I would like to wrap this up tonight in a way that speaks in plain english and then simply answer readers questions as best I can for a while
Perhaps the greatest difficulty for me over the years has been going against the unseen Powers That Be. When they want something, they are without
mercy to put it politely.
My hunting the Black Lodge in my younger days came to their attention and recruitment became the agenda. I said "no thankyou". They didn't like that.
Then I discovered a new "friend" with a very, very long memory. We had fun and grew close. They didn't approve and made life hell, I protected her and
in the end, for her own safety, I sent her away.
Still they persisted. I began destroying their infrastructure. They stepped back and left me alone.
I found a new friend. I found her in the ruins of a long gone civilisation. They didn't approve and all hell broke loose.
Not again, no way. Together with my new friend we fought back. They stepped back and stopped bothering us.
So how does one stand against the inner world Powers That Be?
Twenty years of Japanese Martial Arts trainng teaches you the discipline to stand against bigger and stronger foes.
Training, a just cause, and knowing your foe is networked.
A "foe" is simply an opponant by the way. A foe is not an enemy.
The "just cause" are the Beings I write of here.
One more thing, this information will only appear here at ATS. Why? Because I want this public knowledge which includes the unseen world below the
Powers That Be. It is just as important for the inner world to know. The inner world is networked, news will spread. Only writing this once is all
that is needed. I want a better life for some really nice Beings who get a very raw deal.
They are worth it.
The nice ones so close to humanity you could almost reach out and touch are found in our civilisations and the wild.
Sometimes as house spirits, sometimes in government buildings, sometimes in churches, shrines and temples. They are often used as conduits, bridges
and proxies by the higher spirits and between the various heavens and the world below. In sacred places they become so.
If I were to suggest further study, it would be the Japanese concept of
Kami as the one most fitting of all the spiritual ways. It just feels
right. Not the ritual side, but the esthetic's way of looking at things
Of the ones who live in the countryside my absolute favorite are are what I call wood nymphs. About four feet tall, human-like females, naked and
having three sets of wings. They are so much like dragonflys that I have no doubt they love the little insects very much and have spent considerable
time with them. If one has the eye to see, one may catch a glimps of these Beings darting about on lakes, face close to the water as do the
Of the darker side, I feel it is the hand of man that has done the damage here. If one describes a daemon as a corrupted spirit then that is correct.
The question of absolute evil I shall leave for the Theologins.
If I were to describe the world of evil, I would say this:
Of the higher daemons, I have crossed paths with only one to my knowledge. At the time I was destroying a Black Lodge group and was loosing. Then a
big dark presence and the impression of Ahriman, he was helping.
"Why are you helping me?" I asked.
"Because I don't like competition." was the reply. and I couldn't help laughing at the dark humour.
The insight gained is that Ahriman works through corrupting the evil doer further leading them to their own destruction.
Of the lesser evil doers I have crossed paths with over the years it would be the dead magicians and corrupt priests of old religeons who corrupt
people, nature spirits and the other Beings for their own selfish ends.
It is those corrupted spirits that I refer to as daemons. The damage is not absdolute, therefore, with kindness and research they can eventually be
Now to the Beings that are what I refer to as extraterrestrials. The living machines and the interfaces.
Their complexity and organisation is like nothing I see earthside in the inner worlds. It is the presence of the skeletal system that sets them apart
from the Beings of our inner worlds. In practice, I don't see the skeleton in the deceased human, only the living person.
I have never seen a UFO with my physical two eyes, though I have seen a photo of toxic silver metalic pieces washed smooth by time and waves that
litter a circular beach overseas. It reminded me of pieces of a skin. It was a nearby location that were found two awareness mostly eaten by
ectoplasm. They took months to heal both energeticly and psychologically. Humans are quite the energetic furnaces of warmth and life forces to spare
in excess. These two were with me day and night. I even had a CD of soggy love songs I would play in my car on the way to work. Singing "Dream a
little dream of me" (Doris Day - I think) to them was very healing in this case.
They never said a word, except an impression of thankyou when they left.
Those two were the first I think.
I hope this thread can provide some uncommon insights for people here at ATS.
edit on 9-5-2016 by Whatsthisthen because: added: only needed to write this once, near top