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• A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
• Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
• A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
• A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
• A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
• A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
• A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
• A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
• A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
• A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
• A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
Beatings are not the worst of female suffering. Each year hundreds of Muslim women die in "honor killings"-- murders by husbands or male relatives of women suspected of disobedience, usually a sexual indiscretion or marriage against the family's wishes. Typically, the killers are punished lightly, if at all. In Jordan a man who slays his wife or a close relative after catching her in the act of adultery is exempt from punishment.
The penetration of the bride's infibulation takes anywhere from 3 or 4 days to several months. Some men are unable to penetrate their wives at all (in my study over 15%), and the task is often accomplished by a midwife under conditions of great secrecy, since this reflects negatively on the man's potency. Some who are unable to penetrate their wives manage to get them pregnant in spite of the infibulation, and the woman's vaginal passage is then cut open to allow birth to take place. ... Those men who do manage to penetrate their wives do so often, or perhaps always, with the help of the "little knife." This creates a tear which they gradually rip more and more until the opening is sufficient to admit the penis.
I think that allowing for the book being after all a parody, something like 1984 could actually happen. This is the direction the world is going in at the present time. In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. We shall abolish the orgasm. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty to the party, but always there will be the intoxication of power. Always at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.
(the why of all this most ultimate case of mass diversion).
originally posted by: onequestion
Good book.
Might take me a few weeks to read it all.
Cannabis is an interesting case study in this SJW ordeal, as it basically debunks this idea that homosexuals are "oppressed" considering the fact that there's hardly a show on TV anymore that doesn't have to feature some sort of gay love scene in every episode
Of every group that will be mentioned in here, or even could be, none have been more oppressed than Potheads.
today one could change the word Jew to SWM's in all of that, and it'd read coherently in line with what is already happening today with this social justice front.
originally posted by: SargonThrall
First and foremost this is an excellent writeup with great effort, even the parts that were profoundly stupid. But it is mostly valid reasoning, and infinitely better than the single-paragraph-rantings of most threads that thrive here.
originally posted by: Kali74
Now as for your talking points, I'll summarize... You project Libertarianism as the cure academic feminism seeks but twists itself into pretzels over while ignoring the type of feminism (really sociology) that exists in Left-Wing Libertarianism and its cry to end the War on Drugs.
originally posted by: SargonThrall
The War on Drugs is simply not a failure because, in actuality, its purpose is to increase revenue and power within the government and private hands. Selling a product to people and then incarcerating them for it is just good business sense; you make far more money that way. Keeping drugs illegal is a great way to monopolize the industry and assert control over it. Drugs themselves are a great way of keeping people pacified.
Okayyy... aside from having nothing to do with anything, somehow homosexual people aren't discriminated against because a couple tv shows have gay scenes? "Hardly a show" that doesn't, do you only get HBO or something?
Being a "pothead" should be a negative connotation. All this talk about removing labels yet somehow people's primary personal identifier is with a drug? It's just stupid.
Not to mention how they all like to deflect blame for everything onto alcohol. A man enjoys a beer after work or at lunch and he's an alcoholic, yet potheads can get high every day and live with a cognitive dissonance that they do not have a problem? It's absurd.
Of every group that will be mentioned in here, or even could be, none have been more oppressed than Potheads.
You cannot be serious trying to compare people who make a choice to use (and sometimes abuse) an illegal substance with oppression for being born a certain color or sexuality. Regardless of the absurdity of it being illegal, people are still deliberately choosing to break a law.
You can blame Obama all you want for not passing drug laws, but he did state his intention to in his Vice interview. Think about all the flak he received for gay marriage, which is an even easier concept than drug legalization.
originally posted by: Kali74
You didn't bring this to a place where you could actually debate/discuss what you feel is a truth about the something you are clearly obsessed with revealing.
Now as for your talking points, I'll summarize... You project Libertarianism as the cure academic feminism seeks but twists itself into pretzels over while ignoring the type of feminism (really sociology) that exists in Left-Wing Libertarianism and its cry to end the War on Drugs.