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My Reptilian, UFO, Mutilation experience.

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posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 06:23 PM
Father Luke, if you go back a bit, and read my second post here, you will see that I say I have found just two sources that I consider to be reliable, as regards ETs, and you will find those two sources by following the instructions I give to drinkinlikeafish on my third post, which is the one immediately above your post. Are you actually an ordained priest, or is this some kind of odd joke???

[edit on 31-1-2005 by Macrento]

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
Thank you for answering that for me.
I agree with you sir 100%

You always understand the facts.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 07:38 PM
Where is your story? I can't find anything but that mutilated guy with his butt tore out.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Asia Minor
Where is your story? I can't find anything but that mutilated guy with his butt tore out.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Vertu

Originally posted by blackSt33L
The reason why many do not believe in reptillians is its comparison to the majority of other sightings.Well atleast thats what i believe.

The reason why it is so easy to believe in greys and nordics is the u believable amount of sightings worldwide.They are the only extra-terrestrials that most people know of.

It is true. So what's the conclusion? In order to believe in Greys, all you need to do is find some research on sightings, flying colorful UFOs yelling Hello, and there you go... a true Greybeliever.

In order to believe in the existance of Reptilians, you need highly advanced brain capabilities to detect their presence, and put things together. Reptilians have no means to show their UFOs or teach you the Reptilian language, they have nothing to prove us.

All this only show the morality of aliens.

Alright,fair judgment.But my disbelief is not just the comparisons.Its the clear meaning of reptillian presence here.From what i heard,and trust me iv done my research on the topic,reptillians are always in an hostile mood.Almost all the sightings iv read about involved people been chased by these creatures.Another is the reptillian plan to take over the world.

If they wanted to invade earth,or as some say,take earth back(iv heard a mixture of reptillian origin from deepspace and others say from earth originally as the first intelligent beings)why dont they,since they have such advance technology and minds?I dont understand it.And it always seem that in the sightings with these creatures,their always chasing humans,yet never catching them.I dont understand how a being,with such advance technology in his hands,and such a highly capable mind,couldnt get one human?.If they really wanted to take earth,and use us humans,they could of done it a long time.Why the wait.Betterstill,why let the greys do it for them when they have the technology which could do it faster and more efficiently.?Im even with our billions they could still do something?

Why the wait?I havnt heard any reason to this?And why the jump to conclusions and saying its a reptillian without doing some more research.For all we know this could be something totally different.

Dont get me wrong,i respect those with different opinions but this is what really confuses me about this belief in reptillians.

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 12:55 PM
jump to conclusions?

If you saw a being with reptile skin, reptile eyes ,reptile claws, reptile face, reptile legs, reptile arms, reptile tail, hissed like a reptile, had every reptile feature.....

At which point would you say that one has jumped to conclusions calling it reptilian......

please logically explian that....

Some will call them lizards some dinosuars some raptors, some long nose greys, some reptoids some saurian some serpent people..

Do you see a common thread here or do i have to spell it out for you?
so thats why they are called as a generic term, cause they are reptiles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stay away from conspiricy theorys black steel get to the cold hard truth of the creatures themselvees not their agengas.....
That would be first IMO

[edit on 1-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 1 2005 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Macrento
Father Luke, if you go back a bit, and read my second post here, you will see that I say I have found just two sources that I consider to be reliable, as regards ETs, and you will find those two sources by following the instructions I give to drinkinlikeafish on my third post, which is the one immediately above your post. Are you actually an ordained priest, or is this some kind of odd joke???

[edit on 31-1-2005 by Macrento]

Bless you my son.

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by fishbrain
Can you post a few of those emails.

He said ok so here ya go:

" If
there is one thing I know, especially about UFO's/Aliens, is that there are
certain people apart of the U.S. government who are both working with
and working against those who visit and/or abduct us, regardless of how
good or bad they are. Those who are 'working against' the "bad ones"
versus those who are 'working with' the "bad ones" have completely
opposite & paralleled agendas at hand. The way you can help your people and
your country that the "Reptoids" as you can them, is by being on the
look out whenever you are amongst a state of vulnerability. As for exact
details of defense against these aliens, it is quite unknown to I about
how you would be able to fight them off because my specialty in the
U.S. Air Force has absolutely nothing to deal with weapons/defensive
mechanisms against these alien type beings. My specialty is based on
technology and sciences solely for the purpose of peace and the expanding
expeditions that we as a world society will soon take place into the
outreaches of space. I hope I answered your question there.

As for your confrontation with the Reptoids, I know that it must have
been a bit embarrasing/brutally annoying with what they did to you.
Most of their species, if you even want to call them a species, have
tendecies of causing harm and negative feelings unto any one not of their
kind regardless of how much "peace" or "good" they may portray. And that
means you. Because I know you are a kind, simple minded, and care free
person. Your witnessed acount with these Reptoids probably took place
amongst a vulnerable time in your life. Your state of mind prior to
your experiences versus your state of mind after you lived to tell your
unbelievable story about your experience has indeed altered your reality
of existences. In most cases I've come across with the Reptoids, they
have left mark(s)ings or signs of their encounter with you upon the
physical surface of your body. In the few cases I've researched in
myself, there has even been instances where the person comes back from these
encounters brainwashed having a more negative outlook and attitude in
life. Whatever your experience was with them, I'm sure it was more than
just annoying, it was a tough traumatizing encounter that you wish to
never go through again. Sadly enough, you will. Because whenever they,
the Reptoids expose themselves and do whatever it is that they "do" to
the ones they inflict, they always come back for more. But this time
you will be ready. If you continue to speak with me, I will tell you
how. Yet before I do, leaving you with this email, to read once and over
again until you reply again, is enough information you need for now. So
take care my good friend. Write back as I know you will.

~ ---- ~ U.S. Air Force

P.S. What is your first name? Which country do you live in? By the
way, you can use my information upon ATS for the sole purpose of reveal to
them, the ones who don't believe you, that there are such
aliens/species out there known as ther REPTOIDS. "

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

well im glad he allowed me to post his email......
belive more now?

These are the Investigators that contacted me this week:
John Rhodes
National UFO Reporting Center

[edit on 2-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 09:03 PM
Why won't the Reptilians simply take planet Earth over? Well, it sounds easy, but as defenseless as our conventional arms are, nukes are in place. Trust me I don't care where they come from they can't face against that. From what I have read the Reptilians don't want to see human kind dead. What good is a dea man? They want a world empire so that humanity can be slaves. That is the goal from what I've read. I don't know for sure. But our man David Icke is coming out next this month with two more books!! MAN I CAN'T WAIT!!! He should explain more clearly this matter.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Asia Minor
Why won't the Reptilians simply take planet Earth over? Well, it sounds easy, but as defenseless as our conventional arms are, nukes are in place. Trust me I don't care where they come from they can't face against that. From what I have read the Reptilians don't want to see human kind dead. What good is a dea man? They want a world empire so that humanity can be slaves. That is the goal from what I've read. I don't know for sure. But our man David Icke is coming out next this month with two more books!! MAN I CAN'T WAIT!!! He should explain more clearly this matter.

Icke is disinfo,
im not concerned with any ones agendas just want to tell people they are real and they are hostile!

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 02:42 AM
yeah - and Ickes comes off as really 'fishy' -if you know what i mean. it seems the concentration is on Books Books Books... where is he going with all his theories?

-theyre plenty entertaining, but what exactly is the point?

-he comes off so cordial about the whole issue, like "im just educating the people" like we need a 'teacher' figure to walk us through this, -in that mind i guess some of us do, but more than a teacher we need a doer, a leader. anybody following me?

-i know he was a main instrument in bringing the whole reptilian concept out in the open, but lately i cannot decide whether he has done more good than damage. the idea is so bogus (biped-lizards) its hard enough to believe alone, but add the prophetic "see the light for only $29.99!!!" variable, and things get double the caution.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by lost]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:28 AM
yes i belive icke is doing more harm then good with stories like mine i have to get past ickes crapolla with people instead of telling my story......

And i dont know why but people have assoiated reps with just icke,
thats like assoiating all of space with armstrong, but instead of armstrong being an astronaut hes a telescope looker....

As far as bipedel reptiles I can say they are very old and very real...

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 01:28 PM
I usually don't post here, but after reading hundreds of texts/reports/conspiracys
about the so-called Reptilians I have only thing to say...

You story sounds true, lizzardsamok. I can't explain it racionaly, but reading your story, I could only feel it was a true event, that marked you.

And before anyone ask, no, I really don't believe in that stuff that David Icke writes - altought maybe he is right about Earth having shape-shifters visitors

lizzardsamok, by your description, you saw something like this, right?:

- picture taken from John Rhodes site

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 06:45 PM
Well actually, you guys can't effectively criticize David Icke. Neither of you have disproved the man with anything credible. Just rants about "it's unbelievable" and that doesn't hold any water. Since when was the world based on your beleifs? David Icke studies hard to bring the truth to the light and hasn't met anything that says otherwise about him. His book sales? What do you expect? Even the bible cost money. I think Lizardsmoke's story is bogus. This is the first time I've heard of a dinosaur type reptilian has been spotted. When you saw it you had nerves not to scream? This is what happen when people study and think their bigger than the guide. They lose their minds.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 06:45 PM
Well actually, you guys can't effectively criticize David Icke. Neither of you have disproved the man with anything credible. Just rants about "it's unbelievable" and that doesn't hold any water. Since when was the world based on your beleifs? David Icke studies hard to bring the truth to the light and hasn't met anything that says otherwise about him. His book sales? What do you expect? Even the bible cost money. I think Lizardsmoke's story is bogus. This is the first time I've heard of a dinosaur type reptilian has been spotted. When you saw it you had nerves not to scream? This is what happen when people study and think their bigger than the guide. They lose their minds. One of you think you seen a dinosaur and the other thinks the claimant and David Icke both are ridiculous in believing in biped lizards. Yet, many dinosaurs were two legged themselves. This is what happened to Malcolm X he got knowledge from a source, then thought he was bigger than the source that found him. The shape shifting thing is unusual and I haven't seen anything like it but it makes sense.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by Asia Minor]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by PredatorPt
I usually don't post here, but after reading hundreds of texts/reports/conspiracys
about the so-called Reptilians I have only thing to say...

You story sounds true, lizzardsamok. I can't explain it racionaly, but reading your story, I could only feel it was a true event, that marked you.

And before anyone ask, no, I really don't believe in that stuff that David Icke writes - altought maybe he is right about Earth having shape-shifters visitors

lizzardsamok, by your description, you saw something like this, right?:

- picture taken from John Rhodes site

Not quite, more skinny, thin, and head ,face is different, plus coloring is not perfect..... i drew pics on my site of what we saw, more like a lizard outside real normal looking reptile on 2 feet, their feet were strange almost dog or dinosaur like 3 big toes one little toe up on ankle, and they walked on their toes only! that was freaky looking, but thier eyes were the most peculiar.
A geico comercial with lizard, its body looks simlilar, but that head is wrong too. heads is like a lizard or snake, real long snout like 12 inches from back of head to tip of snout....

I think its funny how some people on ATS (not you pred) expect you to know everything about something you seen like what is is wheres it live whats i do for fun is it gonna kill mankind ect.
I only want to discuss what i saw as i dont know their agenda or what they do on tuesdays...... so i stay away from talking about things i dont know or didnt see firsthand....

p.s. im not too bad of an artist so what i drew is exactly what they look like belive it or not.....

what i cant get over is they didnt have
and branton has added my site to his at bottom...

I hope to get john rhodes to correct or add my images, ill have to make colored ones for him....

[edit on 3-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 07:34 AM
Hi Lizardsamok, interesting experience you have there. I am slightly skeptical however, some your reactions seemed somewhat contrived and sensationalistic to me. Please do explain yourself.

You saw a spaceship levitate a cow and then basically cut through it alive and it is screaming and in horrendous pain. And what do you do? You step out and wave?

The same beam that was used for cutting the cow, is now on you, but it does not cut you?

You wake up in a UFO and the first thing that comes to your mind is a brawl with the lizard guard? Yet, instead of taking him on, despite the fact that he's now seen you and is approaching you, you proceed to waking up your friend?

As soon as the escapade is over and your regain consciousness outside of the UFO. The first thing you and your friend want is a shot of nicotine?

You go and tell your friends right of the bat and they believe you?

[edit on 4-2-2005 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 10:39 AM
Macrento I found 2 sites like the ones you mentioned I typed in Cassiopaean on google and I found a site called Cassiopaeans Channeling the third site that came up. What exactly is channeling? Ive heard the word alot of times but never knew what it is. Im guessing its commicating through the mind rather that the mouth like telepathy or something. Thats weird you couldnt send a U2U with my other name before it got banned i had only posted about 5 times but was still able to U2U.

Lizzardsamok the fact that you told your story to a U.S Air Force pilot makes it twice as believable well done.

"The same beam that was used for cutting the cow, is now on you, but it does not cut you? "

A mutilated cows one thing but a mutilated human would cause alot of trouble i doubt they would want the hassle of news reporters and fbi and everyone investigating it

"You wake up in a UFO and the first thing that comes to your mind is a brawl with the lizard guard? Yet, instead of taking him on, despite the fact that he's now seen you and is approaching you, you proceed to waking up your friend? "

Woulda had a way better chance of taking them on if it was 2 on 2 i probably woulda done the same thing

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Hi Lizardsamok, interesting experience you have there. I am slightly skeptical however, some your reactions seemed somewhat contrived and sensationalistic to me. Please do explain yourself.


You saw a spaceship levitate a cow and then basically cut through it alive and it is screaming and in horrendous pain. And what do you do? You step out and wave?

No read story again,

The same beam that was used for cutting the cow, is now on you, but it does not cut you?

No read story again
beam was for lifting it , tentacle was for cutting

You wake up in a UFO and the first thing that comes to your mind is a brawl with the lizard guard? Yet, instead of taking him on, despite the fact that he's now seen you and is approaching you, you proceed to waking up your friend?


As soon as the escapade is over and your regain consciousness outside of the UFO. The first thing you and your friend want is a shot of nicotine?

yes after 2 hours of hell thats all i wanted

You go and tell your friends right of the bat and they believe you?

No read story again, they didnt want to deal with it even though cow was there! so in denial like most.......

[edit on 4-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by drinkinlikeafish
Macrento I found 2 sites like the ones you mentioned I typed in Cassiopaean on google and I found a site called Cassiopaeans Channeling the third site that came up. What exactly is channeling? Ive heard the word alot of times but never knew what it is. Im guessing its commicating through the mind rather that the mouth like telepathy or something. Thats weird you couldnt send a U2U with my other name before it got banned i had only posted about 5 times but was still able to U2U.

Lizzardsamok the fact that you told your story to a U.S Air Force pilot makes it twice as believable well done.

------He contacted me . ive talked to many over 20 military people since who knew of reps, That was my challenge to ATS go talk to one, youll be surprised how many know of this thing you all claim doesnt exsist, lol

"The same beam that was used for cutting the cow, is now on you, but it does not cut you? "

-----Beam was for lifting , tentacle was for cutting, tip specificly.

A mutilated cows one thing but a mutilated human would cause alot of trouble i doubt they would want the hassle of news reporters and fbi and everyone investigating it

-------Humans have been found with same MO.

"You wake up in a UFO and the first thing that comes to your mind is a brawl with the lizard guard? Yet, instead of taking him on, despite the fact that he's now seen you and is approaching you, you proceed to waking up your friend? "

------Yes if you were confronted with 2 guys in a fight and your friend was right next to you , "you wouldnt "look over" and "call him" to get up?"
I did.... i shoulda tackled soldier imedeatly but hindsight is 20 20.

Woulda had a way better chance of taking them on if it was 2 on 2 i probably woulda done the same thing

-----Yeah see, i didnt have a desire to hurt them at first just control situation,
There is a big part of story im purposely leaving out, its to wrong to perasonal and i wont let any one here make fun of it , so they get no info,but its this reason that was the worst and why we hate them.
Just trust me.....thats all ill say ...

Just kill them at first sight if you see one.
If your a christian the reps are what bible calls satan and forces.
Im not christian any more cause god or jesus had no power over these guys, i called every name every way it did nothing.....
so that day i learned there is no god, only satan!
and im gonna do more than pray in defence this time......

[edit on 4-2-2005 by lizzardsamok]

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