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Hello, I'm David Icke, Ask Me Anything

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posted on May, 10 2016 @ 10:57 AM
What do you think of the Terra Papers?

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
a reply to: nonspecific

He's a fan of Leicester as I understand.
He also played for my team, Hereford United. :-)

From Leicester I think, played for Coventry and ended his short career at Hereford due to arthritis from what I understand but maybe someone can confirm this....

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 10:58 AM

originally posted by: lizards
a reply to: DavidIcke

Welcome, I bet this is your face right now

Your handsome enjoy your time on ATS Sir

I would ask on behalf of the ladies if you’re single but thats off topic.. hope you will return as active member one day..

I can't believe the username "lizards" hadn't been taken before today.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: DavidIcke

Hello David. I am surprised you haven't been a long time member here, I have seen and read about you an awful lot here on ATS and around other media outlets online. I was curious I know other people have questions about things you write about and discuss, I am curious what do you read or do for fun when not researching? Are you an artist at all?

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

Interesting question but I am pretty sure he played for Coventry

Yeah but he grew up in Leicester and that's his team, i already checked before i also congratulated him.

+4 more 
posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: lizards

Lizards hitting on David Icke. A trap?

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: DavidIcke

Welcome David, it's an honour to have you here.

What are your thoughts on retired Romanian General Emil Strainu and his stance that extraterrestrial reptilians are as real as the nose on your face.


+7 more 
posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:03 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: DavidIcke

Good afternoon David and welcome.

I would like to ask your opionions if you have any on a couple of other researchers and the events that have occoured in their careers and lives.

Firstly Jordan Maxwell who after many years of research and writing claimed that the rights to all of his works had been stolen from him and any future earnings based on his research was to go to an outside party that he did not agree to.

And Secondly David McGowan who again was a very prolific writer and researcher who followed some similar lines to your own who Died of a sudden ilness a short while ago. I ask about this as his entire lifes work was all available freely on his website bit since his death has now been removed because "the website was looking outdated" but might be put back up in the future.

Given that you yourself have been attacked and ridiculed in an attempt to discredit you do you feel that these cases are genuine and an attempt by the establishment to remove this information or could it be marketing to give a false air of victimisation to create a validlty to the authors.

Hello nonspecific ... I have many stories - many not known except by a few - of efforts to block my work, bring me down financially and get control of my books. I have been on this journey now for 26 years and much of it has not been smooth to say the least. But somehow you come through it if you have the determination to see this through to the end and not to see it as an add-on to your life but the very point of your life.

When you come from that perspective there's always a way because there is always a will to find a way.

In that context, it is great to see that Jordan is still doing what he does despite all the setbacks. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. My god, I know that one to be true!

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: DavidIcke

David Icke, your words always make me smile

but what about the "mandela effect"?

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: lizards

Lizards hitting on David Icke. A trap?

I've been asking people to ask him if he'd like a lunch date with me since yesterday. LOL

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: DavidIcke

originally posted by: nonspecific
a reply to: DavidIcke

Good afternoon David and welcome.

I would like to ask your opionions if you have any on a couple of other researchers and the events that have occoured in their careers and lives.

Firstly Jordan Maxwell who after many years of research and writing claimed that the rights to all of his works had been stolen from him and any future earnings based on his research was to go to an outside party that he did not agree to.

And Secondly David McGowan who again was a very prolific writer and researcher who followed some similar lines to your own who Died of a sudden ilness a short while ago. I ask about this as his entire lifes work was all available freely on his website bit since his death has now been removed because "the website was looking outdated" but might be put back up in the future.

Given that you yourself have been attacked and ridiculed in an attempt to discredit you do you feel that these cases are genuine and an attempt by the establishment to remove this information or could it be marketing to give a false air of victimisation to create a validlty to the authors.

Hello nonspecific ... I have many stories - many not known except by a few - of efforts to block my work, bring me down financially and get control of my books. I have been on this journey now for 26 years and much of it has not been smooth to say the least. But somehow you come through it if you have the determination to see this through to the end and not to see it as an add-on to your life but the very point of your life.

When you come from that perspective there's always a way because there is always a will to find a way.

In that context, it is great to see that Jordan is still doing what he does despite all the setbacks. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. My god, I know that one to be true!

Glad to see you have got the hang of the system and the reply/quotes, it takes a while!

It was yourself and then Jordan Maxwell that brought me here, before there was much of an internet we used to pass your books about and often wonder how you managed to keep going with all of the ridicule the media threw at you.

I remember reading that at some point yourself and Jordan Maxwell had a disagreement, good to see that you have moved on.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: DavidIcke

Hello, David. Pleasure to have you with us.

Two questions:

Have you read the work of Anton Parks and his supposed channelings of our true creation? Can you corroborate any of his claims?

And if one were to pursue the un-filtered absolute truth about our world and our place in it, where would one begin? Regardless of how dangerous or hopeless success would be... I don't mean that in terms of books or online material, but more specifically a point on the map...
edit on 10 5 2016 by Gh0stwalker because: (no reason given)

edit on 10 5 2016 by Gh0stwalker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: DavidIcke

this was an excellent answer and this seems to be the case or at least close to our real nature also in my opinion,
and I like what you have to say on many things.

Considering your answer to realtruth, that would also explain the possibility of reptile parasites and also other unexplainable things we can experience in this reality, it would seem that this full disclosure is very far reaching, because it is very damaging to the current powers in global control.

how do you believe the change for the better will start and when?

I am not asking you to predict the future, but just what is your general opinion about full disclosure of our spiritual nature of reality, aliens, ufos, gods, etc..

in case, this was already answered in this thread, than just skip this post : )
edit on 1462896826513May135133116 by UniFinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:11 AM
Hello David, it's nice to meet you.
The Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq war will be published in July. What, in your opinion, will be the result of that?

Thanks for your time,

B x

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:12 AM
Congratulations on your tour Dave. I hope you have a great experience and give to others your truth.

Thanks for helping humanity the best you know how!

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:13 AM
Hello David and thanks for taking your time to do this.

I had a very vivid dream once where someone taught me to astral project. I found myself in a strange place where I was able to move by power of thought. There were others there who were aware of me. Some seemed friendly while others annoyed at my presence. They were all very beautiful with crazy anime hair styles.

My question is do you believe we can travel to other planes of existence either actively or in a dream state and who are these others there? Okay, that's two questions.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: DavidIcke

Welcome and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to indulge our curiosity.

I pose the same question to you as I did to one of our prior guests in the hopes that your answer might be a bit more reveling than the last time this subject was raised with a guest.

Scalia's death...natural causes or not?

Basis for either opinion?

+24 more 
posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Hazardous1408
Hello David, I'm a long time listener and follower of your campaign for truth...
It's great to see you among us...

My question is what is the most insidious conspiracy you've ever come across that doesn't get much limelight?

Thanks in advance.

Hazardous - hello. There are many but I would pick out here the blatant agenda to steal children from loving parents for the most outrageous reasons based on 'protecting the children' when it is nothing less than state kidnapping. Of course children must be potected from abusive parents but that is not what we are talking about here.

The numbers of children taken from loving parents is going through the roof now both sides of the Atlantic and it is systematic. It is in part connected to the obsession of these 'elite' bloodlines with paedophilia but it is also part of the progression to the world described by Huxley in Brave New World where the State controls children down to their laboratory conception and parents are no more.

You cannot divorce the stealing of children by the State from the ever greater powers given to schools over children's lives, the move to a named state 'guardian' for every child in Scotland to aged 18 and the way the school day (ever greater and longer control of their information input) is being extended. The head of the UK government education watchdog has called for children go to school at TWO years of age.

All these things are connected and part of one progressing whole. To meet loving parents who have had their children stolen by the state through secret family courts which cannot be reported is a deeply saddening experience. Their hurt and devastation is total and I cannot image how they must feel.

This is a mostly secret and silent conspiracy - not least because of the secret courts - but it is incredibly important that people know it is happening because they want all the children eventually. If people are aware of that now it need never get to that stage. This is the reason why we must be tireless in what we do.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:17 AM
Thanks for giving us your time David, long time fan here!

Are you able to elaborate at all on the efforts made to block your work as I've always wondered whether this has happened to you?
edit on 10-5-2016 by paradisepurple because: /

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:17 AM
hi, whether there technology to remotely without analyzes and direct contact distinguish of humans red blood hemoglobin and blue blood hemocyanin?

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