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Fox News Shuts Down Comments on Malia Obama Article When Realizing How Racist their Readers Are

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posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: odzeandennz

a lot of members here probably had a comment or two for that little girl.

True that. I'm sure a lot of the SJW's here went into that comment section posing as racists.

I consider myself a Social Justice Warrior, you know like someone who stands up to bullies, believes in equal rights for all, etc, but I would never think about insulting a child. That's insulting that you would say that. Jeesh

Or maybe I'm still missing the point. You call someone a social justice warrior even if they aren't fighting for true social justice? I don't know, but I do know that I never really heard that term used very much before Gamergate came to the forefront.
edit on 5-5-2016 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: Grambler

And for the record, most of the racists that teach all white people are evil are progressive white "intellectuals", not blacks.

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
^ Super spectacularly STUPID statment ^

But true in many cases just the same !!!

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: amazing

I consider myself a Social Justice Warrior, you know like someone who stands up to bullies, believes in equal rights for all, etc, but I would never think about insulting a child. That's insulting that you would say that. Jeesh

It's a thing whether you like it or not... blame your comrades.

Woman admits tweeting fake threats to fellow black students

Black students connected in SU racist drawing

Jersey City high school candidate for student gov't sent racist texts to himself, school official says

Need more proof? The problem is getting so out of hand that someone has actually created a database of racial hoaxes...

You can take your fingers out of your ears now.

edit on 5-5-2016 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Sometimes I wonder how much is Obama's fault - and how much is the fault of Americans expecting government to do everything for them. Let me explain a little bit further...

In my town there are Mexican-owned stores everywhere (okay, maybe some are South American - the point is they are owned by Spanish-speaking immigrants). While some would point to that as evidence of "them foreigners takin over our jobs!" I see something different. I see one group (these immigrants) willing to work together within their own networks and take the chance on starting a business. Americans who have lived in the USA for generations seem to have become complacent with the notion that "if I can't work, government will pay my bills" and thus don't feel as much of an onus to raise money within their own networks and take the risk that comes with starting a business.

Of course, forcing companies to give insurance to full-time employees seems to have had the effect (at least in my State) of companies deciding to simply go with workers from temp agencies or to only hire for part-time positions.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:36 PM
It is disgusting - but not surprising - that people would make racist comments. Considering her parentage, I don't doubt she earned her place in Harvard (certainly being a legacy and the daughter of a President doesn't hurt - but that's more to do with the fact that universities tend to want people who can contribute to the "interestingness" factor of the school).

Regardless what one thinks about Obama's presidency, no one should be taking shots at his children unless they end up doing something to deserve it. Even then, people should stick to facts and not personal insults. Then again, welcome to America.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

You know brother, you could almost sound like Shakespeare, except Shakespeare made sense with his wordy dialogues.

For the record I think its fine Fox shut down the comments. Such comments are really uncalled for, even if the Obamas are America-hating Marxists, it's really not Malia's fault and I hope she doesn't take on the Marxist rhetoric and world view. I bet you never even noticed where I wished her well.... and besides Fox is a private corporation and can jolly well close the comments if they want just like Google and Facebook censor conservatives. Since Google decided not to facilitate the Great Firewall of China....I guess they have turned to the US.... but in any case... Fox made the right decision in my view, after all it is the President's daughter and she deserves respect.
However, I do not have to like the Progressive Party or it's Marxist/Communist/Socialist ideals(and after all I have never called for anyone's heads to be bashed in.) They use minority rights in place of class struggle which is the base of Marxism. It's a matter of ends justifying the means.
and oh yah here's to Google censorship....

David Drummond, its chief legal officer, announced that “we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results” in China, the world’s biggest online community. The company established in 2006, and agreed at the time to control the results Chinese users could see. This allowed Google to operate in a country with both draconian rules on freedom of expression and 360 million internet users

edit on 5-5-2016 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: amazing

I consider myself a Social Justice Warrior, you know like someone who stands up to bullies, believes in equal rights for all, etc, but I would never think about insulting a child. That's insulting that you would say that. Jeesh

It's a thing whether you like it or not... blame your comrades.

Woman admits tweeting fake threats to fellow black students

Black students connected in SU racist drawing

Jersey City high school candidate for student gov't sent racist texts to himself, school official says

Need more proof? The problem is getting so out of hand that someone has actually created a database of racial hoaxes...

You can take your fingers out of your ears now.

good points. but in fairness, why not post links to recent, actual hate crimes . you know the real ones, not the tweeted ones. real ones where people die or get refused service. that would show how impartial you really are. show the true crimes AND the fakes
edit on 5-5-2016 by odzeandennz because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

Except Shakespeare was a plagerist... since we all basically use the same words to communicate touche from his ghost I suppose.

Since youre stuck in the same groove of repeating draws of the same sword... what if I reminded you of what Trump said about Rubio? Not to make you malfunction but the rhetoric you draw is beyond robotic at this point. It is expected it is old hat the same thing over and over and well theres nothing to spar with here no input beyond the same repetitive dogma thats probably in mass only means those people to you at this point... so who the hell are those people exactly beyond those labels?

Ill give you a hint before Heston does...

*spoiler alert*

Its people... its just people.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: Bone75

originally posted by: amazing

I consider myself a Social Justice Warrior, you know like someone who stands up to bullies, believes in equal rights for all, etc, but I would never think about insulting a child. That's insulting that you would say that. Jeesh

It's a thing whether you like it or not... blame your comrades.

Woman admits tweeting fake threats to fellow black students

Black students connected in SU racist drawing

Jersey City high school candidate for student gov't sent racist texts to himself, school official says

Need more proof? The problem is getting so out of hand that someone has actually created a database of racial hoaxes...

You can take your fingers out of your ears now.

But these aren't social justice warriors like Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr, they're just idiots. So still not sure what we're talking about here. Would you rather no one did anything to change social dynamics in society and fight injustices or stand up to bullying behavior?

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: amazing
But these aren't social justice warriors like Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr, they're just idiots.

those aren't sjws, those are activists. social activism is a noble cause. social justice..well, lets move on and you will understand

So still not sure what we're talking about here. Would you rather no one did anything to change social dynamics in society and fight injustices or stand up to bullying behavior?

change social dynamics in society is not changing legal dynamics in society
gandhi and MLK fought against legal discrimination in society. they fought for equality. that doesn't mean they were demanding people stop hurting other peoples feelings.

a sjw is fighting to stop..offense
that is not activism, thats just stupid. the term sjw is a mocking term because they aren't fighting some noble cause of injustice..they are just pretending being offended is somehow activism.
What outcome are they seeking to achieve? you think you can crybully people into being nice? to stop using words you dont like?
Not once did MLK tell universities to not allow speakers in university because it was offensive.

As far as bullying behavior:

Those guys got fired when the sjws contacted their work and demanded these horrible sexists get fired..for making a joke between each other quietly (but not quietly enough) between them at a convention. instead of just ignore it, this woman stood up, took a picture of the two guys who made a offhand innuendo, and got their livelyhoods effected.

social justice warriors are not trying to fight a noble cause, they are trying to patrol expression, speech, and destruction of ideas and ideals.

Dont confuse social activism with sjws. it cheapens what activists do, and legitimizes the "warriors" and their offense bully crusade.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Does my being offended by the comments about Malia Obama in a public comments section on a news site make me one of those SJWs? Someone to be mocked for being insincere - shallow - ineffectual?

Should I shut up about it? I know I'm not supposed to ever be offended by anything anymore. I'm for sure not supposed to say so out loud

Is your opinion of my behavior more noble than my opinion of their behavior?

It's like some people have decided that they're the Richard Blackwells of opinions anymore

I was offended. It sucks that people would say something like that about the president's daughter. It sucks that people would say things like that about anybody. It sucks - and I'm going to say so

You want to explain why I'm not allowed?

edit on 5/5/2016 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: SaturnFX

Does my being offended by the comments about Malia Obama in a public comments section on a news site make me one of those SJWs? Someone to be mocked for being insincere - shallow - ineffectual?

If you try to enact rules of speech online because of it, then sure.

Should I shut up about it?

Probably, but you wont.

I was offended. It sucks that people would say something like that about the president's daughter. It sucks that people would say things like that about anybody. It sucks - and I'm going to say so

You want to explain why I'm not allowed?

Calling out bad behavior is fine if thats your thing. It of course only encourages more bad behavior given people love watching other people flip out online.
the anonymous internet will always have great fun at the expense of the offended. Racism sucks, and if someone in public is being a twat, its best to check them, point a camera in their face, etc.
Online, you are just feeding the trolls.

Now, if you are out in public and you overhear a couple people talking and one of them makes a crappy joke between them, its best to simply keep walking..its not your job to clean up the thoughts of the town, or the jokes between people.

I am sure you can figure out the differences here.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: amazing
But these aren't social justice warriors like Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr, they're just idiots.

those aren't sjws, those are activists. social activism is a noble cause. social justice..well, lets move on and you will understand

So still not sure what we're talking about here. Would you rather no one did anything to change social dynamics in society and fight injustices or stand up to bullying behavior?

change social dynamics in society is not changing legal dynamics in society
gandhi and MLK fought against legal discrimination in society. they fought for equality. that doesn't mean they were demanding people stop hurting other peoples feelings.

a sjw is fighting to stop..offense
that is not activism, thats just stupid. the term sjw is a mocking term because they aren't fighting some noble cause of injustice..they are just pretending being offended is somehow activism.
What outcome are they seeking to achieve? you think you can crybully people into being nice? to stop using words you dont like?
Not once did MLK tell universities to not allow speakers in university because it was offensive.

As far as bullying behavior:

Those guys got fired when the sjws contacted their work and demanded these horrible sexists get fired..for making a joke between each other quietly (but not quietly enough) between them at a convention. instead of just ignore it, this woman stood up, took a picture of the two guys who made a offhand innuendo, and got their livelyhoods effected.

social justice warriors are not trying to fight a noble cause, they are trying to patrol expression, speech, and destruction of ideas and ideals.

Dont confuse social activism with sjws. it cheapens what activists do, and legitimizes the "warriors" and their offense bully crusade.

Okay, fair points. I think we need to change the term "Social Justice Warrior" as for me, it seems to mock anyone fighting for social change and lumps them all together. It lumps anyone fighting against gamer gate or supporting Emma Watson or fighting for police reform, or LGBT activists together with the fringe that you would mockingly call a social justice warrior.

I'm not finding the right words to say how I feel about other than "Social Justice Warrior" as a term and phrase does more harm than good.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Calling out bad behavior is fine if thats your thing. It of course only encourages more bad behavior given people love watching other people flip out online.


The fashion police - our new SJWs

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

A plagiarist? Excuse me? Where did you get that tripe? No doubt some shoddy Progressive website with a bunch of silly garbage in it.
Proof please

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: reldra

guess u missed the whole glenn beck deal lately. if u read the comments on cnn's site they were calling for him to off himself. this is a sympton of the internet on all levels, all sites, across all lines. if u havent seen it by now then you must not frequent the internet much. also why not laud fox news for putting a stop to it completely and not allowing that type of behaviour to propagate on their website. thats commendable. wonder if the comments section was funded with any of that 75 million spent on anti trump ads recently.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 03:04 AM

originally posted by: veracity
a reply to: jjkenobi

Not all Republicans are racists but all racists are republicans

What about head nazi leftist george soros? Or Sunni whabists king obozo?

But they actually murder people so the must not be racists.

Progressive authoritarians are always the most intolerant, if leftist a had their way we would all be in camps already.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 04:29 AM
Social justice warriors really are not the same as people who are on the left or have leftist ideals. They will readily attack and censor and bully other people on the left who dont march in lockstep with their ideologies. I should know. I'm a liberal who has been bullied by them and sent death threats and threatened to be doxxed and told to kill myself because I had to wrong opinion about fictional characters.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 05:25 AM
I hope Malia has good strong roots and will rise above the meanness. That is all you can do with racists.

posted on May, 6 2016 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: schuyler
Like there are no racist comments on any other media site except Fox News because people who visit those sites are so very tolerant. Have you read the anti-Trump comments lately?

Are there people calling Trump a ni**er? I must have missed that.

By the way, what you did is try to deflect from the original premise.

Red Herring.

Do they not call themselves that?

The double standard on that word is ridiculous.

Either it's bad, or it's not.

The left is just ignorant. Either you're a tolerant person, or you're not. You can't pick and choose WHO you "have" to be nice to. Trump may not be their guy, but they show their hypocrisy with the insults and condescension of him.

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