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Hello, I'm David Icke, Ask Me Anything

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posted on May, 10 2016 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: DavidIcke
Hello. Welcome to ATS. Thanks for taking time to answer questions.

Earlier, you said:

We are really talking about hybrid information fields or consciousness fields in that there is no 'physical' as it is perceived only holographic illusions of the 'phyiscal'.

What do you mean by that?

The reason I ask is I saw somebody hit by a car once. It didn't seem like an illusion to him. It messed him up for life. I was also hit by a car once. The car seemed very real and physical to me.

Edit to add:
It reminds me of the Beatles song Strawberry Fields Forever where they say, "Nothing is real."
edit on 10-5-2016 by Skid Mark because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:00 PM
Hey David,

It is said that Satan and his angels are all reptilian (Rev 12:9 - click here for link). This is the same serpentine entity, which came from above, that led the human away from pure perfect awareness in paradise. Upon fasting (refusing to accept this hologram as reality) Jesus was confronted with this serpentine entity and tempted with limitless material prowess - most people, on the other hand, seem to sell out for much lesser degrees of material splendor when tempted by these archons who want us to continue to play their game.

My question is, what is your stance on Jesus and do you believe that he came to show us how to liberate ourselves from this parasitic reptilian hologram?
edit on 10-5-2016 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:02 PM
Hello David and welcome

My question is of a sporting nature

Do you wish you could have played football longer than you did ,when you were medically forced to retire at the young age of 21, and also which team do you support now

Best wishes in all you do


+18 more 
posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
Hello David,

Have you actually ever contact the Nordics or seen any UFOs?

I was contact by glowing white sphere and told by what i can only describe as "Nordics" to keep my mouth shut after i can only assume what was an abduction experience.

These events happened in Mendocino county.

The sphere was pulsating and approached us within a few 100 feet. The tall blondes were approx 6'6 - 6'7, had a british accent and were albinos. The night we encountered the sphere i was awoken standing in the middle of my room disoriented unable to speak hear see or think.

A week later the tall blondes came to me in public and told me to keep my mouth shut after perfectly describing the events of the previous week.

Can you help me understand that event?

Hello onequestion ... I have heard so many strange stories over the years and in a reality where anything is possible these experiences are not easy to call. What is real and not real? We are information transmitters and receivers. The information we decode dictates our sense of reality and I say that we live in a fake reality or Matrix in which we are decoding the information fabric of the Matrix (its 'wifi') into our apparently experienced reality.

Who or what controls the nature of that information source - or hacks into it - can thus present us with an experienced reality that appears so 'real' but isn't. From this perspective the world can be anything the creators or hackers of the Matrix decide it will be.

I think that it would be helpful for people to look at the whole extraterrestrial phenomenon from this perpective and not just see it in the sense of physical beings and 'ships'. I am not saying they don't exist on one level - I am sure they do - but I suggest that we need to put that in a much wider context of a whole fake reality based on energetic information and not 'physicality'.

This energetic information - awareness - can take any form by projecting that information - inFORMation - at the observer who will thus decode that information into whatever form blueprint it may be. This is what shapeshifting is all about.

There is no physical shift because there is no physical. The shapeshift is between two information field sources decoded by the observer. The 'shift' goes on in the observer's mind and appears to him/her to have happened physically when it did not.

So Nordics, reptilians, etc, etc? There is always more to know - ALWAYS.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:07 PM
Hi David!

My question is, do you believe in God?

Because it sounds to me like a lot of your beliefs have underlying christian themes to them, are you aware of this? What are your thoughts on christianity? You seem like a good person overall. I wish you well in the future!


posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: DavidIcke

Interesting perspective and thanks for the reply.

From your response I can assume that the shapeless spherical light object could have been a test of some sort. That's where the abduction/ contact experience came into play.

Maybe some sort of remote technology possibly similar to what people claim with gangstalking and frequency waves?

Oddly enough there is odd intelligence activity in that area and that's why I left but in the public realm I'll leave it at that.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:13 PM
Hi David.

Started reading a lot of your stuff from around 2005 and I have definitely changed my views as far as you are concerned, I've even made a thread about it here.

A two part question if you don't mind.

Do you think the truth will ever come out regarding the paedophiles in Westminster? Do you think it is still going on?

Thanks for your time.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: Skid Mark

LOL you jokester.

Or was it...? Getting hit by cars does sound traumatic tho, sorry if that really happened. I saw someone get run over by a car once but he was fine afterwards. That was pretty wild.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: DavidIcke

Hello David, and thanks for taking the time to converse with us! What would you say is the most important thing that we can do today to help "awaken" those who are asleep?

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: DavidIcke

I just wanted to say Hi.
I know its too late but if you do pop back...

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: DavidIcke

Well, well, hello Mr. Icke.

After reading your latest post, I have a question of my own.

Why do you believe those things? Your beliefs sound pretty fascinating, albeit far fetched. My real question is, how can you believe that our reality isn't our reality? What happens if this world is, in fact, ours, and there's nothing beyond what we currently see and feel? What happens if you're wrong?

+19 more 
posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: smarterthanyou
Hi David. Huge fan of your work from The Biggest Secret onward... Apologies on the behalf of the usual suspect blood-driven self-appointed scientist uber-skeptics on this forum.

What is your take on the existence of a Secret Space Program? Is it possible that what you are talking about could be linked to all of this? Including the illuminati bloodline families and their belief that they are descended from ancient beings that may/may not have come here millions of years ago? It would seem there are other forces at work besides that of evil, is it possible that there are beings here that have prevented these groups from carrying out their plans at least to some extent? Is it also possible that you and David Wilcock have some common ground? You are both great researchers and scholars and we need unity in the truth community now more than ever.

Continue your great work

Hello smarterthanyou ... thanks, mate. I think I can handle the skeptics as they go in one ear and out the other. I have had enough practice. People say you should be skeptical but I don't think that is right. What people should do is QUESTION and research and come to their own conclusions.

In my experience this is not what skeptics do in the usual mainstream science mind-welded meaning of that word. They don't question, they come from a concrete solid belief system and then set about not questioning other versions of reality but seeking to trash them and have them dismissed.

I feel sad for them because they must therefore believe that they can know all there is to know or need to know while experiencing through a body (a biological computer) that can only decode into visual reality the most ludicrously tiny band of frequency and blocks out all other realms of frequencies of existence.

It is the 'scientific' version of believing that all you need to know is between two covers of a religious book. They laugh at one while actually doing the same in their own way. Tragic I say, but everyone to their own.

In terms of the space program - yes on one level again that will be happening - but I would say that those at the deepest and most hidden levels of the global spider's web or rabbit hole what every analogy you want are dealing in technology way beyond what we call space programs. They are dealing with the manipulation of reality itself. Who needs even a space program when you can do that?

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: DavidIcke

You've mentioned 'transmitters', 'experiences', etc. in the attempt to delineate between what our five senses 'physically' encodes versus what reality is beyond those evolutionary senses. That being said, have you had conversations with Graham Hancock regarding our sovereign minds being receivers/transmitters, and do you believe the quantum scientists have a better grasp on consciousness than the neuroscienctists?

+8 more 
posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: lizards
a reply to: DavidIcke

Welcome, I bet this is your face right now

Your handsome enjoy your time on ATS Sir

I would ask on behalf of the ladies if you’re single but thats off topic.. hope you will return as active member one day..

ha, ha - it was in the first half an hour.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:23 PM
Hello Mr. Icke, I just wanted to say hello and thank you so much for visiting with us.

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

you cant get hit by anything because atoms never touch, this i believe to be fact
edit on 10-5-2016 by Davg80 because: added link

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: DavidIcke

Welcome to our home.. I am sure that everybody here is happy to see you here.. I am sure that even the furnace hardened skeptics will feel some thrill deep down inside. Hopefully this thrill will thrill the lock from their scullcap and cause them to become more open minded.

I did not read all the replies and questions so forgive me if someone asked you this before..

The world is well on its way to have an one world government... do you think these people organising this are purposely working on this idea to make the predictions in the Bible become reality? Or can they not help themselves and is it coincedence that their compulsive need to rule the world fits perfectly into the prophesies of the Bible. Or is for them the Bible just a book and is it to them of no furher interest.

Do you think this generation will see this final capstone being placed and a NWO become a fact of life?

Thanks for reading my question..

edit on 10/5/2016 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:26 PM
hello David. have you ever felt that you were in danger, as a result of your work? ie that certain agencies may have considered trying to shut you up?

ps. thanks for the AMA

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: DavidIcke

It is the 'scientific' version of believing that all you need to know is between two covers of a religious book. They laugh at one while actually doing the same in their own way. Tragic I say, but everyone to their own.

See, THIS bit, I can get behind 100%

posted on May, 10 2016 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: XxNightAngelusxX
a reply to: DavidIcke

Well, well, hello Mr. Icke.

After reading your latest post, I have a question of my own.

Why do you believe those things? Your beliefs sound pretty fascinating, albeit far fetched. My real question is, how can you believe that our reality isn't our reality? What happens if this world is, in fact, ours, and there's nothing beyond what we currently see and feel? What happens if you're wrong?

XxNightAngelusxX ... the gathering evidence even on the cutting edge of mainstream science is going in the same direction. I have been very encouraged by many programmes in the Through the Wormhole series with Morgan Freeman to see that many of these concepts of reality are being explored by professional scientists who are no doubt dismissed in the same way. But they are gethering the evidence to support these themes - even down to the fact that we live in an information matrix.

But what happens if ...? Nothing happens. Life goes on.

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