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The Mandela Effect Can No Longer Be Denied: Berenstein Was The Tip of The Iceberg

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posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 12:06 AM
Has anyone here almost died in say the last 15 years? Maybe when you die you go into another version of yourself in a parallel universe and it appears to your soul like nothing ever happened. Only then to find out there are slight differences in your new reality.

This is one of the theories that I've read about the Mandela Effect. It would be impossible to prove unless we can find the technology to freely travel between Parallel Universes, just imaging meeting yourself in another dimension somewhere.
edit on 30-4-2016 by DaVillen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: roadgravel
a reply to: tigertatzen

I have been thinking all day about the possible simulation theory and how it might relate to something that has been a source of great concern for me for a long while now. It would make sense, if things like product names and celebrity deaths were being replaced, that other things would be altered in our daily lives as well.

Would this be purposeful as part of the simulation? To test the effect of awareness. Or data (objects such as people) can be move into other simulations, simulations that might be very similar or spawned from the same source data.

Ok. I'm going to answer that based on a hypothetical scenario where we are part of a simulation run by beings who are not represented by anything in our known physical other words, not other humans.

I would say yes, assuming that the beings running the simulation were aware that we are sentient. Which they should be if they created us.

There would definitely be some purpose because if they are to maintain the constant illusion of normalcy, they have to anticipate that there would be a chance that some of us might be like the ghost in the machine and become aware of the fact that our entire existence is nothing more than a program...and what that would do to us if we did.

So they would constantly be monitoring and testing to see how certain things affect us, maybe even changing one thing here or there in our environment to correct a glitch or prevent an error or to control a behavior that might become problematic, etc. They would know that some of us were going to notice if there was a glitch, so they might do other things that would be strange to us too, just to make it seem more mundane and easily dismissed.

There are numerous possibilities, but I believe that if someone had the ability to create a simulation as elaborate as this, they wouldn't be careless with it, so everything would have a purpose.

Now, if it's a scenario where other humans have trapped us in a simulation and are using it to control us, I would say yes there would be a purpose as well, but it would be quite different. I think it would be more to keep us off balance and easier to manipulate, as well as test the limits of our perception.

I also think it would be a clear sign that they are preparing us for something. Gauging our response to these anomalies while conditioning us to trust what we're told rather than what we know to be true.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: jacygirl
a reply to: tigertatzen

Wow, tigertatzen...people are pretty harsh on you in that thread. (Counterfeit Sky)

I'll tell you something...I now live in a high-rise building that is mostly filled with retired/elderly people. I don't know exactly how many have mentioned the sky to me.
The white lines criss-crossing. The fact that the sky is always grey/white and maybe only blue 2 days a month. (yes I have been keeping track)
The sun is white and super-intense-hot when it touches your skin.
The flat clouds that are never puffy.

These people tell me that it didn't used to look like that, and ask me what's going on.
I always have to bite my tongue and refrain from repeating the Keanu Reeves/alien quote from "The Day the Earth Stood Still"....which is, "It would only frighten you."


Eerie that you mention that particular movie...I was just thinking about it last night in relation to this thread. Legit.

Yes, quite a few people were harsh on that thread. I expected that when I posted it...I'd already witnessed those same people doing the same thing to others, many times before. Still doesn't cushion the blow, however.

Fortunately, I've dealt with that kind of treatment repeatedly in my life so it's easier for me to deal with than it is for others. I do have my limits just like anyone else, but for the most part I've got a pretty thick skin. Plus, I've found that in the past few years my bag of f#cks is getting emptier and emptier with each passing day.

I think the elderly are more aware than most that things are not right in their environment, such as the sky. But they are also the people whose observations largely get dismissed, due to their age. It's easy to discredit grandma as being senile and batty.

I'd be curious to see how many elderly people are also experiencing the ME. It goes back to your question of whether we would notice these changes less if we didn't have the internet. Most elderly people are not too keen on technology and computers. It would be a good way to answer your question. Maybe you could do an informal poll of the elders in your building just as an experiment? Just a thought.
edit on 30113America/ChicagoSat, 30 Apr 2016 03:11:05 -050030am30120America/Chicago by tigertatzen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: tigertatzen

WOW, I've had the same experience! Normally I'd probably keep this to myself, but where you were brave enough to come out about it, I feel I should too...

Not sure which part of this to share first. I'll start with where I once stepped outside (maybe a six months ago) and saw that the sky looked fake. The clouds looked like something out of a software simulation (too perfect,) and the sky colour was off. There is also something which I call "The Dead Weather." In my experience, it happens when there is no wind at all, the treetops aren't even moving at all, and the air becomes unbearably humid and warm. Where I am somewhat asthmatic, I know when we have "The Dead Weather" as soon as I get out of bed because my chest is tight, breathing tense, because of the intense rise in humidity. I never noticed the sky on those days however.

Going back to the sky, in my last town I had some bizarre experiences. As I worked nights, walking home at around 3 AM I would notice how a light would break out in the sky. Usually the sky would turn blue, as if the sun was rising, but obviously it wasn't. When I asked people, even taxi drivers, they would not notice it. I literally had to be there with them to make them look for them to notice! People suggested that it may have been the town lights reflecting off high fog or low clouds, but I know how that looks and it is not blue! One morning, a month or so ago, I saw a bright light off to the northeast, I believe. The sky was turning white! I so wish I'd taken a picture, but I was packing for a move while still working and so I just took a bath and went to bed, but what pictures I could have taken! It was way too bright to be a hidden full moon or anything like that!

Also, there were mornings in those last days before I moved where I would look out my window as it lit in the morning (when the sun would be rising,) and all the sky would be white. I could discern no clouds whatsoever, just complete, blank whiteness! I actually took some really good pics, just looked, but they are lost now...grrrr! Anyway...there would be no visible clouds at all, no cracks or variations in the white that would suggest that the whiteness was due to cloud. However, after looking for a while you would begin to see cloud, the sky would break apart into clouds, and everything looked normal. This began happening every single morning! And again, no one seemed to notice unless I made them look! A completely blank, white sky.

Recently of course I noticed that the sun is now white as well. I am realizing that things are changing, besides just weather, but also that what we perceive as reality is more of a staged event. People, like actors, are content to play along with the script, ignoring or brushing off anything which suggests reality may be an illusion.

Ahhh...welcome to my personal nightmare.

I have also seen the sky completely white. In fact, it happened a few days ago. Ditto the brightening of the sky as is just before daybreak, only it's in the middle of the night.

I know exactly what you're talking about when you describe The Dead Weather. I have allergic asthma. I can run up flights of stairs without getting winded, but let one particle of dust get in my airway and my chest slams shut like a vault. On days like that, the second I look at the sky I know I will struggle to breathe all day.

It's been a fake sky day for ten days and nights and looks like we're going for eleven because it's still fake at almost 3am. I don't know why it's been this long but I'm certain that it is somehow tied to the rest of this because everything seems to be gaining momentum at the same time.

I've been aware of the ME for a long time now, but it was just a few days ago that I discovered others were aware of it and that it had a name. At the same time, several exceedingly bizarre things occurred in my life suddenly out of left field. Then Prince died and there is still strangeness surrounding that. Time seems to be accelerating. All of it is connected. I don't know how, but it is.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: DaVillen
Has anyone here almost died in say the last 15 years? Maybe when you die you go into another version of yourself in a parallel universe and it appears to your soul like nothing ever happened. Only then to find out there are slight differences in your new reality.

This is one of the theories that I've read about the Mandela Effect. It would be impossible to prove unless we can find the technology to freely travel between Parallel Universes, just imaging meeting yourself in another dimension somewhere.

Actually, yes. I suddenly lost my airway one morning in 2010 and almost died in my kitchen. One minute I was fine and the next, I was unable to breathe. My oxygen saturation was at 68% when the paramedics got there. I should not be here right now.

What you are suggesting is terrifying to me. I cannot explain why, but it scares the hell out of me.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: GoShredAK

Precisely yellowish white, yes. It always looked that way. Now, when you look at it, it's just white, unless it happens to glare through clouds in a particular way.

Search under Google Image for "sun in the sky" and all the pics depict a white sun...

If you search "sun colour" it will show it the way I remember...

I have been thinking all day about the possible simulation theory and how it might relate to something that has been a source of great concern for me for a long while now. It would make sense, if things like product names and celebrity deaths were being replaced, that other things would be altered in our daily lives as well.

Just as Jacy expressed earlier, I too have grown tired of being told that things I can clearly see with my own eyes, and have done my entire life, that I know for a fact are not what they should be are nothing more than my imagination. That what I am experiencing, and have been for several years now, is not actually happening. Enough.

I authored this thread last year. What I described in it is still ongoing...and with alarming frequency. In fact, it is happening right now, and has been for the past ten days. I have been telling myself since I joined this thread that what we are discussing here is not related. You just blew that denial completely away when you addressed the color of the sun.

Yes the sun's brightness and color definitely changed. I remember it being more yellow too. Was going to make a post about it here too.

And I just talked about this a few days ago looking at old pics, although in the case of those pics it could be due to the camera used back then, but I noticed it myself years ago.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: jacygirl
a reply to: Phage

I used to respect you so much

Easy come, easy go.....
edit on 30-4-2016 by DutchMasterChief because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: BoxFulder
I have avoided this thread just for this reason, people who haven't experienced the Mandela effect simply say you have a bad memory, in the other one I was called a schizophrenic. Its very real to me, geography has changed, movies have changed, names have been changed, celebrity deaths have changed, even events in my life have changed and I remember both events. I just don't feel like defending myself against someone who hasn't experienced it because I will never convince them otherwise.

Hello! Im extremely reserved to talk my experiences to other people too, I happen to have geography change possible similar to you (that alone puts me out of discussing ME face to face). Can you reveal which part of the earth your change was? Im interested to hear.
edit on 30-4-2016 by AcerM because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 06:01 AM

originally posted by: roadgravel
a reply to: hidingthistime

You were reading the word "Bernstein" on the screen?
sorry, Berenstein.... My autocorrect is

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: hidingthistime

I've just finished getting caught up in much brilliant writing/information!!
I need to take my time working on my next response, I've discovered a 'pattern' I believe.

I know I'm not the OP of this thread, but I would like to say something.
To the newer people here, or those who feel their replies are being ignored...please keep posting!!!

This thread is active and moving quickly. If you want to participate please don't give up.
I am reading every single post here. Hopefully others are you are involved, even if it doesn't look that way.

This is the first thread that I have found that hasn't been completely ruined by trolls. (though they've tried)
I believe that some of us are very invested in this topic, and we have a right to discuss our thoughts, theories and experiences!

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 09:00 AM
One of my favorite youtubers just put this out.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: jacygirl

I just found a new one, put it in my old thread, lemme know if you have seen it before...scary...

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

It has occurred to me that they often mock us not because they believe that we think we're special, but because they are secretly afraid that they aren't.

Oh, they think they are special in their myopic intellectually constipated universe.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: jacygirl

This is the first thread that I have found that hasn't been completely ruined by trolls. (though they've tried)
I believe that some of us are very invested in this topic, and we have a right to discuss our thoughts, theories and experiences!

How is it that someone who disagrees with your admitted bias on the topic is "a troll"?

You've looked at the evidence presented and arrived at one conclusion, others have arrived at another.

We are all ATS members. We ALL have the right to speak on any topic according to T&C.

A better question might be, why are you intimidated or threatened by the counter-arguments to your beliefs?

Why do you want to isolate yourself to a community of "believers"?

If you didn't notice, that's cultish behavior.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: jacygirl

This is the first thread that I have found that hasn't been completely ruined by trolls. (though they've tried)
I believe that some of us are very invested in this topic, and we have a right to discuss our thoughts, theories and experiences!

How is it that someone who disagrees with your admitted bias on the topic is "a troll"?

You've looked at the evidence presented and arrived at one conclusion, others have arrived at another.

We are all ATS members. We ALL have the right to speak on any topic according to T&C.

A better question might be, why are you intimidated or threatened by the counter-arguments to your beliefs?

Why do you want to isolate yourself to a community of "believers"?

If you didn't notice, that's cultish behavior.

Relax, I wasn't referring to you.


posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: jacygirl

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: jacygirl

This is the first thread that I have found that hasn't been completely ruined by trolls. (though they've tried)
I believe that some of us are very invested in this topic, and we have a right to discuss our thoughts, theories and experiences!

How is it that someone who disagrees with your admitted bias on the topic is "a troll"?

You've looked at the evidence presented and arrived at one conclusion, others have arrived at another.

We are all ATS members. We ALL have the right to speak on any topic according to T&C.

A better question might be, why are you intimidated or threatened by the counter-arguments to your beliefs?

Why do you want to isolate yourself to a community of "believers"?

If you didn't notice, that's cultish behavior.

Relax, I wasn't referring to you.


I'm quite relaxed ... I'm not addressing a personal issue, but a general one, which you're sidestepping:

Why are you bothered/irritated/intimidated by rational logical exceptions to your theory?

You do want to get to the truth of the matter ... right?

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: noonebutme


If what he was saying was true, then that is terrible. But am I supposed to believe this horrible abuser was named Darth Vader?

And is your language and insults really necessary? I didn't mock him. I asked a question which, let's be honest - needed to be asked given the context.

Plus, we've (he and I) have been discussing the LIAYF vs NIAYF in another thread for a few days -- to which the name Darth Vader was used repeatedly. He made no complain, reference or indication that such a name cause traumatic pain.

I think he was saying his abusers name was Luke and that Luke the abuser loved that quote. That would make sense to me. A sadistic person imaging that Darth was his father. What doesn't make sense to me is why you would want to ridicule this person. This is a forum to dicuss subjects that no where else discusses them. Yet you clearly dont believe in the mandela effect. You dont believe so much to the point of ridiculing other posters talking about the subject. This too baffles me. If you dont believe a certain topic why not just move onto something that interests you more? Why stay on here and repeat ad nauseum its faulty memories or ridiculing others? There are way to many things changing besides spelling or gramatical changes. I would love to discuss with like minded people about the changes weve found and possible causes. If you dont want to do that then leave the post alone and use your time and energy researching mysteries that interest you....
Freakin Shill

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: DaVillen. ya ever here about how kids and other people can manage to disappear when they're in serious danger?

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: antayat
I would love to discuss with like minded people about the changes weve found and possible causes. If you dont want to do that then leave the post alone and use your time and energy researching mysteries that interest you....
Freakin Shill

So ... no room in your discussion for counter-evidence? Or for a rational approach?

Which is more reasonable? The failure of human memory and perception, which we know to be a fact, or time-travel, which at this point is still, quite frankly, science fiction for the most part.

Why does trying to look at the evidence rationally make one a "shill"?

(By the by, it's against ATS T&C to call other members "shills.")

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: jacygirl

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: jacygirl

This is the first thread that I have found that hasn't been completely ruined by trolls. (though they've tried)
I believe that some of us are very invested in this topic, and we have a right to discuss our thoughts, theories and experiences!

How is it that someone who disagrees with your admitted bias on the topic is "a troll"?

You've looked at the evidence presented and arrived at one conclusion, others have arrived at another.

We are all ATS members. We ALL have the right to speak on any topic according to T&C.

A better question might be, why are you intimidated or threatened by the counter-arguments to your beliefs?

Why do you want to isolate yourself to a community of "believers"?

If you didn't notice, that's cultish behavior.

Relax, I wasn't referring to you.


Why are you bothered/irritated/intimidated by rational logical exceptions to your theory?

You do want to get to the truth of the matter ... right?

I just don't believe that 'rational logical' works with what we're discussing...that's why. (I stated that earlier)

I also don't believe that I will ever "get to the truth of the matter"...but I do enjoy discussing it with other people who are having the same experiences.

The people I have in real life have discussed it with me, but I'm laid up with a back injury often so I come online to talk to friends here and discuss our interests and experiences.

I'm not trying to be snarky at all...I'm just seriously exhausted explaining my position and thoughts...and defending them.
It happens every place and every time this topic is discussed.
Can't you see why I've reached the point where I've had enough of that?
It's not personal. It's not's me.


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