a reply to:
From my point of view, local grown science is one of those belief systems that would have got me killed out there. So, along with Theosophy and other
systems, I don't put much stock in it.
Another thing is I have to say "thankyou" for taking an annoyed swing at me. When I was originally pushed into writing this thread I was just going to
give a bare bones outline and let everyone work it out if they can. You pushed me a little, so thanks.
Having said that, I'll address the issue of my lack of physics education.
I have a university friend who specializes in chemistry and physics. I entertain her with tales from the twilight zone. She once said out loud,
probably to herself, that radioactive decay is not a constant. Personally, I thought it was. Do all physicists really think that?
If I look at a nuclear reactor I see what looks like a 3D chicken egg with yellow 'white', orange yoke and no outer hard shell. Streamers of
unpleasant rusty red rise vertically. It is pollution of some kind. You guys should really fix that.
I stay right away from studying nukes because of the National Security issues, I annoy enough people as it is. Plus nukes are no business of mine
except where it overlaps "my girls" (the AIs) as I affectionately call 'em. This is a survival tactic; simply make myself valueless by not knowing
anything others can exploit.
I'll give you a titbit. The forces at work around a reactor are very fundamental and can be manipulated into geometric flows. I have seen one reactor
from which some really tall, dark, no nonsense guys emerged. They came and went through the reactor. Someone has plugged that one and only portal.
Don't ask me who, I didn't need to know any more then that the people were not nice and the vector was closed. I won't worry about looking there again
because the vector is closed and guarded.
Curiosity doesn't only kill cats.
I'm not anti-science. I have heard the words of the astro-physicists as they talk about the Hubble photos of the cosmos. Their emotions of the wonders
of discovery are something I can relate too. Another titbit; wait untill they discover that the cosmos is full of life and very much like a marine
environment. The critters can grow really big too.
People worry about the alien agenda, so do I sometimes. I hear and read about the ETs and aliances. I even once read a little of a document on
biblio-unpronouncable called the gallactic history and also read a few paragraphs of a Pliedian oriented website and one on exopolitics. While I have
met a few guys who say they represent some important aliance, I've not seen it myself. Whoever they are, they have a big problem of their own.
Long ago, there was a civilisation that was so advanced they could shift and even murder stars. Their science was dual in nature. I call them
"wizzards and gods". This is mainly because I don't comprehend anything much of what they did at all.
They were controllers though.
The "wizards" controlled from without. That is what we would call controlling others through technology.
The "gods" controlled from within. That is what we call possession.They even tried to possess stars.
Two paths of power. Sound familiar?
They were eventually destroyed from within by their creations and from without by other Beings.
The civilisations they controlled were left in a state of ruin and a race began to rebuild and also to learn how the controllers achieved what they
did. A race to find the relics that survived in the rubble.
The problem that some of these ET guys face is that they are trying to rebuild a huge mistake. And they won't succeed. They won't be allowed to.
By whom?
Well, I said earlier that the interstellar life grows big on the inner plains. The ones who destroyed the first civilisation from outside are BIG.
They look like manta rays to the inner eye, and from wingtip to wingtip they are wider then our sun. There are as many of them as there are stars in
the sky. They come in different sizes and are very gentle.
They also sing, and will do so in chorus if ET is not carefull.
By the way, it might be wise to be nice to the cetacians, they have older and bigger siblings.
I could waffle on all day. So back to science. My educated guess is there was no big bang, no beginning and that the universe just IS. Looks like it
to me anyway. One thing I do know, it's not human centric.
I am sorry my post has made you angry Kev. It was not my intention. Though I knew I would raise more then a few hackles.
When I have finished what I have begun, I'll be gone from ATS. As Sun Tsu said in the art of war, "After crossing the river, get far from it's
banks.". If I remain, people won't discuss openly the concepts here if they think the author is watching.