My family and I just recently moved into a new house in a new city and state. ( yay go us )
My husband I have been hearing weird noises almost daily. ( they started the very first night here)
Back story is;
The first night, we are all (us and 2 kids and 2 dogs and a guinea pig) are camping in the living room ( our furniture and such hadn't arrived yet)
and it was about 10-1030 ish in the evening. The kids had passed out, the dogs were sleeping with the kids, and we were just settling down and laying
on an air mattress in the really quiet. We both heard what sounded like a scraping falling sound from down in the basement, possibly outside. We both
laid there for a minute and didn't say anything or move. I wasn't even sure I had heard something. So I said to my hubby J, are you gonna go check
that out? He replies, damn I was hoping you didn't hear that.
So we both get up, I grabbed my ball bat ( I always have one near by
) and we go down stairs. Nothing is out of place. So we go outside. Nothing is
out of place, there is no wind or breeze, and all we can hear are crickets. We walked around the entire house inside and out and found nothing weird.
So we go to bed and go to sleep.
A few days later we had the kids enrolled in school and J started working, so it was just myself and the animals in the house all day. ( Job markets
suck). My dogs, I have 2 of them, Moose my oldest is a 9 year old Golden Retriever who will bark at anything and everything. ( I am totally and 110%
against debarking dogs, but I have seriously considered it for him over the years.) He barks at his farts, at the wind everything. I always know what
is going on in and around my house because of him. Boris is my 2 year old chicken little of a Black Lab. This big baby is terrified of his shadow, and
will scream bloody murder over the slightest startle. ( Having an 80 lb lab jump in your lap because he heard thunder is only cute the first couple
Anyways, a week or so ago, I heard this LOUD thump/thud from down the hallway. It sounded like if you let a cabinet door swing shut too hard. I was in
the living room with both dogs, it was about 1130 in the morning. The dogs perked up as did I and I went to investigate. The dogs stayed where they
were. There were no windows open in the house, so no breeze, and all the bedroom doors were shut that morning before everyone left for school and
work. ( they were still closed)
There are no windows in the bathroom, which is the only room in the hallway that has cabinets, but everything was fine, I couldn't find anything out
of place.
2 days later, my cell rings and I go to answer it and there is nothing. No call screen, no caller ID, its just ringing. I hit the lock button it
didn't stop, I hit the button again it turned back on and kept ringing, still no call screen. It stopped in about the same amount of time that it
would had I just let a call ring through. It did this twice in a 5 minute period. Same thing both times. No voicemail, no missed call. A couple hours
later the dishes I had drying in the dish rack fell into the sink. My dish rack sits far enough away from the edge of the sink that for the whole
thing, dishes and dish rack, to fall into the sink it would have to be pushed. Moose went to the kitchen to investigate, but Boris got up and hid
behind my legs, till I got up and went into the kitchen.
Couple days later the dogs and I are in the living room, I'm eating lunch when I hear a cabinet in the kitchen open and close. Now my cabinets have
those wheel latch things, that you have to push the door shut and it snaps shut and you have to tug it open and it snaps open, so yes I can see a wind
coming through the window to shut it, but not open it. It wasn't even windy that day. Both dogs again perked up and looked that direction, and Moose
and I got up and walked into the kitchen to look around. Boris went to the basement and stayed there for a couple hours. Nothing was out of place in
the kitchen, all the cabinets were closed, and Moose seemed satisfied with his findings and went and laid back down.
Now May 23rd J and I decided to set up a camera over night to record anything and everything, just to see what we could see. ( this is the same day as
the kitchen cabinet opening and closing)
This is what we found
That was recorded May 23rd 2016 at 11:54pm
Now first I apologize for the mess we are still moving in.
Now more importantly, the first sound you hear is Moose walking on the stairs which are behind the camera ( they are hardwood) but he stops walking as
soon as a whistling starts. It's a tune, not a bird, or the guinea pig. It is quite clear. The app I was using only recorded for 15 seconds, I don't
know how long this actually lasted. Now if you look again, at the mirror at the end of the hallway in the bottom left you can see a white "thing",
It was some packing paper, and at the very very beginning of the video ( if you look in the mirror), you see a black shadow/thing/mass/something move
in front of it and stay there, but if you look at where it is on the floor by the door, nothing is there, nothing moves, nothing is blocking it from
the mirror.
Now this next video is J and I setting the camera up the same way, and J going outside and whistling to see if it sets the camera off.
Also fair warning, I cuss, so there is a couple "bad words".
Whistle Test
Now like I said in the video, for where J was at when he triggered the recording, If there had been a person that close to my house, making even the
slightest noise Moose would have gone BONKERS. Completely nuts. But he doesn't.
The following pics are of the area J was in when he set off the recorder, he was standing in front of my truck but not under the balcony. He tried
multiple spots starting at the street and walking closer each time.
As you can see for someone to set off the recorder from that location they would have to be right up at my house. Moose would have barked and gone
absolutely nuts, and woken everyone up in the house.
I hope all the links work, and images.
What say ATS? Do you think I might have a ghost? I really don't know what to think about this, it's all just so surreal to me right now.
Also does anyone recognise that tune?
OH and, I live in Davenport IA, I haven't been able to find any real history about my property ( other than my house may have been at least 2
apartments at one time), but
Davenport Wiki
Be gentle its my first time