posted on Jul, 13 2016 @ 12:47 AM
Having sat here and considered the question a bit, I think you're asking it backwards.
The issue is, a non-LEO doesn't know what LEOs see as uncivil, or threatening, or 'bad'. Or vice-versa.
I can easily tell you what YOU are doing that I see as unlawful, impractical, stupid or wrong. But I can't see my behavior from YOUR point of view. So
it's hard for me to come up with actions that would make LEOs happier that don't end up being insulting, because they too are being projected through
this internal lens of what I see you guys doing wrong.
The root of both sides of the separation is 'us vs them', of course. A view inherent in the title of the thread. YOU are a citizen that happens to
have a job as a LEO. When I read titles like that, I tend to have this internal snort 'you BOTH are civilians' since I still tend to see myself as
military. But I suspect most LEOs would find it an insult to be lumped in with the proletariat as being exactly the same as them.
If you could blur THAT line a bit, it might solve the whole thing. Maybe everyone ought to have to serve a couple of years doing something in the way
of civil service coming out of high school. You get to pick - military, police, infrastructure, health, Peace Corps or whatnot. If a lot of people had
to stand a watch as a cop or a soldier, there might be less 'us vs them', less unnecessary war, fewer cops acting like jerks, fewer non-cops acting
like jerks etc. We no longer share a common POV. THAT'S the issue. "bluelining" is as bad as BLM, it's the same damned thing actually, just from
different sides, and it's a symptom of 'us vs them' carried toward a limit.