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Fox News Shuts Down Comments on Malia Obama Article When Realizing How Racist their Readers Are

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posted on May, 4 2016 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Failed presidency please.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: TheBulk

My point is that I have read people's posts on this very site that claim racism against blacks doesn't exist anymore. It DOES exist, and not just in tiny little pockets that don't matter.

It's just that it seems it's the only thing that matters. At the same time, racism against whites seems to have been given the nod for main stream consumption. Of course racism against black people exists, but it's not nearly the issue it once was. Honestly, I see it going the other direction in a big way right now and it bothers me that people who claim to care about racism are rationalizing why it's no big deal.

originally posted by: introvert

At least you admit that possibility.

You say "at least" as if there is more I could do. What am I missing?
edit on 4-5-2016 by TheBulk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 06:41 PM
Nevermind, that's off-topic.
edit on 4-5-2016 by TheBulk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 06:47 PM
She earned her ride like he earned his nobel prize. The sky is the limit when you got wings.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: SaturnFX

Right, because there has never been any racist acts from white students towards black students on any college campus.

does that mean campuses are racist?
What is the statistical reality of violent crime in 2015/16 of white on black crime verses black on white?
I will let you research that and discover for yourself.

Because there has never been a white racist cop who treated a black person unfairly.

Does that mean the law allows for that to happen?

Because no store owner has ever falsely accused a black man of stealing or shoplifting simply because he's black.

is this something specific you know about? why would the owner of a store do that? are you saying out of malice, or assumption based on demographics?

No one has ever called the cops because a black person was simply walking down the streets of their "white" neighborhood.
Those things never happen today in America.

Here is the key
why is that happening?
If a black guy walking down the street of a "white" neighborhood (aka, middle class) wearing a style not "hood", they are typically not given a second look.
I live in backwoods literal alligators in my backyard (for real) sticks Florida. on my street, there are only trucks owned by the music is the only music played during partys and such..basically I live in deliverance land. We have almost no diversity going on here..everyone is white, but there are a few black folks that come on over. some come to jump on the canal and get catfish and gator tail..and they are cool people..they come, bother nobody, set up their traps and spend a day hanging out fishing. then we got roofers up and down the street and plenty of co-workers pop on in and its fine, because they are dressed normally, aren't dodgy, and reject the "hood" culture. respectable folks..

If there was a black, brown, or white guy wandering around dressed in thug gear at night, it would be its not the norm..and that is the type that brings violence and drugs into the neighborhood.
not the color, the culture..and black youth is stuck in a total waste culture of violence, venom, anger, victimization identity being pushed onto them by white folks and their own heroes and community.
get rich or die trying.
thug life
its the culture that is the issue is the culture that pushes the crime statistics through the freaking roof, and its that culture that people are naturally bigoted towards....
Do a social experiment..go to a black convenient store and watch the behavior..then get some young white kids, dress them the same as the black youth, make them talk and behave exactly the will see an exact same result of shop owners and such..suspicion, eyeing, distaste, etc..

Stop demanding black people are violent loud victims is key here.

we gotta stop demanding the black experience is anything..its not..individuals can choose differently, and reality will absolutely bend to the new paradigm shift..but we gotta stop looking at any skintone as a is is literally one of the most oppressive racist thing a person can do...telling them they are weak and will be punished for their skin..regardless of causing harm, not help.

It took me awhile to understand that...Obamas speech on not becoming a stereotype, cosby saying the culture of the black community was toxic, freeman being very anti-victim..these are the people to listen to..the ones that succeed because they choose not to be victims, no matter how much people demand they identify as one.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Because there are seven billion people on the planet and we don't all think alike.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: reldra

Free speech. People will say stupid things.

This is a surprise?

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

And it's better because of what he did. There's more to do of course but he put us on the right path.
A 5% unemployment rate is actually good. It encourages competition . It's not high enough to adversely effect the economy. People will lose a job and others will get a new one and people keep buying.
The biggest indicator in my own neighborhood is all the building going on. Houses and businesses. Everywhere new roads are being built and old bridges are being torn down and replaced. I see this with my own eyes. Men working building, businesses expanding, homes being built. All indicators of a growing economy.
What is your neighborhood looking like ?

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: Metallicus and about 150 other names and another dozen sound bite out of context statements that everyone wants to desperately believe. The crazy racism is when the white protestor sprayed the Mexican lady and her 2 small kids at the Trump rally and called them racist,,,white liberals are so funny with the calling someone racist until a mean black girl insists he/she cut the dreads because its disrespectful to blacks, maybe they will get a clue after that. As far as people calling her names online, they were probably paid Hillary trolls to incite racism for this election. Either way people need to handle their personal freedoms with responsibility or we will lose them.
edit on 4-5-2016 by MEDIKATED because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

I'm pro Obama - and pro sarcasm. Though, I'm getting that not everybody got that

I think I maybe just received a few ill gotten stars


posted on May, 4 2016 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

does that mean campuses are racist?

It means there are racist people on campuses.

Does that mean the law allows for that to happen?

It means there are racist cops (who tend to be protected by their own)

is this something specific you know about? why would the owner of a store do that? are you saying out of malice, or assumption based on demographics?

I was thinking of a story told by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, where he said he walked out of a store at the same time a white man did - the alarm went off, the store personnel let the white man go and stopped Neil. This was before he became "famous", but it wasn't that long ago. I'm pretty sure he isn't the only black guy this has happened to post civil rights act.
There are actually several youtube videos of blacks filming themselves being followed in stores by store personnel (and no, they weren't wearing hoodies or gang paraphernalia).

its the culture that is the issue is the culture that pushes the crime statistics through the freaking roof, and its that culture that people are naturally bigoted towards....
Do a social experiment..go to a black convenient store and watch the behavior..then get some young white kids, dress them the same as the black youth, make them talk and behave exactly the will see an exact same result of shop owners and such..suspicion, eyeing, distaste, etc..

Is Obama's daughter part of this thug culture? Is Obama? Is Obama's wife? Too many times I have seen/heard people refer to Obama and his wife as "monkeys" (and worse). As far as I know, none of the Obama family dress like thugs from the hood.

I know there are laws against discrimination - doesn't mean there aren't a hell of a lot of racist people out there being and acting like racists. No, black people shouldn't become criminals just because there are racists, but THERE ARE RACISTS.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:04 PM
its always the same defense when whites are proven racists: its only a few idiots, its freedom of speeh idiots will be idiots, it doesnt means theyll act on their statements, black on white crimes and white on black crimes, the economy, Obama's fault, race card, police brutality against blacks is a myth...."

What if that Article was about the vice president's daughter, would those people be making racist comments?

this is calculated and premeditated or waiting to come out for a long time....the last 8 years. now everyone is protected under technicalities. and will always continue to happen no matter what.


posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: Metallicus

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: schuyler
Like there are no racist comments on any other media site except Fox News because people who visit those sites are so very tolerant. Have you read the anti-Trump comments lately?

Are there people calling Trump a ni**er? I must have missed that.

By the way, what you did is try to deflect from the original premise.

Red Herring.

No, they call Trump and racist and Hitler, but it is all fine and dandy coming from the Left. Extremists aren't tolerant people and that goes for both Leftists and Righties.

Calling him racist because of his previous statements and comparing him to Hitler is not equal to hating someone because of their skin color.

Call me Hitler...whatever.

Call me a ni**er...them be fighting words.

So if someone calls you a ni##er you're going to fight them? Why?

And if someone calls you Hitler, an individual that was responsible for the extermination of millions of innocent people, you just going to say "whatever"?

This is subjective delusion at best.
edit on 4-5-2016 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
Is Obama's daughter part of this thug culture? Is Obama? Is Obama's wife?

Daughters, no. they are basically living like "white people", aka, they speak with respect, dress approprately for day to day, and have social grace befitting any middle class (or in their standard, upper class) citizen. they aren't yelling at each other wearing yoga pants, etc..but thats beside the women aren't as harassed as black men
as far as Obama...he was..when he was in high school and a bit after he admits as much. he was doing drugs, becoming a stereotypical black guy angry and looking to scam and all sorts. this is in his book
he decided he didn't want that, he seen it as a trap and changed his ways, changed his persona, etc..he basically left that thug crap and instead took personal responsibility.
His discussions on this are very specific, and he speaks truth 100%. Doesn't mean he turns a blind eye to the plight of the black community..but his views is that indeed there is a big cultural issue going on within the black community..the forever victims mindset being pushed on them..and that is very damaging.

Too many times I have seen/heard people refer to Obama and his wife as "monkeys" (and worse). As far as I know, none of the Obama family dress like thugs from the hood.

Because they dont.
and racists will always exist. ignore them and they lose their power...better yet, shine a big light on them and mock them if they persist. sunlight is a great disinfectant...but understand all a racist has left is words..and once you take the power of words away, their impotence is complete.

I know there are laws against discrimination - doesn't mean there aren't a hell of a lot of racist people out there being and acting like racists. No, black people shouldn't become criminals just because there are racists, but THERE ARE RACISTS.

And there always will be so long as the tiny minds believe their words and thoughts have impact.
But also, there will always be racism so long as any skintone believes themselves..identifies themselves to be outside of the collective experience today.
Racism, the nasty malicious kind, is easy to spot..some black panther or kkk member..sure. big beacons..its the cultural racists..the ones demanding blacks hang the title of victims that do the most damage. the ones putting rules in place to boost up skintones, or arguing "meritocracy' is racist...which is directly saying black people cannot achieve merit, they must be given pity...that..that is a nuclear bomb of racism disguised as progressive social justice...surely you see the issue.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:16 PM
Alot of these are just people having laughs and gags.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: Metallicus

Failed presidency please.

It's true. People with any integrity who expect their elected officials to have integrity, but have shown a hundred times per day they have none at all, and who are just self entitled pigs who expect upper tier living and services for themselves, while denying the same to others have garnered so much disgust from Americans, that they have become hateful and derogatory to their leader and his self entitled family.

And if anyone things that when officials at Harvard saw the Obama name on an applicant, that they went forward with it like just any other applicant, and thought they didn't immediately FAST TRACK the application ahead of all those other people on the waiting lists to get in, well,, you are delusional for life.

This is why all the hate for the Obama family is seen in that comments section, not because people are actually racist.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 12:01 AM
Fox News..the other side of the truth. Since when is there another side of the truth?

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: reldra

As an non citizen of USA i cannot get the drift of all the anger being displayed over a bloody university entrance, millions of people all around the world enter Uni every year. This debate is a USA LEFT V RIGHT political one, and has got nothing to do about if the woman is "qualified" or not to enter Harvard. I understand she has excellent prior results. Looks like the "racist card" is back again from the nigg** days when handing out university places were basically reserved for whites only. South Africa of the 70'tes again?, hope never......

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: reldra

I'm kind of surprised if you are that shocked at openly racist comments about someone when on ATS the line is crossed into overt racism in a very casual manner by some posters. Think I'm exaggerating? See the last two paragraphs of the post I'm responding to in the thread below...

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 12:00 PM
It never occurs to people that there is no way to know anything about the person making comments?
Like if they are in fact Hillary's paid trolls that go to Fox News articles and make outrageous statements designed to smear Fox News?

Naw that could never happen.

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