option to live this stuff all the time all year like I used to.
edit on 18-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 11:59 PM

You're saying gays aren't over represented in media? Then how do you account for the public having the impression that some 20%+ of the population are gay, when its only 4%?

I'm fairly certain what I actually said was
"Okayyy... aside from having nothing to do with anything, somehow homosexual people aren't discriminated against because a couple tv shows have gay scenes? "Hardly a show" that doesn't, do you only get HBO or something?"
You have literally no evidence that the public believes 1 in 5 people is gay, so I'm not going to bother asking for it.

They use it to highlight the hypocrisy of the whole War On Drugs, it being the most harmful drug of all.

And yet your unsourced chart says that alcohol ranks at 73 'harms', with literally no explanation as to what the parameters for that are? It also doesn't take into account the fact that alcohol is legal and thus more common, nor does it elaborate on the fact that countless people are not harmed whatsoever by alcohol.
According to your chart alcohol is worse than meth. That doesn't even deserve acknowledgement.

Who are you to say that many people weren't born to be cannabis users, or trippers, etc? Okay, so people born anything but SWM, they get the world handed to them on a platinum platter from now on (especially if they THINK they need to be a different gender to feel good). But people who cannabis makes them complete, they need to still looked down upon?

Anyone who requires an external substance to feel normal/good is by definition an addict. That should by all means be 'looked down upon'. No one is born to use drugs, and if you had never heard of them you wouldn't have noticed the difference.

People "decide" to be Muslim's. Some of those Muslim's "decide" to become Extremists. Then a great many SJW's justify BOTH of them to a fault.

Religion is decided by their parents. You can decide as an adult to convert, but no child chooses what to believe. Children are malleable.

You actually admitted that you couldn't provide a single example of what you claimed.

On top of the fact that you complain of the culture of self-victimhood whilst comparing the livelihood of straight-white-males to Jews under Nazi Germany. Pathetically hypocritical, really.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 07:48 PM
Whelp, aside from info overload, the research on the drug war is damning and hard to refute. As someone who was adversely impacted by the drug war, and who is non violent and otherwise non larcenous, it hits too close to home.

It just seems reasonable to keep a fourth or third of society who happen to enjoy altered consciousness within the confines of the law of that society... and for those that are really messed up, keeping it a medical issue seems wise if we are to actually help them and reintegrate them back into the fold.

We are seeing some violent and publicized repercussions of this policy, lately, and dead cops is no better then dead or persecuted minorities ...and in this case, my primary minority meant are the folks of all skin colors who enjoy, or are even addicted to, drugs ... though admittedly I am white and would likely have spent 7 years in a Federal Penitentiary, instead of a couple years of probation, if I had been a person of color.

Either way, my future economics are severely limited due to my history, even though I stay within the law 99% of the time, now.

Even if I wasn't personally effected, though, I would still find the "drug war" a stupid and brutal patriarchal cluster @*ck.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

For starters, the word "Marajuana" itself is a derogatory term literally rooted in racism and meant to create stigma against users of cannabis

Therefore, if these SJW's are really worth their salt they had better add "marijuana" to their Grammer Shaming agenda list.

Grammar... what? And who on earth would take offense from that? Some weird and baked grammar Nazi?
Where is an example for those salty SJW types you adressed? Right now all I see, is a bunch of content without actual context.

Maybe I'm too old for your perspective, but the social-justice types I know usually fight for the legalisation of pot (as it's about social justice after all, ya know). And if you propose something else, you should be able to put something up. While fighting your imaginary combatant, you simply switched the algebraic sign and used the same methods on your behalf but kept your enemy literally in the dark.

Where are those people and where do you get all this from? Fricken fakebook? I think the Newspeak somehow got through to you, there is no such thing as a SJW. There are thousands of different agendas fighting for control, or better: for the delusion of control. And if you're ready to disregard any usefull differentiation in order to paint an easy picture with a broad brush, you've already lost the fight.

Just saying, have a nice ride!

edit on 20-7-2016 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-7-2016 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: SargonThrall
"Okayyy... aside from having nothing to do with anything, somehow homosexual people aren't discriminated against because a couple tv shows have gay scenes? "Hardly a show" that doesn't, do you only get HBO or something?"
You have literally no evidence that the public believes 1 in 5 people is gay, so I'm not going to bother asking for it.

Read my work again. It's in there. Or try the Google:
Unless you're just trying to be tedious.

Who ISN'T discriminated against? Everyone gets picked on, screwed with, roughed up, laughed at etc. It's part of life, especially growing up. Grow a pair.

And yet your unsourced chart says that alcohol ranks at 73 'harms', with literally no explanation as to what the parameters for that are? It also doesn't take into account the fact that alcohol is legal and thus more common, nor does it elaborate on the fact that countless people are not harmed whatsoever by alcohol.
According to your chart alcohol is worse than meth. That doesn't even deserve acknowledgement.

You're such an all encompassing expert, yet you never saw the study? It was international news, and was written by scientists.
Alcohol won the contest based on the harm users on it cause to others.

Anyone who requires an external substance to feel normal/good is by definition an addict. That should by all means be 'looked down upon'. No one is born to use drugs, and if you had never heard of them you wouldn't have noticed the difference.

Religion is decided by their parents. You can decide as an adult to convert, but no child chooses what to believe. Children are malleable.

AH... many children learn to use drugs from their parents, especially poor people (LIKE BLACKS). See my other thread where I focus on this aspect, and please do add your input there on that OP too. Since essentially no other SJW's have, we could really use your expertise on this:

You actually admitted that you couldn't provide a single example of what you claimed.

It goes without saying. You expect me to go thru breaking news threads that are like 50 pages long? If you I don't I'm somehow wrong? Nice straw man.

Really do love this... The origins of that image, dying to know where that came from.

And I think that cuts both ways with the desperation you're getting to already.

On top of the fact that you complain of the culture of self-victimhood whilst comparing the livelihood of straight-white-males to Jews under Nazi Germany. Pathetically hypocritical, really.

I'm not the crybaby.

But when I've documented clear irrefutable Nazi methodology, right down to identity politics fueled by an oppressor model, modern book burning, violence, riots, and now MASS MURDER, not to mention plenty more that didn't make my piece such as #killallmen & #killallwhitemen as part of the SJW 'anthem', which is being revved up byt eh corporate media & POTUS, yeah hello violent irrational Nu-Nazi culture you have met my megaphone. That was the comparison, where the SJW's are crying as if they are Jews under the Nazi's to justify BECOMING Nazi's. You wanted ALL the attention, and now you're getting it. Careful what you wish for, which with the SJW behavior we're already been seeing, your ramming it down everybody's throats (including elementary school children), expect a backlash. Now you're getting it, and getting triggered too, and somehow that's everyone else's fault?

Social Justice Assault Warriors TV Marathon!
edit on 20-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

At least we know Godwin's Law is holding up.

At some 'SJW' persons on ATS. I might qualify. Not sure.

Why not have a chat with them? They're not so bad.

I disagreed with Benevolent Heretic once and was not eaten or banned from twitter. True story.
edit on 20-7-2016 by Pinke because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 11:34 AM
One of the best posts I have seen on ATS in a very long time.

Absolutely epic, extremely well-thought out with salient points that are well supported.

I'm a journalist and I think this should be turned into an article.

PM me if you're interested.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: Pinke
a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

At least we know Godwin's Law is holding up.

Interesting. I hadn't heard of that before.

Please do SOMEBODY respond directly to my "Nu-Nazi's" sections. I've been dying for that....
edit on 20-7-2016 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Pinke

C'mon! Nothing comes across like an epic piece of art when good old Adolf isn't involved. Think about the kids, how are they supposed to catch your drift then?

Funny thing is... Hitler would ignore opposing statements in his thread rather blissfully as well, I'd guess. You and Kali nailed it quite well me thinks. I always enjoy your contribution, let's have a cold beer at the North-Sea shore! Consider yourself invited.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: MRuss

Thanks! Interesting. It's kind of already about book length tho....

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