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My Reptilian, UFO, Mutilation experience.

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posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 04:45 PM
Probably I know a little bit more about Reptilians than you do, also I am aware of your Reptilian connections.

But I must admit, that I know way too much about telepathy, and it is very rare on this planet that a human being can possess telepathic abilities from the birth.

You know that they are telepathic, because your connection is based on telepathy. You just cannot find that alien craft in your home, but I know where you should search. Far easier than you think...

Good luck on searching. And yes... you'll dream interesting things tonight after all this, I bet you will!

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
Probably I know a little bit more about Reptilians than you do, also I am aware of your Reptilian connections.

But I must admit, that I know way too much about telepathy, and it is very rare on this planet that a human being can possess telepathic abilities from the birth.

You know that they are telepathic, because your connection is based on telepathy. You just cannot find that alien craft in your home, but I know where you should search. Far easier than you think...

Good luck on searching. And yes... you'll dream interesting things tonight after all this, I bet you will!

You dont know about what i saw pal sorry
OH my connections huh, lol did you ask one?
UFO in my home huh, please dude....
I call them nightmares

I'll play along, tell your rep buddies thru your mind waves, that im coming for them! Tell them to show their faces if they can muster the courage.

Thats one big "BRING IT LIZARD"

Thanx but im done looking for answers for awhile now I THINK
unless you have a map of their base of course, lol
and you can video my death and them as I take one out before I die.
Then post that..... im so for real.....

[edit on 27-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
I call them nightmares

Sure you do.
Because you are not used to their presence. Ever felt that somebody is behind you? Think of it when your posts are a little serious!

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Vertu

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
I call them nightmares

Sure you do.
Because you are not used to their presence. Ever felt that somebody is behind you? Think of it when your posts are a little serious!

They dont visit me , lol
only once I saw them.

no i dont get spooked by ghosts, spirits,gods, demons ect
or even alien lizards for that matter, lol
if it bleeds we can kill it

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
no i dont get spooked by ghosts, spirits,gods, demons ect
or even alien lizards for that matter, lol
if it bleeds we can kill it

Probably you know that they can kill with their mind... They can kill you by simply thinking of it. Before you'd pull the trigger, you are gone. But knowing that they are friendly creatures, and they hold a wonderful future for you, you will simply recieve a thorough brainwash. Soon you will not remember any murderous desire against them, and you will love them by all your heart.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 06:25 PM
"Did i get a good look at cow after it happened, hell no i couldnt leave fast enough, i didnt want to look at it , sorry"

Dont blame you i woulda got the hell outta there too

"Why would i take a pic of a scar on my body?
Like that would prove anything to ATS people, lol, you could show these people a UFO or rep face to face and they would say its fake or some other excuse..."

Yea your probably right about that

"sorry Fish its just not worth the crap and abuse people give out,
What do I get for my pain and effort besides more free abuse and ridicule ?"

What do you care what people say about it, if your telling the truth then thats all that matters people who dont believe you can talk all the shet they want, id say theres alot of people been in the same situation you have you just havent heard from them yet


Aren't you afraid, that the Reptilians are watching every step of you, and will react to your actions?"

no because hes got something we call balls

"I will kill every lizard creature I see with my bare hands without a sec of hesitation! "

i can see you wanna mess these boys up i probably would too in the same situation but after thousands of years of evolution id say theyve learnt a trick or two about fighting besides they dont seem to be all that bad apart from killing the cow but at least they left you and your friend with only a little scar, i wouldnt mess with them but if you run into one of them again and decide to go for it well fair play to you, give it a right hook for me

"You just cannot find that alien craft in your home, but I know where you should search. Far easier than you think... "

what exactly do you mean by that, are you saying hes got a ufo in his house? doesnt make much sense to me

[edit on 27-1-2005 by fishbrain]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 06:51 PM
I completely understand that you would be terrified of these lizards.
And what you saw them do to the cow, I understand why you want to kill them.
Your story scares the daylights out of me.

But there is a possiblility that they are like us, some good and some evil.
Remember Jeffrey Dahmer, or people like him, they might enjoy ripping a cows face off.
I personally don't understand cow mutilations at all, but I am open enough to realize they may be acts of a few "rogues" among them.
I used to think that they were just alien scientists and that the cows felt no pain, but your story of the screaming cow changes that view a bit, but maybe there is a scientific reason we don't grasp. We humans kill hundreds of white mice for experiments. Is a mouses life any less important than a cows? Maybe its for pure scientific reasons.

It also does not mean they are ALL that way, or ALL evil.
They do have freewill like us, and if their whole species wanted to harm us, they would have killed us all off.

O- blood is blood that "anyone" on planet earth can get a transfusion from. It is the universal donor. There was a report, that the Greys said that the presence of O- blood in humans was proof of our alien heritage. How that is proof exactly... I don't know, I'm not a scientist.

If the Adam and Eve story is true, the Serpent did tempt Eve, and she did partake of the tree of Knowledge, and Humans were changed forever, making us an intelligent species.

Disclaimer: These are just theories folks, I have nothing to back them up with.

[edit on 27-1-2005 by kdx175]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by kdx175
I completely understand that you would be terrified of these lizards.
And what you saw them do to the cow, I understand why you want to kill them.
Your story scares the daylights out of me.

But there is a possiblility that they are like us, some good and some evil.
Remember Jeffrey Dahmer, or people like him, they might enjoy ripping a cows face off.
I personally don't understand cow mutilations at all, but I am open enough to realize they may be acts of a few "rogues" among them.
I used to think that they were just alien scientists and that the cows felt no pain, but your story of the screaming cow changes that view a bit, but maybe there is a scientific reason we don't grasp. We humans kill hundreds of white mice for experiments. Is a mouses life any less important than a cows? Maybe its for pure scientific reasons.

It also does not mean they are ALL that way, or ALL evil.
They do have freewill like us, and if their whole species wanted to harm us, they would have killed us all off.

O- blood is blood that "anyone" on planet earth can get a transfusion from. It is the universal donor. There was a report, that the Greys said that the presence of O- blood in humans was proof of our alien heritage. How that is proof exactly... I don't know, I'm not a scientist.

If the Adam and Eve story is true, the Serpent did tempt Eve, and she did partake of the tree of Knowledge, and Humans were changed forever, making us an intelligent species.

Disclaimer: These are just theories folks, I have nothing to back them up with.

[edit on 27-1-2005 by kdx175]

Dont be afraid of these animals just aware of them,
just in case they pretend to pose as good later.

Thats an incredable avatar, looks just like the reptoids/lizards we saw!
Its summerian right? 1500 bc? they had to know of them.

Think of something more horrible than the cow something i wont go into, trust me the flying serpent logo guys are EVIL,

Not all lizards perhaps but i doubt it, but for the sake of argument .
I seek revenge on the ones with the "flying serpent logo" specificlly.
With them I have much accusations!
It is those who were my abductors.
Especially the scientist, he was most evil !

[edit on 27-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 07:19 PM
I agree with you on that kdx, what would make the aliens any different from us, some of us are good people some of arent, our scientists kill cows and all sorts of animals all the time that doesnt mean we all do it

lizzardsamok im guessing you saw some humans mutilated, wouldnt be surprised they mutilate cows what makes us an exception

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 09:22 PM

and cant you say something nice or nothing at all i mean there are thousands of threads why try to discredit me ?

Well first off this forum is for the finding, researching and debunking of information. Deny Ignorance remember.
I said nothing of your character or you, was just posting some discrepencies.

how long did you spend trying to find some trincket of flaw in my story thats ridiculous, im sorry.

Took no time at all. the short story on ur site and the posts is all the info i have about you. so without knowing the true long version of the story and you, i can only comment on the information that is available. i cant help how you are feeling but you put yourself and your story here for a reason. Just trying to inform myself correctly, and not hang on a quik short story belief. You, more than most(if it happened) should be able to understand the tons of disinformation available. So why are you so surprised when people want answers. ESPECIALLY ON THIS FORUM. But by your own short circuitry over comments, has a tendency to lean towards unbelievable. But just like any forum, its my opinion and im entitled to it.

Would you prefer i post things like counterstrike playing 12yr olds.
POST: Ya u kicked that lizards rock man...

If that is the kinda reply post you are looking for, you wont get it from me.

im not here to stroke your ego, im here to get informed. I ask questions to be more informed as do most. No name calling just informing. Deal with it.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0

and cant you say something nice or nothing at all i mean there are thousands of threads why try to discredit me ?

Well first off this forum is for the finding, researching and debunking of information. Deny Ignorance remember.
I said nothing of your character or you, was just posting some discrepencies.

how long did you spend trying to find some trincket of flaw in my story thats ridiculous, im sorry.

Took no time at all. the short story on ur site and the posts is all the info i have about you. so without knowing the true long version of the story and you, i can only comment on the information that is available. i cant help how you are feeling but you put yourself and your story here for a reason. Just trying to inform myself correctly, and not hang on a quik short story belief. You, more than most(if it happened) should be able to understand the tons of disinformation available. So why are you so surprised when people want answers. ESPECIALLY ON THIS FORUM. But by your own short circuitry over comments, has a tendency to lean towards unbelievable. But just like any forum, its my opinion and im entitled to it.

Would you prefer i post things like counterstrike playing 12yr olds.
POST: Ya u kicked that lizards rock man...

If that is the kinda reply post you are looking for, you wont get it from me.

im not here to stroke your ego, im here to get informed. I ask questions to be more informed as do most. No name calling just informing. Deal with it.

Im sorry dear sir,
i was so fed up with the comments i was getting left and right i got angry.
I apologise to you , and admire your reply to me.
I guess i should have more control over my emotions but they are screwed up and touchy right now.

And I just wanted to find others like me without pages of ridicule to get it.
I posted my mission on site , its simply to find out more and compare notes with others.
Unfortunatlly im a rare case as ive found out, and there is not many others i can seek, which i have now learned.
I never wished to prove my story only defending my events when called a liar out of hand.

I should have anticipated ridicule but i honestly didnt expect to get it from this forum, i am new, i thought oh heres a reptilian link , ill tell my story for once, this will be a safer atmosphere from ridicule i thought.
Surely this thread has an abductee like me somewhere i thought.
(that thread was "the best description of reptilians youve seen")

I thought all these pics of reptoids are not right, I will draw what they look like and post my story.

ROTFLMAO- I was a noob.

(most of the rep pics came from an artist who never saw them and never talked to an abductee as there were none around, so they made up what they thought it would look like, then people said "i was lieing cause my pics didnt look the same"


Great signature by the way

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."

Sir Winston Churchill
so true lol

[edit on 27-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 10:54 PM
Its all good. I was stoked when i first found this site also but like anything found on the WEB, most wont believe without being able to find more than 2 google hits about it..jk.., but I have lifelong friends that some freaky arse stuff has happened to. and in my quest for knowledge have really seen how crazily(is that a word) intertwined the rabbit hole(s) really is. But alas, i have never seen an alien, ufo, reptoid, secret base, secret aircraft or been abducted personally. so i have to play a little skepticist and i emphasize Little, but way more open minded than most. If this did happen to you, i applaud ur bravery and dont ever give up looking for more people like you or lose courage. But do aaaalllooooot of reading on these forums and u will see the mass concensus of thinking, and then youll probably understand the extent of the thread postings about ur incident.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by S1LV3R4D0
Its all good. I was stoked when i first found this site also but like anything found on the WEB, most wont believe without being able to find more than 2 google hits about it..jk.., but I have lifelong friends that some freaky arse stuff has happened to. and in my quest for knowledge have really seen how crazily(is that a word) intertwined the rabbit hole(s) really is. But alas, i have never seen an alien, ufo, reptoid, secret base, secret aircraft or been abducted personally. so i have to play a little skepticist and i emphasize Little, but way more open minded than most. If this did happen to you, i applaud ur bravery and dont ever give up looking for more people like you or lose courage. But do aaaalllooooot of reading on these forums and u will see the mass concensus of thinking, and then youll probably understand the extent of the thread postings about ur incident.

Personally I hope you never do see a base or aliens or ufo up close anyhow.

As at least for me it was the most horrific thing I have ever known.
But not for the reasons i publicly posted as i cannot even talk about It.

Id rather be taken by a grey than a rep if i had that choice to make.

Thanks for the pep talk ,
and as you should know the craziest story is usually true.
I mean the real world is not at all as it seems....
and the crazy guy of the village is usually most correct...

"When im investigating a case I look for the most likely of the un-likely"
sherlock holmes

[edit on 28-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 08:47 PM

On your website you end your story by saying that "I believe we should not jump for peace and relinquish our defenses no matter what is said!"

Isn't it clear by now that we are in no position to make war on such powerful creatures, or sue for peace, and that Earth is their ANIMAL FARM ? Our fate as human beings is no different from the fate of our cows and pigs, whom we breed and slaughter at will, and we are just as helpless. We are getting a taste of our own medicine. We are no less ruthless than these "Skylords" that have controlled us throughout history. "Now you know why the Egyptians have all of those statues", the animal gods.

Coincidentally, today, just the next day after reading this thread of yours, I saw a poster in a shop window showing a nasty-looking alien hovering over our planet Earth, and big bold letters saying: POISED FOR CONQUEST.

As the Pleiadians have been saying: "Oh, dear humans, you are in for an adventure....Hold on to your seats. You have no idea what is coming. That is why we said, 'If we told you everything that was coming you would have scattered a long time ago.' "

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Macrento

On your website you end your story by saying that "I believe we should not jump for peace and relinquish our defenses no matter what is said!"

Isn't it clear by now that we are in no position to make war on such powerful creatures, or sue for peace, and that Earth is their ANIMAL FARM ? Our fate as human beings is no different from the fate of our cows and pigs, whom we breed and slaughter at will, and we are just as helpless. We are getting a taste of our own medicine. We are no less ruthless than these "Skylords" that have controlled us throughout history. "Now you know why the Egyptians have all of those statues", the animal gods.

Coincidentally, today, just the next day after reading this thread of yours, I saw a poster in a shop window showing a nasty-looking alien hovering over our planet Earth, and big bold letters saying: POISED FOR CONQUEST.

As the Pleiadians have been saying: "Oh, dear humans, you are in for an adventure....Hold on to your seats. You have no idea what is coming. That is why we said, 'If we told you everything that was coming you would have scattered a long time ago.' "

I agree totaly with you sir,
And KNOW whats coming, thats why im trying to get the cows to be aware of the farmers and then ask them to stand up and fight for once lest they be led to the slaughter and worse.

I saw fear in one of them, 1 feared me the other did not as much but was highly uncomfortable with the idea of me being awake aware and un controlable to a point.I ASSUME THAT DIDNT HAPPEN MUCH TO THEM.
I also assume most people feared the very sight of them as my friend did.
I dont claim to be macho but i was just not scared for some reason i wanted to take them out like instinctivly knew they were evil or harmful even before it was confirmed to be true.
We are just as intelligent as them or more but we have been held back and oppressed and used for so long!
This will continue to be unless we do something about it when that time comes!
This is my message, defend yourself! Dont fear them !

"I believe we should not jump for peace and relinquish our defenses no matter what is said!" ---------------------->

My biggest pet peave is that most people will worship these bastards and fall in love with them ! (AS first contact)
Whenever they do come out, like the naive idiots on roof of building in movie INDEPENDENCE DAY they didnt even think aliens could be something other than peacful ,never saw it coming and even asked for it!

Now imagine all the cows holding weapons and can use them, see the farmers fear? See the glory for the cows? see the independence?

IMO- There will be a time in the next decade where all will make a choice as a world, Remember my words and Fight for your independence or lie down like cowards and get what you deserve.

Be in a cave with a flamethrower when last stage of invasion begins!
Dont be one of those hippies on the roof holding a peace sign!

Whatever they tell you to do , do the opposite!
Rules are made and set by the enemy as to protect itself not you.
Only humans have our best intensions at heart not strangers claiming they do......

[edit on 29-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:48 AM

You keep forgetting ONE thing. The Reptilians are flesh eaters. Therefore mutiliated cows shouldn't be that much of a surprise. The cows are meal in their eyes, and perhaps humans were food some time ago.

Probably the cows are scared because they know that they will be eaten. So do you hate a lion for eating the zebra? We also eat animals, but you only see the meat in your hamburger or your hotdog, you buy in the subway.

The Reptilians just want to live, they can't be vegetarians for your wish, they must eat felsh or they die.

I hope you understand me.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:52 AM
Igunas are vegetarians, why can't the Reptilians be more like them?

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by Vertu

You keep forgetting ONE thing. The Reptilians are flesh eaters. Therefore mutiliated cows shouldn't be that much of a surprise. The cows are meal in their eyes, and perhaps humans were food some time ago.

Probably the cows are scared because they know that they will be eaten. So do you hate a lion for eating the zebra? We also eat animals, but you only see the meat in your hamburger or your hotdog, you buy in the subway.

The Reptilians just want to live, they can't be vegetarians for your wish, they must eat felsh or they die.

I hope you understand me.

Ill help you marrinatte yourself,
hell ill use you to bait my trap !
since you dont want them to go hungry and all ,
Step up to the plate! (PUN INTENDED)

And FYI Iguanas eat worms and bugs too.

But bigger lizards eat meat like crockadiles and kamodo dragons

[edit on 29-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
hell ill use you to bait my trap !
since you dont want them to go hungry and all ,
Step up to the plate! (PUN INTENDED)

What if I have already stepped forward? They didn't eat me, because they are more interested in cows. You have no fear either, because they feed on animals.

The fact proving that Reptilians are in your life proves, that you are implanted. Now you see that they don't want to harm you. Chipped guys are untouchable!!

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 05:17 PM
Why do you assume i was implanted?
cause you read it somewhere ?

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