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Arguably The Most Important Documentary In The History Of Medicine Was Just Released

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posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:21 PM
I know somebody who was given 6 months to live with terminal cancer, they took an anti-cancer drink juice consisting of organic carrots, beets, and celery every day......10 years later the doctors were amazed he was still alive and they said whatever you are doing keep on doing it. I know him personally, but I have heard of this working for other people, and also failing for others too, I guess every cancer is different and so is body chemistry.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: Agartha

originally posted by: NautPsycho
Get your kidneys properly filtering so your body can eliminate the acidic cellular wastes via the lymphatic system which is heavily congested genetically these days. .

Acidic cellular waste? Lymphatic system genetically congested?

Please explain the pathophysiology behind it.

This will explain it for me.
This is one of the most important articles you will ever read to understand why degenerative health conditions, improperly labeled diseases, gradually take hold in the human body as a result of eating a diet which produces anacidic pH in the body (measured in the urine and saliva with pH test paper), and more importantly, in the interstitial fluids which surrounds every cell of the body. This condition is called acidosis. The interstitial fluid is part of theLymphatic System and is many times larger in volume than the body's blood supply. Lymph is intended to carry away waste byproducts of cellular respiration and energy production. There are only two cellular fluid systems involved in the functioning of each one of our 100 trillion body cells: 1) blood supplies the "fuel" and 2) theinterstitial fluid, the lymphatic system, removes the waste byproducts, the "exhaust" of cellular combustion. As least, that's the way it's suppose to work.


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edit on Tue Apr 19 2016 by Jbird because: added link and tags

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: BlackProject
a reply to: BO XIAN

It is clear we are being lied to and its sick. I see cancer as a way to depopulate the world and they know about this. They must do as I have heard many doctors that have retired treat patients with their methods and cured them. A lady only recently cured her own illness with a drug injection. It is a sick plight to try help people but in reality they are not. This is why when I see a cancer advert on TV it makes me sick. It is displaying that they are trying, when they are not while asking for more money. Its disgusting.

I am currently busy with my own ventures but when I get the time, I am going to try my dam hardest to try uncover something about this, find something as I feel with a little effort I could achieve more advancements then these so called scientists.

Wow, so you think that with a little effort you could achieve more than people who have dedicated their life to their respective fields? Think about this for a minute, do you really think that these medical researchers don't get cancer? Do you think their loved ones don't get cancer? I guess you think they exist in a vacuum and are completely immune to cancer in all its forms. You have no idea where to even begin when it comes to medical research. That's okay though, keep hating the people that find new ways to extend life long after it would have naturally ceased.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: NautPsycho

Waste and saliva ph have nothing to do with blood ph. The body (normal) self regulates with a ph between 7.35 and 7.45

Acidosis (ph below 7.35) is an increased level of acid in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

Alkalosis (ph above 7.45) is an increased level of alkaline in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

You CANNOT test your blood and tissue ph by testing the urine or saliva.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Rocker2013

Researchers seeking a cure for various types of cancer are often working independently, and they all want to be that name in the history books, the one who discovered the cure. When people claim that the "big evil pharma" companies are in cahoots to prevent this breakthrough, they're lying to give a false impression of what's actually going on out there in the research field because telling the truth would destroy their conspiracy.

I never said that there was any conspiracy. I said pharma companies are in the business of making customers, not cures. If they could profit from cures, they wouldn't suppress it, they'd make as much money as they possibly could off it. Antibiotics are an example of this but then the over prescription, bacterial mutation/adaptation among other things are starting to render them less effective than in the past.

I have no doubt big pharma companies can be evil, just as all corporations can become evil simply because they place profit above all else, but to claim that this is all one big conspiracy about preventing a cure for a highly adaptable and incredibly diverse collection of diseases is utter bs.

Again, I didn't say they were any big conspiracy about a cure for any cancers, you misinterpret may sentiment.

As for the number of cancers, this is significantly higher when you consider that treatment for those diseases is almost tailored to the individual. The positioning of the disease, the form it takes, the variations within the individual, all of these things play a part to almost make every instance of cancer unique to the individual.

Treatment is very individual, cancer is not so individual. Stage IV cancer is more individual in how it may adapt in an individual but something like Prostatic adenocarcinoma in one is very similiar in all.

I agree for the most part with the rest of your post except the end. To that, I don't see a day any time in the foreseeable future where cancer can be as easy to treat as a rash. They may get to the point where some forms of more common cancers may be much easier to treat but as easy as a rash is a bit of a stretch.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: BlackProject

So you can do more than multiple scientists have in the past 100 years?

Where do you want your Nobel Prize sent?

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Sorry to dismiss this, but it's just another testimony.

Testimony =/= Evidence

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

I have never seen so much wrong with a single post.

You can't excrete cancer.

Acid =/= Cancer

Did you just read the first pseudoscience article that came up on google?

You can excrete what eventually does lead to cancer which are the acids surrounding those cells begging to be cleansed. We must get to the causative factor behind cancer and this is it. Imagine a baby with a dirty diaper on all day. Finally the kid gets changed but there is this red rash underneath the poo of the now screaming child. What caused this diaper rash? The acid waste sitting on the boot chewing on the cells. Now imagine that inside of you but for yeeeeaaars.

Pair that with every lovely attack strategy aimed at your health. GMO, Bad Water, blah blah we already know this. What is really good for you? Have you thought about that lately? Not just a little good but really soothes and loves your body. The Earth and what it gives. Go eat nothing but organic seeded concord grapes for two weeks and see how fantastic you feel. Beautiful gifts like that pull acids from the body returning you to Wellville. I'm just sharing what has helped me, help others overcome illness. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't share what I believed to be the truth based on experience and intuition.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

I have never seen so much wrong with a single post.

You can't excrete cancer.

Acid =/= Cancer

Did you just read the first pseudoscience article that came up on google?

You can excrete what eventually does lead to cancer which are the acids surrounding those cells begging to be cleansed. We must get to the causative factor behind cancer and this is it. Imagine a baby with a dirty diaper on all day. Finally the kid gets changed but there is this red rash underneath the poo of the now screaming child. What caused this diaper rash? The acid waste sitting on the boot chewing on the cells. Now imagine that inside of you but for yeeeeaaars.
No, you cannot excrete that which causes cancer. Why? Because your DNA causes cancer. Also, please pick up a biology book. I don't know if your false information is because of ignorance or believing conspiracy sites too much.

Pair that with every lovely attack strategy aimed at your health. GMO, Bad Water, blah blah we already know this. What is really good for you? Have you thought about that lately? Not just a little good but really soothes and loves your body. The Earth and what it gives. Go eat nothing but organic seeded concord grapes for two weeks and see how fantastic you feel. Beautiful gifts like that pull acids from the body returning you to Wellville. I'm just sharing what has helped me, help others overcome illness. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't share what I believed to be the truth based on experience and intuition.
Again with the testimony.

Testimony =/= Evidence

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

Waste and saliva ph have nothing to do with blood ph. The body (normal) self regulates with a ph between 7.35 and 7.45

Acidosis (ph below 7.35) is an increased level of acid in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

Alkalosis (ph above 7.45) is an increased level of alkaline in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

You CANNOT test your blood and tissue ph by testing the urine or saliva.

I speak of lymphatic cellular waste that can be tested via urine and saliva. The interstitial fluids surrounding the cells. Blood and lymph are two different things. An acidic urine is actually good because it shows your kidneys are removing wastes to some degree. An acidic saliva is all bad for your teeth and gums. You're missing the point. The World thus far has failed us in terms of what has been engineered into our beliefs. Look at the verdict. The results are in. They've been in. Babies being born with cancers more than ever. Birth defects, auto immune, the Holocaust goes on ha.

I'm laughing but it hurts. I share this and I really believe if people focused on deeply cleansing their bodies using instruments the Earth provides and allowing the intelligence of our vessels to take place we would be free-er.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

Waste and saliva ph have nothing to do with blood ph. The body (normal) self regulates with a ph between 7.35 and 7.45

Acidosis (ph below 7.35) is an increased level of acid in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

Alkalosis (ph above 7.45) is an increased level of alkaline in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

You CANNOT test your blood and tissue ph by testing the urine or saliva.

I speak of lymphatic cellular waste that can be tested via urine and saliva. The interstitial fluids surrounding the cells. Blood and lymph are two different things. An acidic urine is actually good because it shows your kidneys are removing wastes to some degree. An acidic saliva is all bad for your teeth and gums. You're missing the point. The World thus far has failed us in terms of what has been engineered into our beliefs. Look at the verdict. The results are in. They've been in. Babies being born with cancers more than ever. Birth defects, auto immune, the Holocaust goes on ha.
Waste is waste. Be it acidic, alkaline or neutral. It has no bearing on what is going into your system. It's about what's not going into your system.

Babies being born with cancer, birth defects etc isn't a new thing. What is new is the detection. Better detection doesn't mean the cancer rates have increased. It just means that we are able to detect them easier and earlier.

I'm laughing but it hurts. I share this and I really believe if people focused on deeply cleansing their bodies using instruments the Earth provides and allowing the intelligence of our vessels to take place we would be free-er.
Cleansing your body won't prevent, treat or cure cancer.

Cancer is caused by mutated cells that then replicate and cause more mutated cells. Once enough mutated cells are together, that's when you have cancer.

ETA: My wife's condition (and her fathers, brothers and our daughters) is called familial polyposis and turns into bowel cancer. It's hereditary. That means it gets past on in the DNA. You can excrete that.

Also, how can you excrete a brain tumor, leukaemia and other cancers that are nowhere near the digestive system?
edit on 1942016 by TerryDon79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

I have never seen so much wrong with a single post.

You can't excrete cancer.

Acid =/= Cancer

Did you just read the first pseudoscience article that came up on google?

You can excrete what eventually does lead to cancer which are the acids surrounding those cells begging to be cleansed. We must get to the causative factor behind cancer and this is it. Imagine a baby with a dirty diaper on all day. Finally the kid gets changed but there is this red rash underneath the poo of the now screaming child. What caused this diaper rash? The acid waste sitting on the boot chewing on the cells. Now imagine that inside of you but for yeeeeaaars.
No, you cannot excrete that which causes cancer. Why? Because your DNA causes cancer. Also, please pick up a biology book. I don't know if your false information is because of ignorance or believing conspiracy sites too much.

Pair that with every lovely attack strategy aimed at your health. GMO, Bad Water, blah blah we already know this. What is really good for you? Have you thought about that lately? Not just a little good but really soothes and loves your body. The Earth and what it gives. Go eat nothing but organic seeded concord grapes for two weeks and see how fantastic you feel. Beautiful gifts like that pull acids from the body returning you to Wellville. I'm just sharing what has helped me, help others overcome illness. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't share what I believed to be the truth based on experience and intuition.
Again with the testimony.

Testimony =/= Evidence

Evidence like that stuff in movies and TV and Harvard studies and world renowned scientists connecting dots? You want real evidence you can't ask for it you must search for it yourself and submerge into the experience until it becomes evident or irrelevant. A toe in the water of the truth wishes for the tongue to join. I wish everyone wellness and only hope to see people in a state of joy. I spread what I feel may help someone achieve that because someone helped me. I used to live in hospitals...carry machines with me to help me breathe wherever I went...this isn't a movie review. It's real #. Ripe fruits, organically grown herbs and the guidance on how to utilize them for your health. Go experiment on yourself. Sometimes I want to shake people like AHHHH dammit you! Haha but then I realize that was me once upon a time.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

I have never seen so much wrong with a single post.

You can't excrete cancer.

Acid =/= Cancer

Did you just read the first pseudoscience article that came up on google?

You can excrete what eventually does lead to cancer which are the acids surrounding those cells begging to be cleansed. We must get to the causative factor behind cancer and this is it. Imagine a baby with a dirty diaper on all day. Finally the kid gets changed but there is this red rash underneath the poo of the now screaming child. What caused this diaper rash? The acid waste sitting on the boot chewing on the cells. Now imagine that inside of you but for yeeeeaaars.
No, you cannot excrete that which causes cancer. Why? Because your DNA causes cancer. Also, please pick up a biology book. I don't know if your false information is because of ignorance or believing conspiracy sites too much.

Pair that with every lovely attack strategy aimed at your health. GMO, Bad Water, blah blah we already know this. What is really good for you? Have you thought about that lately? Not just a little good but really soothes and loves your body. The Earth and what it gives. Go eat nothing but organic seeded concord grapes for two weeks and see how fantastic you feel. Beautiful gifts like that pull acids from the body returning you to Wellville. I'm just sharing what has helped me, help others overcome illness. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't share what I believed to be the truth based on experience and intuition.
Again with the testimony.

Testimony =/= Evidence

Evidence like that stuff in movies and TV and Harvard studies and world renowned scientists connecting dots? You want real evidence you can't ask for it you must search for it yourself and submerge into the experience until it becomes evident or irrelevant. A toe in the water of the truth wishes for the tongue to join. I wish everyone wellness and only hope to see people in a state of joy. I spread what I feel may help someone achieve that because someone helped me. I used to live in hospitals...carry machines with me to help me breathe wherever I went...this isn't a movie review. It's real #. Ripe fruits, organically grown herbs and the guidance on how to utilize them for your health. Go experiment on yourself. Sometimes I want to shake people like AHHHH dammit you! Haha but then I realize that was me once upon a time.

I've been around cancer most of my life since I was 9. I'm now 36.

My first stepdads leukemia was a real condition. He got diagnosed and got told 6 months. He lasted 10 years with chemo and blood transfusions.

My second stepdads prostate cancer was a real condition. He got diagnosed and got told 3 months (he missed a prostate exam the year before so they caught it late). He lasted 3 years with chemo and medication.

My wife was born with familial polyposis. It has turned into bowel cancer (as it does). She has had chemo, radiation, 90% of her large intestines removed, more chemo, medications and is due an iliostomy bag so they can remove more of the cancer. 10 years ago the average life span for that condition was 40. Her father is now 50 and is expected to live into his 60s because of the advancement in treatments.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

Waste and saliva ph have nothing to do with blood ph. The body (normal) self regulates with a ph between 7.35 and 7.45

Acidosis (ph below 7.35) is an increased level of acid in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

Alkalosis (ph above 7.45) is an increased level of alkaline in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

You CANNOT test your blood and tissue ph by testing the urine or saliva.

I speak of lymphatic cellular waste that can be tested via urine and saliva. The interstitial fluids surrounding the cells. Blood and lymph are two different things. An acidic urine is actually good because it shows your kidneys are removing wastes to some degree. An acidic saliva is all bad for your teeth and gums. You're missing the point. The World thus far has failed us in terms of what has been engineered into our beliefs. Look at the verdict. The results are in. They've been in. Babies being born with cancers more than ever. Birth defects, auto immune, the Holocaust goes on ha.
Waste is waste. Be it acidic, alkaline or neutral. It has no bearing on what is going into your system. It's about what's not going into your system.

Babies being born with cancer, birth defects etc isn't a new thing. What is new is the detection. Better detection doesn't mean the cancer rates have increased. It just means that we are able to detect them easier and earlier.

I'm laughing but it hurts. I share this and I really believe if people focused on deeply cleansing their bodies using instruments the Earth provides and allowing the intelligence of our vessels to take place we would be free-er.
Cleansing your body won't prevent, treat or cure cancer.

Cancer is caused by mutated cells that then replicate and cause more mutated cells. Once enough mutated cells are together, that's when you have cancer.

ETA: My wife's condition (and her fathers, brothers and our daughters) is called familial polyposis and turns into bowel cancer. It's hereditary. That means it gets past on in the DNA. You can excrete that.

Also, how can you excrete a brain tumor, leukaemia and other cancers that are nowhere near the digestive system?

What's mutating the cells bro? Tell me please? A stagnant lymph! Acid surrounding the cells causing degeneration. You can excrete the toxic waste which provides the proper homeostasis for your body to regenerate. You can repair damaged DNA. But how? Feed your body what it needs to do so. Living foods. Electrical foods. Raw hydrating foods. Aka fruits. Berries, melons, mangos, ripe lemons etc. Throw some botanicals in there with their known healing properties. Aloe, comfrey, nettle, dandelion, plantain, holy basil, gotu kola, etc the true medicinal list goes on. Add essential oils and other homeopathic remedies and boom. If you Love your wife, go read a book called, " The Detox Miracle" by Dr. MORSE. There is hope for everything. Believe that, # otherwise.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

Waste and saliva ph have nothing to do with blood ph. The body (normal) self regulates with a ph between 7.35 and 7.45

Acidosis (ph below 7.35) is an increased level of acid in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

Alkalosis (ph above 7.45) is an increased level of alkaline in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

You CANNOT test your blood and tissue ph by testing the urine or saliva.

I speak of lymphatic cellular waste that can be tested via urine and saliva. The interstitial fluids surrounding the cells. Blood and lymph are two different things. An acidic urine is actually good because it shows your kidneys are removing wastes to some degree. An acidic saliva is all bad for your teeth and gums. You're missing the point. The World thus far has failed us in terms of what has been engineered into our beliefs. Look at the verdict. The results are in. They've been in. Babies being born with cancers more than ever. Birth defects, auto immune, the Holocaust goes on ha.
Waste is waste. Be it acidic, alkaline or neutral. It has no bearing on what is going into your system. It's about what's not going into your system.

Babies being born with cancer, birth defects etc isn't a new thing. What is new is the detection. Better detection doesn't mean the cancer rates have increased. It just means that we are able to detect them easier and earlier.

I'm laughing but it hurts. I share this and I really believe if people focused on deeply cleansing their bodies using instruments the Earth provides and allowing the intelligence of our vessels to take place we would be free-er.
Cleansing your body won't prevent, treat or cure cancer.

Cancer is caused by mutated cells that then replicate and cause more mutated cells. Once enough mutated cells are together, that's when you have cancer.

ETA: My wife's condition (and her fathers, brothers and our daughters) is called familial polyposis and turns into bowel cancer. It's hereditary. That means it gets past on in the DNA. You can excrete that.

Also, how can you excrete a brain tumor, leukaemia and other cancers that are nowhere near the digestive system?

What's mutating the cells bro? Tell me please? A stagnant lymph! Acid surrounding the cells causing degeneration. You can excrete the toxic waste which provides the proper homeostasis for your body to regenerate. You can repair damaged DNA. But how? Feed your body what it needs to do so. Living foods. Electrical foods. Raw hydrating foods. Aka fruits. Berries, melons, mangos, ripe lemons etc. Throw some botanicals in there with their known healing properties. Aloe, comfrey, nettle, dandelion, plantain, holy basil, gotu kola, etc the true medicinal list goes on. Add essential oils and other homeopathic remedies and boom. If you Love your wife, go read a book called, " The Detox Miracle" by Dr. MORSE. There is hope for everything. Believe that, # otherwise.

That's not quite how it works.

You can't "fix DNA" by eating differently. DNA is DNA.

You look old because of decayed and mutated cells. Cancer is because of mutated cells.

You think she hasn't read and tried most of the alternative medicines? Most of them are wrong due to the simple fact of not understanding how or what cancer actually is.

Most of them think cancer is a fungus or caused by acid. It's not. Your body NEEDS acid. Stomach acid ring a bell? That's very acidic (2.5). If you adjust that to be alkaline you'll be dead before it reaches neutral (7.0).

And, as I've already stated, your body regulates it's own ph to between 7.35 and 7.45. Any higher or lower and you'll start having problems. Too high or too low and you're dead.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

I have never seen so much wrong with a single post.

You can't excrete cancer.

Acid =/= Cancer

Did you just read the first pseudoscience article that came up on google?

You can excrete what eventually does lead to cancer which are the acids surrounding those cells begging to be cleansed. We must get to the causative factor behind cancer and this is it. Imagine a baby with a dirty diaper on all day. Finally the kid gets changed but there is this red rash underneath the poo of the now screaming child. What caused this diaper rash? The acid waste sitting on the boot chewing on the cells. Now imagine that inside of you but for yeeeeaaars.
No, you cannot excrete that which causes cancer. Why? Because your DNA causes cancer. Also, please pick up a biology book. I don't know if your false information is because of ignorance or believing conspiracy sites too much.

Pair that with every lovely attack strategy aimed at your health. GMO, Bad Water, blah blah we already know this. What is really good for you? Have you thought about that lately? Not just a little good but really soothes and loves your body. The Earth and what it gives. Go eat nothing but organic seeded concord grapes for two weeks and see how fantastic you feel. Beautiful gifts like that pull acids from the body returning you to Wellville. I'm just sharing what has helped me, help others overcome illness. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't share what I believed to be the truth based on experience and intuition.
Again with the testimony.

Testimony =/= Evidence

Evidence like that stuff in movies and TV and Harvard studies and world renowned scientists connecting dots? You want real evidence you can't ask for it you must search for it yourself and submerge into the experience until it becomes evident or irrelevant. A toe in the water of the truth wishes for the tongue to join. I wish everyone wellness and only hope to see people in a state of joy. I spread what I feel may help someone achieve that because someone helped me. I used to live in hospitals...carry machines with me to help me breathe wherever I went...this isn't a movie review. It's real #. Ripe fruits, organically grown herbs and the guidance on how to utilize them for your health. Go experiment on yourself. Sometimes I want to shake people like AHHHH dammit you! Haha but then I realize that was me once upon a time.

I've been around cancer most of my life since I was 9. I'm now 36.

My first stepdads leukemia was a real condition. He got diagnosed and got told 6 months. He lasted 10 years with chemo and blood transfusions.

My second stepdads prostate cancer was a real condition. He got diagnosed and got told 3 months (he missed a prostate exam the year before so they caught it late). He lasted 3 years with chemo and medication.

My wife was born with familial polyposis. It has turned into bowel cancer (as it does). She has had chemo, radiation, 90% of her large intestines removed, more chemo, medications and is due an iliostomy bag so they can remove more of the cancer. 10 years ago the average life span for that condition was 40. Her father is now 50 and is expected to live into his 60s because of the advancement in treatments.

Now doesn't all of that piss you off a little? It pisses me off that your Loved ones had to go through this type of stuff. The treatment has been wrong. You must treat the cause not the effect. It all simply comes down to cleansing this body. Really. That's it. Cleaning it in a way you or anyone you know probably have never done. To answer your question about removing acids from the head. Clean the GI tract and the head will follow. It's all connected. There is a lymphatic system in the brain. We can overcome any ailment. I apologize if I am coming off so nonchalant like cancer is no biggie. I mean no disrespect to the journey of your Loved ones. I just honestly believe in what I say and firmly know it to be the only way to wellville

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: NautPsycho

OK. If you're really REALLY sure about what you've been saying, can you show me any studies that prove that "cleansing the body" or "eating berries" will cure cancer?

I'm not after testimonials or blogs. I want real, hard, proof that it works.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

Waste and saliva ph have nothing to do with blood ph. The body (normal) self regulates with a ph between 7.35 and 7.45

Acidosis (ph below 7.35) is an increased level of acid in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

Alkalosis (ph above 7.45) is an increased level of alkaline in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

You CANNOT test your blood and tissue ph by testing the urine or saliva.

I speak of lymphatic cellular waste that can be tested via urine and saliva. The interstitial fluids surrounding the cells. Blood and lymph are two different things. An acidic urine is actually good because it shows your kidneys are removing wastes to some degree. An acidic saliva is all bad for your teeth and gums. You're missing the point. The World thus far has failed us in terms of what has been engineered into our beliefs. Look at the verdict. The results are in. They've been in. Babies being born with cancers more than ever. Birth defects, auto immune, the Holocaust goes on ha.
Waste is waste. Be it acidic, alkaline or neutral. It has no bearing on what is going into your system. It's about what's not going into your system.

Babies being born with cancer, birth defects etc isn't a new thing. What is new is the detection. Better detection doesn't mean the cancer rates have increased. It just means that we are able to detect them easier and earlier.

I'm laughing but it hurts. I share this and I really believe if people focused on deeply cleansing their bodies using instruments the Earth provides and allowing the intelligence of our vessels to take place we would be free-er.
Cleansing your body won't prevent, treat or cure cancer.

Cancer is caused by mutated cells that then replicate and cause more mutated cells. Once enough mutated cells are together, that's when you have cancer.

ETA: My wife's condition (and her fathers, brothers and our daughters) is called familial polyposis and turns into bowel cancer. It's hereditary. That means it gets past on in the DNA. You can excrete that.

Also, how can you excrete a brain tumor, leukaemia and other cancers that are nowhere near the digestive system?

What's mutating the cells bro? Tell me please? A stagnant lymph! Acid surrounding the cells causing degeneration. You can excrete the toxic waste which provides the proper homeostasis for your body to regenerate. You can repair damaged DNA. But how? Feed your body what it needs to do so. Living foods. Electrical foods. Raw hydrating foods. Aka fruits. Berries, melons, mangos, ripe lemons etc. Throw some botanicals in there with their known healing properties. Aloe, comfrey, nettle, dandelion, plantain, holy basil, gotu kola, etc the true medicinal list goes on. Add essential oils and other homeopathic remedies and boom. If you Love your wife, go read a book called, " The Detox Miracle" by Dr. MORSE. There is hope for everything. Believe that, # otherwise.

That's not quite how it works.

You can't "fix DNA" by eating differently. DNA is DNA.

You look old because of decayed and mutated cells. Cancer is because of mutated cells.

You think she hasn't read and tried most of the alternative medicines? Most of them are wrong due to the simple fact of not understanding how or what cancer actually is.

Most of them think cancer is a fungus or caused by acid. It's not. Your body NEEDS acid. Stomach acid ring a bell? That's very acidic (2.5). If you adjust that to be alkaline you'll be dead before it reaches neutral (7.0).

And, as I've already stated, your body regulates it's own ph to between 7.35 and 7.45. Any higher or lower and you'll start having problems. Too high or too low and you're dead.

Yet again, I'm not talking about stomach acids. That's where it needs to be. What happens when you throw up and that stomach acid coats your GI tract, mouth and so on? Thats right, it burns. It's not supposed to sit on those tissues or else it causes damage right? So...imagine your lymph with acid wastes surrounding the cells of your glands unable to move because you're so backed up from a high protein, high starch,high sugar diet. Burn baby burn. Change the chemistry, change your life. Carcinogenic cooked foods causing mucus and dehydration do not promote the best version of yourself. What promotes the healthiest version of you? Search for the evidence in that.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: NautPsycho

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: NautPsycho

Waste and saliva ph have nothing to do with blood ph. The body (normal) self regulates with a ph between 7.35 and 7.45

Acidosis (ph below 7.35) is an increased level of acid in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

Alkalosis (ph above 7.45) is an increased level of alkaline in the blood and other tissues, not urine and saliva.

You CANNOT test your blood and tissue ph by testing the urine or saliva.

I speak of lymphatic cellular waste that can be tested via urine and saliva. The interstitial fluids surrounding the cells. Blood and lymph are two different things. An acidic urine is actually good because it shows your kidneys are removing wastes to some degree. An acidic saliva is all bad for your teeth and gums. You're missing the point. The World thus far has failed us in terms of what has been engineered into our beliefs. Look at the verdict. The results are in. They've been in. Babies being born with cancers more than ever. Birth defects, auto immune, the Holocaust goes on ha.
Waste is waste. Be it acidic, alkaline or neutral. It has no bearing on what is going into your system. It's about what's not going into your system.

Babies being born with cancer, birth defects etc isn't a new thing. What is new is the detection. Better detection doesn't mean the cancer rates have increased. It just means that we are able to detect them easier and earlier.

I'm laughing but it hurts. I share this and I really believe if people focused on deeply cleansing their bodies using instruments the Earth provides and allowing the intelligence of our vessels to take place we would be free-er.
Cleansing your body won't prevent, treat or cure cancer.

Cancer is caused by mutated cells that then replicate and cause more mutated cells. Once enough mutated cells are together, that's when you have cancer.

ETA: My wife's condition (and her fathers, brothers and our daughters) is called familial polyposis and turns into bowel cancer. It's hereditary. That means it gets past on in the DNA. You can excrete that.

Also, how can you excrete a brain tumor, leukaemia and other cancers that are nowhere near the digestive system?

What's mutating the cells bro? Tell me please? A stagnant lymph! Acid surrounding the cells causing degeneration. You can excrete the toxic waste which provides the proper homeostasis for your body to regenerate. You can repair damaged DNA. But how? Feed your body what it needs to do so. Living foods. Electrical foods. Raw hydrating foods. Aka fruits. Berries, melons, mangos, ripe lemons etc. Throw some botanicals in there with their known healing properties. Aloe, comfrey, nettle, dandelion, plantain, holy basil, gotu kola, etc the true medicinal list goes on. Add essential oils and other homeopathic remedies and boom. If you Love your wife, go read a book called, " The Detox Miracle" by Dr. MORSE. There is hope for everything. Believe that, # otherwise.

That's not quite how it works.

You can't "fix DNA" by eating differently. DNA is DNA.

You look old because of decayed and mutated cells. Cancer is because of mutated cells.

You think she hasn't read and tried most of the alternative medicines? Most of them are wrong due to the simple fact of not understanding how or what cancer actually is.

Most of them think cancer is a fungus or caused by acid. It's not. Your body NEEDS acid. Stomach acid ring a bell? That's very acidic (2.5). If you adjust that to be alkaline you'll be dead before it reaches neutral (7.0).

And, as I've already stated, your body regulates it's own ph to between 7.35 and 7.45. Any higher or lower and you'll start having problems. Too high or too low and you're dead.

Yet again, I'm not talking about stomach acids. That's where it needs to be. What happens when you throw up and that stomach acid coats your GI tract, mouth and so on? Thats right, it burns. It's not supposed to sit on those tissues or else it causes damage right? So...imagine your lymph with acid wastes surrounding the cells of your glands unable to move because you're so backed up from a high protein, high starch,high sugar diet. Burn baby burn. Change the chemistry, change your life. Carcinogenic cooked foods causing mucus and dehydration do not promote the best version of yourself. What promotes the healthiest version of you? Search for the evidence in that.

And how would you reduce the acid in the body?

Remember, the body self regulates ph between 7.35 and 7.45. Any more or less and you start having some pretty nasty problems.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: _damon
a reply to: JoshuaCox

There is a silver bullet for cancer and its called prevention. Ayurveda teaches how to prevent such sad degeneration of the body. Learn it!

Yea, I'm sure....

And drinking a lot of OJ will make your body to acidic for cancer to survive...(sarcasm...)

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