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Video: Woman harasses man using food stamps.

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posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:22 AM
Maybe he should have went back at her about how much her health care later in life from obesity would cost everyone else...?...

Why do videos about obviously ill-informed (stupid?) people end up here anyway?.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: wantsome

What does one woman being an ass, have to do with Republicans or Democrats? Or it's just a chance for a shot at Republicans and showing your bias?

Check out 0:27 "Oh trust me, I am not a bleeding heart f**ing Liberal"....0:41 "You and your Bernie supporters"...He tells her "Vote Republican"....0:47 "That's exactly who I vote for"

Soooo.... yeah, she is representing for the Republicans.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: dreamingawake
Huh, guess she missed the memo in most places and it's going national very soon now that if you're on food stamps you have to be working. Or at least are enrolled in work training. That is unless you are on disability for example. Also, you are required to be working if going to college and trying to apply for food stamp benefits.

That's already the rule. Getting food stamps is hard, getting Medicaid is even harder and getting TANF (cash assistance) is near impossible. It takes about 2 years to get disability, and 2 years after that to get Medicare (which makes no sense). After 16 years in the workforce/totally independent I found myself suddenly disabled. Single mom with a 2 year old child. I've got a Bachelor's Degree and I had a hard time navigating the system. Endless forms. Endless trips to the 'welfare' office. You have to PROVE everything, rent, bills, income (or lack thereof). You have to either get work, or go sit down at the Workforce Office for x amount of hours per week. I had to have my doctor fill out a form to verify that I was disabled an unable to work.

1. I had my tattoos, vehicle and halfway decent clothing BEFORE I became disabled, so don't jump to conclusions if you see something that seems like a waste on someone using benefits.
2. It's a big effort and a huge pain to navigate the system. You don't just walk in and get handed a food stamp card and a pat on the back.

I didn't post the actual video, but I posted a link to this story on the "End Social Welfare- Let Voluntary Charity Provide" thread. THIS is who people like me would be relying on for charity if the government did away with assistance programs. Scary thought.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: starfoxxx

Because I was married, to man with a good job when I had my children. Then the beatings started. So I left him. Guess I should have stayed and taken it, so I didn't have to go on assistance.

I get it, there are woman that keep having kids to get more money, I witnessed it. But many more of us used it as a hand up, not a hand out.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
a reply to: starfoxxx

Because I was married, to man with a good job when I had my children. Then the beatings started. So I left him. Guess I should have stayed and taken it, so I didn't have to go on assistance.

I get it, there are woman that keep having kids to get more money, I witnessed it. But many more of us used it as a hand up, not a hand out.

Maybe you should of had a good job yourself before having kid's EVERY THUNKER THAT????

(post by Tsubaki removed for a manners violation)

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: starfoxxx

That's the irony of it though... if life has made you that bitter and your seriously so hard up for cash that you feel the need to attack people who are genuinely in need assistance, then maybe its you who's made the poor decisions in life.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 03:50 PM
such ignorance

an americans making about $50,000 pays about $75 dollars a YEAR for these types of programs

if that bothers you, give the person a full time job with benefits

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: wantsome
Republicans don't care about most people.

Absolutely love it!!! By "most people" I'm assuming you mean ethnics and minorities?
Be careful your bias is showing...

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 04:10 PM
I would say that I am more conservative than liberal, but closer to a libertarian. I myself have been on foodstamps (though only two months) and my parents were on them for quite some time while I was growing up. Sometimes people need help, and I have no problem with a system set up to give people a hand when they are down. If this lasts a while, so be it, as long as the person getting the aid is making efforts to improve their lot. Although I have known people to abuse this system, I have known many more that have used it correctly, and went on to become financially stable and now pay into this system.

I am for trying to end fraud in this and other welfare programs, but lets not forget that government waste is a far more expensive.

As for this woman, may she never find herself so unfortunate to fall on hard times, perhaps karma would not treat her very kindly.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 04:23 PM

Look at this video! Darn Democrats, they are the ones that push food stamps, so they are responsible for this and the many other videos I can find that show people abusing this system!

Thats how this works, right?
edit on 4-5-2016 by Grambler because: can't figure out embed

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 04:39 PM
Wow, that was really unprofessional. Being yelled at by a cashier for using SNAP at a store that accepts SNAP. That lady has no f'in idea what living conditions or financial situation that man is in. Maybe his wife died and he is left with two kids to feed geez. The manager needs to fire her on the spot and offer that guy her job. LOL

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: starfoxxx

Child care is $200 per week...per child. So you'd have to find a job that covers all the basic expenses PLUS childcare so you can work. Which pretty much excludes any minimum wage, entry level or part time jobs. And those are the only 3 types of jobs you can just 'go out and get'. I don't see too many ads in the employment section for upper level management/CEO.

But, ya know, I'd hate to bother you with facts or anything.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: sean

The 'lady' doing the yelling wasn't an employee, she was just some d-bag in line with nothing better to do.

She is a self proclaimed Republican though- see my above post. I wonder if she considers herself Christian too? WWJD beeyatch?

* There are some really good, charitable, kind Christians...if you're one of these then please don't take offense. But like everything else, there are certainly some bad apples too.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: Bennyzilla
I don't think it is though. This dude HAS food stamps so obviously the republicans are doing a # job of "taking them away"

They have been taking them away by reducing the value each year. 5 years ago I made more money than I do now and I got $200/month in food stamps. Today I get $65. Some of this is due to my rent and utilities being a lower percentage of my income but some of it is also due to changes to the formulas. It happens on a state by state basis, but overall food stamp funding hasn't risen at the same rate as the number of applicants. This has resulted in much less per person all the while the cost of food continues to rise. The program simply falls short of it's intended goal.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: Bennyzilla
a reply to: reldra

You have some sauce for that spaghetti because I've never seen anyone who needed food stamps and was completely unable to get them. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but forgive me for not taking your word for it. You're not known as the most unbiased poster here. (I'm sure I'm not either so no worry's)

I'm on them now, and let me clear something up. Very few people actually NEED food stamps, but they sure do make life more comfortable. If I didn't have food stamps my living conditions would be much worse. Rather than renting a 1 bedroom apartment I would instead be renting a room in someones house (oddly enough, if I were to do that now, I would actually lose what food stamps I do get). There is also charity available which offsets things a bit. I do it less now, but in the past I've been known to attend MANY church dinners because it means I could eat for free that night, I also like to use my friends guest passes to our university cafeteria (which is an all you can eat buffet). Between church dinners and that I can cover about 60% of my meals which means I spend far less in the grocery store.

The church dinners particularly annoy me though because I find it highly offensive that I am forced to pray to a God I don't believe in and that completely goes against my beliefs, in order to be fed. Such is the price of not going hungry though which is why I attend them less often than I used to.

In the past I actually went homeless because I was left with the option where I could only afford two of the three: rent, tuition, and food. To me, I view food stamps as a housing subsidy. It's thanks to them that I can eat while affording a roof over my head.

posted on May, 4 2016 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: starfoxxx

Maybe chiefsmom was too busy being a stay-at-home mom?

You know, being there to raise good kids, making sure they had breakfast before school, making sure they did their chores and homework, had a clean home to grow up in, and a nutritious dinner?
She may have been too busy being a good mom to have a job/career to build a "just-in-case-my-husband-turns-out-to-be-an-jackass" fund.

Stop with your sanctimonious drivel.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 12:06 AM

originally posted by: reldra
An 'obamaphone' (misnamed, since they started during Bush) is a money drain. You run out of minutes after about 2 phone calls. The point of those were to be able to call your work, daycare, home if you were going to be late or your car broke down. They are pretty useless. It preys on the poor more than anything, they then buy more tracfone minutes A '911 only' phone exists, it costs about $80 though.

I understand what you mean, but even the 'obamaphones' are difficult to use. They are tiny and really awkward. I would not wish them on my worst enemy.

They're still an improvement over the previous iterations of the lifeline program which only involved local phone service. Given the way long distance is structured, that's almost a necessity these days.

The reduction in minutes is something of an issue, but at least you're able to make long distance calls now. I think it's still an improvement.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: wantsome
I don't know where people get off harassing someone else. Republicans don't care about most people. No help for you but once you reach military age it's off to war you go hooray. But if you get injured they say screw you. Many elderly vets and disable people collect benefits from the government as do many working people. What give someone else the right to harass another person over social programs that help the less fortunate is beyond me.

Really? How about all the members of the left who went out of their way to travel to and attend Trump rallies, harass him, harass his supporters and ultimately start violence? How about the black riots when they incorrectly thought a cop shot a black man for charging at him?

It seems that most of the harassment comes FROM the left...not directed TOWARD the left.

posted on May, 5 2016 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: wantsome

can that even possibly be real? People that are Wal mart cashiers not only qualify for food stamps, Wal Mart shows them how to get food stamps and medicaid.

Wal Mart is the biggest corporate recipient of government benefits. It lets them pay their employees less.

I would have had that cashier fired and sued.

My 17 year old daughter makes $12 per hour as a cashier at Walmart. She lives with us at home. She was never instructed or educated about applying for any benefits. So...wherever you are getting your "facts" isn't absolute.

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