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Tow Truck Driver Leaves Victim on Side of Road Because "Religion"?

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posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:07 PM
she's an accident victim, you don't need to be bloodied to be an accident victim no more than a store owner needs to be shot to be a victim of a robbery! and, bloodied or not, if your car gets smashed up in a car accident there's a good chance you will need it towed from the scene. thus the tow truck! the lady lived in south carolina, and at first she called her mechanic, but he couldn't do it and told her he'd get another person who he said was reliable. he also claims that he told this other person (the compassionate christian who left her waiting for another tow truck) that she was disabled.

So, apparently Mr. Shupe has made a lot of claims that are outright lies. I'd like to clarify a few points, in case any of you have any questions or are speaking to someone who brings any of these points up:
No one EVER asked him to tow her for free. My mechanic sent him ONLY because he couldn't get there in a reasonable period of time and he was worried about her being left there too long BECAUSE she is disabled. The car was to be towed to my mechanic, who agreed to cover the bill for me. We've been doing business with him for 10 years. If I didn't pay my bills, do you think he'd have done that or been willing to pay the tow bill for me until I could get to him to pay him back? Anyway, I've already paid him back..the SAME DAY. He still has my daughter's car to fix it. Make no mistake that Ken Shupe is a bald faced liar. He also lied about not knowing that she was disabled. Her placard was hanging in the car the whole time, and our mechanic told him that was the whole reason he asked him to go in the first place..BEFORE he ever went. He claimed on HuffPost that she was safe. He said her car was locked, the windows up and the A/C was very hot that day. That was impossible, considering wiring and hoses were cut in the wreck and the car had absolutely NO power at all. We couldn't even put the windows back up when it got to the tow yard to protect it from the rain, because it has no power. Don't believe everything you read. I can substantiate EVERYTHING I and my daughter have claimed. I guarantee you that Ken Shupe cannot.
To my knowledge, tow truck operators have a lien on vehicles that they tow, and have the right to hold the vehicle as collateral...and charge storage fees... until it's paid. So, how exactly has he been allegedly burned by Bernie supporters in the past...and how does he know that they were Bernie supporters? You know he's lying when his lips are moving.....
?For the record, I work a job and a half, own my house and all three of my cars free and clear...but I'm a deadbeat, right??? I pay cash for everything. If I can't afford it, I apparently don't need it.

also I found this in the comment section of the page:

State of South Carolina vs Kenneth Shupe Case Number: 2014A2330200642 Original Charge Code - Original Charge: 3511-Insurance / Presenting false claim for insurance payment, value more than $2,000 but less than $10,000 Disposition: Pled Guilty Sentencing: 30 days susp 1 day satisfied and $500 fine bal susp on paying fine / fees within 30 days Source: www2.greenvillecounty...​.org/.../CaseDetails.aspx...

the link leads nowhere,
but you can the information on the case here:


posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

As I said.

Time will tell on this one.

If there's anything to come out, it will.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

I didn't hear him say anything about religion, did you?

I read the words that he said. Yes, he cites his Christianity ans tells us "the Lord" came to him and told him to leave, abandoning this disabled young woman on the side of the road in a broken down vehicle.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

I'm not responsible for your imagination. The woman was the victim of an automobile accident, and in need of a tow. That's a fact.

When have you ever heard of a tow truck being called to the scene of an accident to pick up bloody bodies?

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

Good stuff! Great research! So tow truck driver Shupe is a convicted insurance fraud criminal! HAHA!

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: windword

When have you ever heard of a tow truck being called to the scene of an accident to pick up bloody bodies?

I'm still not getting the connect there on the bloody bodies or bodies at all.

It doesn't make any sense.

I never interpreted the OP title as meaning that or anything close to that.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: windword

who's afraid that a democrat won't pay him...

that's if it's him, which well everything matches up, except the address, which I imagine one is his home address and the other is his business address. still searching to see if I can find his home address somewhere connect to the business, just to make sure they match up. I kind of suspect they will though.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: Annee

they're just nit picking, since there is really no way to defend the man's actions.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Annee

they're just nit picking, since there is really no way to defend the man's actions.

No, there really isn't.

Those who say, "It's his business, he can do anything he wants" - - - are just like him or for some unknown reason feel they have to take that stand.

I could be wrong, he could be the local hero - - but, I doubt it. I think this is going to hurt him.

Whether any legal action can be taken, that remains to be seen.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:51 PM
Wonder how he would feel if he had to pick up baby Jesus himself, baby Jesus would look at him, and say, hey I did ask for assistance, but since you are a conservative and support Trump, I dont need your help, go your way now.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: Annee

No, there really isn't.

You're right, there isn't. What's even worse is that those who are defending him on here also agree he was a jerk or in the wrong or an a-hole for what he did too. Yet still defend his actions.

So what does that tell you???

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

oh, and the lawyer that is saying that no laws were broken....

Steve served as a state court prosecutor from 1992 to 1994. His primary case load consisted of prosecuting DUI, Felony DUI, Reckless Homicide and Traffic offenses.

In 1997, Steve opened his own practice as a criminal defense attorney, with a special focus on defending clients accused of DUI, Felony DUI, all driving offenses and drug cases.

he's supposed to be a very good defense lawyer, when it comes to DUI and such.. not sure how much experience he has in discrimination though...

Sumner said unlike race, sexuality, and religion, political affiliation is not a protected class.

if sexuality was protected, wouldn't the gay community be protected? think is supposed to be gender, and he just plain forgot about the disabled.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: Annee

Yes. Ignorance is bliss.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

Can you post where I defended his actions? Are people resorting to flat out lies now? Saying he didn't break any laws is not the same as defending his actions.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: Annee

No, we aren't just like him, you're just a tad slow on picking this up.

It is his business, and he CAN do what he wants within the law. That's a fact. Pointing out the gaping hole in logic of people who think he broke the law is not the same as defending him and certainly doesn't make us just like him.

It simply means we don't knee jerk react to everything like some people.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: windword

Those laws clearly proved me right. Care to show how you came to your conclusion? Let me get my popcorn first, this should be good.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: raymundoko

this is what I posted:

they're just nit picking, since there is really no way to defend the man's actions.

I said yous were nit picking, your smart enough not to defend the guys actions. or almost everyone on this discussion hasn't tried to.

and, you are taking the word of a DUI defense lawyer when you say no laws were broken. a very good DUI defense lawyer by what I've read, but it's rather unclear just how much experience he has in cases related to discrimination. and, in the post you responded to, I pointed out some of the errors he made in one simple statement.

I don't know if he broke any laws or not, I don't live in south carolina, ain't interested in digging through a bunch of legal mumbo jumbo to figure it out really. But, I've come to the conclusion that FOX has a tendency of proclaiming people to be experts that really aren't that expert, and this guy is not an expert when it comes to the laws on discrimination. so as far as I am concerned, it's not that obvious that he didn't break any laws.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: dawnstar

oh, and the lawyer that is saying that no laws were broken....

That lawyer did not exactly slam the door shut.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: Annee

happen to know weather south carolina protects people from discrimination based on their sexuality?? not gender, which I know federal laws do, but sexuality. I doubt if they do..

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

oh, and the lawyer that is saying that no laws were broken....

Right, but did you notice how he said that IF there was no contract, no law was broken, but, I think there was. When he agreed to answer the call, a contract was struck, and Shupe had a duty to honor it, and Ms Mc Wade had every right to the expectation that it would be honored. At the very least, contract law was violated.

I also think he knew that the accident victim was disabled before he started his truck. When he saw her youth and the Bernie sign he just flipped out, assuming that she was a dead beat faking her disability to get free money. I don't believe for a minute that he was sincere when he said, had he know she was disabled he would have sat with her for hours, waiting for another tow truck. I wonder how he would have explained to the next driver why wouldn't do the tow, but would stay there, making no money!

He's dancing around, trying to cover his discriminating a$$!

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