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 Why Is Iran Our Enemy?

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posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 04:27 AM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: uncommitted

As I thought....

If you thought I wouldn't comment on the 'facts' you wrote when you aren't prepared to read a link with clear evidence that the Carter administration enabled the Ayatollahs return to Iran because it goes against the opinion you have, then you are correct. I'm the same with flat earthers you see, if people refuse to at least look at information then why bother having a discussion?

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 05:07 AM
a reply to: interupt42

That's the thing eh? Follow the monies and see who profits from the war, misery and destruction. And there's your culprits right there.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: uncommitted

I find you NOT articulating the particular points you were wanting to point out in that 'link' as rude. Period.

This is a conversation site, not a talking point 'out-link' site. The least one with manners would do is post the points with the link as a backup/reference.

I already ceded the '53 event yet you refuse to post the points, yourself. Rude approaching outright hubris.

I am not some student of yours to obediently run off to your link merely because you say so.

I made my points, some obvious, some based on friends from Iran. You choose not to respond to normal debate/discussion, sobeit.

While there are exceptions, most 'links' are also biased. Either the author, himself, or the data source the author is using.

I have and will continue to learn from different views on ATS.

Avoiding direct communication by directing to a link shows a disrespectful attitude, if not an outright avoidance of the topic/points. JMO.

edit on 16-6-2016 by nwtrucker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: TheBulk
a reply to: Raven95

You know they round gays up in trucks and execute them publicly?

That is horrible for sure and a human rights violation, but that is their issue to deal with and does not make them an enemy of the US. If the US were to make everyone an enemy who acted like a bunch of 1920 country bumpkins, they would find far worse perpetrators than Iran in this world. Some that the US is an ally with, so using human rights as a basis for choosing an enemy, is never in the cards for the US government.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

You see the profits that these elites have gained through the war, misery and destruction. Will not do them any good.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 02:14 PM
There is no reason really .claiming that human rights violations in Iran is the reason is merely ridiculous and hypocrisy . all your best allies in our region are the worst human rights violators of the world and known supporters of wahhabi terrorist org. like ISIS , AQ , Taliban , .....

thats not the reason . the reason is that we're a free nation and we don't bow down to your politicians .we are a proud nation and we're just done with being a puppet of others . Tnx but the oldest country on earth is not really into that .

I could see things changing if bernie came into power , unfortunate for everyone , he didn't . still, just for the record , we love you guys . be sure there is no hate coming towards you from here , alright ?

visit and see for yourself .

Iran rounds up gay people on trucks and execute them ? the hell ?

actually this deserves a thread of its own . but i really don't have enough energy to make one . its ramadan .

anyhow , there is only 1 way a gay person is executed :

he goes to the police 3 times claiming that he has had homosexual intercourse with another person . not 1 time not even 2 times , but 3 times . even after that a psychologist has to confirm that his/her mental status is fine and they're not crazy or suicidal . this is the order of Islam . Islam does not care what people do inside their homes .

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Raven95
Because USA is built to serve Israel and Iran is built to call Israel the occupied lands !
Believe me this is the main stupid problem.
I wish it was solely for money, power or something else. But the root of problem between those who control USA and Iran is mainly ideological !

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 09:45 AM
Iran hasn't always been our enemy. After we installed the Shah over there, Iran was the only country to which we exported the F-14. Bell Helicopter sold a large number of helicopters over there.

But then they overthrew our puppet Shah, and things naturally went downhill. We had no choice but to call them dirty names.

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: maes2

Your right USA is built to serve Israel, because wasn't and isn't Israel a created entity and state? the only reason Israel exists in the middle is serve the USA as a regional puppet as the Saudis for the dominance. They need enemies in order to create fear, terror and profits.

Thus America and Israel created two enemies. Hamas and Iran.

Israelis see Shia as threat. They dont see the Saudis as a threat compared to Iran. But Israel knows attacking Irans means they would get a response from Russia and Hezbollah.

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Salander

That is the only Iranians hate American gov for. They will hate Americans even if they try to push for another Arab Spring in Iran again.

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 09:51 AM
IMHO opinion, Iran is not part of the Neocon Globalist Group.

Here is a video from Aaron Russo going back years where the current day wars were planned and Iran is one of them

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
a reply to: crazyewok

Maybe beacuse the US keeps threating the exact same thing

Sorry for the short reply. But do elaborate , please.

The words were twisted to suit the globalist agenda, but lets go with anyhow for an example I wish to make.
Lets say Iran was invading Canada and Mexico and said the US is next, and the US threatened back to defend their country.

Who is the bigger threat in the above example, Iran invading nearby countries or the US threatening to defend themselves?

Of course I am sure you realize, the Iran in the above example would be us in the USA

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: Gothmog
a reply to: crazyewok

Maybe beacuse the US keeps threating the exact same thing

Sorry for the short reply. But do elaborate , please.

Elaborate on what?

Bush and a good group of neocons like McCain have threatend or called for the bombing of Iran! Hell McCain was calling for it last year!

And don't forget the photo op McCain had with ISIS Terrorists
What a terrible web they weave when they wish to deceive

In bed with Saudi Terrorist Nation, and terrorists like ISIS while saying the Iran is a threat
They can't go the Islamic Terrorists angle against Iran since they are in bed with them

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 10:19 AM
I think it goes back to the 50's with the shaw, and then the hostage thing and arming Iraq to fight them

and the whole death to america thing isn't helping

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: amazing
Iran is not our enemy. Saudi Arabia is.

We installed a cruel puppet dictator over there (The Shah) that they overturned and then took over our embassy in protest.

No wonder they have a little ill will towards us, but in reality, most Iranians are western lifestyle loving normal people who generally aren't radicalized like the lunatics that come out of Saudi Arabia.

Good Point
We need invade and bomb them to smithereens and so we can have a utopia like we created in Iraq where groups will band together vying for power like ISIS

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: superman2012

originally posted by: TheBulk
a reply to: Raven95

You know they round gays up in trucks and execute them publicly?

That is horrible for sure and a human rights violation, but that is their issue to deal with and does not make them an enemy of the US. If the US were to make everyone an enemy who acted like a bunch of 1920 country bumpkins, they would find far worse perpetrators than Iran in this world. Some that the US is an ally with, so using human rights as a basis for choosing an enemy, is never in the cards for the US government.

250 Million Chinese had their lands bull dozed by the Communist Government and we heard not a PEEP from the Corporate Media about it since they were in bed with them. That is definitely a human rights violation

But when there is money to be made....mums the word

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: haman10
There is no reason really .claiming that human rights violations in Iran is the reason is merely ridiculous and hypocrisy . all your best allies in our region are the worst human rights violators of the world and known supporters of wahhabi terrorist org. like ISIS , AQ , Taliban , .....

There is no money or power to be made with peace says the NEOCON Globalists
They will do what they want regardless of what the American people want.
They just want the people side with them so they do not hold all the responsibility and can point at the people when it goes to hell in a handbasket. (You voted for this they will say)

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: jacobe001

originally posted by: amazing
Iran is not our enemy. Saudi Arabia is.

We installed a cruel puppet dictator over there (The Shah) that they overturned and then took over our embassy in protest.

No wonder they have a little ill will towards us, but in reality, most Iranians are western lifestyle loving normal people who generally aren't radicalized like the lunatics that come out of Saudi Arabia.

Good Point
We need invade and bomb them to smithereens and so we can have a utopia like we created in Iraq where groups will band together vying for power like ISIS

And don't forget the "utopias" we created in Afghanistan and Libya. And the "utopia" we're helping build in Syria. And the Saudi coalition is helping finish the "utopia" we were creating in Yemen through our multi-year drone war.

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: jacobe001

originally posted by: amazing
Iran is not our enemy. Saudi Arabia is.

We installed a cruel puppet dictator over there (The Shah) that they overturned and then took over our embassy in protest.

No wonder they have a little ill will towards us, but in reality, most Iranians are western lifestyle loving normal people who generally aren't radicalized like the lunatics that come out of Saudi Arabia.

Good Point
We need invade and bomb them to smithereens and so we can have a utopia like we created in Iraq where groups will band together vying for power like ISIS

And don't forget the "utopias" we created in Afghanistan and Libya. And the "utopia" we're helping build in Syria. And the Saudi coalition is helping finish the "utopia" we were creating in Yemen through our multi-year drone war.

I know. And of course both Hillary and Trump want us to put boots on the ground in Syria...or Iraq to help "wipe out ISIS" Great presidential choices we have. 4 years from now, nothing will have changed except the name of the Terrorists and all the while Saudi Arabia will be poisoning the Muslim world with Wahabbism.

posted on Jun, 18 2016 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Domo1

Our true enemy in the Middle East is Islam.

Radicalized Islam...not those who don't want the US obliterated from the Earth.

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