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My Reptilian, UFO, Mutilation experience.

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posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
ok - you post a story about some lizard aliens and a cow being chopped by a ufo

then you fantasize about why they are here , make some outlandish claims and go off on one about the rules of the board each time you are questioned.

i have seen you in other threads basically do similar - you are correct and other people must not be worthy of your knowledge because you certainly do not want to share any of it

posts like this come and go on here , usually when posts are totall bull# the person starts quoting rules and regulations when asked difficult questions and takes offence - just like you did

you work it out

Im so tired after only a week of comments like yours I dont mind not giving you an answer to your question!

And im tired of getting warned by mods while defending myself.
So I posted rules of ridicule.

Now im tired of getting warned by mods while posting rules.
So I'll ignore you and others like you.

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
Im so tired after only a week of comments like yours I dont mind not giving you an answer to your question!

And im tired of getting warned by mods while defending myself.
So I posted rules of ridicule.

Now im tired of getting warned by mods while posting rules.
So I'll ignore you and others like you.

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:25 PM
Hey intrepid you gave me a warning and didnt even give a reason for it.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by fishbrain
Hey intrepid you gave me a warning and didnt even give a reason for it.

I guess your disregard for the u2u I sent, that you read, has nothing to do with it. I told you we aspire to be better here. Let's deal with this by u2u from this point, m'kay?

Oh, my dignity.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:30 PM
See what Im talking about .....

Thanks for proving my point.
Can we get back to the topic please?

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
See what Im talking about .....

Thanks for proving my point.
Can we get back to the topic please?

Yeah we can, if you drop the hystrionics. Sheesh!

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:42 PM
Get a dictionary its histrionics

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by fishbrain
Get a dictionary its histrionics

GET HIM FISH, lol , but watch out these rascals bite.

thank you mr.mod for the new word you've taught me.
thank you fish for teaching me how to spell it.

I wonder how long intrepid waited to use that word. lol

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by fishbrain
Get a dictionary its histrionics

Actually, I have the best one on the net:

Quick keystrokes, as a member of the staff, I have to keep up with people that live down to their usernames.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:50 PM
The ridicule of each other and staff stops NOW.
I'll start handing out warnings if this continues, and it only takes 5 to have your posting privledges suspended.
This is ridiculous. For the last time, grow up and behave like adults.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok
the reptoids are real I saw 2 of them and wasnt alone when i saw them.

I drew pictures and posted my story, -Primary -Back up

OK , Lets get back to this topic.

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:52 PM
In your story you said when you went to wake up your friend you got sweeped from behind. Depending on their weight it takes a bit of power to sweep someone off their feet, the next day did you have a bruise of whip mark on your leg aswell you must have been hurting a bit from the fall. When you woke were you feeling dozy or drugged or anything like that?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by fishbrain
In your story you said when you went to wake up your friend you got sweeped from behind. Depending on their weight it takes a bit of power to sweep someone off their feet, the next day did you have a bruise of whip mark on your leg aswell you must have been hurting a bit from the fall. When you woke were you feeling dozy or drugged or anything like that?

Yes, this was my memory, but not accurate,ill explain...

It did hit me with its tail, lizard guy was facing me ,his tail curled around behind me quickly in a sweeping motion.
The tail hit but wasnt the final blow as I thought it was.
(my friend told me this below)
The knocking down force was something else done to me from side from other lizard, the scientist, i wasnt watching his actions at that second, just the other i was facing. bad idea.

As far as their wieght ,im terrible at guessing it so i dont even want to guess, but if i have to ,id say they wieghed less or same as me.

No mark from tail, as soon as we were back on ground that was the first thing i checked, like instinct.(we both had triangle scars in diff places)
My friend was checking all over himself too,
without us talking yet to each other,
thats when he said "is your leg ok, that lizard hit you with its tail"
And i said no red mark...
we paused a sec then remembered UFO
then we remembered cow
then we walked over to were cow would be
and surprise there it was.

we then told our friends and dragged them out to the see cow.
then they belived something happend but thought It was too scary to talk about, ect.

and i was bad guy for telling them i just got kiddnapped!
this is my pet peive and anger towards some people, you see something and I proved it at that time to those people yet they still fear and deny that It was lizard creatures!The dead cut up cow was there!

some of these people remind me of those supposed friends of mine and thier lack of dealing with this.

Pretend for a min this happened to you lizards and all,
Now go tell any one close to you even your family,
See the reaction ,ridicule and denial youll get!

then youll get a taste of what Weve gone thru.
just with telling about it,
not even all the other truama with the experience itself.

No, no bruise from tail, didnt hurt.
drugged kinda, yes , more like being knocked out.
have you ever had the wind knocked out of you so hard you passed out and then woke up 5 seconds later, totaly not knowing where you are?
then in a matter of seconds all the data comes rushing back at once, and you know where you are and what happened just before.

It was like that.
It took minutes to remember big details like lizards,cow,ufo,tentacle.
the memory of eyes and other little details came next day to me.

Thank you fish for being nice to me. its refreshing.

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:31 PM
I know what you mean you dont like telling friends and family this because theyll think your insane but if it was me especially if I had a friend to back me up I wouldnt shut up about it until they threw me in the nut house but I havent been in the situation so I cant say. I know what its like waking up and not knowing where the hell I am, how long did it take you to remember what happened im guessing only a few seconds.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:55 PM

It took minutes to remember big details like lizards,cow,ufo,tentacle.
the memory of eyes and other little details came next day to me.

I would like to go to a hypnotist to get unknown memories of it from my subconscience, however if i did then people would complian that i had it put in my head by the hypnotist! lol

I cant win, you see...

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by fishbrain
I know what you mean you dont like telling friends and family this because theyll think your insane but if it was me especially if I had a friend to back me up I wouldnt shut up about it until they threw me in the nut house but I havent been in the situation so I cant say. I know what its like waking up and not knowing where the hell I am, how long did it take you to remember what happened im guessing only a few seconds.

lol, I think I'm the same way as fishbrain. Btw fishbrain how do you end up with -17 ATS points?

Only in a beautiful, warm year around place like Florida can you be abducted by green reptilians inside a saucer shaped UFO.

I have no reason to doubt him, the only thing hes guilty from is letting his fascination get the best of him. I can't say I believe in the theories of world reptilian domination, or that certain political figures are reptilians. Thats been a popular theory, I'm not going to defend certain politicians boyish good looks or rather lack there of, but they certainly don't look resemble anything but a ugly old man politican. Not some green reptilian posing as a human politician.

I can't see any reason why these creatures shouldn't exist, when you think of all the different lifeforms that can be out there. Not just carbon based lifeforms like humans but other elements aswell. Like silicon based, or gaseous based, thats where some really strange artistic and imaginative lifeform take form. All theoretical of course, but I like theorizing.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by lord finesse420

I have no reason to doubt him, the only thing hes guilty from is letting his fascination get the best of him.
I can't say I believe in the theories of world reptilian domination, or that certain political figures are reptilians. Thats been a popular theory, I'm not going to defend certain politicians boyish good looks or rather lack there of, but they certainly don't look resemble anything but a ugly old man politican. Not some green reptilian posing as a human politician.

I didnt say any of that stuff either,as ive said twice now I DONT, thats I DONT, belive david ickes theories.
Accourding to Icke im a hybrid, FYI (for your info)

For the record I DONT belive people change into lizards or vice versa,
or that they rule all gov thru politicians. ect.
That they have human bloodlines ect.

And I thank and agree with you Sir.

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by lizzardsamok

Originally posted by lord finesse420

I have no reason to doubt him, the only thing hes guilty from is letting his fascination get the best of him.
I can't say I believe in the theories of world reptilian domination, or that certain political figures are reptilians. Thats been a popular theory, I'm not going to defend certain politicians boyish good looks or rather lack there of, but they certainly don't look resemble anything but a ugly old man politican. Not some green reptilian posing as a human politician.

I didnt say any of that stuff either,as ive said twice now I DONT, thats I DONT, belive david ickes theories.
Accourding to Icke im a hybrid, FYI (for your info)

For the record I DONT belive people change into lizards or vice versa,
or that they rule all gov thru politicians. ect.
That they have human bloodlines ect.

And I thank and agree with you Sir.

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

Exactly, so some these members should cut you more slack. David Icke wants to move numbers, and for $25/book thats his best way of doing that.
We all realize that just because something gets published by a legitimate publishing company, it doesn't make any of it true.
David Icke tries to pass his stuff off as non-fiction, but its easily labelled 'out there' and by reason of probability his stuff is no more true then fantasy novels.

Didn't take notice to my Florida comment?
I'm just jealous because I live in Canada where there is currently 2 feet of snow bedding across the country.

[edit on 25-1-2005 by lord finesse420]

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 12:59 AM

I expected more better proof than all those sites you posted.I had a look into them.Iv found that half of them iv been to and th rest are just `yet again`hearsay.What makes it interesting is that each site had different stories.Each encounter just didnt seem to relate.

I think we`r dealing more with a new species of animal that alien.

I decided to put myself in you shoes and checkout the sites you gave me.But nothing.You got nowhere.Are you going to forever go on with your life forcing people to agree with you and sending little or no proof apart from just typed up stories and drawn pictures.And expect everybdy to believe you?,hows what your doing here going to work.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 07:19 AM
The links to other reptilian stories was put there in order to aswer this guys question.
which was "he wanted some other stories becuase he didnt belive either".

Im NOT here to Prove this just tell what happened,
Im fine with you and others not beliving me, no problem suit yourself.
Im not forcing a belife just telling of a PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE i had one day,
To me its not a belife as you put it , its a fact!

Dont worry ill be gone soon and outta mind.
AS ive been getting emails telling me, yes im right but i shouldnt be disscussing this with the public.
I didnt agree before when i heard it then, but....
I agree with it now, so I will not tell anymore people other than here.
This is painfully clear to me now.

[edit on 26-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

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